Batman in the MCU

The battle of New York Begins

*Big thanks to Luke Karls for your support*

*I'm not too happy with this chapter and might rewrite it later*

A few minutes earlier in another part of the Helicarier.

Black Widow found Hawkeye engaging him in Battle, keeping close to him Natasha was able to make his greatest weapon useless before grabbing it from him.

Clint looked to his bow before refocusing on her, charging straight for her he took a wide swing at her head which she blocked. A kick was sent to her side sending her back a bit.

Natasha wasn't having it as she moved forward with a roundhouse kick which Clint managed to parry, but Nat was quick witted turning one move to another allowing her to knock him off his feet.

The move sent his face right into a handrail which seemingly knocked him back to his senses as he called out Natasha's name as he laid eyes upon her, but he was soon knocked out by a punch to his jaw courtesy of Natasha.

The medics took Coulson to the med bay, thanks to Bats providing some quick first aid as well as Thor getting there a bit earlier he was going to make it.

In a briefing room Nick stood before the remnants of the avengers who were seated before him; cap and Tony looked dejected and  Batman was.... Batman.

"Coulson is going to make it" Fury started off by telling them how Coulson was doing, seeing that they were worried. "We lost the Hulk", Fury's eyes landed on Batman as he said that.

"Thor is missing, Natasha is tending to Clint. As of now we have next to nothing, seeing as we also lost both the Tesseract and the scepter. Yes there was a plan to use the Tesseract to create an arsenal of weapons but there was an even crazier idea one Tony and the Batman know. The Avengers initiative"

"It was an idea to gather a group of remarkable people, to see if they could become something more. To see if they could work together when we needed them to"

Fury turned to Batman, "I know you believe Loki is just another victim but right now he has everything he needs and can attack the earth at anytime. We can't treat him like the victim, he is the enemy"

Tony got up not wanting to hear anything more as he left the place. Fury looked around once more before leaving, Maria and Batman shared a look before walking away.

"What now?" Batman questioned  the Captain who had made it to his feet to follow after Tony.

"Tony we need to talk" Cap spoke as he came up to Tony, "we are not soldiers!" Tony exclaimed  before continuing, "I'm not marching to Fury's commands"

"Neither am I" Steve spoke agreeing, "but right now we need to put that behind us and do this" Batman stood a bit further listening to their conversation.

"Loki is out to win right..." Tony began, "he wants to beat us and be seen doing it" Batman continued.

"Right his act at Stuttgart" Steve spoke siding with the two, "That was previous, Loki he is a full on Diva he wants parades flowers a monument built to the skies with his name plastered on it" A look of horror flashed his face as he realized were Loki was.

"He is at New York" Batman explained to Steve who was lost.

"Son of a bitch" Tony cursed as he moved to suit up.

"so I ask again Steve, what now?"

"We suit up" Cap spoke as he walked off as well.

Bat's watched him walk off before activating his communicator on his gauntlet, "Batman to Bat family can you hear me" "I thought we were not calling ourselves that" Yelena's voice was the first to be heard.

"Oh shut it Yelena, I love the name" Gwen spoke up, "Enough both of you, New York is about to experience an attack the likes it has never seen."

Batman's words caused everyone to be serious and await orders. "I need you suit up and begin to evacuate as many as you can from the streets of New York"

"Excuse me sir but did you just say evacuate New York"

"That's exactly what I said"

"well... that's, that's impossible!" Gwen exclaimed.

"I'm afraid I have to agree with the young miss on this one sir, but your request is truly an impossible task" Sebastian spoke supporting Gwen.

"what about a video?" Yelena interrupted, "your famous right, you were there before Stark yes. If you make an announcement with your face most people haven't seen you before but if you say it I'm sure..." Yelena trailed off.

"Sir, if you do that you stop hiding, you understand what that means, this is confirmation that you are in fact real."

Batman since his debut had never been photographed causing most to belief him to be nothing but a rumor. Even with people like  J.J. Jameson talking about him on a near daily bases people still refused to accept his existence.

Jeff had used this to his advantage, remaining an urban myth was beneficial in putting the fear of him in criminals.

"Oracle send what I'm about to say to every screen in New York." Batman gave his order after making his decision, "yes sir" Oracle replied.

All over New York on every screen available Batman appeared causing everyone to stop and stare wondering what was happening. "I am Batman", Jeff began "people of New York you are not safe, you are advised to evacuate the city. If you are unable to, find a safe place and lock yourself up, your city is about to be under attack" with those words said the screens shifted back to what they were showing earlier.

The was momentary silence before all hell broke loose. " Yelena, Gwen you two need to keep order in the streets and help in the evacuation"

""on it!"" the two responded as they began to suit up.

Batman cut his call only to see Captain America, Black widow and Hawkeye before him all fully armed with their eyes trained upon him.

"let's go" Batman spoke up stopping Steve before he could say anything, the three shared a look before following after him.

The four soon arrived at the hanger and made their way into a jet, an agent in the jet stood and tried to stop them "you are not supposed to be here"

Steve tried to step forward to talk him out of it but Batman beat him to it, with a glare the guy before them broke out in cold sweat. "I'm sorry" he apologized as he hurried out of the jet.

Nat and Clint shared a look before Clint rushed to the controls with the others taking their seats.

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