Batman in the MCU

The sleeping Giant

"What happened in Lagos is only further proof that these supers, these enhanced individuals truly need to be held accountable", came the voice of a man with greying hair, on TV. Jeffery stood before the Tv listening to the words exchanged between the man and the shows host.

"When you say held accountable what exactly do you mean? The Avengers have stood up for us from the New York Invasion to the recent Ultron incident in Sokovia."

"You see, therein lies the problem"

"That they are saving people?" 

"The world is so engrossed by what these people can do that no one is asking the question what should they do? There are still many unanswered questions about what exactly led to the New York invasion not to mention the various rumors surrounding Ultron." The host remained silent as he allowed for the man to continue, "the Avengers are a threat and its time we started viewing them as one, Heck the Batman dropped the internet without warning."

"Are we brushing aside just how dangerous an individual capable of doing that in this society is?"

"No one is downplaying what the Batman did, warrants for his arrest have gone out". The host cut in at this point but his words simply cause the man to scoff, "Is that supposed to mean something. The have been warrants for his arrest when most of the world still thought of him as some urban myth and then he came out into the public, what happened then?"

"Now we are supposed to believe these warrants are supposed to do something? Hulk's Harlem incident still stands, So does Thor's incidents in New Mexico as well as the UK. I guess the question I'm asking is are the avengers above the law?" 

Jeff turned away from the TV screen to his phone which was ringing, he caller Id read Stark and Jeff paused contemplating whether or not to answer the phone. He had not exactly spoken to any of the avengers since the whole Sokovia mess and then came along the Vulture and now this 'Death stroke' who he was still unable to find anything on.

With the things he needed to deal with coming at him with no rest Jeff had not had time for much else lately. However he continuous calls from Stark highlighted the importance of them causing Jeff to turn of the TV and answer.


"Hey Bats, you know for a second there I thought you were going to send me straight to voice mail once more. Hm, wait is this how Fury feels? huh food for thought?"

"Tony why did you call?"

"We might need your help"

"Like I said when you called me about Lagos earlier, I'm busy"

"Right, well you weren't the only one who decided to take some R and R. Banner and Nat kinda got together and decided to go off the grid. However I'm looking at Banner right now and he isn't doing so good" Tony looked through the pane of glass at Bruce who lay unconscious on a bed whilst many devices were hooked up to him.

"We could use your help"

Jeff could hear the seriousness in Tony's voice as he requested for his aid, "I'm on my way". Batman arrived at the Avengers compound, an upstate facility Tony had declared the new Avengers base after the whole Ultron fiasco at the Avengers tower, with it being the first time he had actually laid eyes on the thing Batman took a long hard look before landing and making his way into the facility.

Once in Batman quickly made his way for the med bay, where Friday told him Tony, Banner and a few others were.

Stepping into the med bay, Batman took note of all the members present. Tony and Vision stood before some holo screens trying hard to figure out what was wrong with their friend, a tad further back Cap stood by Nat who had an emotionless mask on as she focused on Banner who laid on the bed unconscious.

"Batman" Steve being the first to notice Batman called out to him causing all the others to turn to him. 

"You came", Steve spoke, "Banner is in trouble of course I did. What exactly is wrong with him?" Batman walked up to the glass plain looking at Banner who looked strangely peaceful.

"Haven't figured that one out just yet Nat brought him in like this" Tony spoke up causing Batman to turn around to face Natasha, "I woke up one morning and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't wake him up".

"Hm", Batman frowned as his mind began formulating theories as to what exactly could be wrong with Bruce. "Scans have not been exactly helpful as the gamma radiation produced by Dr. Banner keeps interfering with our scans, however from what we have gathered it seems Dr. Banner is for all intents and purposes sleeping."

Visions words caused the scowl on Batman's face to deepen even further as a thought formed in his head.

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