Batman in the MCU

The Fall of the Vulture pt2

Batwoman and Ghost Bat moved to engage more members of the Vulture's crew on their own. Everything proceeded smoothly in the chaos as, the two demonstrated their overwhelming skill and athletic ability.

The gap between the two sides was made up however when more members, grabbed the high tech weapons originally meant for auction and charged at the two. "Shit!" Batwoman cursed as a blast rushed by her with the heat from the beam caressing her face.

Batwoman fired her grappling hook at her assailants legs and yanked it before jumping up into air. She proceeded to fire multiple jammers at the weapons disabling them and essentially taking them out of the play. 

Batman on the other hand jumped away just in time to avoid the giant wings of the vulture before launching his cape which morphed into a spear into the turbines. The durability of the contraption was however higher than the Batman anticipated as his attack left a hugely visible dent but failed to completely destroy it.

The vulture, not one to allow the Batman anytime to think about his next move proceeded to hail a rain of bullets onto the Batman whose suit morphed once more to form a dome to shield him.

"I had no plans to face you, you know that?" The Vulture began as he leveled his other wing at Batman's dome. With the two wings aimed at the Batman, he continued, "I was going to let you and him tear each other apart but if you wish to die so badly, who am I to stop you?"

With a whirl the guns attached to the wings began their onslaught. The onslaught did not last long however as Batman's suit emerged from under the Vulture as spikes and embedded themselves into the Vulture's legs. "Argh!" With the sudden scream of pain Vulture's attack came to an end.

He proceeded to slash downwards with both his wings towards the tendrils freeing himself and taking off. *Thwip* Click* hearing those two sounds, Vulture snapped his head to the source to see the grappling hook that had now attached itself to his wings.

Following the line he made eye contact with the Batman who was approaching him rapidly.

With Spiderman, his short clash enabled him to determine just how powerful the shocker was. The gauntlets he wore enabled him to deliver some devastating blows, spidey would give him that. Aside that however the Shocker shockingly had nothing else going for him.

His speed and agility average, his durability even worse. With the training (beatdown) he had received from the Batman the Shocker did not even qualify as a walk in the park. Taking the Shocker down with one smooth move, Spider standing on the Shocker's back proceeded to yank the gauntlets off him and then smashed it on the floor.

With that done Spiderman was prepared to go help Batman when his spider sense went of causing him to web a row of seats and toss them at the doorway where a bunch of guards were rushing in with rifles at hand. Spidey's toss proved to be timely as the seats were soon riddled with bullet holes.

With the line of sight of the guards temporarily obscured, Spiderman leaved over the seats as Ghost Bat slid under the seats before the fell back to the floor. Once the two arrived before the armed group they released a relentless onslaught. 

Ghost Bat pulled in for an up and close battle and proceeded to deliver lethal blows left and right preventing her opponents from using their rifles. Two blows were delivered to ones ribs in quick succession causing him to loose the air in his lungs before Ghost Bat silenced him with an uppercut.

Before the man could hit the floor she turned around stunning two guys with her cape before introducing them to her fists. Another had managed to aim his rifle at her having a clear shot, but was interrupted when the side of a boot found his jaw with the rifle being webbed out of his hand.

Spiderman who was responsible for this jumped of the man, performing a twirl in the hand and sending the rifle into another's gut with the force sending them flying into two others.


Vulture let out a grunt as he went tumbling to the ground, one of his wings had been ripped clean off by the Batman, who was now slowly walking towards him. Having but one wing left he took it off as it was naught but a burden to him now.

As he struggled to his feet Batman stood still observing him in a way that Vulture swore, was not human. "Come at me then" He pulled out a knife and got into a stance, "lets do this fair and square". Batman gave no response as he simply continued to move at the Vulture in the same pace.

Angered by his silence, Vulture lunged for the Batman with his strike aimed for Batman's head. Seeing this Batman simply stepped to the side and grabbed his arm, disabling him, before pinning him to the ground with his knee pressing down on his throat.

Now victorious Batman ripped of the Vulture's helmet and began to question him. "you spoke of him, who is he?" Adrian stilled for a moment before bursting out laughing. Not hearing what he wanted Batman increased the pressure on Adrian's throat which caused the man to wheeze.

"Tell me?!"

"He is coming for you Batman. Death stroke's coming for you"

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