Batman in the MCU

The Fall of the Vulture pt1

Every member of the Bat family present focused their gaze on the Vulture as he took a mike and began to give a speech.

"Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, and those who appreciate the finer, albeit darker, things in life, welcome to a once-in-a-lifetime event, I stand before you today, not as a simple merchant, but as a harbinger of progress, a visionary and a connoisseur of cutting-edge power." The Vulture began with his words causing the crowd before him to stir with a mixture of anticipation and anxiety.

"You've all gathered here for a truly exclusive occasion. The products I'm about to introduce transcend your wildest imaginations. This isn't your typical black market; this is an unveiling of the future, the forbidden fruit of technological marvels that dare not see the light of day."

With the cue one of his men pressed a button causing the curtains to move aside allowing for a device, gleaming with malevolence, to be before the eyes of the audience. Peter's heart began to thump even louder as the gravity of the situation if weapons like the one before him, which seemed to be powered by an arc reactor were to make their way on to the streets.

"Behold, these devices are more than weapons; they are the embodiment of raw, unchecked power. As I offer these marvels to the highest bidders, know that you are not merely acquiring tools; you are laying claim to dominion over those who dare defy you. These masks have popped up moving around without a care taking what is ours. Not anymore, with these at your hand, all that comes to an end. It is time they were reminded just who you are"

He gestured to a display of high-tech weaponry and gadgets, increasing the excitement of the already excited customers.

These were the fruits of stolen innovation, secret research, and the sweat of those who dared to dream beyond the confines of ethical boundaries. But in the underworld, ethics are a mere whisper in the wind, and power is the only currency that truly matters.

The audience gazes in awe, a mix of fascination and horror.

"You may be wondering, 'Why now? Why risk exposing these wonders to the world?' The answer is simple: there is no more room for secrets. The world is a battleground, and those who hold the upper hand are the ones who write history. They cause untold destruction and proceed to profit of said destruction as the rest of the world praises them" The venom in his voice was clear to all as he uttered the last bit. 

"This is your opportunity to ascend, to elevate yourselves above the petty struggles of the ordinary, to step onto the world's stage."

The Vulture's voice grew more sinister.

"And now, my dear guests, I shall commence the auction. As each item crosses this stage, remember that you are bidding not just on technology, but on the power to reshape the world itself. The highest bidder shall become a force that none can ignore, an agent of change that none can resist."

There was a silence that was stretched out between the bat family, once the vulture's speech had come to an end. The Vulture was a profiteer, that was something they already knew but his speech. It was nothing special, but the effect that it had on the audience was something that could not be allowed to grow.

"Focus on the Vulture and his associates, we can deal with the audience after or a later date. Move in" Batman ordered before jumping straight at the Vulture from his hiding spot behind the stage. His sudden appearance caused a panic in all present.

Adrian's eyes widened as he turned around, his wings coming into effect allowing for him to rise up and ignore Batman's charge but the narrowest of margins. Raising his head Batman and Vulture locked eyes with one another, "Batman" Vulture spat out before firing the weapon he had at hand.

A blast came down on Batman in the next instant, with him dodging the strike thanks to his fast reflexes. As he jumped away from the blast, he sent a batarang straight at the weapon knocking it out of his hands. The clash had taken place in a but a few seconds, yet it had caused a rising panic amongst the audience members as they stood and rushed for the exists.

The Vulture's associates on the other hand all rushed to aid their boss, but were met with resistance as the Bat family and Spiderman charged at them. *Thwip* Thwip* Spidey's webs rushed out latching on to the backs of two men before launching them upwards as they screamed.

His actions led to him grabbing the attention of a few more men. "Hey guys, don't mind me I'm just passing through", Spiderman let out before proceeding to take them out in a swift motion. As he proceeded to take down another guy, they met his fist with their own fists which were covered with a gauntlet.

Spidey's eyes widened as the force sent him flying back, hoping back on his feet his eyes focused on the Shocker who was smirking down at him. Slamming his fist together, he spoke out " I'm The Shocker! I'd tell you not to forget it, but you won't be around long enough to worry about that!"

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