Batman in the MCU

The Vulture has arrived

Atop the roof of the building Batman observed the building before himself, a famous night club under the control of Victor Vicenti a big name in New York's underworld and apparently the host of the Vulture's auction. 

Batman had observed various cars from average to luxury vehicles all come to this place allowing numerous people to enter the night club. "Batwoman" 

"I'm in position" came the voice of Batwoman who stood at a vantage point taking in the surroundings, "I've got three guards at my position". Batman took in her report before calling out to the next person, "Ghost Bat"

"All is clear on my side"



"Spiderman" "sorry, sorry just the new suit and I erhm yeah sorry, I'm in position there is like two guys having a conversation here though" Spiderman responded on the second call his response however caused Gwen to speak to Batman over a private channel. "Erm you sure about this bats, isn't it a bit early to bring in the new guy".

"Don't worry he can handle it" Batman spoke to her before switching back to the open channel. "Remember stealth is key we don't want anyone to know we are here until we have eyes on the vulture."

""Roger that"" all three responded before they moved in.

"You know I'm thinking of moving to europe" one guard spoke up as he let out a puff of smoke form his cigarette. "Why" his friend questioned him with curious eyes, "It's the small things, everything we go here they've got just a little different."

"Like what"

"You know a Fanta right?" the guard asked his friend as he passed over his cig, "ofcourse I know what a Fanta is who wouldn't" the friend took a puff of the cigarette after speaking. "Alright so what's the color?"

"Orange right" the friend responded with confidence, "I mean its orange juice of course its gonna be orange". 

"Yeah but in the UK its so light you'd thinks its yellow" 

"Really dang" the friend spoke before handing the cig back to the guard, "but isn't the UK leaving Europe. Hang on they left right with that whole Brexit thing?" a hint of annoyance popped into the guard's tone after he heard his friends words, "alright but you get what I'm trying to say"

"You're leaving the country because orange is yellow,"

"No because things are different, for one I don't have to worry about the avengers or whatever masked crazy that decides to pop up."

"Alright fair enough, my sister told of this friend of hers who has a cousin whose boyfriend's car was smashed by the Hulk once"


"Yeah get this, Hulk ripped it in two then went on to wear the thing like boxing gloves." The guards eyes widened in disbelief, "you're kidding right?"

"Nah man, you can't make this shit up. Worst part is it didn't do much against his opponent."


"Yeah and the dude hadn't even finished paying for the car", "So you get why I wanna move"

"Doesn't Europe have supers as well?".

Before the guard could answer his friends question. They both heard a *thwip* sound, which caused them to turn around just in time to see a boot coming towards them.

That sight was the last they saw before they were knocked unconscious by Spiderman, seeing both of them of them unconscious spidey proceeded to rip out a grate and make his way through the vents. Continuing through them Spidey looked down and saw a crowd of people being led through a door after some inspections.

"Guys, I found where they are headed"

"I'm guessing you are talking about the door guarded by the obviously shady guys" Gwen contributed as she poked her head around the corner to observe the crowd, "that must be where the auction is happening" Batwoman spoke up as she took out one of the staff and dragged them off into a storage room.

"Which means that where the Vulture is going to appear" Spiderman spoke over the coms as he began to grow a tad nervous. 

"Remember I want each of you to remain undetected until we have eyes on the Vulture. This could very well be our last chance" All the others gave a nod before proceeding to find their ways into the auction Hall without drawing out any attention.

The Hall itself was an extremely large underground structure as it was able to handle to large crowds and still have more than enough space. Murmurs filled the hall as the guests impatiently awaited the start of the auction, the patrons wore half masks to conceal their identity, even still.

The Bat family was easily able to discern that a large part of New York's underbelly was present, causing the importance of their actions to become more evident. If said people were to get their hands on the crazy weapons Vulture was auctioning the already restless streets were certain to discern to chaos.

They did not have to wait much longer as the Vulture's associates made themselves present and went about the formalities to begin the auction. Their actions caused some worry to build up in most of the Bat family present as they worried the Vulture wouldn't be making a showing.

Soon however the Vulture made his presence known in a flashy entrance, geared up in his combat gear alongside the massive gliders on his back.

The Vulture had arrived

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