Be Gay Do Crime

Chapter 56

Gray sat two rows up and a chair to the right of where Ashe usually sat in her last class of the day.  Jessica’s chair sat empty, a reminder that she was still missing to the general public.  Rachel continued to play the part of distraught friend even though she was spending most of her free time working with her.  Speaking of Rachel, she was sitting directly behind Ashe, and poking her with a pencil. 

“What?” Ashe hissed, again playing up their animosity for the crowd. 

Rachel laughed, an incredibly forced sound coming from her.  “Going to attend the candlelight vigil for all the other victims?  You’ll fit right in.” 

Right, because of course nobody cared to act until the victim was a rich white girl.  Her disappearance was all over the news, her parents were now minor celebrities, and Ashe was tempted to offer Jessica a gun so she could go kill them herself.  It wouldn’t solve anything, but it would probably be cathartic for her all the same. 

Ashe blinked at her own thoughts, grimacing at how quickly she switched mental tracks to murder.  Sure, she’d fantasized about killing her bullies once upon a time, but such thoughts were never that intrusive before.  Killing was too normal to her now, and she wasn’t sure how she felt about it. 

“That’s tonight?” she asked, trying to put her intrusive thoughts aside.  “Feel free to attend, I won’t try to stop you.” 

Rachel narrowed her eyes, glaring at her, but her eyes didn’t hold any actual disdain.  It was disconcerting that she knew Rachel well enough to be able to tell that much from just her eyes.  She’d essentially just asked her for permission to attend, all while putting on a show for her old friend group that she was spying on.  Ashe had expected them to be more hateful after Rachel all but begged her to help find Jessica, but they seemed to be understanding of her weakness after the loss of a friend. 

Rachel had fallen right back into her role as a bully the moment she returned to school and Ashe was all for it to keep up appearances.  And just like that, she had an informant within Gray’s little group that she could trust.  Four months ago Rachel was one of the primary antagonists in her life, and now she was an ally that reported to her directly.

It was still really fucking weird. 

“You know,” someone else chimed in.  Ashe turned in their direction, vaguely recognizing them as one of Gray’s croneys.  “It is damn sad that we aren’t also celebrating your disappearance.” 

“Yes, pity how everyone that attempted that is now dead,” Ashe said sweetly.  She hadn’t expected it when they raided the pawn shop, but her final assailant was one of the people they killed in the raid.  It was probably a good thing he hadn’t been the one that Ashe executed in cold blood, or that she wasn’t sure who had actually gunned the man down in the chaos.  

It didn’t matter, the bastard was dead and that was that.  Technically, her reason for getting involved with things was wrapped up, but she had reasons to stick around now, people that needed her.  Ashe often wondered how many times she would need to repeat that mantra to herself before she stopped feeling the guilt. 

“You got lucky,” he grumbled. 

“Yes, lucky,” Ashe said in agreement, a knowing smirk on her face.  “I’m sure it was just luck that let me kick your collective asses last month too.” 

“Didn’t you need help for that?” Rachel asked, her voice still incapable of melting sugar. 

“So my girlfriend had my back, she still only fought the one that ran away while pissing himself,” Ashe said with a shrug.  “Oh wait, was that you?” 

“Like an Ellington would be a dyke,” the guy snarled.  “You really are a mentally ill, deluded, freak.” 

“Given she’s going to be my date for prom, I guess you’ll just have to wait and see,” Ashe said as the bell rang.  “Speaking of, I need to get going.  Places to be, lesbians to kiss, you know how it is.” 

Out of the corner of her eye, she caught Rachel biting her lip, a smile almost threatening to peek out.  It was almost enough to make her wonder if Rachel might have feelings for her friend, especially after how vehemently she pushed herself when trying to get help looking for Jessica while she was still missing.  Maybe she was reading into the situation too much, but it wouldn’t surprise her if that was how things shook out. 

Leaving the classroom was unfortunately proving to be an Olympic event as Gray himself awaited her, eyes burning with hatred, his arm no longer in a sling but still being favored.  She sighed, knowing she wasn’t going to get away without another confrontation that the teacher would ignore. 

When she reached the door, he held out his good arm to block her from leaving.  She looked down at the offending limb, then back up to the pathetic excuse for a man.  A smirk came to her lips and she just knew there was now a predatory glint to her own eyes. 

“I didn’t think you were such a masochist.” 

He blinked, her comment throwing him off just enough to leave the stage open for her to continue. 

“I mean, I certainly wouldn’t mind breaking another of your arms, but this can’t be healthy for you.  Maybe you should see a therapist, or at least google safe BDSM practices.” 

Gray’s eyes widened, caught off guard by the sudden statement.  Whatever game he’d planned, any grandstanding he intended to pull off, was now completely disrupted.  Tittering laughter welled up behind her, but Ashe didn’t dare look away from the active threat in front of her.  That didn’t mean she wasn’t keeping any openings for approach in her peripheral.  Gray’s lackey was in motion, as was someone in the hall. 

The thing was, Ashe really didn’t want to get into yet another fight at school, especially one on school grounds that might see her expelled for good.  Nobody would take her word for it, there would be a dozen witnesses that took his side.  The police would get involved and even her mother might not be able to head off a lynching given that Gray was the son of the fucking Mayor. 

Adjusting her feet, she prepared to move, waiting for the first sign of aggression.  Gray’s expression had twisted into one of fury, his teeth bared.  His buddies were closing in, and still she waited.  The guy from inside the classroom acted first, his fist balled up and he lashed out.  He would have punched her right in the back of her head, if it connected.  Instead, she stepped to the side, her foot sliding across the ground.  Gray didn’t have any time to process what happened, as his football flunkie punched him right in the face. 

Blood gushed from the man’s nose like a burst pipe as he shrieked, grabbing at the busted cartilage.  Ashe wanted to stay and savor it, watch as his buddy started an apology only for Gray to shove him away.  She got into the hall, the third of their little ambush too distracted to know he shouldn’t be letting her leave. 

She could hear shouting fading into the distance as she walked, happy enough to leave that little problem firmly behind her.  She made her way through the halls even as others were drawn in by the sounds of conflict.  Stopping off at her locker, Ashe stowed her books and pulled on her leather jacket.

“Ashe, got a minute?” 

A familiar young man was standing there, and it took her a moment to place him as Todd, Jason’s ‘friend’ that had approached her last week.  Ashe shut her locker and looked down both ends of the hall. 

“Walk and talk,” she said.  “I sort of pissed in Gray’s cereal a few minutes ago.” 

Todd winced, but fell in step with her.  “Good, that asshole needs his ego deflated.” 

Ashe rolled her eyes, but made her way towards the less crowded of the exits.  “Been doing that for a while now, there’s a lot of ego to go around in that empty head of his.” 

“Too true,” Todd grumbled.  “Anyway.  Can you follow me to Jason’s car?  He’s waiting out front but when I stepped out I saw one of the guys that’s been following us.” 

Oh right, she’d almost forgotten about that problem.  “No luck hanging out with Rachel?” 

He shook his head.  “She’s seen them, but they only ever watch.  Jason’s certain his father hired them to follow him and got Rachel on board with that, but I’m not convinced.” 

Ashe hummed in agreement, stepping outside with him.  She caught sight of Crystal sitting on her bike off in the distance, but held off on getting her attention.  Instead she took a moment to look around, spotting the car that held Jason after a moment.  It was actually amusing that the siblings were that close but hadn’t noticed one another. 

What she had noticed was a white pickup with a bald man sitting in it.  He didn’t appear old enough to be a father picking up their child, not that it meant much.  No, what stood out was the way he was casually paying attention to every little detail around him without making it obvious.  It was the same way her parents watched people around them, the same way she tended to as well. 

“I see him, bald fucker in the smoke blower?” 

“That’s the one,” Todd said.  “I’ve seen him four times this week.” 

Concerning, but it wasn’t like she could just roll up to him and pull a gun and start asking questions.  Actually, would it be that easy?  Ashe pulled her phone out and sent a message in one of her group chats.  Crystal looked up a moment later with a smile and waved. 

Jason was getting out of his car at the same time, and the two finally noticed one another.  Crystal barked out a laugh that could be heard from their position on the school steps and hurried over, pulling her brother into a one armed hug while she messed up his hair.  Knowing what she did about the Ellingtons, that haircut probably cost as much as the Hamilton ammo bill for the month.

Shaking her head, Ashe patted Todd’s shoulder and moved to join up with the siblings.  They were laughing about some joke that she’d missed when she stepped right up to Crystal and gave her a quick hug.  Crystal stiffened for a moment, but was quick enough to return it that the guy Ashe was watching didn’t seem to notice the hesitation.  Probably because he was too busy getting irritated at the display. 

“Creep watching us,” Ashe said softly, then kissed Crystal on the cheek.  “He’s getting pissed at the display, and I’m pretty sure he’s been following Jason.” 

“Oh not this again,” Jason grumbled.  “He’s just someone Father hired, I’m sure of it.” 

Crystal’s eyes narrowed, then her arms hooked around Ashe’s waist, eliciting a squeak as she lifted and spun so she could see the guy.  Before Ashe could recover from the way her stomach had flipped from being so casually handled, Crystal pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead that promptly caused her legs to give out.  If it weren’t for Crystal’s firm grip, she would have certainly fallen to the ground. 

“No melting,” Crystal said a bit firmer, not that Ashe was able to follow the absentminded order.  “Todd, you’ve seen this man before?” 

“Half a dozen times this week all across town,” he confirmed. 

Crystal pulled away, double checking that Ashe wasn’t about to fall over, which was appreciated, and started walking towards the truck.  Ashe shook off her stupor and hurried after Crystal, intent on backing her up despite not having her gun at the moment.  The man pretended to ignore them for a moment, then raised an eyebrow when they got close. 

“The fuck do you want?” 

A shrug was Crystal’s answer as she glared at the unflinching man.  Realizing that he wasn’t going to be put off by a confrontation, Ashe stepped forward, an idea reforming in her mind now that it wasn’t swirling with thoughts of Crystal’s strong arms.  She held up her phone and snapped a picture of the man. 

“There, now to pass that along to the cops about the creep that’s stalking underage boys,” Ashe said with a wicked grin.  

She then started to walk around the truck only to realize the plates on the back were expired, and from out of state.  At the same moment, the truck peeled out and Ashe hurried to take the picture as the asshole with a tiny dick sped away, his truck bellowing black smoke as he did.  Ashe was quick to check her phone and found the plates picture blurry, but still readable. 

The man’s face was clear as day, however. 

“Well, that happened,” Jason deadpanned.  “He definitely looks like the type Father would hire to trail us.  Not the first time he had people see if Todd and I were getting up to any gay shit.” 

“You sure?” Crystal asked.  “Usually he leaves that up to Preston, and he isn’t a snitch.” 

“I think he figured out Preston covers for us after you ran away,” Jason said with a frown.  “I wasn’t even out yet, didn’t figure it out until I met Todd at that shitty camp he made us volunteer at.” 

Crystal shivered in revulsion and Ashe had to wonder what that was all about.  Had their father actually sent them to a conversion therapy camp as workers just so the threat would stick?  That sounded horrible and brought about a sudden urge to kill the presidential hopeful even though she hadn’t even met him.  She’d only ever seen the man from a distance, and made it a point to avoid him for the obvious reasons. 

“Well, whoever that was, he probably won’t risk getting close again,” Crystal said.  “Hell, he might skip town thinking we’re about to report him as a pedo.” 

“Were we to get so lucky,” Todd grumbled. 

Jason shook his head.  “Not that it matters, I’ll be stuck at father’s shitty rally tomorrow and security there will be tight as all hell.” 

“That’s tomorrow,” Todd said with narrowed eyes.  “Fuck it.  Even if your father is home, I’m taking you there so I won’t have to worry all night about that jackoff trying to get some petty revenge.” 

Jason smiled coyly.  “What, not gonna worry about Ashe?” 

Todd leaned in close, almost nose to nose with Jason, glaring at his totally just a friend even as Jason’s face slowly grew darker with a heavy blush.  After a moment, Todd kissed him right on the tip of his nose eliciting an adorable squeak from Jason. 

“Between being the daughter of some bad ass cops and her secret crime life, my money’s on her if someone is stupid enough to cross her.” 

Ashe barked out a laugh and patted Todd on the back.  “Love the vote of confidence.” 

Even if she didn’t really feel it, it was nice to hear that people had some trust in her capabilities.  She just couldn’t let herself get too much of an ego about it, because that was how people wound up dead. 

“Alright, you two get home,” Crystal said, rolling her eyes.  “I’ll get Ashe somewhere safe as well, then we can all have a quiet evening.” 

At that same moment, Ashe felt a chill run down her spine.  “Why did you just say the ‘Q’ word?”

Author's Notes: 

Never say the Q word, it never ends well.  Next time we'll find out just what the fuck saying the Q word kicks off.

As foretold, updates are back to M/W/F going forward. (And just in time for the action to heat up, funny how that works. Daily posting will only return if I hit Rising Stars on Royal Road, I've got the backlog for it if it happens, but with the current reader numbers, I'd rather maintain a comfortable backlog so I can work on future volumes (5 is almost finished with the rough draft, and I've cracked 160 chapters drafted) as well as some other stories, one of which I'm going to try and get an edited version together for a Patreon preview for June.

The entire second volume is up on my Patreon, covering up through chapter 69, for those eager to dig into the story as well as throwing some support my way! And for those who REALLY want to read ahead, Volume Three is up for early access to the Paladin Tier of support at present! (Volume Three concludes with chapter 99)

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.