Be Gay Do Crime

Chapter 57

A dark-haired girl was seated at the front desk reading something on her phone while watching the door.  She couldn’t have been older than fifteen, but at least she wasn’t out on the corner with some of the others.  She looked up, her eyes widened for a moment, Ashe nodded at her and the girl nodded back. 

“Everyone in the meeting room?” Ashe asked. 

“Yes ma’am,” the girl answered. 

Ashe really needed to learn everyone’s names, but she couldn’t even remember if this girl was one of the original rescues, or one of Brie’s recruits.  It was almost funny how Brie had stepped up.  Caralina was basically the team mom in the face of Brie’s unbridled initiative.  That didn’t mean she wasn’t doing a great many things for everyone, the girls were all getting medical care, and she had even helped build the system the girls used to make sure none of them were easily kidnapped or hurt. 

Ashe still didn’t like what they were doing, but at least it was being done right. 

The elevator was slated to be examined in two weeks time, and the meeting was on the top floor, because everyone refused to set foot within Brie’s haunted apartment.  Ashe had been inside a few times since she claimed it, and there was something off about the place, but it could just be the décor.  Brie had a goth aesthetic that would make most gay girls drool. 

The apartment set aside for meetings was too heavily damaged to really serve as a home for someone, the toilet flushed, which was the best that could be said of it.  The shower didn’t work, the sink was clogged to hell, and the stove nearly started a fire when checked.  What it did have was an intact living room that had been filled with any leftover furniture that didn’t have wildlife living within it. 

A surprisingly high bar to clear, for the things left over when she bought the building. 

Caralina and Jessica were seated in two of the chairs, talking with one another in rapid fire Spanish.  Keiko was watching, apparently trying to follow the conversation despite the speed of it.  Of more interest was that Keiko wasn’t wearing a mask, apparently she wasn’t going to even attempt to keep her own identity hidden around them. 

Crystal was quick to return to a seat with a laptop, bringing it out of sleep mode and resuming work on something.  Once the door was shut behind her, Ashe pulled down her mask and took a deep breath of the surprisingly fresh air. 

There were a few scented candles burning in the corners of the room, and the ceiling fan still functioned enough to keep the air moving through the place.  When the door clicked shut, everyone looked up at the new arrival.  Jessica hesitantly waved at her, which Ashe answered with a put upon smile and nod. 

“Fuck,” Crystal muttered, glaring at the screen. 

That didn’t bode well, so Ashe walked right over to her and took a seat on the armrest of the couch and leaned against her girlfriend. 

“Hey,” she said softly.  “Something wrong?” 

Crystal grunted, pulling up a reply window for the message she had just received and began to type.  “Just stupid shit my donor was demanding.  He sent me an itinerary for his upcoming campaign and demanded I attend certain events with him to keep up appearances.” 

“I assume that email is a strongly worded reply on where he could shove it?” Ashe asked. 

“Somewhat,” Crystal said, hitting send before she sat back and wrapped an arm around Ashe.  She thought that was going to be it, but Crystal pulled her forward to land on the seat beside her.  Ashe huffed, but adjusted to be more comfortable and snuggled close.  “It was an irritated reply about how he is disrupting my own plans, but that I would endeavor to make more than half of them assuming his campaign paid for the travel expenses.” 

“That seems counterproductive,” Ashe grumbled.  “I’m assuming you had some clever idea to fuck with him?” 

“You might say that,” Crystal said with a sing-song tone, a grin spreading as she did.  “He’s been invited to speak at several conventions for groups that share his views.” 

“Okay…  I don’t follow.” 

Crystal rolled her eyes.  “So, I show up in a tank top, shorts, and no blonde wig.” 

Before the words could register fully, Jessica let out a sharp bark of laughter. 

“Oh shit,” Ashe muttered.  “You would cause so much hell with that…  They stream some of those live, it would draw national attention.” 

“Especially when I mention my transgender girlfriend,” Crystal added, her voice a bit teasing.  The comment hurt, because they weren’t actually official yet, but she could see a point on the horizon where they would be.  “I’m gonna salt that bitch so hard that even the sunflowers won’t grow in their wake.” 

“Oh, that is devious,” Jessica said, shaking her head.  “You are going to break so many small minded assholes with that.” 

“That’s the idea,” Crystal said.  “As soon as Jason’s graduated, I’m done being a political prop for the man.” 

“Getting a head start then?” Keiko asked.  “I know you’ve been planning this for some time, but he still has some power over Jason, and he can make your life hell.” 

“That depends on if he knows she’s Riptide,” Ashe said.

“I doubt he would tolerate that,” Caralina said, leaning forward with a frown. 

The spaghetti strap of her camisole slipped and Ashe looked away out of respect, only to catch Keiko staring while biting her lip.  Whatever, as far as Ashe knew, barking up that tree was a losing prospect.  She was only pregnant because she hadn’t had access to contraceptives while they held her captive.  Caralina had little personal interest in sex, with men or women, to her it was just a job and nothing more.  

Keiko could discover that on her own, or who knows, maybe she would actually get somewhere with the woman.  Ashe was more concerned about the potential target that would put on her friend, and an increased media presence following them could risk turning up some of their illegal activities. 

“We’ll need to start keeping an eye out for paparazzi and other potential threats, make sure nobody digs too deep into things,” Ashe said in agreement.  “Keiko, Caralina, can the two of you look into how celebrities manage to keep things from the media?  We also need to train in counter tactics for dealing with nosy investigative journalists.” 

“Not much need,” Crystal said.  “Most people are too afraid to do that shit around here.” 

“Right,” Keiko added, snapping her fingers.  “Florida has all the fun personal protection laws.  A few opportunistic paparazzi get killed every year by random ass celebs at their beach home.” 

“My bastard father has killed three,” Crystal grumbled.  “Or rather, his security personnel have.  I wouldn’t be surprised if he just happened to arrange to have them on the manor grounds when he executed them.” 

“He doesn’t hide his affiliations with the Iron Patriots all that well, so it’s little wonder that some people have gone snooping,” Keiko added.  “I’m honestly surprised the body count isn’t higher.” 

“People do not often sacrifice themselves for nothing,” Caralina said.  “Unless they were sure the lead would ruin him, most wouldn’t risk life or limb to attempt to attain that information.” 

“Jason had one reporter approach him about Todd once,” Crystal said softly.  “They told him to be more careful in the future.” 

Jessica grimaced in sympathy.  “Bet that gave him a minor heart attack.” 

“Bit of an understatement,” Keiko said.  “Didn’t he crash at your place for a week after that just to be safe?” 

“It’s been almost two years since that happened, so he was probably overdue for more drama,” Crystal said wearily.  “Someone suspects something, otherwise that bald fucker wouldn’t be trailing him.” 

That was certainly something to be concerned about, but with the pair staying at the Ellington manor for the evening, they were as safe as they could be in the short term.  She knew that the Senator was holding a rally, had even scoped out the site more for curiosity’s sake than anything. 

“Will you be attending with them?” Ashe asked. 

Crystal nodded.  “I plan to meet up with Jason before the speech, and unfortunately I’ll still be wearing the wig.” 

Unfortunate, mostly because Ashe knew how much she hated it, but it couldn’t be helped.  It was too early for her to just rip the damn thing off on live TV.  Soon though.

“I’ll be stuck at home,” Ashe said, dejectedly.  “I trust you two will hold down the fort here?” 

“We have everything covered,” Caralina said. 

Jessica hummed in agreement.  “Also, Brie is keeping an eye on the girls from the observation room down the hall.” 

“How is that system working out?” Ashe asked, eager to help change the subject for her girlfriend.  “Any of the girls run into problems?” 

“None that I’m aware of,” Caralina said, sending a message.  A knock at the door a moment later saw Ashe masking up along with Crystal.  Keiko once again didn’t bother.  Caralina opened the door and Brie took a look around before stepping inside. 

“And I thought Donna’s room needed work.” 

Jessica rolled her eyes.  “Why do you think this is a meeting room instead?  Someone still watching the girls?” 

Brie waved her off.  “Yeah, Lily and Millie are out with clients at the moment while Donna keeps an eye on the channel.  Not sure why you needed me here in person to tell you that.” 

“That would be my fault,” Caralina said.  “Inferno was just asking about problems and I felt your input would be appreciated.  We’ve had a few pushy guys, but there’s always one of the girls nearby in plainclothes that are armed.  The only girls that were hurt in any way only ended up so because their customer paid extra for some BDSM shit.” 

“Those guys are the worst,” Brie whined, throwing her arms over the back of the couch as she did.  “They have no idea what that shit actually means, and trying to explain it is just impossible.” 

“Then why agree?” Ashe asked.  

She didn’t like the idea of her girls getting hurt for any reason. 

Brie shrugged.  “When someone offers twenty grand up front for some rougher stuff, the girls aren’t going to say no.”  

“Money like that often sets a girl up for months,” Caralina added.  “When I was working the corner, I caught a windfall a quarter that size, was almost choked to death in the process.  I still think it was worth it because it got me an air conditioned apartment for the summer months.”

Brie nodded.  “You can’t afford to pay all of us as much as you pay Caralina.” 

Ashe winced, mostly because she knew that Brie was correct.  They had nearly a dozen girls working for them now, apparently finding homeless girls with nowhere else to go was painfully easy.  It was how the Viuda initially grew to be a power in the city, and it was how she was slowly gaining power of her own.

How long she would be allowed to expand remained to be seen, but Ashe was determined to exploit it for all she could.  Yessina was likely watching and waiting for the opportune point that she could sweep Ashe off the board and subsume her growing organization.  Worse, she would likely have Alejandro’s backing.  Yet another competitor wouldn’t be tolerated, and it was likely that Keiko was keeping her from immediately moving against them.

“What about the drug income?” Ashe asked, looking to change the subject and get her mind off of the spiraling thoughts of trying to keep a growing criminal enterprise afloat.  “Have we been able to start moving any of the product?” 

“Yeah, I managed to source a few dealers that the Viuda worked with in the past that were still kicking,” Keiko said.  “About a quarter of your stock has been moved into circulation, some minor busts have happened, but nothing worth more than twenty grand.  Until you weed out the shit dealers, losses like that will be more common.” 

“At least profits are good,” Caralina continued.  “You’ve brought in over half a mil in the last week, quite good for what you’re distributing.” 

Ashe’s breath hitched at the number.  She hadn’t been aware they were moving so quickly.

“We’re holding back the best stuff for the moment,” Keiko added.  “Don’t need to risk things just yet, though getting more drugs into the rich areas would see profits shoot way up.” 

Ashe hummed, thinking how she could use that if she needed to.  It was a slim hope that Gray would end up buying her drugs, but if he did…  Well, he had best never cross her.  She just wanted to be done with school, and hated the idea that her legacy might end up being a string of master and apprentice dealers or some shit. 

Even if her gang gained enough presence to sit together in school for safety, she couldn’t join them and risk people figuring out that she was Inferno.  She needed to keep some distance from the gang, at least in her personal life, for now.  Maybe someday she could be friends with Brie openly, just hang out at a bar for a girls night… 

It was a nice dream, and something to work for. 

This was the life that Ashe was choosing to live, and she wanted to make the most of it.  Maybe she should start making these meetings into a more informal gathering, a way for them to unwind without having to worry about alcohol loosening tongues too much.  It was a nice thought, and it wasn’t like she could buy the alcohol herself, but Keiko certainly could, even if Ashe didn’t quite trust her not to spike things. 

Caralina then, she was probably the most responsible individual in the room, which was a sad state of affairs.  Ashe sure as hell couldn’t consider herself responsible, not after she went and started a damn gang!  Just the incredulity of that thought almost made her laugh.  She was a gang leader, still small time, but there was no reasoning that away. 

The front door crashed open, Ashe jumped up, hand reaching under her jacket, gun in hand, safety off, aimed… 

Donna, panting, pale. 

“Fucking hell,” Keiko exclaimed, shoving her own gun back into a hidden holster.  “Fucking knock next time, you were almost shot.” 

Ashe slowly did the same, noting the others in the room.  Caralina had her own gun, which wasn’t much of a surprise, but even Brie had produced a small derringer.  At least her inner circle was taking things more or less seriously.  Jessica had the decency to wilt under all the attention, but her eyes were still frantic. 

“Donna,” Ashe said sharply, startling the girl out of her shock.  “What was so important that you had to rush down here rather than call?” 

“Or even text,” Brie grumbled, pulling her own phone out.  “Oh.  Fuck.” 

Brie’s hand had begun to tremble, which was not a good sign for the normally unshakable girl.  Her fingers began to race, some message being typed.  Ashe got out her own phone and began to check the notifications.  She didn’t see anything under the normal stuff, then she checked the girl’s tracking channel on their messaging app. 

Five hundred messages, full of pictures and everything someone might need to attempt to track down someone who snatched a girl.  Unfortunately, that seemed to be what they needed to do, because everyone was panicking that Lily hadn’t checked in on time, worse, she was now late for her fallback check in. 

She looked over the linked messages, surprised to see a familiar sight in one of the images, that same white pickup truck from out front of the school.  The driver was a bald man with a full beard of dark hair that was starting to gray.  She couldn’t make out his eye color in their pictures, but there was a tattoo of some sort on his arm that she couldn’t quite make out.

Ashe’s own fingers began to move, a message typed and sent on her Inferno profile.  Everyone had appropriately cute avatars and usernames, but she kept it simple.  Her street name, and a picture of an open flame.  Included in her message were the pictures she had taken at the school along with a simple string of orders.  

Pin the appropriate images and messages.  We’re going hunting.

Author's Notes: 

Well, shit.

As foretold, updates are back to M/W/F going forward. (And just in time for the action to heat up, funny how that works. Daily posting will only return if I hit Rising Stars on Royal Road, I've got the backlog for it if it happens, but with the current reader numbers, I'd rather maintain a comfortable backlog so I can work on future volumes (5 is almost finished with the rough draft, and I've cracked 160 chapters drafted) as well as some other stories, one of which I'm going to try and get an edited version together for a Patreon preview for June.

The entire second volume is up on my Patreon, covering up through chapter 69, for those eager to dig into the story as well as throwing some support my way! And for those who REALLY want to read ahead, Volume Three is up for early access to the Paladin Tier of support at present! (Volume Three concludes with chapter 99)

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.