Becoming a God

Chapter 17 – Connecting, Learning, Kissing… (Arc 2 start)

A brawny young man stretches his back, his joints clicking each time he stretches one of his arms and back joints, his short brown hair waves in the hair while his immaculate body almost glimmers in the artificial sunlight in the air. He does several poses before looking at the disembodied head floating before him, it disappears as the man turns around and walks out the door.

“Fuck. Clothes.”

The man walks back inside the door and looks around for anything that can be used, a curtain is all he can grab so he wraps that around his body and leaves the room, the curtain barely hides his package but that doesn’t matter as he walks outside the room and continues down the road where it turns into larger and higher density housing, yet it’s still luxurious. The buildings aren’t as good as stand alone housing but the apartments are still big, the young man walks up several sets of stairs before arriving at a wooden door.

He knocks on the wooden door before him, “I don’t have a key.”

The door opens slightly ajar, an eye peeks through for a moment then swings open, an attractive middle-aged woman is standing there with long brown hair and brown eyes, her large breasts and almost perfect figure almost betray her age, she has a large smile on her face as she looks at the young man.

“Why are you naked? Did you get robbed? What happened Fillip?

“I just woke up like this, can I come inside… mother.”

The women steps aside holding the door open, the young man steps inside brushing against the woman causing his clothing to come undone and fall down to the ground, she instinctly reaches down to grab it without thinking about what it’s covering, she grabs the cloth and looks upward immediately getting a view of the young man’s member.

The woman looks at it for a moment without saying without before fixing her back up and passing the curtain to the young man, “You should get dressed,” she says while walking inside without saying anything else.

The young man smiles while walking inside shutting the door, “Well then this might be interesting, I just wanted to have somewhere to stay for a few days,” he says as the door shuts. Of course this young man is me, I have adopted this form for now allowing myself to experience life in this city, see how they enjoy these feelings and emotions that wash over them.

“What was that?” I hear a younger voice coming from behind me, I look in that direction and spot a young woman coming down the stairs.

Her medium length straight brown hair is offset by her casual wear at the moment, it’s hiding much of her figure but it cannot hide much of her breasts, I look at them for a moment before turning around to face the newcomer.

“I might only be here for a few days.”

The young woman shrieks once she gets nearer, “Where are your clothes, where are they?”

I place the curtain over my groin by that’s it, “It doesn’t matter does it?”

“Of course it does, I don’t need to see it.”

“Haven’t you seen many of them before?” I say while taking the curtain off.

“No of course not, now put it away pervert.”

“Aren’t you the pervert?”

“What, how?”

“You’re the one looking at it, you’re the one thinking it’s sexual. You’re the pervert here,” I smile as I stand there naked.


“Come on, show you’re not a pervert by giving me a hug.”


I walk towards the young woman, “Come on. Give me a hug,” I slowly lumber towards the young woman who only steps back a few times before allowing me to capture her in a loose hug.

“Got you, now you can say that you’re not a pervert,” I say while releasing her with a tap on her plump rear. Her face goes entirely red upon feeling this.

“What did they teach you at disciple school?”

“Do you want to experience it?”

The young woman’s head goes entire red and runs back upstairs, I laugh while casually walking around the house looking at everything without worrying about my clothing taking in everything that is within this apartment. It’s different to the Lord Castille’s manor that I just walked from but this has its own luxury as the items here are expensive on their own, artwork and expensive looking flowers adorn the room between the large windows looking out at the rest of the city but as I look out it seems like the view is modified with buildings missing and more greenery inserted.

If you were to walk outside, it’d be a gloomy and polluted atmosphere with no trees or animals yet here there are birds flying across the sky.

I stand by the window for a moment looking out taking it all in, allowing the memories time to settle and adjust themselves to this new body, the woman’s name is Rebecca and the young woman’s name is Ashley while the original owner of this body is Fillip, a young man who was coming back from training at the First Doctrine Academy, the leading school to become a high ranking officer in the evil religions… things that don’t really matter to him now that his head is detached and contained within a safe space.

“Get some clothes on Fiillip!” a shriek comes from behind, I am standing beside the window flexing my body still naked.

I look at the young woman in the reflection, she hasn’t noticed I’m able to see her as her eyes wander down my body, I flex some muscles on my back and butt watching her blush and look away before turning back and staring absent-mindedly.

“I can’t do this at the Academy so just put up with it, besides you don’t hate it that much do you?”

“What? I’ve seen enough of your backside for a lifetime,” she stomps towards the door leading to the kitchen, “what if I have friends come over?”

“They can enjoy the show too.”


“Ashley, what do you want? I’m busy preparing a meal for your father who is due home for a change.”

“He’s coming back?”

I turn around and face the woman who has peaked her head through the door, her eyes look in my direction and towards for a moment before blushing and looking away, she speaks to the young woman beside her with an indignant expression on her face.

“Yes, now be nice. You know how much better he is than…”

“Yes mum, but what about Fillip?”

“Just ignore him, I doubt he’ll want to stay like that when his father shows up.”

The mature-aged woman takes one last look at me, a give her a smile as she turns around and returns to the kitchen, Ashley turns away from the door and towards me before turning away quickly upon realising I’m facing her now.

“Ahhhhh, why are you facing this way, turn around or put that cloth back over it. I don’t wanna see it.”

I place the cloth back, “Why? Think you’ll compare it with your boyfriends?”

“B-b-b-boyfriend?,” Ashley turns her face back towards me with a questioning expression, her eyes wander down my body but her expression seems serious, “I have never had one.”

“What’s with that reaction then?”

“Don’t stand there nude.”

“What if I need to be?”

“That’s a lie, I’ve never heard of the evil gods having that sort of requirement.”

“You just aren’t exposed to the information yet, just trust me.”


Ashley walks into the kitchen and shuts the door, I smile at this calming interaction that settled my nerves after arriving here, it shows that life can go on no matter the circumstances…

Some more memories come flooding into my giving me an unsettling insight into the life around here yet is it worse than what can be possible in the netherworld? Is it worse than the bottom of the universe, where everything that once was will go? The memories that are associated with even the tiniest of soul unfortunate enough to survive until there? The lives here can be relaxed even in this hell scape but who knows what the plans are behind the scenes, what mechanisms are already counting them in their plans…

These aren’t things to worry about though, I just need to move on and get stronger and so far my best lead towards that is experiencing the emotions and feelings that have come with this ascension.

I walk towards the kitchen door and open it, the door easily opens revealing a large kitchen with a cook top in the middle with several types of sizzling meat on it casting a delicious smell in the air.

The middle-aged woman, Rebecca is standing by the sink washing something unaware that I have entered the room, her brown hair waving in the air as she hums a tune tending to the items.

I walk up to her hoping to surprise her, but she turns around early interrupting my steps, she jerks her hand as she stops in her steps upon seeing me.

I move up to her while reaching downward to grab an item that has just fell, she looks down too and spots that my cloth has fallen off again.

I pass the carrot to her yet her eyes are stuck staring downstairs, I wave the carrot before her eyes waking her up.

“Fillip, thank you. What are you doing in here? Why don’t you get dressed?”

“It’s alright, I need to do it for my training away from the academy. Now what can I do to help you?”

“Your training needs you to be without clothes?”


“I see, well if you can handle it then can you please chop up these,” she passes over several vegetables including the carrot, “just slice them up while I fix up the meat. That’ll help me a bunch.”

“No problem.”

I say it with a smile but raise it into a smirk watching her eyes wander down my body, she’s Fillip’s step-mother but it seems like she might be interested in this body in more than just one way.

I walk towards the counter where a board and knife has been prepared already while Rebecca walks over to the stove top, the sizzling of meat starts but the woman is always glancing over at me. I don’t waste this opportunity and place all the items down on the board and pick up the knife, a light somewhat dull blade, I rub my finger along the blade and sharpen it with my power quietly.

“Do you have many friends at the academy?” Rebecca asks as the sizzling quietens for a moment before flaring up again.

“A few, Febrizio and Balllelelet are the ones I know but they’re from another city,” I begin to slice up one of the vegetables, my hand works quickly and precisely cutting extremely thin slices of the vegetable with the incredibly sharp blade.

“Febrizio… Wait, don’t cut the board.”

Rebecca moves over to beside me and grabs my hand, I slow my motion as she holds it directing my chops, I can feel her breath tickle my ear beside me.

“Don’t use so much force and don’t chop them so thin” Her breath rushes across my ear.

I chop down as she directs, showing almost no skill but more edible than previously, she stands there and chops one whole vegetable while holding my hand, she goes to grab another vegetable when the meat begins to sizzle differently causing her to step away.

“Got it?”

“Yes, thanks.”

I chop up another couple of vegetables before looking over at Rebecca, she isn’t looking at me but the meat giving me a chance to show off some of my other skills.

I walk up behind her, I smirk as I press myself against part of her rear and bring my hand before her, a glow coming from my fingers emitting a light scream, Rebecca wants to step back but she presses herself into me harder, “This will take some of the decay from the meat, one of the god’s blessings.”

“Oh, thank you.”

I press myself harder into her rear, she presses herself up against it even harder not knowing what it is. I wiggle it slightly hoping to draw some attention to it, seeing her reaction.

“Nearly done.”

A hand presses on my member that’s pressing hard into the woman’s rear, her hand wraps around it squeezing it tightly before releasing is, the woman’s face is brightly red as turns to face me but another noise draws our attention.

“What are you two doing? Are you burning the meat?”

A small amount of black smoke is coming up from the meat, Ashley has appeared in the room interrupting the moment causing Rebecca to let go of my member and steps away fixing up the meat.

“Fillip was just showing me one of the Lord’s blessings and we got distracted,” Rebecca says while stepping away even further revealing my body to the newcomer.

“AHHH, why don’t you have the cloth on?” Ashley says.

“You think it’d help?” I say as my member stands there proudly in the air basking in the attention it’s getting.

“Fillip, Ashley can you two go upstairs?” Rebecca says while fixing up dinner, I have finished what I need but Ashley is standing there with a pout.


“Please go upstairs.”

“Fine,” Ashley says while rushing out the door, she reaches it when Rebecca says out loud.

“You have to stick with Fillip make sure he doesn’t get into trouble.”

Ashley turns around and looks at me, I smile before she turns to Rebecca, “Mum, but–


I walk over to Ashley and through push the door open, “Let’s go,” I grab her hand and pull her along.

Ashley takes a moment to realise it and pulls her hand away, I let her as she walks on ahead of me with the door closing behind us, the young woman has moved on ahead towards the stairs and gone up them pausing after getting ahead several.

The young woman looks down from the stairs, I pause and look up at her.

“You have to put some clothes on.”

“I will later.”

“No, you have to now.”

“I can’t right now, so I’ll do it later.”

“Why can’t you do it now?”

“Do you see any clothes around? The only clothes I see are yours, are you going to give them to me?”

“What? They’re mine, you can’t have them. We just need to go to your room and get some clothes for you… you do, you need to do it.”

“That sounds like doing something later so that’s when I’ll do it,” I look down the hallway and spot a well decorated door that is ajar, I give her a smile which brings a blush to her face.


“Well mother said that you’d have to stick to me so let’s go, unless you really want to swap clothes here.”

“No, who would want to?”

“Well that’s what I was wondering.”

I brush past her, she turns around when I do making sure to protect her clothes from me which brings another smile to my face, I begin to walk towards the slightly open door, she catches up quickly and stops me just as I push the door open revealing a messy room with clothes and books everywhere, a messy bed contains even more clothes and food while something is blaring noise.

Ashley reaches in to close the door but I use my foot to push it open, the young woman is pulled into the room stumbling over onto the ground.

I walk into the room after her looking around ignoring her on the ground, she’s at eye level to my member right now causing her face to go bright red and her eyes to sway about as they track it, I look at some of the books which are high level mathematics, computing sciences and thermal applications with many of the books opened on nearly impossible to read mathematics.

I walk into the room further breaking Ashley’s trace, she scrambles to her feet when I stop and pick up something from the ground, “This is new.”

Ashley immediately reaches for it, I pull it back but she doesn’t give up almost climbing up my body to get it, “Give it.”

I release it letting her have it as she falls down onto my body, I reach out and grab her body suspending her above the ground.

Her body is light and muscular but not too much, she seems to have some fat on her belly and hips giving her a nice figure hidden behind the baggy clothing. She takes a deep breath of my body odour, unrestrained by clothes while I can smell hers coming from her unwashed clothes bringing an excitement.

I gently place her down, she runs to her closet and opens it while throwing the item inside and immediately shuts it. I settle myself down watching her from the small distance.

She turns around and faces me, her face blushed and her eyes almost tearing up, “That was… wait what happened to your body?”

“What?,” I look down at my chest and see several large scratch marks, “oh doesn’t even hurt. Your nails are sharp.”

“Well they have to be, besides you should be wearing clothes so serves you right.”

“It’s the rules.

“No it’s not.”

“It is, plus there’s other rules too.”

“Like what?”

“Why don’t you tell me about these books?”

“Tell me about the rituals, the fake ones.”

“No, I want you to tell me about the books. What are you doing?”

“If you actually care about that, it’s related to advancing through the government. If I’m able to hit the requirements I can go to the portal teams… Why?”

“Just interested, why would you call the rituals lies? Is it related to the research here?”

“No the gods even use the portals themselves, it uses the same principles that everyone can learn,” Ashley smiles with a smirk turning up her nose slightly.

I raise my eyebrow, “Really?”

“Yes, like here,” Ashley goes to her bed and pulls out a piece of paper, it has hundreds of calculations on it, “this too.” She flashes another sheet of paper, I can only glance them unable to understand even the terminology on the pages. I nod my head while look over each one just storing the information but not understanding it.

“So?” the young woman asks, her figure leaning over the bed revealing down her top revealing her perky modest breasts.

“Well we didn’t really learn about portals like that, I shouldn’t really show you this as it’s restricted but if you do something for me then I’ll show you something special.”

Ashley adjusts herself into a seating position, “Like?”

“Give me a kiss, I haven’t felt the touch of a girl in some time.”

“What?,” Ashley’s face blushes as her eyes wander downwards before darting back up even redder,“what?”

I sit on the edge of the bed, “Don’t you want to?”

“No…,” Ashley says while trailing off, her eyes wander on the bed then back towards me, “just one?”

“Sure,” I say while smiling moving towards the young woman, she twists her body and hangs her legs over the edge allowing our hips to meet.

Her heavy breathing is tickling my shoulder, I turn my head while she turns her head in response.

I whisper softly into her ear, “Ashley.”

Her back visibly twitches as I do so, she turns her head allowing me to see her cute features with a few freckles on her face, her eyes are tightly shut while her nose and cheeks are nearly bright red but her lips are visibly wet, slick and ready.

I lean my head forward and give her a quick peck on the cheek, she frowns and opens her mouth, “Wa—

I place my lips over hers allowing our mouths intertwine, it takes her a moment to realise what’s going on as I breath on my nose from her breath. She seems confused as I start kissing kiss slowly and passionately, heavily as our lips join together.

Our lips part for a moment, Ashley’s eyes turn hazy as she looks at me, I continue the kiss bringing my arm around her back softly patting it before placing it on her hip bringing her closer to me.

Her body presses into mine harder, our kiss gets deeper and hotter while she begins to do it herself, her lips seeking mine out and pressing against me.

Her hair tickling my face as our breathing blows it around, our kiss continues as we both get adjusted to the others rhythm.

Ashley suddenly breathes in and breaks the kiss, “Ok, remember that father is coming back soon. You’re not even dressed yet,” her eyes are darting about the room unable to settle on one thing.

“True, he might even be home soon. Why don’t I show you something then?”

“What?,” Ashley asks quietly, her fingers twiddling together as she stays joined to my body.


I snap my finger, a portal to somewhere opens up atop it, it’s a dark black space with sparkles of purple coming from it. The young woman is mesmerised instantly by the sight but her finger claws dig into my thigh.

I close the portal, it only lasted a moment but it seems to have been enough to render the girl speechless not noticing where he hand is.

“Does that seem similar to the portals you use?”

“Kind of but I’d have to study it more,” Ashley turns to face me when I hear a noise from the door, “do it again. It wasn’t long enou–

Ashley’s eyes go wide as she looks as the door, I turn to look and spot…

Titles are hard.  This is probably a mini arc more so than arc 2's actual start given what happens in a few chapters but you'll have to wait until they're out to find out what that is.

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