Becoming a God

Chapter 18 – Liquor of the Gods


“You two should have already been ready, your father is downstairs already.”

“Sorry, we just got side tracked talking about the portal work.”

“Yes Ashley and her portal work is full of lots of things, she is well on her way to serving a higher purpose and the gods would be pleased with her work.”

Ashley smiles while Rebecca raises an eyebrow but doesn’t say any more, “Well hurry up and get dressed.”

I stand up, both of them women inhale as my member stands proudly in the air. Its bulging form just hovering in the air for both of them to watch, and they do with both of their eyes tracking it as it bobs up and down while I move my body.

I smirk while clearing my throat, “Are there any clothes ready for me?”

The two women break out of their stupor at the same time, Ashley stands up from the bed while Rebecca turns away from the door while speaking to me, “You have some clothes in your room, didn’t you arrive back with any? Did they really let you walk through town like that?”

“Yes,” I say bluntly without care, “no one can really stop me in my official role.”

“There’s some old clothes in your room then, they should be clean unless Ashley’s friends have used them.”

I look towards Ashley who has walked over to the wardrobe, she has begun to pull out drawers filled with clothes of all types but she simply shakes her head in response.

“Ok well I’ll go get dressed quickly.”

“Please do, your father is already waiting and I haven’t told him you’re home so it’ll be a surprise.”

“Ok,” I smile at the woman who is peeking her head through the door, she nods her head and disappears with only the sound of her footsteps going down the hallway.

“Alright, you need to get out. I’m getting changed.”

“Why the rush?,” I say while standing there observing the young woman holding a blouse, “can’t I spend more time with my beloved sister?”

“Get out!,” Ashley says while throwing the blouse at me.

I catch the blouse, “You shouldn’t throw things,” I mutter while placing the clothing gently down on the bed but something catches my attention. A wet spot visible on the bed, almost exactly in the middle of where Ashley was sitting.

“I can do whatever I want in my room now go get dressed, we need to eat dinner and I don’t want to be late to see father.”

“Alright fine, I’ll go get dressed but you better be nicer to me otherwise I won’t show you the portal things again.”

Ashley’s eyes go wide, “Wait…”

I ignore the girls cries for attention and walk outside of the room back into the hallway, Ashley walks up to the door and peers through a crack as she holds it, “You’ll show me more later right?”

“Maybe,” I say bluntly while looking at the doors trying to work out which one to go through, they all seem identical apart from the one I’m standing before adorned with decorations.

“Well…,” Ashley mutters some inaudible words as her face goes red further, she backs away from the door and speaks to herself so that I cannot hear her.

“I can’t hear you.”

Ashley looks at me from a slight distance through the crack in the door, her face is bright red yet her expression is slightly angry as her face frowns towards me, “Just get ready for dinner, jeez,” she says before shutting the door.

I shake my head and walk to the first door and open it, a toilet room.

I walk to the next door, a bathroom with shower.

I walk to the next door, a storage closet filled with boxes and cleaning items.

I reach the next door, it’s locked.

I walk to the next door and open it revealing a modest bedroom, a dark grey motif fills the room with a dark and dreary feeling yet the items on the walls suggests that this is my bedroom. Wall posters filled with disgusting scenes of agony, death and other horrors wrought upon a populace adorn with a banner such as; ‘The pious shall burn the wicked for god to set them true’,’The pious and devout shall ascend to be with their god’ and ‘There is no morality except which that god chooses’.

Above the bed there is a large religious symbol that also adorned the clothing of the man before I destroyed it, a goats head with a stake through it.

I walk up to the wardrobe and open the door revealing it’s filled to the brim with a single type of dark robe, I pull one out and put it on covering my body up while choosing to not wear anything else.

There’s nothing else in the room that needs my attention so I walk back towards the door when suddenly I get an idea, a sly smile comes onto my face as a flask appears from nowhere.

I grab the flask and a few cups…

I walk out the door and spot Ashley closing her door, “Ashley, I have something for you.”

Ashley turns around immediately and walks towards the stairs as if she didn’t hear but pauses after two steps and turns back around, “What?,” she as her face becomes more blushed.

I walk up to her and pass her a glass, she holds it up and looks at it with a raised eyebrow.

“Drink it, it’ll provide a blessing by the gods.”

“Uhh no, thanks,” Ashley passes the glass back but I don’t take it.

“You need to drink it, I have one more for mother… You should have heard rumours of why disciples are being sent back. This will save you from that.”

Ashley looks down at the liquid pensively then back at me, “This will help with that?”

“Of course, it should also cleanse your body.”

Ashley places the glass up to her lips, the ceremonial glasses adorned with the skull seem a weird contrast to the young brown-haired woman who looks innocent to the world. She takes a sip of the drink at first before slowly drinking it all down, I take the glass from her as we reach the stairs. This should prepare her body for the elixir stronger elixirs so giving it to both of the women should protect them from any of the dark gods movements.

We walk down the stairs side by side talking,

“Do you feel any different?”

“Nope, so did you bring that from the academy?”


“You said you came back with nothing though, you walked in the house naked. Where did you get it from?”

“The gods are able to work in all sorts of ways. They were able to provide it for me.”


“It’s true.”

“Prove it.”

“Ok fine, O Dark God of the World, I beseech thee to give me a blessing of your precious elixir,” I say while opening up my arms, Ashley looks at me with a smirk on her face. We reach the bottom of the stairs as I finish speaking.

“I kn–

A light appears before the two of us, a flask appears before the two of us then disappears just as quickly, I smile inwardly but try not to show any expression, “Thank you Dark Gods for showing us your blessings.”

I walk away swishing my robe, the stunned young woman now wearing a white blouse and a crème skirt is left standing there stunned mouth agape, I look over her appearance briefly where her hair short brown is brushed while her face has been cleaned, improving her looks compared to her haggard yet homely look from before.

“Was that real?”

“Are you doubting the powers?”

“No, never. I just—

“Well just trust in the power of the Lord, are you sure you don’t feel his power?”

Ashley catches up to me halfway through the living room, “Maybe, I don’t know. It might be other things.”

“Be patient then.”


We push through the door to the kitchen where Rebecca is standing holding a tray of food, some strange looking vegetables covered in a sticky substance. It smells delicious though, my nostrils flare as I approach the woman.

“You two should sit at the table, your father will want to talk to you.”

I take the tray from the woman’s hand and pass over a glass, she doesn’t want to let go of the tray.

“Let go, it’s hot, you’re burning your hand.”

“It’s ok, please drink,” I take the tray forcefully from her hand jostling the food about.

Rebecca frowns at me but takes the cup, she looks at it for a moment before drinking it all in an instant before placing the glass down, she takes attempts to take the tray from my hands but I don’t let go, “You’re hurting yourself.”

“It’s fine. Let’s go and eat this delicious smell food.”

I walk ahead of Rebecca while Ashley stays behind, her eyes seem slightly hazy as she watches me approach the door, I look over to the young woman day-dreaming and yell, “You coming?”

She shakes her head and catches up, I open the door revealing a large dining room filled with beautiful adornments and a crystal chandelier hanging above the table that could seat 12, the seats look luxurious and lush while the wood on both table and chairs look old and thick, it looks very expensive.

A large bald-headed man is sitting in the largest seat, his muscles and veins are throbbing just as he sits silently in the chair with his eyes closed. He emits an aura of maliciousness and aggressiveness, as though he makes a living killing things yet his expression is one of calm.

“You two have been rather noisy,” the man says without opening his eyes, his deep voice echoing in the large room.

Rebecca speaks up, “Well actually–

I place the food down on the table before she can finish her words, the bald man opens his eyes and looks at me.

He frowns, “What are you doing back?”

“I have returned to see my family.”

“No, you were released by your academy to inflict your gods will upon the populace. That god… that god only terrorises the population, they don’t serve any sort of purpose or goal.”

“Let’s not get into this right now, we need to get eating before it gets cold,” Rebecca speaks up while holding up a plate.

Ashley has taken a seat beside me while Rebecca has taken a seat opposite me, while I have taken a seat next to the large bald man that would be the father of the household, he frowns while I take my seat but he doesn’t say anything.

“Gavin, why don’t you tell Fillip what you’ve been doing recently?” Rebecca asks while the bald man takes the plate from her, she prepares another plate to pass over as Gavin speaks.

“We help the community, we support them with growing food and we are rewarded for doing that work. We are bettering the society so that it can better support the gods, we built a 24 story vertical growing facility for food that gives it out for free.”

I take the plate from Rebecca who has passed it over to me, a plate filled with all sorts of vegetables, meats and sauces all cooked to perfection.

“What has your god’s group done?,” Gavin looks at me with a serious gaze while picking up a large piece of meat, almost looking like a whole leg comes up to his mouth.

“No idea, they don’t let people at my level know about that stuff. I have to assume a lot as I have to go out on a mission tomorrow.”

Gavin snorts while chewing his food, Ashley receives her food and begins to eat.

I try the food out, it tastes delicious but it’s mortal food. This food doesn’t elicit any emotions from me, it just fills my stomach. The meat is tender yet not chewy, it melts in my mouth as each bite it breaks apart by itself. The vegetables are soft yet firm, crisp when needed and steamed if not, there’s even roasted vegetables finely chopped up with garnished.

I look around the table, Gavin is chewing loudly while frowning at nothing. Rebecca is nibbling at the food on her plate slowly, her face slightly flushed yet otherwise normal.

I turn my head to look at Ashley, her face is a pink colour while her eyes are almost pink as they look directly at me, she’s slowly chewing her food with an open mouth staring.

She begins to wiggle in her seat, I smile inwardly at this and send out a test, placing my hand on her thigh, Ashley snaps out of her daydreams and swallows her food but doesn’t do anything about my hand.

The young woman takes another fork full of food to her mouth while Gavin begins to speak to me, my hand making tiny movements on her thigh.

“Why didn’t you join the Blood God Hall? You could have your own family by now and get all this for them.”

“I tried but wasn’t compatible with their techniques besides Baphomet’s Sacrifice is a vital link to maintain stability,” I say plainly but my hand begins to slide down the young woman’s thigh.

“You only tried once, many people need three to five tries to get it to take.”

“It doesn’t matter, I’m part of this god’s group now. I must follow their orders as must you,” I say while taking another piece of food, my hand has reached the end of the young woman’s skirt and reach under it.

She breathes in sharply, Gavin looks to her and begins to speak.

“What about Ashley?,” Gavin says before looking at me, “what if she was one of your gods targets?”

“I would ensure that she wasn’t,” I speak calmly yet my hand steadily creeps up the inside of the young woman’s skirt, “I can do that while I am inside the group.”

“That will take years. You already complained about not getting access, I can give you a shortcut iiin the Blood God Hall.”

I shake my head as my hand reaches her soft and warm inner thighs, “Any outside activities are well known about in advance. I am already climbing anyway, people usually take 4 years to go on their first mission. I am after only 8 months.”

“What if they said her studying was against what they allow? You know how fickle that lot are, what revision of your manuscript are you on?”

“342, a new one came out last month. It’s the 6th I’ve had to purchase since being there.”

“Exactly, they don’t even know what they’re doing. Blood God Hall though, they have only had 1 revision in all their time.”

“Yes, it’s–

Gavin speaks over the top of me, “The manuscript was revised once during the 3rd year, it was due to an incident between first apostle haythin and fourth apostle jaycinth. There was an argument about using some family for their ritual due to the dwindling population. It was during this time that the Blood God himself came down from his realm and said we should eat our own limbs before resorting to using family for rituals…”

My hand has quietly slipped further up into the warm region under the young woman’s skirt, I have reached her warm underwear where I run my fingers up, down and all over that region. She has not stopped my hand at all, I quickly glance at her face which is still pink but now seems unfocused. Rebecca is much the same across the table, I smirk internally as Gavin speaks and bring my foot up to Rebecca’s leg.

Rebecca looks over at me, I give her a smirk before returning to listening to Gavin rant about thing, my foot rubs up her Rebecca’s leg before reaching her thigh where I rest it for a moment.

“Do you have anything like that in your manuscript?”


“Of course not, that’s why once you are inducted properly you will probably never come back to this region, they’ll deploy you elsewhere so that someone else does it.”

“Well that means it’s good news this time,” I say while strongly moving both my foot and fingers, the women both squirm slightly, “are you able to say that you can protect both of them after you are called up though?”

Gavin squints his eyes, “That’s a sacred duty, if I were called up then I would be honoured.”

“So it’s no different.”

“It is different.”


I squint my eyes in return of Gavin, a quiet moment of tension comes over the room between the two men but quietly the two women are quietly enjoying something forbidden, “It’s something I would choose to do.”

A strange energy courses through his body visible to the eye, I’m able to notice this simply because it’s a power that was coming through the planes that floods into his body filling it with an energy that encourages his current state, it’s easy enough to see it happening with my eyes yet do I want to meddle with this sort of thing? This man is crude and annoying but I could save him, the calling is a time where certain patrons of a god will be called up to a location to serve the god.

If they are called, they cannot resist unless they choose to not answer the calling, he said plainly he would answer.

The Blood God need from his patrons just one thing… blood.

I could do something, it’s unknown if he would live afterwards but it would stop his devotion yet he seems happy to do this, many thoughts go through my head as I stare at the man.

The man slams his fist down on the table, “You need to hurry up and return. Just knowing your group has people in the city is enough to annoy me.”

“Sure thing, I won’t be intruding for long.”

Gavin snorts and stands up, “I’ll be heading out to a hall meeting soon. Don’t wait up,” he leans down to give Rebecca a kiss on the cheek.

Rebecca wakes out of her dream state, her face entirely flushed as she faces Gavin, “Ok take care.”

Gavin trudges out the door slamming it, his plate is entirely clean with a large bone hanging off the plate but I don’t stop my movement as the two women continue eating each one unaware of what’s going on with the other.

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