Becoming a God

Chapter 26 – First day in the royal academy (♡)


I open the door beside me annoyed at the hour, “Yes?”

“Are you ready?”

“No,” I shut the door when a door when a small foot blocks it.

“Well too bad, it’s time to go,” the door bursts open where a brown-haired girl is talking to a mirror image of herself. She grabs at it pulling me out of the door as I get dragged down the hallway filled with people wearing the same uniform giving us a wide space, everyone is wearing a purple and gold uniform with a short skirt including myself. I’m able to hide most of my figure with a black robe, some people opt for lush white furs or purple regal drapery but some also choose to wear like me and hide their appearance.

“Why do we have to go?,” I say trying to return to the bedroom, a wave of tiredness hit my body after attending the ceremony where nothing happened for several hours. Standing around doing nothing drained my energy something fierce.

“It’s the first day, we need to set a good example,” Veluley says while grabbing my hand and pulling me down the hallway towards the stairs.

“Fine, I’ll come for now but I’m hungry, do you have any food?”

Veluley fishes around in her bag and pulls out several pieces of bread, I grab them and eat them right away as she speaks, “Didn’t you eat the food in your room?”

“What food? There was nothing, not even after the ceremony,” I say with frustration, we walk down the stairs and towards the exit now amassed with people, all attractive young women with their own beauty about them.

Some indistinct giggles can be heard from the crowd upon saying this, I look around trying to see who it is but cannot tell who.

“Well we’ll have lunch today so it’s fine, plus this bread will last.”

I swallow the last of the bread, “It might but I’ll need some water.”

“Get some at break, we’ll be late if you go back now.”

“You can just go ahead without me, I’ll go to class after getting a drink.”

“No, you need to attend with me. We need to show everyone that we look alike…,” Veluley pulls my hand along with the crowd going through the corridors. I give up my fight and allow myself to be pulled along again, the sudden change causes the young girl to nearly trip backwards but I reach forward and grab her before she falls over.

“thanks…,” she says softly afraid to look me in the eyes.

“Silly girl, you don’t need to say thanks, we’re sisters… remember? We’re there to pick up the slack for the other,”

Veluley smiles with her crooked teeth giving her a childish smile, “Yeah, we’re there for each other. We’re sisters.”

I smile in response too, “There’s your smile, I’m glad you could find it again,” a light hit comes onto the middle of my chest from his fist, it buries itself into my ample cleavage causing her to take it away.

We arrive at the classroom filled with individual desks filled with luxurious stationary such as pens and paper, each one with a gilded edge on it. Each seat looks luxurious with the leather padding and each desk looks spacious with ample room to the neighbouring one.

“Wow, it looks amazing,” Veluley says while I mutter something incoherent scanning the room. “I wonder where our seats our?”

I spot no one I recognise and nearly all of the seats have occupants, this brings a wave of relief and disappointment, I feel myself being tugged along with Veluley towards the front of the classroom where someone much older is sitting disinterested. They look about late 40s with greying brown hair giving her a maternal feeling, she looks like she has been through many things over the years.

“Excuse me, which are our seats?”

The person at the desk takes a moment to look away from their book, “Sit where you want,” they say before returning to their book.

Veluley looks out at the crowd before becoming disappointed, “There’s no where that you can be next to me.”

“Hurry up and pick a seat,” the person at the desk say.

“It’s fine, we’ll talk at lunch plus I’m sure we can find someone to switch.”

Veluley nods her head, “Ok, we’ll talk at lunch,” she says while separating from me and walking off to her own desk leaving me along by the older person sitting at the desk still.

“We’ll be starting in a minute so take a seat please,” they speak as though I’m not there.

I take a random seat towards the middle of the classroom, no one is talking to me which suits me yet I cannot help but feel somewhat shunned as people are talking to Veluley while ignoring me as I sink into this chair and relax for a moment.

I have never had to live this sort of life before and being around people has been a learning experience, it hasn’t been too bad so far with the try-outs and this comfortable seat.

I lean my head back and close my eyes for a moment when the bell sounds throughout the whole place, the person at the desk stands up, “Ok. Time to start,” they say while walking towards the board.

They begin to write as they speak, “I am Ma’am Felinic, I’ll be in charge of your home room and civics lesson. I have you for the first two sessions this morning and then one lesson every morning until the end of the year.”

I close my eyes again as I feel tired and bored, “Today we have 2 important things to cover and the sooner we start, the sooner we finish. So the first thing we need to cover are the things covered in the first book inside your desk. Take it out please.”

Everyone including myself reaches under the desk and pulls out the book sitting on top of the pile, Royal Alfheim Academy Handbook.

A thick several hundred page book.

I set it down on the desk and open the first page and find that my eyes instantly gloss over every single word and look towards the person leading the class who is holding their own book out.

“We’ll be covering the basic rules of the academy, so the first one is that we’ll always honour the queen. That’s an important rule as the queen is the one who leads this academy… I shouldn’t need to say more to you in the special class. Rule two is, curfew is 9 at night, you can apply for extensions at the office their hours are between 7 in the morning and 8 in the evening, now onto rule three, well this rule is confusing in these times because it speaks about all students are entitled to 3/580ths of the year spirit harvest but the spirit harvest hasn’t been relevant until…”

I fall asleep in the chair listening to the dull droning voice of the teacher, there was nothing I could as as I was tired and this was incredibly boring, I awaken to a sharp feeling on my forehead.

I lift my head up and notice the class is quiet while the teacher is staring at me, “Wake up, this is the special class so act like you belong here at the least,” the teacher says.

I am confused by this reaction, I look around and many people look at me frowning, the teacher returns to writing on the board, “The queen during the 45th birthing period would be queen rasteriafia, she was the one that instituted rules 78 through 112 as we just covered, rule 113 would be followed with the rule of the new queen jasmingt, she would intitute…”

I tune out again and find myself not even able to follow along with the book in front of me, it feels so utterly pointless that I simply stand up from my seat, I don’t acknowledge the countless confused faces as I walk towards the door and open it as the teacher is writing on the board.

I step through and close the door without a care, there’s nothing to be learnt from the rules as as quick scan of the rules outlines nothing of importance just historical rules that were imposed over the years for various reasons. I walk down the now empty stone paved hallway, I pass by countless shut doors that have windows looking in yet they’re all just sitting around reading from the manual in much less comfortable seats. This all seems rather pointless to me so I walk out of the building and into the open where the sun shines down revealing a calm and sunny day.

There’s too many things going on here and do I really want to attend class and learn about rules? ‘I have to focus’ I mutter in my mind as I walk around the field coming across a training seminar of people using knight equipment such as shields, plate armour and swords.

I stand at a distance and watch them without focus thinking about my next moves, I need to return before the black god solstice which can’t be too far away. I need to ensure the progress of the people with the treasure and I need to be prepared for what’s coming up.

A flashback comes over my mind of the fight within that strange god space, that feeling of helplessness where I truly couldn't do anything as the being was able to manipulate reality to his him. It didn’t matter how strong I was within that space because if he didn't want the attack to exist, it simply didn’t exist. How can I combat that sort of thing? I begin to think up new techniques as I watch the people before me practise their sword techniques in a formation together with one another.

There’s many things that I can do to enhance my attacks but if they can be negated instantly then what can I do? I could enhance the speed but then what if they negate my movement? I could make it from a distance but what if I cannot know what distance is in the space. There’s so many things that are involved and I cannot truly overcome them all.

“Why aren’t you in class, are you lost?” a voice yells from the distance coming closer. An armoured figure approaching with her head armour taken off, she approaching quickly with an annoyed expression on as she wipes sweat off her black pony tail.

“No, I’m just studying things. Is it any concern of yours?,” I ask.

“The other people made it my concern so, you should return to class. Do you remember where it is? First years should be studying the rule book.”

“I’m fine, thanks for your concern,” I walk away and go around the corner feeling annoyed by her actions but quickly forget about it as I sit down on the ground basking in the warm sun, not too long passes when I hear a voice nearby.

“Didn’t you move on?,” this softer voice says, I look up at this figure who is standing in the shadow of the sun blocking her face from being clearly seen. Her long brown hair dripping some sweat on the ground near me, I sit up to avoid the drip and get a closer view of her view, a naturally beautiful face with plump cheeks and lips, both with a slight pink colour to them as she softly pants near me.

“I didn’t want to. Were you part of that practise just now?,” II ask trying to steer the conversation.

“Yep, we’re part of the knight trainee squad, maybe we’ll move up to royal guards one day,” she says with a perfect smile.

“Is that something people want? Doesn’t it entail lots of rules and restrictions?”

“It’s all in service for the queen… and goddess. You come to expect it over the years, didn’t you as you went through previous education?”

“Let’s say I took it as seriously as I’m taking it now,” I stretch my back causing it to crack sending a wave of relief over my body.

“Ah well, I wish I could be like that,” she says while emitting a sigh.

“I could give you some pointers about where you’re going wrong.”

“Really?,” the young woman says with excited eyes before frowning, “how do I know you’re not telling me a lie?”

“Well I wouldn’t be able to lounge about like this if I didn’t know a thing or two.”

“True, ok what did I do wrong?”

“Can I see your helmet?”

She holds it up, I place my hand on it and look at her while speaking, “You were third row from the back, fifth from the right?”

“Yes, how did you know?”

“I just have a good memory, I have a few pointers but I don’t know if you’d like to hear them.”

“Well of course I would if you think that you can.”

“Alright well,” I stand up and compare our height where she also towers above me in her armour, I do a slashing motion with my wrist, “that’s about what you did.”

She nods her head, “And?”

I take a deep breath and call upon my knowledge, “This is what you should do.”

I left out a slash with my wrist that is both elegant and powerful in different ways, it even blows the air about without holding any sword, I smile at this result as it’s the first time it has happened… perhaps it’s the result of the ascension….

“Wow, even captain can do it that well,” she attempts to replicate my delicate motions but fails instantly, she continues to try without care towards the failures.

“You need to restart with the fundamentals, you are swinging with your arms, you need to use the motion of your body to swing,” I say while touching her elbows and shoulders, while also kicking her stiff knee.

She attempts another swing using her left leg and right arm to step forward, it’s clumsy and uncoordinated but her heart is in it.

I place my hand on her breast plate, “It’s a little hard to give too many pointers with this in the way but you’re still not using your right leg and left arm sitting there.”

“Ohh,” she says while attempting another swing but it’s much the same result, “what do you mean?”

“You need to provide reverse force, think about the push back you might get. That will require something to stop the backward motion but usually that’s not there so it doesn’t feel natural.”

“Ah,” she takes another swing but comes up short again, “damnit,” she yells while throwing her weapon away.

“It’s fine, just take–


The bell rings for lunch time, we’re both caught off guard as noise develops on campus.

“Lunch and then new class time… umm can I see you later? What’s your name?”

“I’m Valley, I have a feeling my afternoon will be free so where will you be?”

“I’m Sevvy, I’ll be…,” she says when a voice from the distance draws our attention.

“Valley! Valley!”

I look towards there and spot a short brown haired girl running towards my, I wave at her while speaking to Sevvy, the brown haired girl beside me, “I’m always available in my dorm so come visit if you want.”

I smirk to myself and walk away from the young woman standing confused, she shrugs it off and runs towards the cafeteria while I meet up with Veluley who is running towards me from the classroom building, she almost leaps into my arms as we get close.

“Where’d you go? I missed you.”

“I went right here, I missed you too but the class was stupid.”

“That doesn’t matter.”

“Well it’s lunch time now so where did everyone else go?”

Veluley points towars the cafeteria that Sevvy just entered, a large wooden building with an overhanging garden on top. A small open area plaza look onto a wildlife filled pond that has countless animal species swimming about.

“Let’s go then,” I drag Veluley towards the building as the explains some of the history that I already knew from the rule book but enjoy her speaking to me about it.

We enter the cafeteria where I instantly feel shunned, I am unsure of what to make of this feeling as there doesn’t' seem to be a reason for it. I grab my food beside Veluley who is instantly invited over by the people from class, I am not spoken to nor am I acknowledged if I do speak to someone. I opt to eat the tray on my feet and leave the cafeteria quickly instead of hanging around as Veluley talks to the group of girls that are happy to have her there. She seems much happier with this group than she was prior to the banquet, these people don’t even seem to mention her status so if they heard about that then they might even respect her more.

I walk towards the exit of the cafeteria feeling refreshed from the food entering my body, instead of starving I feel like I can do some more things… after a nap. I let out a yawn and open up one of the doors instantly feeling a pressure off as I leave the situation and walk towards the open field and lay in the slightly long grass on the banks. There’s no reason why I’m doing this but perhaps it’s to avoid the next class, I close my eyes allow the tiredness wash over me as I sleep for a short time.

“Hey wake up,” I feel a kick at my stomach, I wake up and look at the person who looks old, “get to class before I report you.”

I nod,“Ok sorry.”

I stand up and walk away when the voice behind me says, “you’re already an hour late, sorry might not do it.”

“It’s my first day,” I yell out as I walk away to silence from the person that kicked me.

I enter the building with the classrooms and stop before the door to the class I was in before, I quietly open the door and listen in, “The kingdom’s rule of barter means the state will acquire 100% of the transactions value immediately then give you a refund with a receipt in the god’s currency instantly no matter what…”

I close the door not interested in the commerce lesson and walk towards the other door leading towards the dorms just as a group of people wearing armour are entering from the outside using this door, each of them wearing their helmets but I spot a familiar one who also notices me.

“Come with me,” I say to her without glancing back, I continue walking towards the door and enter the dorm building.

I walk down the quiet hallway for several steps before I hear a heavy footstep behind me, I don’t turn around and walk towards my dorm room and enter it leaving the door ajar as I walk inside of the well-decorated room, sectioned into two parts. A large couch entertaining area on one side while on the other behind a soft fabric curtain hides a large queen size bed with big pillows. A counter divides the two filled with a small kitchen area with sink along with some stools for sitting on.

A soft light comes billowing in through the large open windows with the occasional sound of nature like a bird or insect, a beautiful world filled with beautiful people.

I sit down on the couch and stare at the door, it’s pushed open a moment later as a familiar young figure walks through the door still wearing their armour, they have a nice yet confused smile on their face as they peer at me.

“Umm, do you need me for anything?,” she says without conviction as she stares at me, looking away upon finishing her words.

“Do your move for me again.”

“Here?,” Sevvy asks while tilting her head.

I nod my head, “Yes, they’ll repair it so do whatever.”

“Um ok,” Sevvy takes out her sword and does another swing, this time her her is short and shallow but it’s too light, she looks to me with a proud expression.

I shake my head, “That strike will do nothing and you’re not putting any force onto it, do the strike we were before.”

“But…,” Sevvy says while looking around the room.

I take the sword from her and do the motion I have been trying to teach her, a heavy two handed strike that is hard to defend against.

The sword comes down heavily against one of the stools and part of the counter top, I pull the dull blade out of the stool and pass it to her.

Sevvy takes a step back and quietens her breath before taking a slash out, it’s still filled with mistakes that all point to the same problem, she looks to me with sad eyes.

“How can I fix it?”

“Easily, all you need to do is take off your armour.”

“Take it off? Do I need to do something so drastic?”

“Why what’s the problem?”

“I’m not wearing anything underneath, the tight clothing that comes with the armour doesn’t allow us to wear anything under it,” she says quietly.

“That’s even better, I’ll be able to make sure it’s actually the armour and not something else.”

“But,” she protests quietly looking at her sword.

“What you want me to strip too?,” I proceed to part the school robe and unbutton the blouse tightly pressing my breasts into the shirt causing them to almost spill out.

“No, it’s fine,” Sevvy says with a smile while reaching out to stop me, “help me take it off then.”

She reaches behind her back towards a clasp and turns her body around, “Here and here.”

I unclasp the one around her neck holding up the breast plate, she catches it in her hands while I undo the double clasp at her waist causing that to fall away to the ground freely exposing her plump butt to me. She puts the breast plate down on the ground but doesn’t face me yet.

I resist the urge to squeeze her butt that’s nearby and give her a moment before she does a quick slash in the air trying to hide herself, her dried out brown hair has covered her face but I can still see a blush on her cheeks as she does everything.

“Again, properly.”

She does it again, this time performing worse.

“Fine it looks like I’ll have to get naked too.”

Sevvy turns around to face me without hiding anything finally, her large breasts over a plump yet trim belly, a tight lower body while she has a small manicured bush above her cute hidden pussy with swollen red lips.


“Do it properly then.”

Sevvy takes a step back, this time her legs are able to travel freely giving her the option to move them in an angle she was missing before, the two movements link together and she strikes down. The sword pierces through the counter and onto the stool, much better than before.

The young woman turns to face me with her arm and leg armour still on giving a rather sensual dynamic, “That felt much better but I need it to work with the armour.”

I reach forward and trace her muscles around her lower stomach, “These muscles are still stiff, that’s the first one.”

The temperature of the room begins to get hot as I feel sweaty under my robe and take it off leaving me in the undone blouse of a school shirt, my other hand is placed on her hip and adjusts it forward.

“Like this.”

“Oh,” she says but with her tone I’m not able to tell if she’s being sarcastic or not, I give her a slap on the butt.

“Try using those muscles then.”

Sevvy steps back and as she’s moving her hips forward she activates those muscles connecting the two motions together and brings the sword down as her foot does, even her own expression seems changed as she looks as the result that’s not much different than before.

She steps back and looks at me with a different gaze for a moment before it disappears, I reach forward and run my finger along her hip muscles and downward forward her crotch, my finger travels through the soft plump skin causing her to jerk backwards.

“Are those places really connected like that?,” she speaks with a delicate tone.

“Your whole body is connected together, in so many ways that you don’t know and this is just one of them. You’re almost there.”

“Why almost?”

“You just need that final push to relax, you’re still afraid of what’s to come after you strike so you hold back,” I say while I poke at her belly then placing my hand on it.

I massage it gently before sliding it downward feeling her soft belly get even softer as it touches some hairs pausing my hand, “Do you get it?,” I say softly.

“No,” she says trying to pull her body away from my hand.

“Your body includes there too, if it doesn’t relax then you cannot succeed.”

“There’s no way that’s true,” she says while smirking at me with a blushed face, her sultry eyes drawing me into them as I look at her for a moment.

“I know it’s true because it’s how I do it, can you trust me?”


“It doesn’t matter what happens in here as I don’t plan on telling anyone.”

“Tell them what?,” she says nervously.

“What I think I’m about to do to get you relaxed,” I say while licking my lips.

She looks at me somewhat confused, I use this moment to pounce upon her and bring her down onto the couch, I kneel before her body and look at her pussy that is before my eyes. A tightly shut plump pussy is before me completely red, I can feel the heat coming from it as I look at it for a moment then turn my eyes towards Sevvy.

“This?,” she asks.


“OK Be careful…,” she says and closes her eyes, I inwardly smile before I set in licking the slit before me, a sweaty taste immediately hits my tongue which makes sense given she hasn’t has a shower yet but something about it is driving my instincts wild as the smell spreads to my nostrils. I dive in sending my tongue into the folds of her pussy causing Sevvy to let out a soft breath in pleasure.

I continue working my tongue in and reach my target giving it a lick causing the woman to shudder and breathe in sharply, she places her hands on my head.

I re wet my tongue and place it there, this time rubbing in a circular manner increasing the pressure as I listen to her breathing.

It becomes steady as she breathes in and out, I increase my pressure further changing my motion.

Her breathing becomes heavier, I focus on that motion while introducing something similar her breathing becomes sharper and shallower. I re-wet my tongue with it feeling my more moist than before, I dive in again as her lips part for my chin.

She pushes my head in, “Harder, faster.”

I work my tongue again resting it against her pleasure button and work my neck, I force it against her legs as I feel her body I push against me crushing my nose.

I change my angle slightly causing the young woman to moan, “Yes, there.”

I angle slightly further down pushing further in the direction, “Yes.”

I hurry my movements trying to focus on what she likes, I don’t stop as her breathing builds up.

“That… there…,” she grabs my head and smashes it against her as I feel her body shudder for a moment.

She is panting while holding my head against her, I pull away from her tasty yet incredibly wet pussy as her hand falls away.

“Are you relaxed?,” I ask looking at the young woman, her juices dripping from my face still.

“Kind of, can you do it again.”

I smirk, “I could do something else… though you might be sore for a few days…”

“Like what?”



I frown, “I’ll check who it is, give me a moment and we’ll continue,” Sevvy nods her head to me. I walk over to the door after checking my uniform isn’t too bad and open the door where I’m greeted by a lone short blonde-haired young woman with a cute innocent expression. It takes me a moment to recognise her but as she opens her mouth I do,

“Valley, I'm glad you're here because I have something super important to ask of you.”

“Balfie… what is it?”

“Stay away from Hazel or I’ll kill you.”

I like Sevvy but I hope she's not gonna clash with Tabi when they meet soon-ish...

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