Becoming a God

Chapter 27 – Feelings of domination (❤️❤️)

Dom Futa MC amongst other things.

I push around the piece of meat on my plate before me unsure of what to do, I look around the empty room where it’s only me with a freshly repaired counter top and stool. Sevvy disappeared soon after Balfie showed up with her slightly cryptic threat, something about her in that moment made her seem entirely serious about carrying about said threat if I said anything contradictory only furthering the mystery of this whole place. A threat that I could feel from my very soul came from her in that moment, a primal feeling that I cannot explain.

I pick up the meat and eat it, some of the gravy drips down my chin that I use my finger to wipe up, followed by licking my finger clean.

I smirk upon the tasty reminder, *KNOCK* *KNOCK *KNOCK*

I frown and look to the door, it’s night time now so I don’t particularly want any more visitors but I have no option. I walk over to the door and answer it where a tall figure is standing there, her tanned skin goes well with her dark coloured robe uniform hiding her appearance, she looks very attractive and knowing behind that robe is a pair of big boobs is just a bonus.

“Hazel, what are you doing here?”

“Did the vice principal come to see you?”

“No, no one did… well besiides…”


I think for a moment before dismissing it, “No one important, what did you need me for?”

“If she asks if I blessed you then say no.”


Hazel brings her finger up to her face in motions for me to come closer with it, I bring my face closer to hers while she leans down. Her whispered voice tickles my ear and neck and it comes down on it.

“I can only do so many, she wanted to reserve them. I had to explain what happened.”

“Alright, so you blamed me?”

“Kind of.”

“Alright well…,” I quieten my voice, “there’s this thing,” I finish my sentence in a whisper.

She pulls her face away from mine, “What?,” she says looking at me.

I lean forward for a kiss, she struggles for a moment then doens’t fight iit allowing my tognue to enter her mouth and explore it. Her tongue is fighting against mine as we kiss in the hallway.

Her breathing tickles my face as her scent fills nose with each passing second, I run my hand along her back trying to pull her into the room as one of my knees pressing on the inside of hers trying to shift her, she halfway steps before breaking the kiss.

“What are you doing?”

“Trying to sort something out, can I count on you for that?”


I grab her hand and place it inside my underwear forcing it to rest on top of my female crotch, my pussy is throbbing yet I don’t feel satisfied with anything that has been going on so far. Hazel’s fingers feel around for a moment before she takes them out.

“I can only go further with someone that can fulfill me,” she quietens her words, “once I get started I won’t be able to get stopped… if you had a male thing.”

“What if I did?,” I ask playfully.

“Did what?,” I feel my crotch stirring as something grows from it but as that happens Hazel is looking down the hallway.

“Is that Balfie? I should go see if she has seen the vice principal, she’s always walking around,” Hazel breaks away from me and completely forgets what we were just doing as she spots the blonde-haired girl. I walk over there too with something developing under my robe and skirt.

“You haven’t seen her?” Hazel asks the blonde-haired girl is shaking her head, we’re standing in a small voyeur with a couple of seats and plants.

“Nope, why would she want to talk to me?”

“Weird, she talks about you. How you’re always asking about me.”

“Oh well, must be her imagination. What were you doing out here with Valley?”

“Talking about the vice principal. She hasn’t seen her either, it might wait until tomorrow then.”

“Yeah it best waiit until tomorrow, let’s head back to your room.”

“Ok Balfie, Valley I’ll see you tomorrow, we’ll talk about your problem then.”

I grimace my face and wave to the two walking towards the exit, they don’t live in this building as there’s many dorm buildings on campus, this is simply one of the most luxurious and well equipped dorms so people like to come here no matter the hour,

I feel a breeze blow below my skirt and look around, a door is opened below me giving me an idea as I walk towards the stairs, a black haired woman with a cute face is walking up them.

I stand at the top of the stairs allowing her a view under my skirt and look around at nothing, watching her from the corner of my eyes.

It takes her a moment to notice me, her eyes look away immediately as she turns her head then she peeks her eyes through her hair as she continues to stare under my skirt as she gets closer to me.

I smirk as the bait was set, I look down the hallway and spot no one around as my heart pounds.

The woman gets nearer to me, as her robe flutters open revealing a modest figure slightly taller than me with ample breasts, I quietly inhale deeply as she gets near then as she’s just about to pass me I turn around and push her up against the wall.

She is startled by this reaction but doesn’t let out a sound as she stares at me with narrowed eyes and a red face, “Why.. Wha.. Wh–

I press my lips to hers cutting off her words, I force my tongue into her mouth and feel about her mouth for a moment as my hand is placed on her rear, I feel her tongue responding to mine after a moment. I pull my face away from hers as I continue to feel her firm rear with little fat.

“I want you to solve this for me.”

“What’s this?”

I press my member into her stomach, “this.”

Her eyes look at me in confusion, “Is it really a man’s thing?”

“Want to see?”

She bites her lip and looks away before nodding it, I take her hand and place it on my hard member.

“We can’t really stay here but, is that enough to confirm?”

“I don’t know… I’ve never…,” she says.

“That’s fine, what’s your name?”

“Beyt, yours?”

“Valley,” I pull her along the hallway and towards my still unlocked door before anyone comes through the hallway, as I shut the door I hear the doorway open again. I shut the door and look at the young girl with a flushed face before me, she is breathing heavily already, I sniff my finger.

“Beyt, you smell ready.”

“I’ve been thinking about this… the birthing ritual is coming up so I have to be prepared.”

“Sure, well… first things first, strip.”


“I said strip.”

Beyt tugs at her shirt and pulls it off leaving her in an undershirt, she tugs off the skirt leaving her in underwear but this display and the smell in the air is enough to send my hormone racing, she takes off her top explosing ample sized breasts with hidden nipples before she drops down her underwear revealing her cute pussy without any hair on it, unknown if its natural or not I can only smile upon looking at it.

“Kneel down,” I say with a commanding tone, she looks at me confused for a moment before she does so placing her at slightly above waist level. I step forward bringing myself in range of her breasts, I bury my dick into into the soft mounds before me.

“Squeeze them together,” I say, she uses her biceps to push together her breasts creating a nice soft pocket for me to thrust in to, I allow my dick to get engulfed in the soft chasm that is her breasts.

I thrust in and out until a squelching noise is heard from all the fluids being produced, I pull my dick out of the little chasm and point it up at towards her giving her a look at it.

“This is what you’re look for, well clean it up.”

“Clean? I’ll get a cloth…”

“No, clean it with your mouth.”

“Mouth? Really?”

“I didn’t ask,” I thrust my hip forward and upward bringing it near her face, she looks at it for a moment before grabbing it. She squeezes it hard, pulls it and pushes it. She inspects every part of it but she doesn’t do anything else.

I grab her head through her hair and push it forward bringing my dick towards her lips, I rub them against her lips as for a moment, “Open your mouth and clean it.”

She pensively opens her lips and parts her teeth, I use this as a chance to slam my dick into her mouth ensuring she cannot take it away. It takes her a moment to adjust to this new comer with her tongue doing something as it moves about without care or purpose, the sensations good but it needs more.

“Suck it, close your lips around it and suck on it.”

I can feel her lips wrap around my dick and some suction begin to increase, it feels good but as the pressure increases as the pleasure too so does something else, “Don’t let your teeth hit it,” I say as a painful scrape comes across my body.

The sound of sucking and heavy breathing is all that can be heard in the room as I rest my hand on her head force her movements to hurry up, I begin to thrust my hips in time too but don’t let my feeling take control.

A small wave of pleasure comes over my body as Beyt pulls her head away, she takes a moment to fix her throat from all the extra fluid that has been introduced before kneel beside me again.

“Enough of that, you want to experience a birthing ritual? Well let’s do it. Get on the bed,” I point to the large bed behind the curtain with white bed sheets on it. Beyt looks at me strangely before I frown at her, “Now,” I say firmly.

She gets up and quickly walks over to the bed leaving a small trail of fluid behind, if that’s from her mouth or otherwise I cannot tell but I follow behind her and spot her under the sheets. I dive under the sheets from the bottom and crawl up on her naked body stopping to inspect her pussy up close. One that has many folds it looks like she has had lots of fun with it, I smile as I place my finger at the start of her entrance and slowly slide in.


The suction and wetness sounds is apparent as I slide my finger into her easily, I don’t go far before I throw off part of the blank and look at her blushing face.

“I think you’re ready.”


“I think you know,” I say while lining up my dick against the start of her vagina, her eyes go wide upon the sensation.

“Is that?,” she asks.

I thrust forward burying my long member into her pussy, it’s able to swallow it all the way causing her to breathe in.

“Wow, took me in all the way first go? Well now I know you definitely wanted this.”

I pull out causing her to sharply exhale, “Wha…”

I push in, “Aaaa,” she mutters incoherently as I bury deep into her with my hips meeting.

I pull out again, my dick feeling the suction of her pussy like it’s telling my dick that it must stay yet it’s so wet that I doubt anything would stay in there anyway. I hurry my motions and trying to go as fast as I can, each time she mumbles something incoherent that just sounds like random vowels.

I can internally feel a pressure build up, I adjust my angle to try to delay and find the best angle for her but everything seems good so far, even burying deeply seems to be enjoyable for her as she continues to mutter.

I push down on my hips causes my dick to angle up putting pressure up there, I sharpen my moments causing the angle changes to get quicker.

Her moaning continues, “Aaau,”

I can feel her body begin to clench up, I focus my movements trying to time it when I can feel her muscles release then vibrate softly, this sends me over the edge as I release myself too deep inside of her giving me a giant wave of relief and causing it to shrivel up and disappear along with the sound of lots of fluid leaving her pussy, she’s exhausted on the bed while I am also exhausted so we both fall asleep.

I wake up suddenly and look around, the room has nothing changed within it allowing me to return to sleep.

I continue sleeping as though I need it yet I truly don’t, it’s a strange feeling yet is the downfall of the higher planes where you can lose yourself to the new feelings, the experiences of being alive and the struggle that came along with not dying were great but… they cannot compare to the sensations of emotions, smells, exhilaration that gets your heart pumping yet that’s only about me, I can feel that anywhere on this plane yet what about them? My thoughts wander about before they blur and become nothing in specific.

I wake up with a yawn looking around my bed, I’m alone on this large bed… it’d actually be strange to wake up to someone else nearby, yet I still feel alone.

“So… what am I doing here?… Oh… right, I should go visit Sevvy.”

I get up out of bed and clean myself while changing my uniform into a fresh one, my body feels somewhat sore but there’s not much that can be done about that, muscles get sore and they certainly got a work out. I walk out the door after ensuring I’m freshened up.

I walk down the empty hallway and exit through the door and walk towards the outdoor area, there’s no way I’ll go to class this late. I walk through the academy grounds where a large commotion catches my attention but I suppress my curiosity and continue walking hoping no one will call me out for missing class. Hundreds of people are gathered in groups, the official looking people including from the church are here so it seems something big has happened but I’m not involved so I don’t need to worry about it, I’ll hear about it later. I walk through the grounds aimlessly the sparse trees, the shrubs and wildlife give me a moment to think about nothing yet it’s needed.

“Did you hear?”

My ears prick up and listen to the conversation of the people I’m passing, “I heard something, one of the new recruits was able to awaken during a fight.”

“That’s not all, they were able to receive a blessing.”

“Wow, I hope I’ll get one too.”

“You know how rare it is for that to happen outside the Holy Academy…”

The two of them walk in the opposite direction to me cutting off the conversation but allowing me to gleam some information, nothing that involves me so there’s no need to be concerned about it. I allow the matter about the crowd to rest in my mind and walk towards the training grounds where a familiar armoured figure is standing among a crowd of others. The field is beside a few large buildings and some wire fences, I stand beside the field for a moment catching her eye before nodding my head and walking away, she catches onto my meaning and excuses herself causing some in the crowd to react.

“Sevvy, where are you going? The bathroom again? You keep running away and you’ll end up getting replaced. You know placements are coming up.”

“Hey Tuppply, don’t make Sevvy feel bad, if she cannot handle it here then she should have no worries about leaving.”

A few people in the crowd snicker, Sevvy doesn’t react to their prodding and follows after me quickly.

“Valley, did you want to see me?,” she says opening her visor up.

“How did things go today with your training? Are your movements better?”

“Sort of… it feels more natural but now something else happens.”

“What does?”

“Ehh, well…” Sevvy while looks away, “when I remember how you helped and what you did..,” she mutters softly.

“Do you want to do it again?”

Sevvy open eyes up in surprise, “Umm,” she stutters as a smirk comes over her face, “well… we shouldn–

–I take her hand and force her around a shady private space between some trees and a building hidden away from anything, I look around brief and even spot some old clothes including lots of underwear. I undo the clasps on her back like she showed me before causing her to be naked before me as she awkwardly hides it but fails to giving me a clear view of most of her front.

Her nipples are already red and erect while her pussy is incredibly red as though she has been rubbing herself a lot.

“Oh… I see you already started without me… well time to dig in…”

I force her to lay down on the ground and get to work licking the already incredibly wet slit before me, the smell is intoxicating as I set about my work, my tongue prodding, rubbing and flicking causing the young woman to breathe heavily.

I don’t stop my work as I apply more pressure with my head causing her to breathe in even heavier, her pussy becomes hotter.

“Harder,” I can feel her head on my head, I oblige finding my chin slippery from her juices.

“That…, uhn,” she moans heavily and involuntarily while speaking.

I focus my tongue there, her breathing gets sharper and quicker as her hands fiddle about on top of my head.

I change my movement suddenly from smooth circles to focused pressure on her sensitive spot causing her breathing to stop as she forces her hips against my face.

A slight shudder comes from her body and she releases my head, I raise my head and look at the young woman with a relaxed expression.

“Feel better?”

She smiles and nods her head.


Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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