Becoming an Immortal Emperor, All Thanks to the Efforts of My Enemies

Chapter 85

Chapter 94: The Plan

A hundred thousand people.

A hundred thousand people’s resources.

Where the heck am I supposed to find that?!

Liu Shunyi’s expression was quite the sight.

Lin Wudao’s expression wasn’t any better.

The two of them fell into an awkward silence.

Before long, Liu Shunyi broke the silence.

“I have to ask, how on earth did you get so many people?”

Lin Wudao explained, “Well, back when I was setting up the Hall of Yama, I said the leader was you and Zhao Gou. Ever since Zhao Gou became one of the leaders, he’s been on a recruitment spree. At first, it was just a few thousand joining, but slowly, more and more kept pouring in.”

“Not to mention the massive batch we managed to recruit.”

Liu Shunyi looked perplexed.

“Even Zhao Gou has his charms, but does that really explain why so many people are dying to join the Hall of Yama?”

Lin Wudao sighed. “It’s like this: the Blood Pills you refine not only boost cultivation but also improve physical quality and even spiritual roots. Even ordinary folks can cultivate after taking your Blood Pills.”

“Plus, there’s the Spiritual Soul Pill. It dispels mental fatigue and boosts spiritual strength. It can even enhance comprehension!”

“With such goodies at the Hall of Yama, those scattered cultivators and those struggling to break through flock to us like moths to a flame!”

Liu Shunyi was in shock.

Blood Pills and Spiritual Soul Pills have that kind of effect?

Why didn’t I feel it?

But Liu Shunyi still had some concerns.

“With so many people pouring in, can you manage? Aren’t you worried some are just here to freeload?”

Lin Wudao coughed lightly. “Well, I have to say, Zhao Gou is quite impressive. Just him alone keeps anyone contemplating betrayal or playing games at bay.”

Liu Shunyi was once again dumbfounded.

“Zhao Gou is that fierce?”

Lin Wudao just sighed…

“Alright, I get it. Give me three more days for the resources!”

Lin Wudao nodded.


After wrapping up the communication, Liu Shunyi set off to find Zhao Gou.

When Liu Shunyi finally located Zhao Gou, he found him listening to music at a tavern, complete with a few guards by his side.

Good heavens.

Zhao Gou really opened Liu Shunyi’s eyes.

Liu Shunyi couldn’t help but compare this current Zhao Gou, looking all troubled, to the kind-eyed Zhao Gou he once knew.

“What a transformation!”

Liu Shunyi shook his head and walked toward him.

But before he could get close, a few guys with ghost face masks blocked his way.

“Who goes there?!”

Liu Shunyi rummaged through his pockets and finally found the token Lin Wudao gave him.

It had “First Lord” written on it.

The masked guys’ eyes went wide with fear.

This is another Yama Lord!

They trembled in place.

No kidding—Zhao Gou’s methods had shown them that he was an actual hellish king.

And the First Lord? What kind of terrifying figure was that?!

They quickly stepped aside.

Seeing Liu Shunyi, Zhao Gou also stood up hurriedly.

Liu Shunyi waved his hand. “No need for that.”

Zhao Gou chuckled.

Once Liu Shunyi sat down, he quietly asked, “What’s the situation with the Hall of Yama? How did you manage to gather so many people?”

Zhao Gou seemed a bit helpless. “I didn’t want this, but people from the Angry Heaven Palace were chasing me down. Those dog bastards didn’t care about the time or place—I had to fight back.”

“But you know my methods can be a bit terrifying.”

“Whenever I took out those Angry Heaven Palace folks, there were witnesses. I didn’t want to silence them, so I had no choice but to shove them all into the Hall of Yama.”

“And just like that, more and more came!”

Liu Shunyi was speechless.

“So that’s how it is.”

But Zhao Gou was still passing the buck. “I may have sent a bunch in, but its growth like this is still thanks to your Blood Pills and Spiritual Soul Pills being ridiculously effective.”

Liu Shunyi shook his head. “Let’s set that aside for now. Can you really manage all those hundred thousand people?”

Zhao Gou was all confidence. “Don’t worry. Once they enter the Hall of Yama, I’ve already left traces of my power in their bodies. If they disobey…”

Zhao Gou trailed off, feeling more and more like the villain in a comic.

Liu Shunyi stared at Zhao Gou quirkily. He too felt Zhao Gou had that villainous vibe.

The two fell into another strange silence.

“By the way, you called me for something?”

Zhao Gou suddenly broke the silence, looking at Liu Shunyi with curiosity.

Liu Shunyi nodded. “I do have something. Can you heal someone’s spirit and restore their blood?”

Zhao Gou nodded. “That’s no problem. I can treat their liver and even speed up blood regeneration. As for the spirit, under the influence of my power, it can indeed recover swiftly.”

Liu Shunyi nodded and then handed Zhao Gou a storage bag filled with Qi Recovery Pills, all graded from one to three patterns.

“Little master, there’s more to this chapter! Please click next page to continue; it just gets even better!”

Zhao Gou stared at the pills, momentarily frozen. “What are you planning?”

Liu Shunyi grinned. “To refine pills.”

Zhao Gou scratched his head. “And what does that have to do with me?”

Liu Shunyi clarified again. “What do you think?”

Zhao Gou’s eyes suddenly widened. “Isn’t that a bit too ruthless?”

Liu Shunyi was speechless. “I commit sins, you do the good stuff. Why worry?”

Zhao Gou thought for a moment and felt that made sense. “Alright then, how should we go about this?”

Liu Shunyi whispered, “We do this first, then that… and finally… you get it, right?”

Zhao Gou was left dumbfounded.

The guys in ghost face masks nearby were breathing a bit heavily, finally understanding why these two were called living Yama Kings.

Abe Luoxue lately looked rather gloomy.

On one hand, the Heavenly Extreme Sacred Ground suddenly cut ties with them, thanks to Zhao Gou scaring them away.

Anyway, Tang Xiaoren believed Zhao Gou’s intentions were instigated by Ji Suying, so he just left cleanly.

After Tang Xiaoren left, the previous stunt pulled by Yi Dai Mi Taro instantly ignited the cultivator’s fury against the Heavenly God Sect.

It was a full-scale assault.

Luckily, the Heavenly God Sect was indeed strong.

Those smaller sects or bottom-dweller cultivators were just ants to the Heavenly God Sect.

But these past days, everything changed.

The disciples of the Heavenly God Sect, curiously, had been suffering from blood loss, fainting randomly.

It could even be described as being as fragile as a withered flower.

What made Abe Luoxue most uneasy was this morning when he woke up to see a sea of pale faces staring at him, like walking corpses, nearly driving him insane.

Imagine standing on a platform surrounded by hundreds of thousands of zombie-like faces staring at you. What a vibe!

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