Becoming an Immortal Emperor, All Thanks to the Efforts of My Enemies

Chapter 86

Chapter 95: The Plan Begins

Abe Luoxue was sitting in the main hall, surrounded by people who looked as pale as corpses.

One person looked as sickly as if he were on death’s door.

This situation was beginning to drive her insane.

Even the servant who usually brought her tea was shaking like an old lady with palsy.

Unable to take it anymore, Abe Luoxue exploded, “Can someone please tell me what on earth is happening here?!”

Her general responded, “Uh, we really have no clue. Ever since we arrived in the southern part of Qizhou, our health has been deteriorating day by day, feeling like our bodies are hollowed out.”

He sounded out of breath after just a few words, looking like he was one cough away from passing out.

Abe took a deep breath. “Why don’t you take some pills to recover?”

The man grimaced. “My lady, this has been going on for two months already! We’ve been living off pills, but now we’re out of stock.”

Taking a deep breath again, Abe decided, “Then open the inner vault! First, let’s get your health back! The secret realm is about to open; we can’t afford any slip-ups!”

The man hesitated for a moment before nodding.


Time flew by, and another half month passed.

Abe Luoxue’s heart sank, just like the empty vault.

The situation with the Heavenly God Sect’s disciples was getting worse. The more pills they took, the worse they felt. At this point, most of them were sprawled out, and even the fish she was raising were belly up.

Abe was going crazy. “What is going on? Did someone poison us?!”

She couldn’t help but shout.

Her most loyal subordinate shook his head. “No, I’ve checked—there’s no poison or curse involved. We really don’t know what’s happening.”

Abe’s heart hit rock bottom. With the secret realm about to open, how could they compete in this condition? How could they complete the tasks given by her family?

Suddenly, someone dashed in, excitement written all over his face. “Two lords! I remembered someone who might help us solve our current problem!”

Abe paused. “Who?”

The subordinate hurriedly replied, “I just saw Elder Zhao Gou from the Qinglian Sect pass by! He’s a renowned healer; maybe he can help us!”

Abe furrowed her brows. She recalled how Zhao Gou had previously offended Tang Xiaoren, and she was wary of getting involved with him, especially after he had destroyed many of their outposts.

“Would he really help?”

But looking at the sea of zombie-like faces surrounding her, she decided to put aside her doubts. “Where is Zhao Gou?”

The subordinate quickly said, “I told him to wait just outside!”

Abe nodded. “Take me to him!”

The people around her agreed and led her out.


Before long, Abe Luoxue met Zhao Gou.

He looked every bit the part of a celestial being, and the aura he radiated made him seem even more imposing due to his status as a king.

“Abe Luoxue greets Elder Zhao Gou!”

Zhao Gou waved his hand. “No need for formalities. Is there something I can assist you with?”

Abe’s helpless expression spoke volumes. “I hope you can overlook the past offenses of the Heavenly God Sect; we will definitely compensate you in the future.”

Zhao Gou waved again. “Forget it. You all impersonated the Qinglian Sect and I took out quite a few of your people. I’d say we’re even.”

“If there’s nothing else, I have business to attend to…”

Abe quickly interrupted him. “Elder Zhao Gou, I really have a matter! Our disciples are suffering from an ailment, and I’m hoping you can help treat them. You wouldn’t want to see people suffering from illness, would you?”

Zhao Gou squinted. “You’re all human?”

Abe’s temples throbbed, and the muscles on her forehead bulged. But for the sake of the secret realm and her disciples, she said, “Elder Zhao Gou, if you agree to help treat my disciples, I will grant you whatever you desire!”

After a moment of silence, Zhao Gou pretended to sigh dramatically. “Well, since they’re ill, I suppose I can take a look.”

Abe was overjoyed. “Great! Please, come inside!”

Zhao Gou nodded, and discreetly signaled using a jade talisman to Liu Shunyi.

In a tall building within the Hall of Yama, Liu Shunyi received the message and hurried with Lin Wudao and a few ghost-faced men to the Hall’s warehouse, ready to wait.

Not long after, another message from Zhao Gou arrived.

“Let’s start!”

Liu Shunyi swiftly pulled out his gourd, drawing blood, and extracting spiritual power from the air.

Under the horrified gazes of Lin Wudao and the ghost-faced figures, he began refining Blood Pills and Spiritual Soul Pills.

The pills rained into the warehouse as if conjured from thin air.



Meanwhile, within the Heavenly God Sect, despair echoed from top to bottom.

Zhao Gou’s medical skills were indeed powerful. Under the Universal Salvation technique, they quickly regained peak conditions.

But their peak state didn’t last long before they became weak again.

Weak, recover, weak, recover…

The never-ending cycle was torturous, and many thought they were at death’s door.

A chorus of strange cries rang throughout the Heavenly God Sect.

Watching this scene, Abe Luoxue found herself swallowing hard.

Though she wasn’t experiencing it firsthand, she could still empathize with their agony.

One person could no longer bear it. “Elder Zhao Gou, please stop! Just let me die; I can’t take it anymore.”

Others joined in, begging as well.

Zhao Gou’s face turned gloomy. “No way! How can I just sit back while patients are not treated?”

He then intensified his healing efforts.

At that moment, Zhao Gou finally understood why Liu Shunyi had sent him those pills.

He was struggling to cope with it himself!

While Zhao Gou took pills to recover, Liu Shunyi was in a frenzy, refining Blood Pills and Spiritual Soul Pills.



Ten days flew by.

The Heavenly God Sect screamed for ten days straight.

Zhao Gou had treated them for ten continuous days.

The cultivators across Qinzhou watched in fascination.

From initial shock to numbness, followed by silence that morphed into fear.

They witnessed the state of the Heavenly God Sect disciples, their faces flush one moment, drained the next, almost beating to the rhythm of a heart’s pulse.

Some even saw some disciples resorting to suicide, only to be resurrected under the glow of the Universal Salvation, facing relentless torment once more.

None dared utter a word!

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