Becoming the Luna

Chapter 317

Hayden makes his way up to the fourth floor, sure it was quite a bit of a strain on him to keep up with all the cooking and cleaning up not to mention the socializing.

The day was going as planned though so his excitement overshadowed his exhaustion, he had managed to get everyone down for breakfast and the meal had been quite lively, Yanis had left for the bookstore not long after though so he was absent for lunch, it didn't matter though, the rest were there and that was more than enough.

Although, maybe he should let Darian and Leon sit out on dinner, they didn't let any of the Pack members comfortably come near the Head Beta, just breathing down their necks and being generally intimidating.

He had no idea how Jaxie managed to collect them like candy without even trying.

He's so lost in thought that he doesn't notice Virgil coming from the adjacent hallway, till his mate sweeps him off his feet.

"Virgil!" he exclaims in wonder. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, you're just going to nap…"

"But I want to go down to the daycare and I still have to peek in on the clinic…."

Virgil easily ignores his rambling, swiftly making his way to their apartment. "You'll do that another day, for now, you nap." He repeats stoically.

Hayden just stares up at him in exasperation, crossing his arms in a peeve as he knows trying to convince Virgil is like trying to move a boulder, he couldn't.

"Don't pout." Virgils adds to him when he gets a good look at his mate's upset face.

"I'm not pouting." Hayden grouches.

Virgil bites back a smile at this, adjusting Hayden so he could open the door to the apartment. "We have a run today, I can't have you falling asleep halfway or hurting yourself to keep up." He explains seriously, plopping Hayden on the bed.

Hayden knows that Virgil is right but he had been on a roll today and was proud of himself. He let out a muffled sound, rolling far away from his mate.

Virgil just watches him curl up in amusement, looking like a small bundle of disgruntlement, he knows Hayden doesn't appreciate him laughing when the Omega is upset but he couldn't help it - why did his mate have to be so cute?

"Will you nap?" Virgil requests, voice soft. "For me?" He insists because knowing Hayden, there is no telling that he wouldn't hop out of bed as soon as Virgil was gone and start baking cookies for the entire Pack or brush the kittens fur, one by one.

Hayden uncurls slightly to peek at him, trying and failing to remain upset. "Fine." He agrees with a martyric sigh. "But on one condition, you cuddle me to sleep." He demands petitshly.

Virgil smiles this time, gums flashing, - Hayden could still be painfully shy about intimacy sometimes so when he does prompt it, Virgil is quick to humor him.

"Fine." He agrees, helping Hayden take off his shoes… "You have to uncurl for me to take of your jeans." Virgil points out patiently.

This only makes Hayden curl around himself tighter, red face buried in his hands. "I'm n-not wearing any underwear." He murmurs in a small voice.

"You'll sleep with your jeans on then?" Virgil inquires.

"No, it's so uncomfortable, just let me go undress…." Hayden replies quickly, already rolling to the other side of the bed to dart across the room.

"Wear my shirt." Virgil calls to him as he watches his small feet hurry across the carpeted floor.

Hayden had probably used up all of his boldness for the day to ask for a cuddle - it made him think about the morning he had woken up to find Hayden riding him or the silent argument they had the night before… that had definitely been his mate's wolf at work.

Because here is the same adorable werewolf running to go change in the bathroom because he's not wearing any underwear.

He undresses as well, Hayden might just kick him off the bed if he tries to cuddle the other with his jeans on.

Virgil gets on the bed when he's done to wait for Hayden, he's content, a hand thrown over his face as he breathes deeply, although he's still nervous because, Hayden hadn't agreed to not wanting a baby anymore but at least he wanted to wait, hopefully by then Virgil would have managed to talk himself into it.

The scent of his mate mingling with his is what alerts him to Hayden's presence, taking his hands off his face in time to see Hayden dashing for the bed at top speed, in his favorite of Virgil's shirts, a dark blue, cotton t-shirt.

Virgil sits up in time, wearing nothing but sweatpants that he had taken from the wardrobe to catch Hayden when he throws himself at him, giggles bubbling up from his mate.

"Come on, time to nap." Virgil reminds Hayden when he keeps rolling across the bed, away from the Alpha's searching hands.

Hayden only crawls away, he really wasn't sleepy and was hoping to tire out Virgil but coming out to find Virgil already dressed for a cuddle session, he knew there was no getting out of taking a nap, doesn't mean he has to make things easy for his Alpha.

Virgil is done already, reaching out a hand to grab Hayden's ankles but the Omega has faster reflexes now and quickly tucks his legs under him, rolling off the bed to the padded ground.

This catches Virgil off guard, he jumps off the bed after Hayden and is soon chasing his giggling mate across the room - if he didn't love his mate so much and found this entire situation adorable, he might have been irritated.

Eventually, Hayden slips and falls on the bed, Virgil grabbing him quickly before he can take off again and pulling him into a cuddling session to keep him in place.

Hayden places a smacking kiss on Virgil's cheek, smiling goofily. "Love you, baby."

Virgil mumbles a reply back, wondering if they had fed his mate alcohol down at the kitchens, the running around had it's perks though because soon enough, Hayden is drowsy.

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