Becoming the Luna

Chapter 318

Virgil wakes up first, unsurprised that he had fallen asleep as well, there was nothing more relaxing than your mate sleeping in your arms.

Slowly, he untangles himself from Hayden, careful to not rouse him, there was still sometime before the preparation of dinner would commence.

He didn't have to go back in to his office again, it was why he hadn't minded falling asleep too.

He walked out of the bedroom to go attend to their cat, Apple hopping out of her nest to bounce around his legs, white fur sleek, her babies were bigger now and during their stay at Julia's had gained some popularity.

They all had homes waiting for them so that wasn't a worry, although he had a feeling this birth was a one time thing, the cat was equally as shocked as they all were.

He wandered around the rooms, unsure of what was tingling under his skin, just dancing on the end of his subconscious.

He studied the house critically with a new eye, picturing what the bright space would look like with a little pup running around. It didn't sound like a bad idea but the process made him backtrack on that thought.

It really was going to take a while to get used to the idea.


After dinner everyone returned to their apartments, it was still too early anyway to go out, they had the entire night to themselves.

Hayden was a bundle of energy, dancing around the house with a meowing Apple, her kittens skidding around as they tried to follow their mother.

Virgil just watched the show from the couch, a faint smile on his face. "You're going to tire yourself out before the run."

A knock rapped on the door.

"No, I won't." Hayden is quick to refute, plopping Apple down on his legs so he could go open the door for who 'no doubt' had to be Dream.

He could hear his mate excitedly greet his friend and shook his head, like he hadn't been expecting the other.

"Think I should sit this one out?" He asks Apple who just stares up at him with endless sapphire eyes.

"Me too." He agrees although Apple hadn't said anything.

"Good evening, Alpha." Dream greets politely when he comes in.

"Hey, Dream, I was just taking Apple and her kittens back to their nest." He excuses, escaping with the cats who are a little bit many for him to easily hold in his arms.

"V, don't drop them!" Hayden warns sternly, watching him stumble around in trepidation, the kittens in his hands.

"I won't…" he hurries away, thinking he could maybe get a nap in before it was time to leave.

He barely does before Hayden is waking him up by smacking him around with a pillow.

Soon they're all heading out, it was pretty late, the full moon hanging low in the sky as if to welcome them, the night lively with excited Werewolves chatting away.

Dream falls back from his spot beside Hayden, the Alpha and the Luna always lead the runs anyway then they all more all less parted ways, each family going off to have fun and frolic in the cover of the soft glow of moonlight.

Dark Moon Pack had their own part of the woods to run in but it was a very common occurrence that Pack members of the different Packs ran into each other.

When they had gone deep into the woods, that the Pack Houses weren't even visible anymore through the cover of the trees, Virgil started off the transformation, the others shifting as well at his howl.

They all ran into the night.


Virgil carried up a passed out cold Hayden, he had enjoyed the run a little too much, and had dropped fast asleep not long after he shifted to human form.

The sky was already lightening, most of the rest of the Pack already tucking their families and selves in, tomorrow would be a late day for everyone.

Sometimes they stayed out till the sun rose but that was on weekends and then they would have a cookout but that was a while ago, they stopped having those now.

He glanced down at his sleepy mate, twigs were stuck in Hayden's tawny hair, mouth slightly parted - he had really exhausted himself out - Good thing the runs were just once a month.

He got his mate ready for bed and dropped him on it. Hayden probably needed a shower but he was sure his mate wouldn't appreciate getting wet while he was trying to sleep.

He smiled at the way Hayden rolled in his direction like he was chasing after body contact but he would take a shower first and maybe fix something for himself to eat before sleeping for a couple hours.


Yanis woke up with a headache, guess Hayden hadn't been exaggerating when he told him to get earmuffs.

The howling had died down an hour ago or so and he could finally get some proper shut-eye before going down to the bookstore.

Jennie had said that she planned to have a half day since she promised to help out at some pet store? He hadn't gotten all the details.

He hadn't minded looking after the store for her, knowing himself he would just flip the sign to 'closed' and spend the rest of the day reading, Hayden had some antique books he planned to splurge on.

He goes for a cold shower but even that isn't enough to wake him up, not until he nearly burns off his lips with the steaming hot coffee does he properly do.

He pulls on a loose, black t-shirt and comfortable jeans, running a quick comb through his ruffled black hair and putting his glasses, he looks average.

At least he hopes he does, there wasn't any designer clothing or expensive as fuck hair and body products to make him distinctive.

He was just an average person who worked in a bookstore, boring and very forgettable. It was exactly the kind of dream vacation he had always wanted.

He should probably get a hot meal from the kitchens but the day before Hayden had dragged him down without his wish so today he was going for bagels and a frappuchino, he deserved it.

He throws on a jacket and makes his way out, locking up his apartment, he could pretend for a couple months that he was an average person.

It wasn't that he disliked his fast and rich life but he needed a break every now and then, he would soon get bored of this slow lifestyle if he were to live it forever.

He made his way downstairs, now familiar with most of the people in the Pack House, he was content to keep his distance though and this was fine with the Werewolves although some acted like they would like get to no him better.

He wasn't in the market for a relationship so he didn't hesitate to turn them down and go ghost.

He had the keys to Hayden's car although he insisted on renting one, Hayden said he didn't mind that now that he was the 'Luna' he wouldn't be able to go down to the bookstore as often as he uses to and if he wanted to, they would go together.

It made a lot of sense so there was no use arguing it.

As usual, Jennie is already at the bookstore when he gets there although he's there pretty early too. It makes him wonder sometimes if she just didn't mess with his head by sleeping in.

He goes out to get the coffee and doughnuts, the day going by in a flurry of people, books and conversation, the smell of coffee occasionally permeating the sweet smelling bookstore.

Soon, it was time for Jennie to leave, he says goodbye to her and immediately flips the sign.

After spending a couple hours all alone, he decides, on a whim to flip the sign again.

It was their slow hours anyway, anyone coming in would be an old time customer either coming to return a rented book or buy one last minute.

So it doesn't come as any surprise to him when he doesn't see anyone for a long time, he had ordered pizza for lunch and while he and Jennie would have usually shared a large one, she was gone so it was all him.

It was late afternoon anyway, maybe he would call it an early day.

Just as he was contemplating if to close up the store, the door bell rings and he looks up to see a lady come in.

She wore a short pleated skirt and a long sleeved shirt a couple sizes too small, her blonde hair was down to her back, black rimmed glasses over her eyes.She had a satchel slung over her left shoulder, her lipstick a couple shades on the wrong side... Wait, when did he know so much about lipstick shades? It must be his mother's constant rambling getting stuck in his subconscious.

As far as he knew, she was a new customer, unless she was older than he had been here and went away for a while.

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