Becoming the Luna

Chapter 319

As far as he knew, she was a new customer, unless she was older than he had been here and went away for a while.

"Hi, welcome to Hayden's bookstore, how may I help you?" He greets politely, trying to not stare - it was a little too late though.

"Hey, thank you..." Her voice was husky, like she smoked a lot but looking at her bright face, Yanis couldn't see that happening.

"I'd like to rent a book please, I just moved into town." She says with a polite smile. "I hope I'm not too late."

"Nah, you're good." He waves her away, already getting into the details of the procedures to rent a book.

"You can browse through the rent section and when you find a book you want, just come and fill this in." Yanis explains.

"Thank you." She nods to him, moving in the direction he showed her to.

Yanis already starts packing up to leave, he hadn't seen Hayden all day, he should check on his friend, after he had spent the night before running around with giant wolves, he might be slightly worried.

The lady wanders around a bit, sneaking glances at him in the most suspicious way but he pays her no mind, clearing up the counter in preparation to leave.

Soon enough she makes her way back with some random book on war and poetry - what kind of creepy combination was that? - he makes no comment about it though, taking down the book's name and ID.

"Just fill in your name here and the duration of time you'll rent it for." he spins the book in her direction, handing her his pen. "Oh and yeah, there's a fine to be paid if you're like say… a week late."

She looks slightly surprised at this. "I'll be on time, that's for sure."

He peeks at her name when she gives him back the record book, Catherine with a K.

"Come again, Katherine." He tells her nicely.

"Thank you, um, if you don't mind can I get a name?"

Yanis sensors go on red alert at this, his eyes narrowing slightly behind his glasses. "I'm Jed." He introduces, reaching out a hand, his numerous accents came in quite handy in situations like this. "Nice to meet you Katherine."

"Please…" She smiles nervously. "Call me Kathy… bye Jed!" She waves, going out the door.

"That's suspicious," Yanis mutters to himself, snatching up the satchel where the money of the day was moved to, usually Jennie handled it but since she wasn't around, he would take it with him and give it to her tomorrow.

It would be the weekend soon, maybe he could get Hayden to sightsee with him, they barely spent any quality time together but he didn't mind, Hayden was busy and he seemed to be able to attract drama all by himself.

He wouldn't be surprised if 'Kathy' didn't show up again, she gave him the vibes of a person working for the press, maybe the paparazzi were following even the faintest leads, he could imagine how panicked they would have gotten when he just seemed to fall off the face of the Earth.

He didn't know what was going on outside Pine Creek, he didn't care enough to check, besides he was on a vacation, he wasn't obliged to.

He makes quick work of closing up, heading to Hayden's car to make his way back to the Pack House.

He should call his mom, knowing her she would demand for an old fashioned letter filled with polaroid picture of his visit and other aesthetics, no matter how many time he told her that her mail was being monitored, she didn't seem to find this an issue,

Yanis shakes his head fondly as he makes his way up, the Pack House was still a little quiet, the calm before the storm associated with preparing and eating dinner.

He makes his way to his room without bumping into anyone, which is slightly odd, he either bumps into one of the twins or Dream's older brother, maybe he had passed the vibe check, because he couldn't help but feel like they always had their eyes on him. 

He heads straight to his apartment for a shower, hopefully they wouldn't have to go down to the main dining room, he couldn't deal with that much attention two nights in a row.

He opens up his apartment, it was cool and dark and very empty, just how he liked - unbidden, Kathy goes past his mind, maybe he had been a little unfair with throwing her under the bus like that but he has had some pretty nasty situations with the press in the past.

His intuition had never been wrong about these things, he would be gone soon enough anyway, he shouldn't be bothered about this.

He takes his time with showering, humming off-key in the humid bathroom.

He would spend the summer here as well, seeing as it was just about the end of spring, if Hayden didn't have the wedding early, he would just have to fly down again whenever it would happen, preferably with a gun in his belt in the case Virgil lost all his brain cells, though, he couldn't see that happening.

He pulled on sweatpants, the sun was about to set, he could keep his friend company until his VIrgil came or it was time for dinner.

A thin sweater goes over his head, he grabs his phone and makes his way out, feeling comfy and clean.

He taps on his phone as he makes the turn that would take him to Hayden's apartment, the distance between them was aesthetically pleasing to him, it was close enough to drop in on Hayden whenever he wanted but also far enough to keep away from Virgil.

He knocks on the door and waits for a response, glancing down at his phone, Jennie was texting that she had just gotten home, he sends a quick reply, reaching out to knock again.

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