Becoming the Luna

Chapter 321

Dream wandered back to his room, the day had been a half one, he hadn't bumped into anyone early in the morning when he came in but he was pretty sure both pack runs ended at roughly the same times.

He is surprised though when he sees Keiran, in casual clothing and bed hair when he decides to go in early to work.

"Um… hey, did you sleep in the parking lot?" He asks the Head Beta with a straight face - it wasn't easy to.

Kieran just stares blankly at him. "I want to quit." He says without effort.

Dream cackles at him, following him as the Head Beta trudged to his office.

"So what happened to you?" He asks curiously.

Kieran glances at him. "Somehow pups aren't scared of big bad wolves any more." He mutters, pushing open the door to his office.

"There was this one kid that refused to leave till he fell asleep and shifted, I had to babysit till the run was over then go find his parents."

Dream tries hard to keep a straight face and keeps failing, an image of Kieran running away from pups and trying to snarl at them to get them to leave him but they just mimic him and charge after him faster, playing through his mind.

"I'm surprised you chose to sleep here, damn, I'm shocked you even joined the Pack run."

Kieran rolled his eyes, pushing a hand through his tousled hair - Dream thinks he looks better this way, than the up-tight coiffed way he usually did.

"Your boyfriend pulled a fast one on me." He scoffs.

Dream splutters at this, forgetting to be amused at Keiran's situation. "He's not my boyfriend."

"Sure." he replies dryly, getting ready to work. "It's the weekend anyway, I'll leave when it's time and come back in on monday.

A knock interrupts Dream's response, making him perk up, the only other person that would come in, had to be Dale.

"I finally got that story arc figured out." Bryan hurries in, eyes bright with bags under his eyes.

Dream freezes up at this, trying to place the other's face. 

"I told you to go and sleep." Kieran says coldly without glancing up from his opened laptop.

Bryan visibly flinches at this, the lights in his eyes fizzling out. "Oh, okay." He mumbles, cringing into himself as he hurries out again.

Dream places him at the last minute, Kieran had explained his situation to him.

He reaches forward a hand to the Head Beta's desk to grab a particularly large file, holding it in both hands even as Kieran continues to be engrossed in whatever was going on, on his device's screen.

"Dream, you should get going, I don't think…." He doesn't get all his words out before Dream is thwacking him over the head with the file.

"Why did you dismiss him like that…." Dream is already talking over Keiran's exclamation of pain. "He looked really excited to share his news with you and…." Another thwack! "And if you call Dale my boyfriend again, I'm going to start carrying my frying pan in a satchel." He threatens with a serious expression.

Keiran just tosses him a dark look. "You know, I don't remember inviting you into my office.

"Alright, fine, I'm going." Dream returns the file before leaving.


When he still doesn't get any response, Yanis decides to try the door, he doesn't think Hayden would go anywhere considering the hectic day his friend had yesterday, knowing him, he was probably fast asleep but then again, maybe he should have called before coming.

The door opens, which means that someone is in, he knows for sure that Virgil is at his office so did Hayden fall asleep?

"Hayden!" He calls lightly, it would be a little strange for him to still be asleep by this time but Yanis didn't want to wake him up rudely.

His searches only provide him with a purring Apple who is smacking her kittens around with a paw to stop them from chewing on her tail.

So he tries the room, knocking gently. He hears a soft invitation inside and all his sensors go on red alert.

"Hayden?" He calls out in worry, flinging open the door.

Just as he suspected, Hayden doesn't look so good, the temperature of the room affected by him, he looks uncomfortably hot, his hair sticking to his skin, sprawled weakly across the bed like he was trying to reach for his phone.

"Oh my God!" He hurries across the room, reaching for him.

Hayden curls into himself as soon as Yanis makes body contact like it hurts to be even touched, Yanis also retrieves his hand sharply at his unrealistic high temperature.

He hadn't been expecting Hayden to almost burn him, the human body shouldn't get so hot, this was very bad news.

"We need to get you down to the clinic, hell, we need a fucking specialist, let me just make a few calls…." He rambles on. "Wait, i s-should try to get your temperature down right… I didn't even ask, a-are you in pain… does anywhere hurt…."

"Shhh…." is all Hayden manages to say, eyes hazy. "C-call Dream." he adds in a soft voice, reaching out.

Yanis freezes at this, eyes wide. "What? What does Dream have to do with this? I need to call Virgil, we need to get you to the hospita…."

"No." Hayden cuts him off sharply. "You can't call Virgil…."

This only serves to shake Yanis up harder. "W-what, why not?"

"Just don't, please, c-call Dream…" he curls up again, the clothes on his body soaked through.

Yanis is at a loss, all his protective instincts on edge but he figures out that this is some wolf business and he should listen to Hayden, although that's the very last thing he wants to do.

He was polishing Virgil's eye a pretty dark color whenever he got close to him, it was his fault Hayden was now a wolf person anyway.


"Yani, p-please…" Hayden rolls over to his stomach, his legs tucked underneath him.

"Ugh, fine, maybe Dream will get you to see reason." He mutters resolutely, picking up Hayden's phone, unsurprised to find Dream's contact on speed dial.

Dream is just packing up for the day when his phone rings, he hadn't seen Dale all day, which was a little weird but he wasn't going to the Alpha's office when they could send emails and make phone calls.

It's the weekend, his first weekend so he's expecting it to be his mom, it would be no surprise if it were, he was surprised that she hasn't even come to pay him a visit yet, restricting herself to a single phone call per day - he was proud of her.

He's surprised to pick up his phone and see that it's Hayden, he remembers his friend playing endlessly with the Pack pups the night before and he still wonders how Hayden had that much energy to keep up with the baby Werewolves with enough energy to match that of chipmunks on caffeine.


"Dream!" Yanis cuts him off, voice distraught.

"Yanis, what's wrong? Where's Hayden?" He's quick to ask, gripping his phone right.

"He's here and… listen, he doesn't look okay right but he doesn't want me to call Virgil or let me take him to the hospital…."

"W-What do you mean he's not okay?" Dream's blood pressure shoots out of the roof. "Werewolves can't get sick."

"Werewolves can get… what???" Yanis repeats, mouth wide open.

"How's his temperature?" Dream asks worriedly.

"Definitely going to break a thermometer…" Yanis replies without hesitation.

"Fuck." Dream curses, already heading for the door of his office. "Give Hayden the phone."

Hayden doesn't look in any shape to even hold the phone so Yanis holds it for him.

"Hay?" Dream calls in a soft voice, worries at the weak response he gets. His friend's heat must just be starting if he is still lucid.

"You know what this is right?"


"And you don't want Virgil to know."


That was a brave statement, because Dream had just experienced phantom heats and he knew how bad those could get.

Well it explained his baby cravings a couple days ago, although it came without warning of Virgil hadn't even noticed until it hit.

It could also be a side effect of being a part Werewolf, his scent didn't change to show that his heat was oncoming or Virgil would have been the first to catch a whiff of it.

"I'm coming right now okay…"

"No, Dream, don't, you'll get it too." Hayden says with a surge of energy.

"I'll be fine, I'm on suppressants." He is quick to reassure his friend.

He hoped that would keep him safe...

He threw open the door and hurried down the hallway, Virgil wouldn't be happy about this, knowing how overprotective he was of his mate.

But there was also Virgil's obvious aversion to his mate getting pregnant because of how dangerous it could be so this would be a bit of a dilemma but now Dream just wanted to get to his friend to make sure he was okay, they would have to clear out the fourth floor too because pheromones would be swarming around soon.

Wasn't this just dandy.

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