Becoming the Luna

Chapter 322

Dream tries the door to Hayden's apartment when he gets there, slipping in when he finds it open.

He frowns as soon as he is in, noting that although his friend should be a couple hours away from his heat, he can smell absolutely nothing different.

This could be dangerous because it meant his heat would creep up on him unawares, especially in public places where that would be unideal. 

He hurries to the direction of the room where he could here Yanis' low and worried voice trying to comfort Hayden, hopefully this side effect of being a part wolf and also a male Omega would mean that his heats didn't have the ripple effect all heats did - that felt like a long shot.

"Hi, Hay…" Dream comes in quietly, careful to not make a lot of noise, moving closer.

"You shouldn't be here, Dream." Hayden is quick to say, upset.

"He's right, if this is contagious, what is it? Some kind of flu? Either way you shouldn't be here." Yanis supports. "I just need you to convince him to let me take him to the hospital and I'll handle the rest."

Dream makes a face, explaining this to Yanis was going to be a little bit hard but that wasn't what was important at the moment, he needed to get Hayden's temperature down, hopefully that would slow down his heat and give Dream more time to prepare.

Yanis would have been the best person to tend to Hayden because he was human but he would rather not incite murder in Virgil if he could help it.

Plus he doesn't think Yanis would want to be in that situation, it'll be uncomfortable for everyone involved.

But Dream is taking a huge risk by being here, if he's not careful, Hayden's heat could start his off, suppressants wouldn't be able to help.

He gets to work first trying to get his friend's temperature down, Yanis yelling in horror when he tries to take Hayden's clothes off, nearly spinning off the bed in his haste to retreat.

Dream rolls his eyes at this, Hayden was getting incoherent by the minute.

"Fine, make yourself useful and get in some water here in a cooler from the kitchen, grab as many energy bars as you can find and some easy to invest and digest foods or fruits, come on off you go." He shoos the other away, getting back to work.

The sheets needed to be changed but he doubted he could get Hayden out of bed long enough for him to do that, besides it would only get worse when the slick fest started.

He manages to get Hayden's temperature under control, relieved when his friend falls asleep, the cramps wracking through him must hurt like hell, he deserved whatever rest his body could get.

This was going to be one long ass weekend…

He comes back to find that Yanis has dropped off what he asked for and disappeared again, that was good enough.

Hayden's temperature is low enough to comfortably touch him now but his skin was still an uncomfortable red, goosebumps going off each time Dream even got close enough.

His upper half was bare, short shorts doing little to retain modesty, that would be gone as soon as the half Omega woke up though, heats and clothes just didn't mix, he was surprised at the lack of a nest though, what if this was just preheat period?

That would mean the main heat would be a horror show, Hayden wouldn't be able to get through it without his Alpha.

Was it this intense because he was a male Omega? But he was part so it should be diluted if anything, it made Dream almost terrified to have his heat, although he knew it was inevitable.

He leaves the room when Hayden's skin is cool to the touch and his friend is fast asleep, finding Yanis pacing in the living room.

"Do you want to stay here and keep and eye on him, he's asleep now or you want to follow me over to Virgil's." Dream asks.

Yanis is torn, this is the perfect opportunity to confront Virgil but he's also worried about his friend. "He's asleep? Are you sure?" He prompts with wide worried eyes.

Dream's expression softens at this. "Yeah, you can check if you want."

Yanis immediately remembers the state Hayden was in before he left, he wasn't about to go back in there so soon, the sickness was suspicious and Dream didn't seem too eager to explain to him - he was almost scared to find out what exactly was going on.

"No, I'll pass, we'll be back soon right?" He inquires, for reassurance.

"Of course, I have to keep an eye on Hayden." Dream says.


"Darian and Leon took the day off?" Virgil asks in surprise. "Why? Are they fighting out in the woods?" He tags on, he didn't mind them taking the day off, they did more than they had to anyway, it was just weird that they would both choose the same day.

Jaxon shrugs, at a loss just like the Alpha. They are both seated in Virgil's office, Ian on his spot on the couch, replying to Pack emails and the spam emails that seem to constantly come in.

"Maybe but the only reason they've not taken a day off yet is because they can't stand leaving one person behind to be here all day." Ian lifts his head from his tablet to say, fixing knowing eyes on Jaxon, as usual, this innuendo goes over the Head Beta's head.

"They probably decided on a day to go off together."

Virgil nods. "Makes sense." You should take the weekend off too Ian, you all should." He tags on, pinning Jaxon a knowing stare. "When was the last time you went over to the family house or paid your niece a visit?"

This stumps Jaxon, unable to come up with a date.

"That's it, all of you, get the fuck out of my office and go have fun." Virgil orders.

A knock follows this announcement and they all perk up.

"That's probably Leo or Dar giving up first." Ian mutters to himself.

Just as Virgil is about to invite the person on the other side in, Dream pushes open the door, Yanis following in behind him. 

This sets all of Virgil sensors blaring, it was weird enough Dream coming to see him but with Yanis in tow and both looking like they had just seen a puppy get run over was downright terrifying.

"Where's Hayden?" He asks immediately the door slips shut, his eyes lighting to a pale gold.

"Your mate is fine." Dream is quick to reassure him, suddenly feeling bone tired. "His heat is coming on but he doesn't want you to go to him."

This freezes up Virgil who is already halfway out of his seat. "W-What?" He stutters looking lost. "Why?"

Dream settles on a chair beside Jaxon. "I'm pretty sure you already know the answer to that."

Virgil sits down at this, his mind faraway.

"Did you check on him?" Jaxon leans forward in worry. "That's dangerous, Dream."

"I know." Dream says quietly, his words encouraging no further discussion on the matter.

"Can someone tell me exactly what's going on, humans don't have heats, male humans for that matter." Yanis complains, looking upset.

"He's a wolf person now, remember." Dream says placatingly. "I'm sorry but it'll be better if you leave for a while, we will all have to leave eventually."

"Dream is right, you might be human but I'm pretty sure you would want to be on this floor in the next couple hours." Jaxon supports. "Hayden will be fine, don't worry." He is quick to reassure when Yanis looks like he's about to raise hell. "This is very normal for a Werewolf okay?"

"Fine." Yanis grumbles, knowing that he's way out of his league here besides he didn't want to be the one to hold them back. "How long do I have to stay away?"

"Three days tops." Jaxon says with a thin smile, expecting an explosion.

Yanis shocks him however by swallowing back his words. "Fine, I'll call up Rouge, Ruby will be happy to see me." He tries to say nonchalantly but the twinkle in his eyes are quite bright.

"I should also be heading out." Ian picks himself out of the couch. "Don't worry, I'll tell Leon and Darian to stay away too." He tags on, his talk form leaving through the door that Yanis had just gone out from.

"I guess my weekend off is now compulsory, I'll be just a phone call away." Jaxie smiles nervously to Dream, glancing briefly at his Alpha who still had his head in his hands, deep in thought. "But you'll be fine won't you?" He asks the Omega again, worried.

"Yes, thank you." Dream returns a weary smile, he would have to leave soon as well, although leaving Hayden all alone to face his heat that he was no doubt unprepared for made his worry spike.

He would be useless though if his heat started up as well, while helping.

The choice was all up to Virgil now, there was no doubt that this time that the Luna would get knocked up, he could see from how hard Virgil's hands trembled that it would be a very tough decision to make.

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