Becoming the Luna

Chapter 323

"I'm going to check up on Hayden." Dream stands up with a huff after a while of watching Virgil lose his shit, it was starting to lose its charm.

"No." Virgil stops him as he goes to stand up, raising his head to reveal serene blue eyes. "Come on kid, head back to your apartment, thank you." He says in an oddly soft voice, reaching out to ruffle Dream's hair.

Dream slaps his hand away and gets up to his feet, moving his chair closer to Virgil, the Alpha just watches in confusion as Dream bends over to take off his shoes.

A small gummy smile starts up when he sees Dream get on the chair and become roughly his height so he could reach up and ruffle his hair.

He knows that Dream is just doing it to get back at him but he leans into the touch, welcoming the comfort and noting how Dream flinches slightly before getting invested in the hair ruffling.

"You'll be fine okay, now come on, shoo." He chases the Alpha away. "I don't want Hayden to wake up and not see you."

"Sure." Virgil sighs heavily, his mind had already been made up immediately he heard that Hayden had gone into heat but it took a while for his body to get with the program, both prospects were scary, leaving Hayden to face his heat alone and getting him pregnant.

He had promised to try though and he would, plus the option of leaving Hayden all alone to face his heat hadn't even crossed his mind, it hurt in a good way that his sweet little mate had thought of him even in a situation like this but he was done being emotionally spoon fed by Hayden, he would man up and face his fears.

Dream makes his way out at this, choosing to go down the floors and around to the Dark Moon Pack, he really needed to get far away from the fourth floor and Hayden.

He should probably see about lighting a candle tonight to keep his heat away or maybe go chug down his entire bottle of suppressant pills.

It was already dark outside, the sun setting a while ago and Dream remembered that he hadn't eaten dinner yet, also Kieran would be gone for the weekend by now, if he wanted to visit his mom tomorrow then he should better turn in early.

He might just have something light like a salad for dinner - he makes a face, Hayden was starting to rub off on him, he would make himself a ham sandwich, take a shower and sleep away whatever heat pheromones he might have caught.

He could see the steel in Virgil's eyes and knew that Hayden was in good hands, the Alpha would take care of his mate, not that he had ever been worried about that, the one thing Virgil couldn't do was intentionally hurt Hayden.


Virgil wastes no time locking up his office and hurrying down the hallways to his apartment and his mate, worried at how he had not noticed that his mate was on the brink of his heat.

All the signs had been there even if there wasn't any noticeable change in his scent, Hayden had only casually talked about maybe adopting like he was still considering the idea then all of a sudden it's a craving his sweet little mate is rage crying and throwing tantrums - come to think of it, what did he think that had been?

He pushes open the door and freezes up, whatever had been acting as a scent block had gone away and his mate's richer and heady scent of blooming roses and warm vanilla hits him like a brick wall, his body easily responding instantly.

He carefully locks up the door, whatever they would need over the duration of the coming days were inside the apartment, besides there was a very high chance that he would rip off someone's head off if they were dumb enough to come pay a visit.

He's already taking off his sweatshirt before he's halfway around the room, his skin heating up in response to his mate, dim lighting reflecting the hard edges of his body.

Virgil makes his way to the bedroom to find Hayden still asleep, he would leave him to sleep, his mate needed as much rest as he could get because when his heat started it would prevent him from getting rest until his body got what it needed.

He decided to take a shower while he waited for Hayden to wake up, with how often the other was squirming, tossing and turning on the bed, it wouldn't be very long.

He's not wrong because he barely done with rinsing off when hears Hayden softly crying, he had never gotten out of the fucking shower so fast, nearly slipping on the tiles and cracking open his head.

Hayden looks up as his head tracks the scent of his mate, the fire burning low in him flaring up, which makes him curls over, his eyes unable to focus.

"V-virgil, why are you here?" He gasps when Virgil makes his way over to the bed in nothing but a towel wrapped low on his waist.

Virgil makes a face at this, scrunching up his nose. "Why else?" He teases lightly, getting on the bed. "To read you a bedtime story."

Hayden huffs out the shadow of a laugh, kicking out a leg weakly in the general direction of Virgil, his mate catching his ankle and tugging him close.

"I know you're not ready for me to be pregnant yet…" Hayden is saying solemnly, looking up into Virgil's familiar blue eyes.

"How are you still even lucid?" Virgil asks in disbelief, he was already going hazy from the ripple effect, yet here was Hayden talking philosophy.

"I'm not… aaahh…" Hayden ends on a moan, clutching Virgil's bare shoulders.

"There it is." Virgil murmurs, pulling Hayden's writhing form into his arms, leaning forward to claim his mate's lips.

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