Becoming the Luna

Chapter 324

Dream feels exhausted, he's going to blame it on the fact that he just came down three flights of stairs and he's about to go up three more, he just might skip dinner, shower and go straight to bed.

He's so tired that his appetite is long gone, worry for his friend taking over. Although he knows Hayden will be fine, he has somehow managed to live through Virgil's rut, in his human form - he should be more worried for the Alpha.

Maybe he was just worried about himself, he didn't feel any different but he can help but feel like something was going to go terribly wrong, it's been over four years that he's been using suppressants, his body would crack pretty soon, he hoped it wouldn't be tonight.

He showers and pads to the kitchen in a bathrobe, feeling parched and a little warm, without realizing it, he downs the entire carton of fruit juice only realizing it's empty when there's no more pouring into his cup.

"This definitely means go to bed." He mutters to himself, he hadn't told his mom he would be coming the next day he had wanted to surprise her.

Hopefully she wouldn't have similar ideas but knowing his mom, she would definitely call up before coming over, besides the bakery was at its busiest on friday's, he wouldn't approve of his mom paying him a visit then.

He goes back to bed, thoughts scattered everywhere, where was Dale? He hoped the Alpha would come to ask to sleepover because he was scared of the rain…

Wait… that was the rain right? He thinks drowsily, stumbling to the window to look out and see that it was a clear, quiet night, a little on the cool side but there was no rain falling.

Where was that thundering happening then? In his head? Yeah, he should definitely fall asleep.

He plans to wear palamas but that plan is scrapped when his wobbly feet take him to the bed, and he's falling asleep as soon as his head touches the pillow.

Dale had spent the entirety of the day in his office, he planned to ask Dream out on a date the next day, a real date, without any tricks or shady business, he needed to know that if the Omega didn't have to for some silly reason Dale made up, would he still agree to a date.

He was nervous and tried to calm his nerves by immersing himself in work, it also meant that he would give himself more free time over the weekend.

He doesn't finish up until it's well past nine, only realizing how late it is when he gets a text from Jaxie saying he shouldn't come over to the Alpha floor for a number of days.

He frowns at this, apparently Hayden had gone into his heat, it was like the entire universe wanted for them to have pups.

He wondered if anyone had told Yanis what was going on yet, he imagined the human would be horrified when he found out.

He makes his way to his quiet apartment, deciding not to bother Dream, he wanted to make the best impression for tomorrow - although it might be a little too late.

He makes instant noodles to eat in the dim space, too strung up to settle down to make anything else. He was impatient to get to sleeping so that tomorrow would come, his excitement palpable.

He showers on autopilot, noting that it got windy outside, what would he do if it rained the next day? He realizes in a panic, hastily making backup plans that involved staying indoors, he would get knocked out multiple times then because there was no way he was sharing the same space with Dream for so long and manage to keep his hands to himself.

The creates the perfect backdrop and atmosphere to fall asleep to, mentally creating scenarios of how tomorrow would go, it didn't matter if the rain fell or not, it didn't matter if they got to going anywhere fun or spent the day in either apartment running around in their pajamas - as long as he spent it with Dream, it would be perfect.

Look at him, getting all cheesy, if Dream didn't mind he would be the cheesiest bastard ever.

Sleep comes slowly, offering comfort and just as his consciousness is about to switch off, he hears a telltale sound from the living room, this makes him sit upright in a rush, the sleep clearing out of his eyes.

It sounded like someone was moving around or was it just his imagination, no one ever came up here, Kieran was already gone for the weekend and even in his sketchy dreams, Dream never came to his apartment, unless it was to ambush him in his sleep.

The sound fades away and he brushes it out of his mind, his front door was locked, no one was sneaking in unless they broke in, he would definitely hear that happening so he rolled over to his side, tucking himself in and slipping his eyes shut.

Dream freezes up when he bumps into a side table, wondering what the fuck he was doing, he had woken up with a terrible fever, vision hazy and yet his brain and body both connived together that the best chioce of action was to go to Dale.

They weren't even putting the decision up for discussion because the last thing he remembers is waking up drenched in sweat, the shoulders of the bathrobe he had slept in, down by his arms, the belt around his waist barely holding the thin cotton robe together.

And now… and now he's in Dale's living room, that doesn't make any logical sense, if he's telling the Alpha to take a hike from the fourth floor because his heat is already knocking, it would be better to do this over the phone right?... right

This reasoning doesn't stop him though from making his way carefully over to Dale's bed, maybe if the Alpha leaves the floor, his body would stop working on autopilot.

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