Becoming Usopp


A/N: This would most probably be the last chapter of this month if I don't get the inexplicable yearning to write another chapter.

With his now aching head after Usopp’s disclosure, Zoro went back to his room while massaging his head in order to rest and calm his mind down which left Usopp all by himself on the deck. Usopp looked a bit confused as to why Zoro looked so frustrated but didn’t dwell much over it as he wanted to enjoy the experience he was currently having.

Earlier when he was training with Zoro he had concentrated his haki on only a limited area which was surrounding the two of them in order to focus on the battle and not get cut by Zoro’s blade but now he was feeling everything around him within a specified range which was approximately a radius of 200 meters with him as a centre.

One would expect that their brain would feel all clustered up If they were to perceive everything that was happening around them but that was not so the case in reality. Usopp felt like he had unlocked a natural state of how things should always have been.

He was able to perceive everything around him and along with that, if he increased his focus the speed with which he processed this information became quicker which made it feel like his surroundings were moving in slow motion.

This was something he was making use of during his earlier training with Zoro unconsciously as his fast movements forced him to do so. It's worth noting that he was dodging Zoro’s attacks while being blindfolded so now if he did it without them, the amount of mental energy he would be expending would be much less.

Usopp remembered that in the original Usopp gained the ability to perceive the aura of people with the help of observation haki and was curious to try it himself currently. Turning his head downwards, Usopp focused his attention towards the floor beyond which was their resting area where he used to sleep along with the rest of the men.

Usopp tried to focus his gaze on the floor with the intention of seeing past it while straining his eyes to the limit. Seeing that this was not producing any result Usopp was about to give up but it was then that his vision turned black and what appeared in that black area were 3 small bluish dots which soon grew bigger and morphed themselves into figures that resembled Luffy, Zoro and Sanji.

However, Usopp wasn’t able to celebrate the success of his attempt as the moment he succeeded in getting a glimpse of their auras his mind went blank and he collapsed on the ground due to exhaustion. This was his first time using Haki and it was normal that his mind would be put to quite a strain in order to adjust to this new ability of his.

The next day Usopp was woken up by Sanji who had woken early to prepare breakfast for everyone. At first, he was worried about whether something had happened to him but after realizing that he was just asleep he hurled him abuses for sleeping on the floor like that before going to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for everyone.

By early afternoon everyone onboard the ship was currently on the deck as they looked towards the island that was only about two nautical miles away from them.

“That’s the island where we’ll be docking next to resupply and then plan our way towards the grand line,” Nami said. She planned to get herself relaxed in the town by shopping for things and if affordable enough, go into a spa.

Seeing the island slowly approaching Luffy was jumping up and down on the neck filled with impatience regarding what all Loguetown had to offer. Zoro was thinking about getting himself two new Katanas as his previous two met their end in the hands of Mihawk earlier.

As for Sanji, he was thinking about all the beautiful ladies he would get to interact with on the town and how he'll be having a time of his life with them.

With different things on their mind, they finally docked their ship on a remote corner of the island and as per Usopp’s suggestion furled up the sails and hid their pirate flag symbol to ensure that their ship was not suspected to be a pirate one by the marines.

Unlike before they had more treasures with them so Nami, who could be called the treasurer, was not cheap like before and gave everyone an adequate amount of money to spend on things they wanted to buy for themselves.

Getting fresh beries in their hand it was natural that everyone’s mood was on cloud nine as they all quickly separated to enjoy their time in Loguetown.

Making his way past the crowds of people in the main market of Loguetown Usopp was wondering about what he should be doing next. The problem with the release of the Straw hat’s bounty had been delayed which meant that Smoker won’t cause them any problems like before. Now, he just needed to make sure that he was not made aware through other means that they were pirates.

Just when Usopp was thinking over this he saw the crowd of people in front of him making way for someone. On a closer look, the person was a beautiful-looking lady. However, unlike others, Usopp was not struck by her beauty but was struck by the realization that he had forgotten about Alvida and Buggy here.

They will definitely create a ruckus in order to capture Luffy and this would end up attracting the marine’s attention. ‘I can’t let these bastards ruin my plan, I need to make sure that things don’t mess up for us due to these bastards,’ Usopp thought to himself as a series of ideas ran through his mind one after another and finally deciding upon one, he turned around and left.

Seeing the departing back of the man who had been standing right in front of her a few minutes ago Alvida raised her eyebrows, since the moment she had eaten her devil fruit she had not seen any men turn their back on her while she was walking past them. She felt a bit irritated by this and wanted to confront the man but by the time she was ready to take action, Usopp was long lost in the crowd of people.

“Excuse me, I would like to make a report,” Usopp said to the marine that was standing outside the marine station on guard duty.

“Report? What is it?” The guard said thinking that it was the normal thievery report that happened in the town.

“I saw two pirates on the wanted posters roaming around in the town together. Luckily I’m a frequent follower of the newspapers and immediately recognised their faces. It’s Captain Buggy from the Buggy Pirates and Captain Alvida from Alvida Pirates…the both of them looked very scary and are definitely planning something nasty.” Usopp said to the marine in a grave manner.

Sensing how serious the issue was the marine lost his bearing a bit and told Usopp to wait outside while he informed about all this to his superior. Usopp nodded to him sincerely and the moment the marine went inside he disappeared from that place. The last thing he wanted was to get too close to Smoker at the moment.

A few moments later the same marine came back to call Usopp in only to see that there was no one standing there. Readying himself to face the abuses of his superiors the man gulped down his saliva and slowly went back in.

A frustrated Smoker told his adjutant to take this matter seriously and start searching for the two pirates. He needed to confirm the intel that had been given to them first rather than wasting their time on who the intel provider was.


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