Becoming Usopp


A/N: Good evening Gentlemen, I'm Back! Here's the first chapter after a long absence. All exams went awesome and cleared my arrear paper as well! It's now time to once again bask in the world of literature.

Usopp by now had blended into the crowd of people who were walking in the street and was finally relaxed. ‘Like hell, I’m going to interact with Smoker so soon and raise his suspicion,’ Usopp thought to himself. Until he learnt to use Armament Haki, he had no plan on fighting with this man.

Usopp had a lot of money in his hands currently thanks to their generous treasurer and knew exactly what he needed to do. The pair of revolvers he had gotten from Nami had only a hundred bullets with them and from his early days of playing shooting games that number seemed very low to him.

Usopp spent the rest of the hour moving in the deeper and shady ends of the market which were rarely visited by normal people. He soon saw a signboard which had the name ‘ GoldDRoger bar’ written on it. Getting a hint of familiarity from it Usopp went inside the bar only to see that the that the serving table was unattended.

Thanks to his observation haki could easily sense that there was only a single man inside the bar and his stature seemed to be quite small.

“What brought you here young man…with a long nose?” the old shrivelled up man said in his hoarse voice.

“A glass of rum please,” Usopp said as he passed the man a gold coin worth a thousand berries.

Seeing the gold coin, the old man’s eyes lit up as he slowly stood up from his chair and went to the serving table to prepare a glass of rum for Usopp.

“These days have been tough for business thanks to that newly assigned marine captain Smoker, tch…that bastard had caught almost all of my regular customers who were into shady businesses or piracy.” The old man said as he saw Usopp looking around his dilapidated place.

“That’s quite saddening,” Usopp said hearing the old man’s words.

“Are you a ruffian or a pirate brat? As from what I know no regular folk comes in my place,” The old man said.

“A pirate, would that be a problem?” Usopp asked.

“Since you’ve given me a gold coin I’ll be kind enough to tell you to not get caught by that Smoker, he’s quite a stubborn fellow and won’t show any mercy to any pirates. He has devil fruit powers and is also quite adept in using it so you better take my words seriously,” the old man said as he served the glass to Usopp before going back to take his seat.

“Thanks, old man, I’ll keep that in mind,” Usopp said as he emptied the glass in a single lift before wiping the drops that leaked from the corner of his mouth. Savouring the bitter taste till it went away Usopp decided to ask the old man what he had been wanting to ask him.

“Do you know anyone here who can make more of these for me?” Usopp said as he inserted his hand into his shirt’s pocket and took out a small bullet that belonged to his revolver.

“Let me see,” The old man scrunched his eyelids as he took the bullet from Usopp’s hand.

“That’s a uniquely shaped bullet,” The old man said as he continued “Would it be possible for me to take a look at the gun to which this belongs?”

“Sure,” Usopp said as he took out one of the revolvers that he had put under his belt and gave it to him.

Looking at the exquisite-looking revolver, the old man couldn’t help but compliment it, “Impressive looking,”

After looking at the gun barrel and its firing procedure he got the basic idea of what would be needed to create the bullet and nodded to himself as he said “Alright, I can make this. How many of them do you need?”

Hearing the old man’s words Usopp was taken in by surprise as he said “You can make these? Aren’t you just the owner of this bar?”

“In my field, if you don’t have multiple skills then it’s very hard to make money,” The old man said with a smirk as he looked at Usopp’s face.

“Oh..I’ll be needing a thousand of them. Would you be able to do it?” Usopp laid out his requirements.

“A t-thousand? What are you planning to do with so many?” The old man lifted his shades to look into Usopp’s eyes.

“Nothing at the moment but I’ll most probably be needing them in the future and it’s better to stock them now.” Usopp replied in a casual manner as he continued “So? Can I trust you with this job old man?”

“As long as you got the money, you can trust me with anything,” The old man gave a professional smile to Usopp.

Money was not a problem for Usopp as he smiled back at the old man and shook his hand after deciding on a price with him. The old man told him that it would take him at least a week to prepare so many bullets so he would be needing to stay in Logue Town for a week.

Usopp didn’t have any problem with this as after taking care of Buggy and Alvida he was concerned free about their stay here in Logue town. He’ll just have to brief everyone to stay a bit more reserved in the town in order to not attract attention from Smoker.

It was late afternoon by now and Usopp couldn’t hold his hunger any longer, so after dealing with his lack of ammo, he went to a seafood restaurant that was garnering a lot of attention from the tourists and the town folks.

When it comes to food, following the crowd never disappoints and Usopp enjoyed the savoury sea dishes till the point he was full. With a toothpick in his hand, Usopp once again followed the crowd walking aimlessly while picking his teeth. After a while, Usopp found himself in a familiar yet very unfamiliar place, the Execution Ground, the place where the former Pirate King was executed.

Just then Usopp saw a hat that had been floating in the air not far from him slowly glide towards him and rest on his feet. Picking it up Usopp observed the straw hat that looked very similar to Luffy’s and immediately understood that Luffy had accidentally dropped this due to his carelessness.

“Hey, Usopp! Can you pass me my hat please?” Luffy’s voice soon entered Usopp’s ears from the top of the Execution Platform. Looking at the cheerful face of Luffy who was waving back at him Usopp too waved back at him with a pained smile as he thought to himself ‘Hopefully this won’t be enough to attract Smoker’s attention,’


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