Becoming Usopp


Luffy’s hand soon stretched down and instead of just grabbing his hat he instead grabbed Usopp’s waist and wrapped his arm around it before pulling him up all up.

Usopp who was taken by surprise didn’t even get a chance to express his shock as before he could do it he was now standing on top of the Execution Platform, the place where Gold D Rodger, the former Pirate King, was executed.

Looking at his surroundings from this place Usopp couldn’t help but hold his breath. This change in perspective wasn’t just different but also felt surreal. “So that’s what the Pirate King saw before he met his end,” Usopp said to himself.

“Pretty neat right? I felt that you would also like to see this!” Luffy said with a cheerful grin as he placed his straw hat back on his head.

“It indeed feels ethereal…” Usopp said out loud as he took in the view. Watching it from a screen was a different thing and watching it for real was different. Just when Usopp was admiring the view to the fullest he saw a group of marines chasing another group of people at a distance.

Focusing his eyes further he realized that the people who were being chased were Buggy, Alvida along with the rest of the pirate crew. They were making quite a commotion as a result they ended up attracting all the attention of the crowd of spectators.

Maybe it was thanks to this commotion that the police officer who was getting ready to warn the two of them with a megaphone stopped and focused his attention behind him along with the rest. As a result, Luffy and Usopp were not the centre of attention at the moment and seeing that things might get a bit ugly if they stayed here Usopp rushed with Luffy and quickly got down the platform and disappeared with him in the crowd.

“It’s over you damned pirates,” Smoker jumped in between and blocked the path of Buggy and Alvida making both of them look at him vigilantly.

“Who the hell are you to tell us it’s over for us?” Buggy scorned at Smoker and shot him with his gun.

The bullet whistled through the air with great velocity and passed right through Smoker’s body making Buggy’s jaw drop straight down.

“L-Logia type!” Buggy said out in shock as he was clearly aware how power such devil fruit users were.

“What are you overreacting for? With my powers, he’ll never be able to grab hold of me and I’ll take care of him just like that.” Alvida said as she readied herself to hit Smoker with a mace.

“Tch, a waste of my time,” Smoker said to himself as he spread a cloud of smoke from his hands and caught both of them with it. With that, he gave an order and a large net made of sea stone was launched and landed on top of the two of them successfully capturing them.

The rest of their crew were taken care of by the marines after the two of them were captured. “Call the headquarters and ask them to guide these two pirates to Impel down,” Smoker gave the command and left the scene.

“What was all that for?” Luffy asked Usopp in a confused manner after being dragged down by him in a hurried manner.

“You saw those marines at a distance from the top?” Usopp asked.

“Yes, I did, what about them?” Luffy asked.

“The marine captain in this town is called Smoker and he has also eaten a devil fruit just like you but his ability is much different than yours and the way we are now, we won’t be able to defeat him because we are unable to touch him so its better to not garner his attention otherwise that would be the end of our journey,” Usopp explained.

“We can’t touch him?!” Luffy exclaimed.

“Exactly, the only way to defeat him is first to learn Armament Haki which none of us know as of yet. We’ll be needing to stay here for a week because of some equipment I need so I need you to don’t attract too much attention to yourself during these days…hey wait a minute do you want to learn observation Haki?” Usopp suddenly thought of a suitable and productive way of keeping Luffy busy.

“Of course I do! Can you teach me Usopp?!” Luffy said in excitement.

“Of course I can, Thanks to Zoro I entered an epiphany last night and learnt observation haki,” Usopp said with a proud expression.

“Sugoiii, teach me..teach me,” Luffy bounced on his feet as he pestered Usopp to quickly teach him.

“Alright, let’s go to the place where Merry is docked first,” Usopp said and with that, they went out of Loguetown and went to the secluded place where they had docked the Going Merry.

A few moments later Usopp blindfolded himself and asked Luffy to attack him in order to show him how sick observation Haki was. Luffy didn’t hold himself back and started attacking Usopp with full force.

“Gomu Gomu Nomu! Pistol!”

With that Luffy’s hand stretched back before coming back rapidly as it made its way towards Usopp’s stomach. Sensing the incoming punch Usopp calmly shifted his body out of the way of the attack which made Luffy’s hand pass right beside his stomach leaving Luffy amazed.

“That’s amazing! How about this!” Luffy stretched his leg and swung it towards Usopp’s legs with the intention of making him fall on the ground but just when the legs were about to touch him Usopp did a timely jump and once again dodged it.

Just like that a series of attacks kept on coming at Usopp and he kept on dodging each and every one of them. Around thirty minutes later both Usopp and Luffy were huffing because of physically exerting each other.

The last attack that Luffy did was a Gattling punches attack which required Usopp to not only to identify the attacks but also to dodge them. The identifying part was quite easy because of his Haki but the dodging part was proving to be difficult for him as time went by because his physical body was not able to keep on dodging those attacks for a long duration of time.

As a result, if not for Luffy also growing exhausted the same way as him, he would have successfully hit him during that last attack. This reminded Usopp to not neglect training himself physically as he had been neglecting it for quite some time now.

While they were taking a breather the rest of the crew members came back to the ship with newly bought things in their hands.


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