Beyond Average Prequel [DiceRPG]

089. Promises to be Made


Stressed out but writing a ton! Wish me luck!

I'll be two chapters ahead soon after this goes live!



Joti continued to touch at his face, feeling the pale skin. Adam understood the feeling of wanting to touch the wound. He reached up to touch his own, wincing slightly as he felt how tender his skin was. His face was still aching, more so than the rest of his bruised body. His healing magic had dealt with most of the worst injuries.

“It seems that I have made the best choice,” Joti said. “We will succeed in slaying the icewyrms.”

Adam smiled slightly, glancing aside. “Well, I think with this sword that’s for certain.”

“The blade does not make the man.”

“It certainly helps.” Adam grinned wide. He looked down towards the sword, still feeling its immense aura seeping out of it. “I’m thankful to you for the blade.”

“You may thank us by assisting us against the icewyrms.” Joti then returned to eating his food, and Adam followed suit. The meal was a hot soup for him, cold soup for the giants. The meat was tender and fell apart easily within his mouth. There was a certain minty flavour to it, which was unexpected though he did not mind it.

“To think the pair of you would get so serious in the bout,” Gotorsmith mused, brushing his beard with one hand. “I regret the bout more and more.” He laughed again.

“Perhaps we can fight another time,” Adam replied. “I wouldn’t mind coming back to use the Runeforge to enchant a weapon.”

“You humans are too greedy,” Gotorsmith replied, his eyes curious. “Don’t you already have an enchanted weapon of your own?”

“I have another weapon in mind for someone else. I have to return with a gift, and I’m hoping to borrow some assistance whilst I’m up north.”

“Assistance with enchanting for a bout.” Gotorsmith fell silent, going deep into thought. Adam was surprised to see how serious the giant was about the request. “We will have to see when you return.”

“That’s all I ask for,” Adam said, returning to his meal.

“We will rest up for a few days,” Joti said. “Then we will continue on our way to find an icewyrm.”

Once Adam was done with his meal, he went for a quick walk. He recalled that he was able to level up soon, though he wasn’t entirely certain which class he should level into. He had thought about Wizard, which was the reason why he didn’t level up into Warrior again, but maybe Warrior was better? The next level in warrior didn’t give him much, but Wizard at least gave him access to another pair of spells.

There were so many spells which were useful, though he could always find access to them out in the wild or in the city. Adam walked around the small giant village for a while, lost deep within his thoughts. He straightened up when he saw Sera approach him.

“Are you busy?” she asked.

“No, I’m not.”

“What were you thinking about?”

“Life, I suppose.”

She smiled. “The rumours are true. I heard that the little folk like to think about matters in the same way we do.”

“I’m not sure if it’s the same way, but I like to think about things, yes.”

“We often think about life as well. What about life were you thinking about?”

“My strengths and weaknesses.”

“That’s something difficult to figure out by one’s self.”

“You’re right, but I don’t have many other people who are familiar with me.”

“Not yet, but one day you will. We are long lived, and your kind live slightly longer than humans, perhaps you can spend some time with our kind?”

“I’ll think about it,” Adam replied, still not sure if he wanted to spend too long with the giants. “I want to explore the world, see all there is for me to find.” Adam looked out towards the walls. “I don’t want to be trapped with anyone for too long.”

“Trapped?” Sera asked. “We don’t seek to trap you.”

“I know, I didn’t mean yourself, I just meant myself to others.”

“You trap yourself to others?” she asked. “Why?”

“I don’t know…” Adam frowned. “No, I do know. I become close to people and feel guilty when I go. Even now I think about the Iyr now and again. I want to return with a gift, and I won’t until I’ve made it, but at the same time I want to return as quickly as I can.”

“You are close with the Iyrmen?”

“Some of them,” Adam said.

“I haven’t heard much about your story.”

“I’ll tell you it one day, once we’re done with the icewyrm slaying.”

“I will consider it a promise,” she said.

Adam raised a brow. “A promise?”

“So that you do not die whilst we’re on our expedition.”

“I will consider it a promise that you will listen to me when I return, and you can only do that if you’re alive.”

Sera smiled wide. “Agreed.”

Adam chuckled as he looked back out to the wall. He reached up to his face and then rubbed his tender skin. “Can you see the mark?” he asked her.

“Yes. It looks similar to the wound you have given our Chief.”

Adam smiled awkwardly. “Are you angry about that?”

“No.” She shook her head. “It was a splendid fight. It is rare for our Chief to seek out a fight, and even rarer for one to mark him in such a way.” She stared down at Adam. “If only you had shown the rest of the clan, it would have been quite the sight.”

“Is Joti stronger than Gutt?” Adam wondered aloud, though he glanced at her to see if she’d respond.

“Gutt is more powerful with his weapons,” she said. “Joti holds a stronger magic.”

“What about Aksak? How strong is he?”

“The Prince is stronger than Gutt with his weapon, and he is stronger than Joti with his magic.”

Adam reached up to his chin, rubbing it gently. “I see…” He thought about Aksak, and then about Joti and his magic. “What kind of magic do they know?”

“They know various Runesongs, those that call for ice and snow to assist them. Few ever reach their level of proficiency. Only the Runesmiths and Runesingers possess greater ability.”

“How many Runesmiths and Runesingers hold more power?”

“Within our clan, perhaps fifty? Only ten are so much more powerful that it would be unquestionable. Though…” Sera paused, uncharacteristic of a giant. Adam had never seen a giant let out half a thought before.

“Though?” Adam tried to coax out.

“No, I cannot give you baseless rumours.” Sera bowed her head gently.

Adam nodded, letting her keep face. “Then can you tell me about your maul?”

“What do you wish to know about it.”

“What kind of enchantment does it hold?”

Sera drew her weapon. “It holds a similar enchantment as your own, that of the war born,” she said, pointing towards a rune. Adam, familiar with dwarven runes, was able to notice that it was definitely something to do with war and battle, with its sharp lines. “It also holds the path finder enchantment, which allows me to ask the spirits for help in finding a path to someone or something which I am familiar with.”

“Is that how you were able to clear the snow to reveal the runes?” Adam asked.

“Partly,” she nodded. “I was also very strong.” She grinned wide at her words.

Adam laughed and nodded. “Well, I can’t disagree with that.”

“You are very strong as well, especially for a human. How were you able to gain such strength?” She asked.

“I guess that was partly due to Belle,” Adam replied. “He gave me such strength.”

“Belle?” Sera tilted her head in thought for a short moment. “Is that the God of Chaos?”

“It seems that way,” Adam said.

Sera’s eyes narrowed slightly as she continued to think. Adam stared up at her curiously, raising his brow at her. She remained in thought for quite some time, and Adam waited patiently for her. Soon the patience turned into awkwardness as he shifted from foot to foot. Sera then nodded her head, remaining silent.

“Though I also have given my sword for Arya,” he said. “I don’t necessarily pray to one god over another.”

“Your amulet is that to Baktu, isn’t it?”

“Baktu?” Adam replied. “It’s Sozain.”

“Yes,” she said with a nod. “Sozain, that was his name in your tongue.”

“Is Baktu a popular god in the north?”

“When there is death. If we were to die on our journey, then they would pray to Baktu.”

“It’s a good thing we won’t be dying then,” Adam replied back, nodding his head. “So Baktu is going to have to wai-” A cool breeze caressed the back of his neck and Adam shuddered. His head snapped to the side, looking around to see what had touched him.

Giant homes and giant people going about their day, but nothing out of the ordinary. He heard soft footfalls approach him, and he turned to see Joti, who was looking out towards the gates of the village.

“Someone is calling you,” Joti said.

Adam looked up at him questioningly before following his gaze towards the gates. He looked back up at Joti, who did not look away from the gates. The half-elf trekked out towards the gates and then grabbed onto the lever before pulling on it. A giant walked over to him, but stopped as a breeze caressed her cheek. Instead she remained silent and still, as though death had taken her in that instant.

Adam stared at her for a moment, now unsure of whether he should step out to find whoever was seeking him. He stared out once the gates had opened, seeing the vast whiteness which he had expected. Nothing else seemed to dot the landscape, though he could see the stones which had guided him up. He supposed that was a different type of snow, and was slowly beginning to understand how the giants viewed snow. He stepped out cautiously, looking all around. Then he saw the glowing in the distance.

It was a familiar glowing, one which beckoned him forward. He stepped closer, suddenly less apprehensive as he approached. A light blinded him, but not in the painful, searing way, but rather in a way to bask him in its warmth. Soon the whiteness turned to beautiful greens, those of emeralds and untouched nature, browns and reds of various wood, and the golden glow of light.

This wood was one which he had only ever been in once, with the trees which were planted with purpose, the branches arching in such a way to provide him a path to follow. He followed the path, towards the distant warmth which caressed his skin, one which he welcomed happily. The trees pulled away slightly, allowing him to move unmolested through. The air ahead was hazy and obscured what was beyond, but he could make out familiarly faint details.

There was a lake, just as he expected, and the haze which much else from his sight. He could see something through the haze though, glowing brighter with each passing second, the warmth radiating harsher, though not harsh enough to burn him. The light eventually took the shape of a humanoid form, with powerful raw energy seeping out.

“Come,” a woman’s voice called out. It was as sweet as honey, with harmonic tones that were more inviting than her words. He stepped forward, moving through the gentle haze until his vision was no longer obscured.

This time he did not meet the back of the woman as he had before. Her beautiful pale skin, not quite platinum, adorned in plate mail, which took the form of light and radiance. Her golden hair, sparkling with a fiery hue, flowed gently over her shoulders and the radiance of her armour.

Adam stopped and then dropped down to a knee, bowing his head towards her. He hoped that it would help him in dealing with her.

“You are quite the troublesome boy,” Ayra said.


I am still going to post an extra chapter for each new Patron!  | Come join my Discord too!

Did you guys figure out who was calling him? Be honest!

I really love going back to old chapters and seeing how I introduced people and then using near identical words to call back to it. I did it with Entalia last time!

We got a new patron which means expect a chapter tomorrow too! Hype!



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