Beyond Average Prequel [DiceRPG]

090. Promises to be Kept


I almost posted up chapter 91 because I forgot I was two chapters ahead...




Arya sighed as she reached up and rubbed her brow. Adam hadn’t expected her to be so forward with her displeasure, but remained silent. There was no need to interrupt her thoughts and displease her further.

“Do you know why I have called you here?” she asked.

Adam could feel her intense gaze on the top of his head. “I can only assume it’s to do with the promise we had made before.”

“That is the secondary matter at hand, yes. What do you think is my primary concern at the moment?”

Adam paused for a moment. Why would Arya need to call him?

D20 + 9 = 15 (6)

Arya, Goddess of Swords. If it isn’t because he hadn’t kept his side of the bargain, what could it mean? What else did he know about her? She knew about Mistress Fate, so maybe it had some-

“Bandlor,” Adam whispered. His eyes snapped up to her as guilt suddenly flooded through his body. He grew hot, sweating profusely, and clenched his fists tight. “He’s gone,” Adam said, his voice almost quivering.

Arya nodded. “He has, though you don’t need to blame yourself for the matter.” She raised her hand, beckoning him to stand. “My father did what he had to, to send a message to both parties.”

Adam furrowed his brows, but decided to not think too much on it. He stood up and wiped his brow. “He’s gone,” Adam said. “I don’t know where.”

“I don’t know either, but I don’t think he’s dead. He is the kind of fool to try and take an avatar whilst powerless. First with Mistress Fate, and now this…” She rubbed her forehead. “We were already struggling with keeping his follower afloat, and now with him entirely missing…”

“Is there a difference between him being missing as a familiar and him being missing entirely?”

“We of the divine and the realms we possess work in many ways. My father is a major god, meaning he holds much more power than someone like myself. His power, that of War, supersedes mine, which is of Swords. If I were to disappear from this world, there will be very little issue. Someone like my foolish father however…” She paused to rub her forehead again. “Do you know how many people pray to the God of War? He may not be the only God of War, but he is the most prominent.”

“I don’t know.”

“Millions upon millions. Do you know how many pray to me in the same manner?”

“Thousands?” Adam asked.

“Thousands,” Arya confirmed. “The difference between our power is that different. He cannot take form in the world, not in the same way I can. It’s not because of his lack of power, but the excess of it.” She rubbed her forehead again. “Though I had to ask permission from the Winter Mother in order to speak with you.”

“The Winter Mother?” Adam asked.

“This is her domain,” she said. “I cannot come in as I please within the realm of a Force of Nature, and therefor I needed to ask for her permission. It is the least I can do to show my respect. After you created your sword I was able to peer beyond the Veil and manifest in my lesser domain, as I had done so previously.”

“The Winter Mother… I hear she’s different.”

“She is,” Arya nodded. “She is not quite a lesser god like myself, but not quite a demi-god. She is in a different category entirely, but that is not the issue here.” Arya sighed. “There is still much to speak with you about.”

“What need to you have of me.”

“Firstly, don’t die. The north is a wild and perilous place, not a land you should take lightly. The north is home to creatures which require several giants to deal with, and one giant is more than able to deal with a handful of your typical soldiers. Do not let down your guard or you will find yourself dead.” She straightened up and narrowed her eyes slightly. “New evils have awoken with the north as well, though they avoid our gaze yet. We cannot confirm it, but my instincts tell me that you will face quite some issues.”

“I’ll do my best to keep on alert.” Adam bowed his head.

“Secondly, I will need you to deal with a few issues. Some of my aunts and uncles are finalising what they want of you, but they will need some time. I will request something of you since you have been ignoring your side of the deal.” Arya narrowed her eyes and glared sharply at Adam, whose eyes fell to the side. “There will be someone of need you must assist. You will know who it is, and you must protect them from any threat. I do not care if you have to go against an entire kingdom to do so.”

Adam raised his brows in alarm again, staring deep into her eyes. His throat closed, blocking off any complaints. He could not complain, not after being so loose with his promise. “I will do as you command,” Adam said.

“Do this and you will gain favour with not just myself, but of other powers. If you are able to assist in protecting them, and their own issues, you will find that life will be much kinder to you.”

Adam tilted his head questioningly, but Arya didn’t seem to want to give him anything more about the matter.

Arya sighed out again and then her shoulders fell as she relaxed. “You have a lovely sword at your side. May I see it?”

Adam unsheathed his sword and presented it to the goddess. The water beneath began to shift so a hole formed ahead f him, and he dropped the sword into it. It disappeared, only for Arya to hold it. She stared down at it and then raised it up.

“It is very rare I am able to see the craftsmanship of the frost giants,” she said with a small smile. “This blade will assist you well on your travels.” She pressed the hilt of the blade against her forehead, whispering something Adam couldn’t understand, and then dropped it into the water.

Quick Save
D20 + 0 = 3 (3)
238 -> 234

Adam grabbed the blade by its, cutting his hand on it as he realised how he had caught it. He then sheathed it, staring up at her.

“The matter of my father will need to be settled at another time,” she said. “I hear you are going to make an axe for the girl.”

“I am,” Adam replied, not even thinking about how she knew such a thing. A red flush flowed through him as he realised how awkward it was for him to admit such a thing to the Goddess of Swords. He had even asked for an axe from the frost giants, having completely forgotten that he had become her Champion. “I’m sorry about forgetting.”

“I cannot blame you for forgetting, there are so many promises you have made to my family and I, I just ask that you keep us in mind more often. If you continue to displease me by ignoring me, I will remove my power from you. You will then need to earn my favour again.”

“I promise you I’ll do better.” Adam nodded confidently.

“Your words are sweet, but show me through your actions. Now, returning to the previous matter, why do you not want to make her a sword?”

“The Rot family uses axes, it is their way.”

Arya frowned and then leaned back, narrowing her eyes as she went into thought. “Can I convince you to make it a sword?”

“I would prefer it to be an axe,” Adam replied, trying to not outright deny her. He’d cave in if necessary, but he didn’t want to disrespect Sonarot by offering a blade. He wasn’t sure if she would be disrespected, but he didn’t want to chance it.

“Very well,” Arya finally said. “I can assist you in the matter, if you are willing to do me a favour.”

“How will you assist me?” Adam asked, suddenly intrigued by her words. A god helping him with making him an axe sounded too good to be true.

“I will ask my sibling, the God of Axes, to assist you in the matter, if you do something for me.”

“What would you have me do?” Adam asked.

“I do not know yet, but it will be a favour I will call in sometime in the future.”

Adam nodded. “If you can have the god assist me, I’d be more than happy to assist you.”

“Very well,” she said, smiling devilishly.

A shudder ran through Adam’s back as he stared up at her, wondering if he had made a grave mistake.

“I will forgive you for your slights,” she said. “Again, I will urge you to be cautious in the north. Do not forget the three promises you have made me. Fight in my name. Assist the one who needs help. Answer my call in the future.”

“I promise you, my goddess Arya, I will do as you command.”

“Then leave,” she said, raising her hand, pointing behind him.

“Good bye,” Adam said, bowing his head and then swiftly leaving her, heading back through the hazy woods. His thoughts were racing as he did. Was that really as she wanted to say? Was there more to her words? He would need to remember every word she had spoken, he had felt there was something else that he had missed. If only he had increased his Wise score more…

He stepped out of the forest and then fell into the snow, grunting as he landed on his front. Then he pulled back up and looked around, finding white everywhere.

Exp Gained
Enchanted an item.
Shared with Party
Otherworlder Bonus
EXP Total
Current EXP
Level up available!

Adam pulled back, wondering why he gained the experience for the sword now. Did she somehow have something to do with him not gaining experience until now? Was she that angry? Adam swallowed and then returned to the village, wrapping his cloak around himself.

There the gates were closed. Adam knocked on them and someone pulled the lever, allowing him inside. He stepped in to see the woman from earlier, who nodded her head at him.

“You spoke?” she asked.

“I did.”

“A warning?”

“Yes, something like that.”


“A warning for me to be careful.”

She nodded her head and then allowed him inside. Adam looked out to see Joti and then walked over to him.

“Will you tell me what happened?”

“I’m not sure if I’m allowed to, but… it seems as though there’s something in the north that shouldn’t be here, and we should be careful as we make our expedition.”

Joti stared down at Adam, his eyes filled with deep thought. Adam could see that there were further questions within the giant’s eyes.

“Very well,” Joti said, turning around and then walking towards the fire, leaving Adam to his own thoughts.



I am still going to post an extra chapter for each new Patron!  | Come join my Discord too!

Here's the extra chapter! It's probably best to wait until Wednesday to sign up for Patreon, but I should be three chapters ahead tonight over on Patreon!

There was a lot of exposition in this chapter, but I hope you guys are enjoying the lore! I wonder if there will be another fight soon...


I should have had Arya fight Adam...



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