Beyond Average Prequel [DiceRPG]

102. Standing Amongst Titans

Adam swore he could see a small smile on Galahad’s face. He remained dangling on the girl’s legs, keeping his hands firm, but not too firm to bruise the girl. 

“Perhaps we should continue this discussion another time,” Galahad said, lifting a finger and then Adam felt light. “You should be able to let go of her now.”

Adam remained holding the girl’s ankles but then let go of one leg and then, when he noticed he wasn’t dangling, he let go of her other ankle. “Oh, thanks for that.” He looked to see Galahad had disappeared.

The eldritch creature shuddered and began to move. It shrieked out, the sound waves flying towards the pair. Galahad reappeared, blood on his blade, forming a circle out of it. He raised a finger and muttered something in a language Adam was unfamiliar with, and the sound clashed up against an invisible shield which pressed against the still blood. 

Galahad remained calm, his eyes glancing all around them. It seemed as though he was waiting for something, or he was judging the situation. The man’s calmness eased Adam’s thoughts, though he couldn’t help but think he wasn’t needed in this situation.

Adam grabbed onto the wand and then readied himself, feeling the cold sweat form at the back of his head. He watched the way Galahad moved, so seamlessly. In comparison to the other man, Adam moved as though he was pushing against water. 

Freya raised her hand and then formed a fist, as though crushing something invisible inside it. Ice formed all around the creature as it screeched. The ice seeped along its tentacles, causing them to stop writhing as they slowly succumbed to the cold. 

“Come to me!” It cried out towards Adam’s mind, though there seemed to be some resistance against the voice. Galahad’s eyes then returned to the creature ahead, narrowing them. “I’ll consume you both! You’re mine!”

“I’m afraid, I can’t allow that to happen,” Galahad said. “I have a meeting to attend.”

“You’re one hell of a monster,” Adam said. 

“I’m just well trained.” Galahad remained focused on the creature ahead of him. “It’s a little difficult to deal with it when I have to hold back so much.”

“You’re holding back?”

“I could deal with it, but there are certain protocols I need to follow.”


“I have to try and match it blow for blow, otherwise I’ll be in trouble if the higher ups ever find out.”


Battle Order
D20 - 1 = 3 (4)

44 -> 41
Spell: Fireball
8D6 (1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 5, 6, 6) 
26 damage!

Onward Soar
1 -> 0

41 -> 38
Spell: Fireball
8D6 (1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 5, 6, 6)
27 damage!

The creature’s eyes then turned to face Galahad, who noted the change in the eyes, and then they began to glow purple. It screeched again, though this time it was accompanied by several purple rays, each filled with a wicked glow, and they seared into the invisible shield. Purple waves rippled all along the shield, like shock waves of evil. 

Galahad’s invisible shield began to tremble under the might of the creature’s assault, though he remained holding his finger up. “How troublesome,” Galahad said, though Adam wasn’t quite sure what he meant. Hearing that the man was holding back had knocked much of his confidence down.

Standing here on this stage, with the powers of flight gifted to him, he understood the difference between their might. Adam may have been stronger than most, but in comparison to the two of these, he was but an ant amongst gods. It was too soon for him to stand on this stage. 

Had he really though he could have done anything to the otherworldly eldritch being? He could barely protect a little girl from a dragon, nevermind something which held the same powers of a god, or perhaps was even stronger.

Freya raised both of her hands and then clapped them together and ice began to form all along the shield, shards shattering under the might of the beams. 

It was in times like this he wished Bandlor was here, he’d know what to do. The God of War and Glory, this situation would be perfect for him.

No. Adam knew what Bandlor would tell him. 

“Don’t count me out either,” Adam said, raising his wand. It was a simple matter, he’d need to fight. “Rain down fire!” He felt the surge of magic flow through his entire body, his body shaking under the might of his spells. As the bead appeared from the heavens, he willed his body to summon more of his magic. “I said, rain it down!” Another bead appeared right beside the other, and the pair fell down on the mass of writhing tentacles, exploding against a few of the eyes. 

The creature screeched again, its eyes focused on Adam. “You! Yes! Stay right there, my ripe little fruit!” A tentacle came crashing down against the shield, though it barely managed to cause it to budge. 

“Nice spell,” Galahad said, his eyes peering back for a moment. “Can you do that again?”

“Not two at the same time,” Adam replied. “I can only do it one at a time from now on.”

Galahad hummed to himself, thinking deeply. “How many more times?” he asked, curiously, as though asking what Adam had made for dinner. 


“Perfect,” Galahad said with a smile. “Just keep doing that and I’ll sort this messy business out.” Galahad closed his eyes, concentrating on something. “When I tell you to drop down, take the young lady with you.” 

Adam wasn’t going to complain, he a speck of dust watching titans, and if the titan wanted him away from danger, he was glad to accept the task. His priority was making sure Freya was safe. He raised his hand, holding the wand firmly. Adam was a Brit, and so he had to represent. Plus, he couldn’t have a Londoner take all the glory.

38 -> 35
Spell: Fireball
8D6 (1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 6) 
26 damage!

35 -> 32
Spell: Fireball
8D6 (1, 2, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6) 
33 damage!

32 -> 29
Spell: Fireball
8D6 (1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6) 
25 damage!

29 -> 26
Spell: Fireball
8D6 (1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 6, 6) 
26 damage!

Adam continued to summon the Fireballs, each one striking against the creature’s tentacle, which held hundred of eyes of all sizes. It screeched to no avail, its thunderous might striking the shield, though Freya seemed to be able to handle the creature’s assault with her ice. 

Adam noted Freya’s eyes beginning to fade, and he stopped casting in order to grab her. “Damn it,” he said, trying to hold her as he held out his wand, summoning forth another Fireball.

“You’ve done well, young Lady,” Galahad said. “Leave the rest to me.” He held the blade behind him, the weapon glowing, before he swung it from his right to his left slowly, as though swiping through mud.

Seeing the glow of the weapon, a shudder ran through the half-elf’s spine. He held the girl in a tight hug and then flew down. As he flew towards the snowing ground, a wave of light fell across the sky. It wasn’t blinding, but it continued out towards the horizon. Adam looked back, only to see Galahad motioning to sheath his beside him, the man’s eyes shut tight, his face still as stone.

The creature shrieked wildly as tentacles fell down, purple and black spraying out. Then Adam saw in the distance a large mountain of white beginning to fall, a clean cut through its entire side. 

‘What the fuck?’

Galahad opened his eyes, looking down to Adam. He smiled innocently, as though he hadn’t cut a mountain in half, but then a black tentacle whipped around his waist and he was flung away. His flat cap fell and the man reached out towards it. 

“Look after my hat for me!” Galahad said as he raised his blade, but the man was pulled into the tear in the sky, before he disappeared into it. The tear closed up in the blink of an eye, and Adam flew towards the cap, watching it as it floated down. It was only then he felt the warm magic, which had flown through him, begin to disappear. 

‘Oh no,’ he thought. 

Sleight of Hand
D20 - 1 = 18 (19)

250 -> 232

He reached out to try and grab the hat, swiping it from the air before he placed it over Freya’s head. Then he held her within his arms, closing his eyes as he aimed to land on his back. 

He crashed down against the snow, grunting in pain as he felt Freya on top of him. He had fallen at least a hundred feet, though the snow did help in cushion his fall.

Unfortunately for Adam, a shadow formed overhead, the icy blue eyes glaring down at him. 

‘Oh, right…’

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I'll be trying to edit to chapter 10 for Mika, wish me luck!


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