Beyond Average Prequel [DiceRPG]

103. Adam and Dragon’s Might

It's at times like this I wonder if writing a dicerpg was a good idea...




Wise Save
D20 + 6 = 17 (11)

The dragon’s piercing eyes stared deep into Adam’s soul, trying to instil within a deep chill, a fear to paralyse him to his core. When the chill invaded his body, it only found a great warmth, one which melted it.

Adam had just seen two gods duke it out with one another, and so as the dragon tried to overwhelm him with fear, he exhaled and glared up at it. The chill melted away, this dragon a trifling existence in comparison to those he had just seen fight between dimensions, a fight which the dragon cowered from too.

“I’m not really interested in playing with you right now, but…” Adam stood up, sword in hand. “If you wish to court your death so eagerly, I might as well grant you your wish.”

The dragon’s eyes remained fixated on Adam, who showed no hesitation to fight it in battle. Adam raised his sword, the symbols glowing warmly as the pair continued to glare at one another.

“A dragon would be a mighty fine tribute for Lady Arya,” Adam said.

Battle Order
D20 - 1 = 13 (14)

232 -> 210

26 -> 23
Spectral Sentinels


210 -> 192

Tough Save
D20 + 7 = 8 (1)
D20 + 7 = 16 (9)

Spectral Sentinels
3D6 + 3 = 16 (1, 6, 6)
16 damage!

The dragon did not take the provocation lightly, as it’s giant maw opened. Adam could feel the cold as it snapped it’s giant maw towards him, but he swiped at it with his blade quickly, managing to have the creature think against snapping at him.

Adam managed to clatter his blade against one claw, feeling his muscles strain as he managed to push it aside, only to find its other claw slam down from above. He brought his blade up and they clashed together, though he could feel the wave of the blow run through his body as he grit his teeth.

‘Damn!’ He grunted in pain as he inhaled deeply, grabbing at his amulet quickly. “Don’t think you’ll be able to defeat me so easily!” He held up the amulet and then pointed his blade at the dragon, who was already winding up with its tail to strike at him.

“Come to me, my guardians!” Adam called forth as the dragon spun around, its giant tail swinging at him wildly. He was unable to defend against it as his eyes flashed towards Freya, laying on the ground with the hat hiding her face.

“Freya!” Adam exclaimed, sending forth a spell to stabilise her. The tail slammed against his side, and he coughed and grit his teeth once again. The owls finally emerged all around him, almost failing to summon, but they fly towards the dragon to strike against it. It barely growled against the pitiful owls.

Spectral Sentinels
3D6 + 3 = 12 (1, 4, 4)
12 damage!

192 -> 152

6, 9 -> 9

Tough Save
D20 + 7 = 16 (9)
D20 + 7 = 27 (20)

Tough Save
D20 + 7 = 11 (4)
D20 + 7 = 25 (18)

Tough Save
D20 + 7 = 12 (5)
D20 + 7 = 16 (9)

Samurai Spirit
3 -> 2
152 -> 157

D20 + 10 = 11 (1)
D20 + 10 = 15 (5)

D20 + 10 = 19 (9)
D20 + 10 = 26 (16)
3D6 + 9 = 16 (1, 1, 5)
23 -> 22
Divine Smite
2D6 + 2 = 9 (1, 6)
25 damage!

157 - > 141

Tough Save
D20 + 7 = 9 (2)
D20 + 7 = 11 (4)

The owls struck once more, pelting the dragon with their divine energy, though it didn’t stumble as it bit against Adam’s arm. He clutched his blade with both hands still, trying to strike against it as, a cold chill ran through his body.

Its claw blurred towards him, threatening to open up a harsh wound against his exposed neck. He summoned the fates to save him, the claw changing its angle ever so slightly to strike against his arm instead. Adam’s heart pounded as the dragon swiped its claw against his gut, causing him to drop down to a knee as it let go, rearing for another blow.

He inhaled deeply, feeling his strength return to him, and his eyes shot upwards again. “Just you wait!” Adam charged forward, his blade causing the dragon to pull aside, out of pure fear from the glowing blade. The white sheen caused it to stumble as Adam swung his blade wildly, cutting against its scales. It roared at him, as though admonishing him for even daring to strike against it with his blade.

Blue eyes flashed from behind him, as the dragon’s attention was momentarily taken away. Adam dared to glance back, seeing Freya clutching the hat in a hand as her blue eyes glared with the intent to kill the dragon.

In the moment, the dragon took the opportunity to strike Adam, crashing up against his side with its tail again. This time he skid back and panted as the blow knocked the wind out of him.

‘Damn it!’

Spectral Sentinels
3D6 + 3 = 15 (3, 3, 6)
15 damage!

141 -> 113

Tough Save
D20 + 7 = 21 (14)
D20 + 7 = 26 (19)

Tough Save
D20 + 7 = 10 (3)
D20 + 7 = 12 (5)

Samurai Spirit
2 -> 1
152 -> 157

D20 + 10 = 12 (2)
D20 + 10 = 22 (12)
3D6 + 9 = 19 (2, 3, 5)
22 -> 21
Divine Smite
2D6 + 2 = 13 (5, 6)
32 damage!

D20 + 10 = 19 (9)
D20 + 10 = 25 (15)
3D6 + 9 = 21 (3, 4, 5)
21 -> 20
Divine Smite
2D6 + 2 = 12 (4, 6)
33 damage!

The dragon continued to focus on Adam, snapping at him with its teeth, though the owls shot forward and struck against its eyes, a moment’s distraction to allow Adam to step aside from its mighty maw.

It swung wildly with its claw towards Adam, who stumbled backwards as it struck against his sword, causing his arms to tense up. He grunted in pain as he dropped to a knee, feeling his strength fading. He managed to keep his concentration on his spell alive, but after a moment, it swung its claws against him again and he fell down to both knees, his head hanging as the pain filled him. He panted out, glancing down to Freya. He needed to get her to safety, but…

The fight in Freya’s eyes gave him another idea instead. He forced himself onto his feet and steeled himself, inhaling deeply as the dragon readied to meet him in battle.

“Just you wait!” Adam gripped his blade tighter, his muscles flexing. “You damn beast!” He swung his blade wildly, managing to catch its claws as the white light flashed and it screeched out in pain, stumbling back. Adam stepped forward, clashing his blade against its shoulder, sinking deep between the scales.

The dragon turned its attention to Adam, and Adam readied himself, but a thunderous noise blasted past him. His ears rung as the scales of the dragon shook, and it stumbled back. He looked back to see Freya, her mouth opened wide as the air shook in front of her.

A flash of white crashed against her, stopping her thunderous sound as an ice shield formed around her, cracking under the might of the dragon’s tail.

“Hey!” Adam exclaimed. “What the hell are you doing to Freya? I’m your opponent!”

Spectral Sentinels
3D6 + 3 = 13 (1, 4, 5)
13 damage!

20 -> 16

The dragon, no longer interested in Adam, turned its attention to Freya. It bit around the ice shield, causing it to crack. Then it began to slam against the shield with its mighty claws, and Adam stepped towards her, blade in hand still.

‘Damn it!’

It slammed against the shield again, and it cracked as Freya dropped her arms, panting for strength. Her eyes were glazed with weakness, the strength of maintaining the shield against such a powerful beast had exhausted her strength. Her eyes fell to Adam, who fell across her. Adam could see the shadow of the dragon’s tail fall across them.

“Let’s go,” he whispered, calmly.

The energy ran through his entire body as their bodies shifted together, and they shifted away together. He held her close as they began to fall, only to hear the sounds of screeching all around them.

He looked down to see the icewyrms in a clash against Dark Harvest. Typ, Klara and Inga were all facing the other icewyrm. They were surrounded by a light, one which emanated from Klara. The three were easily dealing with the icewyrm, which was currently limping around.

‘From the frying pan and into the fire,’ Adam thought.

Hisan was alone, facing one of the icewyrms by himself. He was on the defensive, losing the war of attrition against the icewyrm. Hisan managed to catch a glimpse of Adam in the air, and the icewyrm turned as well.

“I’ve come to help!” Adam shouted.

Before he was able to say anything else, a horn blew from behind him. It was loud and low, one which swept the entire area.

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Also, don't forget to check out the chapters of Mika. They're free, but they can only be found on Patreon. I'm going to try and get a few more chapters edited by the end of this week.

This chapter was really hard. Why did I decide to write a dicerpg? I need to go back in time! 

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