Beyond M-Eclipse: Easy Mode LIVE

Chapter 10: Back to One


<2: 19 am>


…Okay. Shut the window, and the curtains… The door should already be locked…

…It’s absolutely eerie seeing someone else sleeping in your own bed, especially when it’s yourself.

It’s a good thing I put this body to sleep first and foremost. I really don’t need that experience of my two sets of eyes locking at each other. It’s still unnerving seeing another me, and seeing myself in full view like this definitely makes it clearer to me more than ever… My current form is just much better in every way. I really don’t like whatever male-me here has going on.

But enough introspecting, let’s put this back… Uhhh… Hmm… Hup!


Ugh, maybe I could find a way to not make the remerging back process make this sound. Need to workshop that later.

“Phew…” Good, now back at hundred percent. My mind was frying occasionally having to pilot two bodies. Hard to believe anyone doing this with more than two bodies flying around. Somehow I managed despite the fact that splitting up does divide my strength. It’s not a 50/50 split, the one I left here is… I don’t really know, maybe 20 percent total. It’s still plenty enough to kill that second floor boss without any trouble, but there’s no way I’m letting my civilian persona be shown doing all that.

Regardless, the main thing here is that I have sown all kinds of chaos among the public with those footage. From getting close enough to eavesdrop some conversation to showing the battle against that single guard. It’s all being spread about and that’s definitely gonna be funny to look through…

…Now that I think about it, would those guys even do anything about this? They have no information on me aside from my appearance. I do know they probably consider me an enemy, but I don’t think they can do much about it.

…Nah. I have a hard enough time managing this, let’s not think any further. Let’s go to sleep.



<11: 51 am>


“<Come on now, I think we should try going in together.>” Seemi said, despite it being quite clear none of us are gonna go for it. She’s definitely brave, I can say that much.

“<Look. I know Kara here is making a name for herself managing to beat that bus-sized wolf, but should we really put her in more danger?>” Jackman meanwhile has a completely different idea. His face showed that he’s not happy about the prospect of having me tackling it again. You don’t have to be a parent in front of me you know?

“<In the first place, we’re not even in the same state. You have to be insane to think we’re willing to travel to one designated dungeon together. We barely know about any of them in the first place.>” Idea said, also opposing the idea. They definitely brought up the most pressing issue, aside from the whole ‘meeting with online friends’ thing.

“Seemi. You don’t have anyone else to go with?” I asked, wondering if there’s no other daredevils like her close by.

“<Not really. Just a bunch of cowards.>” …I feel like if it were a few months from now where people actually know what they’re supposed to do then her words might have some weight. Right now she’s the one that sounds really unreasonable, but I probably shouldn’t say that out loud. “<I know Kara here has some friends, but we can’t all be that fortunate.>”

“<...I was gonna say Jackman also has his wife, is she also… You know…>” Idea asked, sounding a bit unsure of how to word it.

“<Musclehead? Fitness freak? Yeah she is, one hell of a woman.>” He said proudly. “<She’s still taking it slow after the you-know-what. I definitely can’t bring her along even if I wanted to.>”

“<I see. My partner is plenty strong also. A true angel, that one.>” Idea also boast about their partner.

“<Okay I get it you both have an amazing lovelife!>” Seemi isn’t all too impressed. Yeah, it’s a bit envious…

“<I don’t even have any dungeons near me, so I am out of luck.>” Jackman mentioned. I think even if he did he should worry more about knowing how to fight these monsters.

“<Honestly if I had a spear or sword or any weapon on me I could’ve gone in solo, but those aren’t exactly common.>” Seemi mentioned. I actually hope she at least goes with even a singular companion. Going alone just sounds like a death sentence…

“<That’s the thing isn’t it. Unlike in a video game a shop dedicated to weaponry isn’t exactly common or cheap.>” Idea remarked. “<...Good thing I know someone who does make them.>”

“<Huh!? You’re telling us this now!?>” Seemi is the first to speak up. This is a surprise to me too. “<Are you for real?>”

“<Yeah. She’s a relative of a friend of mine. She knows her stuff, though she’s not exactly that social.>” Idea start to elaborate. I guess she’s not doing this as a job? “<Her works are legit dangerous though. Like, easily cut your whole arm off or turn your ribcage into paste level of dangerous.>”

“<...That sounds rather… criminal.>” Jackman chimed in. Should they even talk about this?

“<Eh. She’s not selling it to anyone. She’s just doing it as a hobby and give some away to people close to her.>” I’m not really sure if that’s much better or worse… “<By the way, Kara. You have that dagger still, right?>”

“Yeah? I’m not gonna throw that away.” I said, wondering what that has to do with anything.

“<I could probably convince her to give you a good weapon for free if you give her that dagger. She would probably like to analyze it.>” They clarified… Hmm… Should I? I would be deprived of a weapon in that case… But then again, I mainly use magic, so…

“But what kind of weapons does she make?” I asked, wondering what options even are there.

“<Anything, more or less. She’s talented like that.>” They confidently answered. Is it that cut and dry? <So, what do you say? What would you like in return?>”

“...I’m not really a weapon enthusiast, so I don’t really care that much, but… Hmm…” I don’t see why I should refuse. I’d be able to gain an insight on how good these weapons are with no strings attached. “I guess just gave me a better dagger in return, how does that sound?”

“<Not very specific, but I’m sure she’ll figure something out. I’ll tell you where to send the dagger in the DMs.>” They said. Guess we’re really going through with this. “<As for the rest of you… I dunno, wanna wait until her stream review?>”

“Hold on, what?” I never agreed to that!

“<I’m just joking. Anyway, do you two have any weapons you wanna use?>” Caught me off guard with that…

“<Uhh… I’m just gonna wait just to be safe.>” Seemi said, strangely reasonable.

“<Same with me, not that I was planning on using any if I tackle a dungeon.>” Jackman replied.

“<I see. Guess we can end that particular topic for now.>” Idea remarked. “<Anyway, I- Hm? Oh, you’re back. Sorry guys, I need to go, babe’s home.>”


“<...Okay then.>” Jackman said after they left and we just stayed silent in the voice chat for a bit.

“<So do we have anything else to talk about?>” Seemi asked. I can’t say I have much. We already talked about Wiina…



<2: 58 pm>



Sliced clean like a hot knife through butter. Seems like the difficulty of this dungeon isn’t getting much better through the lower floor, or perhaps there’s a difficulty spike of sorts and I haven’t reached it yet.


Here are the drops… More health potions and a very plain-looking broadsword. Do I stress-test this one too? Last few times I did this the rapier completely cut through it easily… Yeah. Let’s stop destroying stuff for no reason, it’s pretty clear this weapon isn’t gonna be replaced any time soon.

Next is floor… thirty, I believe. There should be something noteworthy about this floor.

“...Well this is something.” I said, looking at the lone living armor standing at the very end of the hallway. It is probably about twice the height of most people, rather bulky in design, and wields a massive broadsword. Not the most unique of bosses, but I guess I should expect something with the medieval theme this particular dungeon has. I should probably go check other dungeons to see what they’re like later on. “Well then. En garde!”

*Dash* *CLASH*



<4: 11 pm>



“What the hell is going on now!?” I shouted out seeing the park on fire. It was fine just a few seconds ago!

Wait. No. More importantly, how is everyone in the park?


“Agh!” Dammit! The flame is way too strong for me to-

“[Wave]!” Suddenly someone shouted from behind m-

“Watch where you’re casting!” I shouted before-

*Leap* *Splash*

“Jeez!” I can’t help but complain, but at least the fire is being put out by… “Huh? Haven’t I seen you in school be-

“[Wave]!” She just ignored me as keep casting her water spell. I think she’s the first water magic user I see in person, actually. “You! What the hell happened here?”


“How should I know?” I asked, feeling more calm now that the fire has been put out. Those were pretty impressive. Now as for who she is… I do remember a blonde in school, I mean there were a few of course, but…

*Wee-woo* *Wee-woo*

“Ah. The firefighters are here. Kinda late to the party.” She remarked before taking a cursory glance in the park. Most of the plants were burned down… “Oh… no…”

Her face turned pale as she noticed someone who was… Holy fuck… They’re like… Burned all over!

“The fuck!?” I involuntarily cursed out seeing this gruesome scene.

The rescuers arrived to pick up the victims of the sudden park explosion, but… Well. That person in the middle of it all is definitely not making it out anywhere close to one piece.

“No way…” She seemed to have some idea as she clutched her arms tightly. What is going on?

“Lynda!” Someone else rushed over to her side… Wow! She has snakes in her hair!

“Glery…” The blonde muttered with her voice shaking. “Let’s… Let’s go home…”

“R-Right.” She said before escorting the water mage away from the vicinity… Wait a minute. Is this what Jass was talking about yesterday?

“I heard a commotion right after getting out of the dungeon. What the hell is all this?” Suddenly I can hear a menacing if slightly familiar voice from behind me… Holy crap! It’s her!

“W-W-Wiina!” I stuttered, completely shocked seeing the legendary figure in front of me.

“Is this some sort of magic haywire?” She mumbled to herself, disregarding my panic entirely. As for magic haywire, wasn't that something we discussed yesterday with Jass? “Where’s the caster?”

“Caster? I think they’re being put on the stretcher right now.” I said while pointing at them, assuming the one most affected is the caster. They’re trying to do it gently since the burns were quite severe.

She quietly walked over to the person in question with the rescuers obviously not pleased that she’s personally getting involved.

“Madam, please don’t disturb…” One of them clearly recognized her when she got closer, clearly perplexed at her sudden appearance. The massive commotion masked her presence a bit so no one quite registered her until she got up in their face.


“All of you will get this as a freebie.” She said, her hand suddenly glowing bright.


Raising her hand into the air with many spectators watching by. The light began surrounding the entire park and more… There’s a nice warm feeling to it.

And then I can see people who were injured starting to get healed… and even the vegetation in the park starting to regain its life.

“Whoa…” I can’t help but be impressed and fascinated. Who wouldn’t be, seeing a miracle?

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