Beyond M-Eclipse: Easy Mode LIVE

Chapter 9: Perplexing Rest


<11: 54 am>


“What the fuck…” I can’t help but say it out loud as I look at the footage.

I went to sleep and before I knew it Wiina had apparently uploaded several videos about what just happened with the coalition yesterday.

…Uhh… Do I try calling her now? Or is she still in Antarctica? I’m really not sure what to do. Of all the things I expected her to do, this wasn’t it.

I don’t really know why she’s there, how she’s there, and just what would happen as a consequence. I just hope she’s… What am I saying, she’s probably fine.

…Now what? I guess I’m waiting for Jeff to get better then trying tackling that dungeon one more time.

Speaking of dungeons, since that last stream that gained a lot of traction, maybe I need to worry about more people trying to enter it. It’d be awkward if we were to run into someone along the way, gonna be rather bothersome to deal with during the stream…

Now then, what are people saying in the class group chat…

‘My right arm is basically fully healed at this point.’ That’s the first message that caught my eye. It was from two hours ago.

‘Guess that potion did do something.’ Jass remarked.

So it actually is a healing potion… Was it like, slow reacting? Makes it seem disappointingly mundane…



<1: 31 pm>


“You think this is a good idea?” Glery asked as we stared at the entrance. The school dungeon… I saw the influencer girl tackle it with her friends from the ‘Superclass’ classroom, and there really is something of worth down there.

“I mean why not? I’ve been training and actually learning some magic. You’ve been doing that too aren’t you?” I said, wanting to see how the result will turn out.

“Yeah? But it’s mainly for self-defense and fun.” She replied, not sounding all too confident. “Also… Uhh… Compared to them, we are a duo, not a trio, and…”

“Come on now, us two is enough. Besides, just because they’re from that classroom doesn’t mean we’re weaker than them.” I said, really not liking her self-esteem issue. I think some people in our school kinda let the feats of those in that class cloud their minds a bit.

The ‘Superclass’ which is full of some of the smartest and most athletic of the whole school. It’s hard to believe that all of the best students are shoved into a single class like that. No one really knows if it’s a coincidence or not. “Seriously, it’s not like it’s a class of superheroes or something.”

“I mean… We are still one less member.” She’s still hung up on that. We just need to be strong enough and we’ll be fine. Shouldn’t we?

“Seems like you two are in a pickle.” Suddenly a rather carefree voice can be heard addressing us. We turned around and saw someone in a tracksuit approaching us with sunglasses on her dumb-looking face.

“Oh. Miss Wana.” Glery is the one to acknowledge her. What is she doing here?

“What are you doing here? It’s not like the school is gonna reopen soon.” I asked, confused as to why she’s here. Is her house nearby? Maybe she’s out for a walk?

“I can be wherever I want. Besides, it seems like a good idea to patrol the area and make sure no one is running in there recklessly.” She said, looking at the entrance into the dungeon with a smug smirk. “I saw yesterday’s stream. I thought maybe people would rush here. I was right, wasn’t I?”

“...Okay. So what now? Gonna reprimand us?” I asked, not exactly sure what her plan would be. “We got magic, you know?”

“Whoa now! Don’t be so aggressive!” She replied cheerfully while taking a few steps back. “Jeez. The world turns topsy-turvy and the kids are raring for violence…”

“Lynda, maybe we shouldn’t pick a fight here…” Glery isn’t confident in the slightest. Well, I was just threatening her anyway, not gonna fight if I don’t need to.

“Listen to your girl here. I don’t mean any harm you know?” Does she need to say it like that?

“Phrasing!” I shouted at her. “Anyway, why are you here then?”

“No respect for the elders…” She said with a sigh. “I’m just here to say I can be your third if you want to.”

“Huh? That’d be nice, but are you sure?” I’m a bit taken aback by her offer. I’m not sure what to expect, actually. She’s always been a bit weird.

“Of course! I’m super strong, you know?” She said while flexing her muscles… Which we can’t see past that tracksuit… “So! Wanna take me with ya?”

“...What do you think, Glery?” I find her kinda weird but she’s also a P.E. teacher, so she must be pretty athletic.

“I think we should. I heard she’s pretty strong…” That’s all she has to say.

“Eh. That’ll do.” No objections on my end. “So, Coach, since you’re the adult in the room, got any ideas?”

“Ideas? I think we can just go in and fight… Do you two have any weapons?” …So much for being an adult, but it’s not like I have any specific strategy like those three did. As for her question…

“Nah. The fuzzy goblins are too weak to need it and I don’t have anything long and sharp to fight that giant wolf, so I think being hands free is better. We’re just gonna blast that bitch.” I said, feeling pretty confident we might be able to win unscathed if we just go about it quick enough.

“Huh… Well. Whatever.” She quickly dismissed trying to argue and just went along with it. Good, we shouldn’t waste time arguing.

“What are you three doing?” Okay now who is…

“Oh… Jass! You’ve seen better days.” The P.E. teacher remarked, despite him looking perfectly fine. Better question is why is he here?

“...Hmm… I’m more confused as to what you’re saying to these girls.” He said like she’s a bad influence.

“Oh! I’m offering to join them since they’re going to tackle the dungeon, it’s dangerous, as we all know.” She cheerfully answered.

“Really? I guess they’re in good hands.” He said, sounding rather confident in her skill. “Guess I should-

“Why don’t you also join? We’ll be more secure that way.” She suddenly proposed.

“...What. Why?” He looks at her, completely perplexed and shaken. “But you’re… Uhh…”

“Come on now. You of all people aren’t gonna let us damsels fall in danger, right?” The weirdo coach said, clearly making him uncomfortable. “Aren’t you the type to rescue a woman in danger? Suave and stylish? Have a girl swoon over you?”

What the hell is she on? He’s insanely plain looking with equally plain clothes. Even if he has the right attitude he’ll only end up looking like a tryhard.

“...You’re doing this on purpose…” He said while pinching his forehead. His response has been pretty dragged out, maybe he actually isn’t in the best shape right now. “Fine… I don't have any weapon on me though.”

“We’ll be fine. Four is better than three, right?” She said, keeping that overly optimistic tone.

“Yeah. Plenty fine.” He bitterly said. “Let’s just go in…”

“Well… Follow my lead! Let’s go, everyone!” I have no idea what the hell this atmosphere is but the quicker I break it the better. “Objective, kill everything and loot!”

“Great…” Jass said, not sounding the best. At least he can sit back if he wanted to, I wouldn’t mind.

We all quickly entered and reached the first floor with all of these unimportant mooks.

*Smack* *Kick* *Smash*

Yeah, we don’t even need to use magic for this. All too easy with these mooks. It’s best to save it for the floor below.

“All too easy!” The weirdo said. “Let’s go to the second floor!”

“Yes, let’s…” I said in response, being the one in the front as we went down the next set of stairs. “By the way, do either of you use magic?”

They both look away, silently staring to the sides. I guess that’s a no…

“We’re gonna blast the giant wolf with all the magic we have. So you two should stand back for now.” I said, not wanting them to be victims of friendly fire.

“I see! Then we’ll sit back, right?” She said, looking at Jass. I just realized her sunglasses are still on her. I know this place isn’t completely dark but surely that still hinders her…

“Yeah. Guess we’ll help with cleanup.” He replied.

“Glery. We blast it with our strongest spells together on my mark, okay?” I said just to make sure we’re on the same page.

“O-Okay.” She’s still a bit unsure. Hope that doesn’t mean anything.

And here we are, arriving on the second floor, that giant wolf staying at the back of the long hallway. “Three… Two… One… GO!”

“[Fire Blast]! [Flame Barrage]! [Fire Bullets]! | [Thunder]! [Thunder]! [Thunder]!”

*Sizz* *Crackle* *BOOM*

We overwhelm the entire floor with heat and electricity. Large burst of flames and lightning should completely fry everything in the room.


“It’s still standing?” I said in disbelief. How? Everything else in the room is dead alongside its master, yet it is still alive? How is that possible!?

“N-Now what?” Glery’s voice is shaking. It’s definitely damaged, but also pissed at us.

I don’t get it. I think we use a lot more firepower than the trio did. So how?

“I mean, it also survived a large barrage of Karra’s spells too… You now need a strong finisher.” Jass suddenly spoke up. Right, a strong finisher…

I clasp my hand together, gathering power…


It’s running towards us! Will I be fast enough? Come on! Come on! Burn!


“AAHHHH!” My arms! It burns!

“Lynda!” I can hear Glery screaming in my ears as I tried to put out the fire bursting out!

“I’ll grab left, you grab right!” The P.E. teacher is saying something- Augh! IT’S STILL BURNING!



“Haa…” I… can’t feel my arms at all… I…




<2: 09 pm>


“Lynda? Lynda!” Why is she not waking up? She’s still breathing, but…

“This looks real bad, actually.” Miss Wana muttered, walking over to look at her condition. “Her hands might need to be amputated, or even the arms as well. With the state they’re in…”

“No…” This can’t be happening… Why? Please, it can’t be true! “Please, please do something!”

“What can we do?” Jass looks away, clearly feeling guilty. “Are you sure those won’t recover?”

“Maybe if a miracle happens. At best her hands won’t function anymore, you see them, they are completely burnt.” She cynically said.

“Why? Why did this even happen?” I can’t hold back my horrified tone as I ask that question.

“My best guess will be that she is unable to control the spell she was trying to cast, and it was directed at her instead. Something probably went wrong in the channeling.” Jass gave me his guess. “Damn it… There must be something you can do!”

“Me?” Miss Wana said, clearly perplexed. “Eh? Me?”

“You know what to do.” He said, frustrated. “Actually, no. Let me do this first.”



<4: 21 pm>


“Ugh…” I felt like I was… Where am I?

“Ah! Doctor, the patient has woken up!” I think I can hear someone… what was I…

“Go tell the two, I’ll inspect and inform her of her condition.” What is…

“AHH! Lynda!” Where is she!?

“Stop moving, calm down!” Someone suddenly rushed over and pinned me down.

“Who are you? Where am I!?” What is happening? Where is she!?

“Ah! Calm down! Your snake almost bit me!” The person said as he retreated… Is that a doctor's outfit? Are we… in a hospital?

“Why am I here?” Now I am even more confused. Weren’t we in a dungeon earlier? “Where’s Lynda?”

“Lynda... I believe that’s the name of the patient in the other room. You two are friends, I believe.” The doctor said… Were we brought here? How? What about the other two?

“...What happened?” I’m just more perplexed than anything else.

“You don’t remember? You and your friend passed out in a nearby dungeon with wounds on you. Your friend in particular has some burns on her arms.” He answered. Some burns? It was like her whole arms ignited…

“Good to see you awake.” Miss Wana said as she entered the room.

“What happened?” I asked her, while also seeing Jass entering the room.

“You and Lynda collapsed after we beat the second floor. You were hit a few times and Lynda miscasted something so she also was beaten up. We have to bring you two here to get some treatment.” She explained… I… Was that right?

“Thankfully you two aren’t in critical condition, but we really shouldn’t skimp on treatment which is why we’re here. No worries though, Coach here will pay for it.” Jass chimed in to further elaborate.

“...It was a good chunk of my salary… I’m broke…” She muttered in an overly dramatic tone.

“I know how this trope goes, you definitely aren’t.” Jass meanwhile is unsympathetic to her remark. “So anyway, you and Lynda should fully recover and be back home in maybe an hour.”

…But that’s not how I remember it? Weren’t we…

“I know passing out after beating only the second floor seems embarrassing, but you gotta remember that only a few have even done it.” Teacher Wana said in a gentle calm tone. “By the way, you should probably talk to Lynda about that spell she messed up with. Looks like it can backfire.”

“Good thing it only causes minor burns. I can see it getting a lot worse.” Jass remarked… Was it not the worst case scenario that just happened? Wasn’t her arms… Didn’t these two… “Say, doctor. Those burns should be healed, right?”

“It might take an extra day or two to fully recover, but those should no longer pose a threat. Perhaps try to avoid letting those spots touch anything hot.” He answered. I guess they were right?

…Did I dream it all up?

Here's a sketch of Wiina and some design stuff


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