Beyond M-Eclipse: Easy Mode LIVE

Chapter 17: Contrived Mystery Conspiracy


<5: 28 pm>


*Click* *Click*

…So. It looks like there are some other sightings of powerful people, but nothing is verified, due to very blurry pictures and shitty footage.

I think the only thing definitive was a blonde girl fighting in the pandemonium of the first day, something about a money truck?

There have been sightings of someone of that nature in many countries popping up, so it seems like there are people from many origins that are part of this… urban secret.

I wonder if I should make a stream talking about it. I feel like I might actually be in danger, considering how powerful they seem, and them hiding in the shadows or even amongst others without any difficulty.

…Okay, my mind is definitely going haywire thinking about conspiracy… Lemme just… drink a bit of coffee…


“Ugh.” I should put more sugar in this, the pre-grounded stuff definitely needs something to cover up its bad taste.

*Click* *Tap*

…Honestly. I want to put the whole dungeon thing to a halt for a while. The streaming part, at least. I still want to practice with the class.

It does pull in a lot of views, but considering it’s actually life-threatening and exhausting. I would rather not do it as the main content…

Not to mention that I was really pushing it with my tech. It’s kind of a miracle that my streaming equipment is still working despite everything. If only I had something a lot more… I dunno. I think the main thing here is less the quality of the footage and that I only really have a body cam and a phone for this.

…Speaking of that. I wonder if there’ll be a quick advancement in some tech considering the-

*Knock* *Knock*

“Mhm?” What is it now? Mom usually doesn't come to my room. “What is it, Mom?”

“Someone sent you a package. I don’t really know what it is.” She said, looking a slight bit concerned. A random package at this time of day? This better not be a prank or something.

“I’ll go check it out, don’t worry.” I said, also hoping it’s nothing dangerous.

I quickly walked downstairs and checked the package Mom left right at the front door… Hmm… It’s kinda light, so I don’t think it’s anything dangerous, right?

…Okay, there’s no way I’m gonna know unless I actually open the package and see what's inside…

Now let’s see…



<11: 17 pm>


Wait… I don’t even have Japanese currency.

…Okay. This is awkward. I just fly all the way here without thinking about it.

Umm… Yeah. I wasn’t planning on coming here just to stroll around window-shopping. Guess it’s time to take a trip back and actually planned this out a little better. Whoopsies.

Good thing I landed on the roof and not on the streets. Would’ve been much harder to fly back up unnoticed.

“It seems like you were having some fun, flying around unrestricted like that.” Someone said, holding a massive red scythe to my neck.

You know what. I was kinda asking for it, but who the fuck is this?

“Can’t a girl have some fun?” I asked as I turned around, seeing the tall woman towering over me. She’s like a whole head taller than me.

The short and slightly messy bright light blue hair and eyes are immediately noticeable, as well as the worn down red cape and draconic-looking red gauntlet. Now this is definitely pushing the definition of edgy.

“Your scrutiny is showing.” She said while I analyzed her looks, pushing the blade closer to my neck. “I wasn’t expecting you to move around so brazenly so soon.”

“Huh? Why can’t I do that?” I said, wondering what she’s on about. Right now I’m trying to be cautious, but there’s no way to reply without sounding at least a little bit confrontational.

“Not really saying you can’t, but you’re still on our radar, so to say.” She began explaining and she retracted the scythe. Good, she’s not actually that hostile. “I think you already have some inklings that the rest of us have been trying to keep things relatively calm, at least for now.”

“That is an impression I have, yes.” I replied. So does she think I am stirring things up too much? “Am I close to being on the hit list?”

“Not yet. You can be a bit wild if you want.” She answered, kinda contrasting that threat earlier. “Anyway, just remember that your actions will be scrutinized by those who came before. Right now, the opinion is not negative. Make sure to keep that up.”


Suddenly she teleported away after giving that ominous suggestion… I didn’t get to ask who the hell she was. Just gonna add that to another mystery, why don’t you.



<1: 58 pm>


“Hold on, really?” I asked one more time just to be sure.

“<Yeah. They need more time to prepare.>” Jeff relayed once more. I know this is all haphazardly scheduled, but I didn’t expect something to come up in-between. “<I was so hype for this too!>”

“I know, I know.” I replied. “Kinda sucky for you, that they all want more time.”

“<It sucks, but it’s not like I can force them.>” He said, already resigning to the delay… Oh, speaking of Jeff.

“Do you need the health potions by the way, considering last time?” I asked, still remembering that blunder of his. Looking back, just one more spell or even Jass stabbing it a few times would’ve been enough to kill it, he doesn’t need to use that dangerous attack at all.

It’s quite lucky that we even get that potion drop, otherwise he might take a few more days to recover, and he’s not exactly a patient guy.

“<Nah. I learn my lesson.>” He replied quickly with confidence. Now when it comes to that, it’s hard to believe.

“Sure… Gotta make sure the other five are reminded of it.” I muttered quietly.

“<Hey!>” He protested playfully.

“Heh. Anyway, it looks like we’re the only two in the voice chat, it seems.” I remarked on the little details. “I’ve been planning on taking a break from the stream, so I would like to take time to chat with others. Maybe playing games too.”

“<You’re taking a break? Did something happen?>” Jeff asked, sounding both curious and slightly concerned.

“Nothing important, it’s just that I want to take it a bit easy for now. Taking my time refining magic and gathering more info…” And maybe hang out with Wiina some more. Our… meeting has gone well, so I think she’s down to do that again. Hopefully. It would also be nice if she could visit me in my house… Maybe after I cleaned up a little bit. Far from the worst streamer room, but definitely wouldn’t look good on a da- meeting.

“<Info on what?>” He asked, probably not thinking about the heavy implications.

“You know, on magic, fantasy races, monsters, stuff like that.” I dismissively said, knowing that he wouldn’t be that interested anyway. There is also the conspiratorial stuff, of course, but those might actually make him hooked. Conspiracy theories of any kind are very easy to get roped into, be it real or fake, have solid evidence or not, it all gets people’s minds turning.

“<Oh. Those. Yeah, I don’t even know how you even find stuff like that.>” He said, oblivious to some of the methods.

“Eh. You can find that online at this point, though they aren’t all that substantiated. I’m just trying whatever I find.” I said, keeping it vague. It’s basically a bunch of reading, which I know he’s not a big fan of. He can read. He just doesn’t want to. “Anyway… What else do you wanna talk about?”

“<I don’t know. Did you hear any interesting news?>” He asked, and boy do I not have a lot. At least nothing concrete.

“Nothing in particular, no.” I said, not wanting to spread any rumors, at least not yet.

…Okay. So it looks like we are out of things to talk about for real.


<2: 58 pm>


<Welcome back, KaraLei>

<EX-VR, selected>


<Downloading… 0%>

<Downloading… 30%>

<Downloading… 100%>

<Welcome back to EX-VR>

<Current Time-Acceleration: x12>


<1: 11 PM>


…Did I just read that right? Twelve times? That sort of multiplier is only seen in events.

Speaking of events. I don’t think there is anything like that announced at all. This game seems to be in limbo at the moment… In a weird way.

“It seems that you still persist in your pursuit of knowledge.” Hold on what!? Who’s there!

…Oh! It’s one of the most important NPC in the main campaign. Her name was… Joan of Dark, or Id, or Jodi, however you wanna call her.

Her black hair with white streaks, red eyes, and pale skin along with the all-black shirt, shorts, and very torn up coat. All of this makes up one of the most mysterious and important characters. Looking like the doppelganger of the NPC Joan Dieark, the blonde warrior who assists the player against Samael, the Grand Demiurge. The two NPCs I briefly saw in the Savior Shrine.

“Jeez. You scared me a bit.” I remarked casually. “What are you doing here?”

“I’m just taking my time.” She dispassionately replied with a book in her hand, still reading as we conversed. I wasn’t expecting her hangout spot to be a massive library.

…Something I have been accepting, yet choose to not engage in until now, is the fact that all these NPCs are very human-like. In fact, they probably are cognizant, and real.

This game, this world, definitely has a rich history and many complications. How it was made, who the beta testers were, who were their publishers, where does all these techs and magic came from, all that, is not that important to this story.

Of course, since I am recognizing her as real, I should definitely treat her like one.

“So… Miss Jodi, do you know anything about what is happening in my world?” I’m just gonna go straight for the point. The thing here is that within the setting they already know we are from a different world, and that shouldn’t be any different now.

“No longer looking at this place through the lens of fiction, I see.” She casually remarked, despite all the existential implications behind it. “If you really want to know. Yes, I do know about it, same with those two.”

So I was right about that, at least… “Do you have any advice?”

“For what? My insight won’t help you much if you don’t specify.” She replied, at least entertaining the idea of answering.

“How far can I accumulate my strength?” That’s the one thing I want to know, and also… “How far can one individual go?”

“How far can one go…” She mumbled on that particular point. “Technically speaking. With magic, there is no such thing as a limit… However, that is only if your body and mind are refined enough.”

“…That’s a bit vague.” I can’t help but remark.

“That is to be expected. Magic is a nebulous thing in general.” She conceded. So is that all?

“So how transferable is magic here to the… other world?” I asked, since admittedly my spell list in this game is rather small.

“I think you already know that it does give you a sense of familiarity. It is meant to be a starting point, and that’s it.” She said, before closing the book she has been reading. “Of course, some people have already figured it out long before this event created by gods.”

“Hmm…” So it works even before all of this… What does the Mythical Eclipse even actually do then?

“Now then. I think you will be looking for more information through these books. They do provide real insights, just to be clear.” She said before walking off…

Bit of a spooky encounter. There’s no one else here, and I am by my lonesome looking through books like I’m a damn nerd. I think I am a bit more impressive-sounding than that.

Okay, let’s read…

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