Beyond M-Eclipse: Easy Mode LIVE

Chapter 18: Interests Renovating


<11: 59 am>


“...When you actually look at the news. Our neighborhood is pretty peaceful.” I remarked as we continued watching the TV, still waiting for Mom to finish cooking up.

Of course, I didn’t forget about that incident that night, but all things considered, compared to whatever this is, that seems rather tame.

…Speaking of that incident. I still have very few ideas on who that Wiina person is. She appeared on Karra’s stream, but that doesn’t tell me much. They seem friendly with each other, but that could just be human decency. Someone no one seems to have ever laid their eyes on until this eclipse event. It’s like they came out of nowhere, but how could that be true?

There’s too little to go off on, but at least I do think she’s at least familiar with this area, so extremely far-fetched stuff like coming from another world or some sort of fictional character came to life is unlikely.

“Yeah…” Glery doesn’t seem all too interested in that remark. I think it’s comforting to know that there isn't much to worry about, personally.

“Say, I know it hasn’t been that long, but…” I want to test my luck again to see if-

“No.” She assertively said. Well it was worth a shot.

“Fine…” I begrudgingly compiled. If she doesn’t want me to possibly hurt myself again, then I shouldn’t needlessly worry her.

“<According to some of our reporters, these night monsters are more frequently seen around the area known as dungeons. The eyewitnesses for the most part said that they are rather passive, and only attack when provoked.>” We continued listening to the news. There just seems to be more confusing things popping up, at least from the outset.

“You’ve been walking around at night a few times, right?” Glery suddenly asked.

“Huh? Well, I haven’t spotted any of that yet. I haven't been going outside at night that often nowadays.” I answered, still remembering that creep… Who lost a hand to that woman. It was definitely the most violent thing I’ve seen in person. Definitely felt a bit nauseating to recall, even if it all happened because she came to help.

“<Onto other news. I believe multiple medical institutes and even the military have started testing the potential of these changelings, and of course the power of magic… Can’t believe I’m saying that.>” The reporter looks rather bewildered after having to say the word ‘magic’ out loud unironically, unable to remain completely composed. I get ya, I think everyone is still in disbelief that all of this is even happening in the first place.

“Not everyday you see them cracking like that.” I remarked, always finding these professionals cracking up pretty funny. I think a lot of us think of them as bland as fuck drones that does nothing but talk, so whenever this happen it’s pretty jarring.

“I think very few can say that with a straight face.” Glery chimed in, sharing the same sentiment about magic and all that. Gotta get used to it being part of our vocab, no matter how ridiculous.

“Yeah, true enough.” I replied, just agreeing with her mindlessly. Meanwhile I get a whiff of the food from here. Smells like the food is about done.

“<The police have been rather proactive in reaching out to those with information on the dungeons, so for those who are contacted by them and you have a known history of entering dungeons, please don’t be alarmed.>” …I think people have all sorts of reasons to be alarmed.



<2: 11 pm>


I’m kinda surprised I haven’t been called yet. Mind you, I would rather not be called by the cops no matter the reason, they’re bearers of bad news of all kinds.

Maybe it’s because I’ve broadcasted my dungeon runs, so it’s not like I could’ve had much to hide. Maybe that’s why, or the warrant was lost in a trash bin somewhere.

Anyway, something more important just came up. My stream revenue. I haven’t actually checked it in a while but this number looks good. I think.

It’s hard to believe that I got so many views during these streams. I was a bit too preoccupied with trying to live to actually check the numbers, I was mainly looking at chat.

…I wonder if I should give some to Wiina. She has been the reason I got so many views for these streams, and the reason I’m still alive to begin with.

Maybe when we actually meet up again? Perhaps at a fancier restaurant? Somewhere exotic? I do wonder…

*Click* *Click* *Tap*

Now then, let’s watch the VODs of the other dungeon streamers. It looks like there are a few that get a lot of views.



<3: 24 pm>


Well they aren’t all too impressive as far as skill goes. In fact a lot of them just ran from the first monster they saw, even.

If it weren’t for their pre-established fanbase they probably would’ve had way lower views than mine.

Some daredevil streamers had tried fighting them, at least. But of course they do, it’s rather on-brand.

Overall there’s a lack of discipline, and aside from one or two streams they just go back to their regular contents. Probably just trend-chasing.

*Tap* *Click*

Speaking of contents, how had the beefs between those two been going. It’s been pretty damn funny so far…

*Click* *Tap*

…Well, aside from the outsiders chiming in with derogatory terms. Fucking tourists. It’s like they don’t know about kayfabe.

*Click* *Click*



<4: 41 pm>


“It’s pretty rare for you to call me… relatively early.” I remarked as we entered the gymnasium. “So why are we here exactly?”

“Was thinking about renovating the school, I need some opinions.” She said with a straight face, looking at the empty indoor field.

“Excuse me?” I’m kinda confused. Why talk about this all of a sudden?

“Like I said. It looks like I need to renovate this place to accommodate for all those changed by the Mythical Eclipse, as well as to fit in with the current state of the world.” She answered, still making me feel uncertain of what’s actually going on.

“...Sorry. Let me ask you something. Is this school yours?” I asked, vividly remembering her as simply being the P.E. teacher. The principal was someone else, right?

“I did a hostile takeover a few years back, so yes, it’s mine now.” She casually said. I just know that it’s not something I should continue to press. “The principal just acted on my behalf. I’d rather take it easy with stuff I already know about, even if the regiment here is way lighter.”

“I don’t think a P.E. class is anywhere close to a knight’s training, but okay…” I can’t help but snarked. “Anyway. Won’t renovating this place put some suspicion on you?”

“It would, if I was seen as the principal.” She answered, basically telling me she’s letting others get the brunt of those scrutiny. “Now then, this looks like a good place to start with. Since actual practice on spells must be done somewhere…”

…Actually, how would she even go about renovating this place? It’s not like she could just push the walls around or stretch and mold stuff like they are clay, not to mention stuff like electrical wires and pipes in the walls should really be taken into account. Magic isn’t gonna solve all that, I don’t think.

“First of all. I think we need to raise the roof quite a bit, and maybe replace some parts with glasses…” She muttered to herself. It just seems like she didn’t think about anything before bringing me here.


Suddenly someone teleported into the gymnasium with zero warning. Whoever they are, it’s pretty clear they’re not ordinary… In fact, just based on feelings alone, this person doesn’t feel at all like a human, despite having no discernable difference physically speaking.

This person has long blonde hair and green eyes, wearing a long loose coat that seems to be somewhere around indigo in terms of color, and underneath is a white sleeveless loose shirt with a slight purple tint as well as blue leather pants.

“There you are, Edea.” Coach Wana greeted this person casually. “Gonna need your help with more delicate stuff related to buildings, go and use her as your resources.”

This Edea person then turned around to look at me, showing some sign of familiarity. “Look who it is. Nice to meet you, name’s Edea.”

“Guess you already know, but my name is Wiina.” I said half-heartedly, looking at this gender-ambiguous individual.

“They are going to be the one doing all the fine-tuning. You and I can use our magic to reinforce things and shift them around.” Coach Wana said, feeling like she’s leaving something out. “Of course, if we want to make it more efficient, why don’t you try using one of those abilities of ours.”

“...Which one?” I had to ask, considering all the possibilities that I probably don’t even know about.

“Just any will do. Why don’t you try eating the walls? Or perhaps start duplicating your bodies and turn them into strong raw material already.” She dismissively answered.

“It must be rather difficult, having so many choices.” Edea remarked, looking rather sympathetic.

“Yeah.” I replied, not really sure what I should even do to help. Actually, why am I even helping in the first place? It would be rude to refuse at this point, but it’s not like she couldn’t come up with something that doesn’t need my strange biology or whatever. Was she just trying to test it for kicks? I know a lot of her weird antics are partially to make her look disarming, but how much of it is just general boredom?

“First off, let’s do something simple like the floor.” Coach Wana said as she crouched down, putting her hand on the floor.


…Pressing it lightly and nearly causing it all to break into pieces. We are still standing on it, by the way.

*Grab* *Press* *Squish* *Squirm*

I picked up a small piece of the floor that had flown off, and pressed it into my hand, digging into my palm and digested it away.

“Alright then, I’ll clean this up, you two stay in the air while I check all the delicate stuff.” Edea said as we do just that first and foremost. Sucking up all the debris into their own [Item Box] and leaving a large hole in the gymnasium, now completely missing the floor.

Wires and pipes are very clearly present, and they quickly get to work fixing it and probably strengthen it with whatever spells they have.

“All done. Wiina, now cover it up with my instructions, alright?” They said, before pointing at a specific area while making a motion with their finger, probably telling me on how to tackle it. “Try filling up this part first, go here, then there.”

“Right.” I said before aiming my right hand at it, doing as they asked.

My right hand and right arm in general is then stretched out and changed material to resemble the old ones, but with much greater overall quality, filling in the area with the parts of myself that are converted into this new material.

It’s definitely not a very dignified powerset, but also one that would probably see some important uses in the future.

I’m pretty damn thankful that this is just one of myriads of superpower I have access to. Having this as my defining power and I would probably go crawl into a hole somewhere.

“Okay, now fill in that part.” They said, giving me more instructions.


<5: 17 pm>


*Drop* *SMASH*

“Hm. Seems plenty good.” Coach Wana then dropped from up high and smashed her fist into the new floor. It does still show signs of damage, but considering this is someone who just easily destroyed an entire floor not too long ago, this is definitely impressive. “Now then, let’s raise the roof, and change how the ceiling looks…”

This is gonna take us all night aren’t we…

“Looking forward to the end result.” Meanwhile Edea is much more interested in this whole deal than I am. They seem to have some idea on architecture, at least, so at least there’s an expert on the field.

Maybe we can have a small chat after this pet project is over and done with.

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