Beyond the Bloodline

Chapter 29-Four-Armed Giant

"By the gods, what manner of magic is this?"

“…Can this even be considered ‘magic’?”

Such phrases were uttered by the master, grandmaster and weaker Epic Realm combatants, but for the Legendries who could see the mixture of Universal laws that just occurred, they were utterly silent.

‘Such seamless energy manipulation and law integration…’

The white-furred beast woman whom Jamie had met mere minutes ago thought to herself as she ‘looked’ at the depleted space.

It wasn’t that she or the other Legendries could not achieve the same results with their skills and techniques, but the efficiency and flawlessness of Jamie’s display that left them dumbfounded.

This ‘Luminous Void Annihilation’ was especially potent on beings who did not possess the ability to use universal law energies, delivering certain destruction to them, except those protected by special or unconventional artifacts.

However, even those versed in manipulating these would find themselves severely challenged by the multi-stage attack.

Only those capable of manipulating the law of destruction or wielding a potent universal law energy coat around their bodies AND souls can hope to withstand its effects, and even then, they would sustain significant injuries or have a low chance of facing death if their defences prove insufficient.

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

[Level Up]


The string of notifications rang out with multiple translucent light blue boards appearing in Jamie’s field of vision but he dismissed them all as he admired his handiwork.

Though his level was higher than all the monsters present, their sheer numbers were high enough to grant him the experience needed to level up a few times.

Wasn’t up to ten levels though.

But it was still quite a haul considering how high his level was, and the fact that Jamie was someone who needed a lot of experience points to level up.

“Hmm…using the light law energy felt strange…”

Jamie muttered to himself as he formed a ring of light energy around his arm, before dispersing the energy back into the atmosphere.

He repeated this action over twenty times until the speed at which he did this reduced to merely a second.

“Good enough for now.”

He dispersed the energy and then turned around, looking in the direction of the Vampire quintet and seeing that they were faring quite well against the Revenge Monkeys that were charging towards them in droves like mad dogs.

The horde of monkeys charging crazily in one direction, eyes glinting with an eerie mix of malice and madness, looked like they and abandoned all reason.

The ground trembled beneath their stampede, and this drew the attention of other monsters nearby, making them join the monkeys in attacking the five.

Wanete stood at the centre of their battle formation, her grimoire’s pages glowing as she sent out runes that buffed the other four and casted debilitating curses upon their assailants.

David who was now wielding an aura-constructed whip in tandem with his spear, lashed out with the weapon, flame crackling and scorching the air before landing on the ground and creating flaming shockwaves that rippled through the ground.

With his spear, each strike plunged into the hearts of monsters, the molten earth coating on the tip melting through their skin and piercing out through the other ends of some of their bodies.

His younger twin stood back-to-back with him; her crimson lightning-charged sword cleaving through the air at sonic speed.

Bolts of electricity surged from her blade, striking down incoming foes with unerring accuracy. Nelo coated his gauntlets with spiked ice, employing wind magic to boost his speed as he delivered bone-shattering blows that halted the monkey’s fanatic charges and pummelled them to death on impact.

His blood magic gave his attacks an extra brutal edge that amplified their destructive force.

Jorin pierced himself atop a vantage point nearby, his bow taut and his aura roused. He materialised arrows from thin air as he drew the bowstring, each shot piercing through the frenzy with deadly accuracy, leaving trails of light as they sliced through the horde and the unfortunate buildings behind also fell victim to their destructive capabilities.

The swarm of revenge monkeys surged forward recklessly, but they were met with lightning-charged slashes, frosty fits, and blazing whips.

Yet even as they fell, more took their place, drawn in by the maddened chaos that had befallen their kin.

It was quite a chaotic scene as weapons clashed and elemental explosively, making the ground tremble under the weight of their fight.

However, the ground soon began trembling for another reason, one that made Jamie turn his head in the direction of the dungeon with raised brows.


What was left of the dungeon’s structure erupted into flames, filling the air with smoke and shaking the ground violently.

From the heart of the inferno emerged a colossal figure, standing over twenty meters tall with imping grey skin and a physique that exuded raw power.

This massive giant possessed not just two, but four muscular arms, each adorned with mysterious dark red glyph markings that contrasted starkly against his skin.

He only wore a pair of tattered brown pants, emphasizing his raw and primal demeanour, with eyes mirroring the same hue and gazing out with intensity.

Flames and smoke clung to his body, creating an eerie aura around his towering form that made the ground tremble as he stepped forward.

The instant he did so, he felt the energies of over a dozen beings with similar auras to his lock onto his form immediately, something that caused a maniacal grin of excitement to twist his features.

His voice thundered like crashing waves as he roared in exhilaration, his words carrying across the area.

{Finally! Worthy Opponents!}

As if responding to his cry, the energy of the universal laws of metal and earth swirled around his arms and legs respectively.

His four limbs underwent a transformation, the normal flesh giving way to a shining, dark silvery metal that gleamed menacingly. Its hardness and strength were evident with every movement, accentuating his already overwhelming presence.

He harnessed the law of earth’s energy and drew power from the ground beneath him, before stretching one foot forward and taking a stance reminiscent of a seasoned martial artist.

Tension filled the air as the figures of multiple beings slowly ascended to the skies, each one releasing palpable waves of power, yet they did not take action against this obviously battle-hungry giant.

Seeing this, Jamie used his spatial perception to scan the area, noticing the swarm of tiny black dots a few kilometres from the Giant’s location, quickly moving eastward.

‘They seemed to be underground…’

The man quickly figured that the Legendary Realm existences of Clurg were concerned about the collateral damage to the city’s infrastructure, as well as the evacuating civilians who were most likely being carried by another Legendary.

There was also the fact that they were worried about the disaster that would ensue in the event that some of their attacks mistakenly missed their marks and went in the direction of any of the shelters.

‘Don’t they have a protocol on how to handle this?’

Just as Jamie was wondering that, the giant moved in a single swift motion, stomping his foot onto the ground and bellowing an incantation.



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