Beyond the Bloodline

Chapter 28- Luminous Void Annihilation

Seeing the five getting chased by more than 500 human-sized monkeys, who were also chucking blobs of poisonous liquid or earthen elemental projectiles at them, Jamie chuckled lightly as he remembered when he and five others also faced a similar situation due to one of his companions’ mistake.

“I think it was either Sarina or Olivia who caused this.

Come to think of it, their names all end with ‘a’.”

A nostalgic smile graced his face for a moment, but It vanished in the next when he sensed more monsters pouring out of the dungeon.

The sound of flapping wings filled the air, followed by the screams of all the people who were suddenly attacked by the newly appearing airborne monsters.

“Looks like the floor that just broke is the one with airborne monsters, huh?”

Dungeon breaks in dungeons with dozens of floors didn’t happen instantly, not all the floors broke at once and released the monsters.

It was a gradual process that took a bit of time.

But the longer it went on, the shorter the time required for the floors to break became, and by Jamie’s estimate, he felt the Level 700 monsters were gonna be out pretty soon.

‘Even that shadow element monster from before was at least above Level 600. That’s the Intermediate Epic range.

The ones coming out now are Superior Stages.’

He looked up as he thought that, taking in the scene of thousands of flying monsters of all shapes and sizes filling the air and creating a dark canopy below the clouds.

Wings of various forms, feathers, and scales propelled them through the skies with unmatched agility, while their collective presences cast eerie shadows over the lands below.

Among the horde, there were winged serpents with gleaming scales, spiralling through the air as they unleashed venomous breath that sizzled the ground on impact.

Half-humanoid and half-bird creatures slashed at any moving targets they spotted with their talons, whilst flying salamanders unleashed fiery projectiles from their mouths, shooting fireballs that exploded on impact.

Amidst the chaos, gryphons with their lion bodies and eagle heads swooped down, releasing piercing screeches that resonated through the air before they unleashed gusts of razor-sharp feathers.

Enormous bats with wingspans wider than a house blocked out the skies, and with each flap of their leathery wings, they released shockwaves that disoriented and dazed anyone beneath.

This unexpected attack left the adventurers and combatants vulnerable to the attacks of the other aforementioned monsters.

Looking at all this, Jamie’s face turned dark as he wondered just what on Estea the Legendries were doing.

He could clearly sense the auras of over thirty of them, and yet they weren’t doing anything.

‘There’s even a Sovereign too. Just one attack should be enough to deal with all these airborne monsters so why aren’t they doing anything? They don’t care about their city?’

The attacks of the monsters rained down on the ground like a furious storm whilst some adventurers wielded their weapons against the onslaught and cast defensive spells to create protective barriers.

Bolts of lightning forked from the ground and into the air, striking down some of the monsters whilst some others were blasted to bits by flaming projectiles.

Fighting the monster hordes both on the ground AND in the sky left the less-than-prepared combatants at a loss.

Even the city’s defence forces who were most equipped and were actually dealing with the monsters well, could not do the same everywhere—their numbers were limited after all.

Jamie looked to the top of a half-destroyed high-rise building, kicking off the ground and running up the building’s walls, scaring a few civilians who were hidden inside it in the process as he boosted to the top.

From there, he cast his gaze over the entire city, analysing everything as far as his eyes could see and nodding to himself when he noticed the efforts of the sentient humanoids pushing back against the monsters.

Taking a deep breath, Jamie unbuttoned his blazer and stood upright, spreading his arms out before rapidly circulating his magic power through his energy circuits.

Ambient universal law energies gathered around him faster than moths to a flame, carrying along magic power with it, a phenomenon that any sufficiently powerful existence in Clurg at the moment noticed.

The Legendries noticed this and instantly realised that someone on their level was taking action.

The Large-Scale kind of action…

After Dominating the ambient energies of three particular universal laws, Jamie put his left hand back into his pocket, holding his right index finger against his thumb as his lips parted lightly.

“Luminous Void Annihilation.”


The ambient spatial law energy surged and wrapped around the bodies of all the flying monsters in the sky, suspending their physical forms in a fixed state and setting the stage for what came next.

Space around them began compressing, creating intense gravitational pressure and preventing those who tried to break out from the initial spatial immobilization from succeeding.

As if that wasn’t enough, the law of light came into play, manifesting spheres of radiant light particles around each of the targets.

The spheres of concentrated light had so much law energy that even other Legendries who wanted to stop Jamie’s attack for reasons only they knew, backed away the instant they manifested.

All the entrapped monsters had their durabilities rapidly depleted, weakening their defensive prowess and leaving them vulnerable to the ensuing onslaught.

Simultaneously, the spheres of light absorbed the magic power residing in the bodies of the captured creatures, siphoning it away and swirling it around the spheres to create a second layer of energy around them.

Immobilized, and energy deficient with their durabilites depleted, even these monsters that could survive mountains falling on their backs could do nothing against the attack’s final stage.

The law of space’s energy swirled once more, generating folds in space that exerted immense spatial pressure, constraining the already compressed space even more and reducing the available ‘space’ for them to exist within.

Concurrently, the law of destruction’s energy was harnessed to shatter the bodies of the monsters using the magic power that had been drained from them earlier.

For monsters with higher magic reserves, their higher energy reserves only meant the concentration of destruction law energy on them was higher.

Their forms were all torn asunder by the destructive energies, concluding the 180-second process.

A collective gasp of astonishment swept throughout Clurg, a symphony of awe echoing across the faces of soldiers, adventurers, and even the monsters below.

Their eyes widened, transfixed by the display of power that just unfolded above them.

Monstrous entities that were each capable of flattening Clurg with single full-powered attacks, were reduced to nothing more than fleeting shadows in the aftermath of the attack.

The skies that had been ruled by these fierce beings moments ago were now filled with the swirling remnants of their existence that slowly dissipated in the wind.

Even the non-sentient monsters who were wreaking havoc mindlessly, momentarily stilled their frenzied rampages.

The sheer concentration of energy was so overwhelming that it made even the other Superior Epic Realm monsters on the ground pause in a mixture of shock and trepidation.

They felt that the power they had just seen actually surpassed the might of the dungeon’s deeper inhabitants.

And they were not the only ones who had felt this. The adventurers who had cleared the dungeon recently were also shocked at this swift yet complete annihilation.

Nothing remained of their forms but the lingering depletion of the space they once inhabited.


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