Beyond the Bloodline

Chapter 34- And the Suit Burns out


Countless earthen chunks erupted from what was left of the ground, each one coated in earth and metal law energies, as well as a little hint of negative life energy.

The rocks shot up towards Jamie, homing in on the Hybrid who used his spatial flight to dodge them all with a paper-thin margin.


Hecragar who was holding Glox’s body in his newly regenerated upper left arm, swung his remaining three arms downward and pulled back the airborne earthen chunks towards the ground with devastating force.

With gravity’s assistance, the rocks crashed down faster than Jamie could dodge and slammed into him on their path to the ground, erupting into an explosion of dust and debris upon collision with the earth.


Hecragar’s senses screamed ‘DANGER!’ at him, but before his body could move in response to it, a long metre-thick slash of energy cleaved through the space in front of him, destroying all the rocks in its path with precision.

The slash collided against his hastily made defensive barrier and a spatial disruption occurred, clashing with the energy barrier and rendering it asunder.

His barrier crumbled under the onslaught and shattering like glass, Hecragar was defenceless against the slash as it cleaved out a portion of his right shoulder down to the area right above his lungs.

‘To think he estimated the length of the slash and ducked to reduce how much of his body it destroyed…’

Jamie, who was aiming to cleave out more than half the giant’s lungs, thought to himself as he saw his slash cutting far less than he expected.

But that didn’t deter him as he moved his body, coating his arm in flames and swinging it down to send a huge slash of azure flames flying towards the wounded giant.

“Flare Torrent.”

The slash of flames seared and carved the giant’s skin and flesh with resistance and unyielding ferocity, after which the flames surged forth and engulfed him in an all-encompassing blaze, despite his massive physical size.

Jamie landed on the ground and looked up at the relentless confluence of blue fire that engulfed the giant’s body, he frowned for two reasons.]

One: was that he felt his slash had been defended against by something.

Two: his current half-naked appearance.

“I knew my suit was not gonna survive this, now I have to take out one of my old suits. And here I thought I’d be able to wear a new era’s clothes.”

He dismissed the flames while he muttered this, revealing the state of the giant and confirming his thought was correct.

The giant’s body that was now supposed to be charred and burnt all over was now encased in a dark silvery metal coat, nevertheless, it could be seen from the light scars on his body that this metal covering did not offer complete protection.

{Verdant Restoration}

Waves of life energy washed over both Glox and Hecragar who was holding him, weaving through the scorched wounds and knitting their flesh with renewal.

Glox flapped his wings as he left Hecragar’s palm, but he instantly turned his gaze to the left and saw Jamie’s approaching form with his right fist pulled back.

{Not this time.}

Flapping his wings forward, he took distance from that area, evading the space-distorting punch that swung through where he was a moment ago.

Despite having missed his target, Jamie remained undaunted as he looked in the direction that the winged monster retreated towards, before coating his body with spatial energy and disappearing through space.

He made his reappearance right behind the monster, swinging his hand forward and releasing a horizontal arcing spatial slash.

Glox, however, flipped his body and dodged the slash, flapping his wings and darting to the left to avoid the next one that cleaved through the space diagonally, then mirroring the same movement to the right to avoid the third.

Jamie’s arm blurred as he released dozens of spatial slashes in an instant, severing all matter they came in contact with but Glox displayed outstanding agility and dodged them all with paper-thin margins.

He blitzed behind the silver-haired man and swung his fist coated in dark green universal law energy, but Jamie only teleported right behind him and elbowed him in the face.


Glox’s head impacted with the ground and rebounded back into the air, but Jamie wasn’t given the chance for a follow-up attack as Hecragar who had been completely healed stomped his foot and activated magic.

A large metal spike emerged from the earth and pierced toward Jamie, prompting him to cross his arms in a defensive stance while unleashing a surge of spatial energy, shrouding the immediate area before him.

The space between the metal spike’s tip and his crossed arms was suddenly expanded rapidly within that same distance, making it so that although the spike visually appeared to be no less than a metre away from his arms, it actually had a distance of over a thousand metres to cross.

Enough time for Jamie to flip his body over with his spatial flight and launch himself like a spring towards Hecragar’s face, delivering a spinning top kick to the side of the giant’s face.

Despite the size difference, the power of Jamie’s X1 strength stat was nothing to scoff at, as it enabled him to send Hecragar’s body tumbling through the air and crashing onto the ground.

{Arc Convergence!}

Glox’s shout rang out, preceding a colossal beam of concentrated dark green light that surged through the air and struck the airborne Jamie with devastating force.


A dome-shaped explosion of dark green fire erupted upon impact with the ground, but instead of extending outward, the explosion’s energy was absorbed inwards, reforming into a giant spear construct of the volatile energy.

Waving his hand downwards, Glox sent the spear hurtling towards Jamie’s body on the ground to pierce the Hybrid’s chest before exploding once more with a bright flash of light.

The monster displayed amazing power control, concentrating more than 90% of the attack’s power into dealing damage to Jamie, with only a measly percentage left to wreak havoc on the surroundings.

But even that small percentage was enough to create a kilometre-wide crater that carved deep into the ground.

One should take into account the fact that when two beings fought, the amount of damage dealt to the surroundings could not be used to measure their true destructive power.

For example, if Being A attacked entity B and everything within a Kilometre radius was destroyed, this didn’t mean that Being A’s attack could only destroy a single kilometre radius as most of the power and force of the attack would be channelled directly into entity B’s body to reduce their durability and health values.

What hits the surroundings and destroys the kilometre radius are just the residues of power that didn’t directly hit Entity B.

On average, about 70-80% of an attack’s power is usually focused on the opponent’s body to deal damage. What one sees destroying the surroundings is the remaining 20-30%.

If one had better power control, they could increase that to 90%. Then those ones who could kill powerful existences on their level with single attacks that don’t affect the surroundings much are the ones with exceptional control and are able to achieve around 95-99%.

Glox fell under the category of who could reach that 90%, and he just did that with astonishing ease.


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