Beyond the Bloodline

Chapter 38- Galaxy Sword

“Nice. But let’s take this elsewhere, shall we?”

Jamie clapped his hands and surrounded the giant with spatial energy with the intention of teleporting him away but he quickly used his own law energy and resisted the teleportation.

“Figured that was gonna happen.”

He only smiled wryly when he saw that the giant was capable of resisting his teleportation, before using his spatial energy to twist his body and avoid the punch that came barrelling towards him.

Right after, he jumped onto Hecragar’s arm and ran up the limb towards the giant’s head, but there was no way the monster was gonna let him reach so easily.

He swung down the metallic arm crafted from universal law energy to swat Jamie off, however, the Hybrid who had no intentions of being squashed like a fly, jumped up and stomped down onto the giant’s elbow, breaking it and eliciting an agonized roar from him.

Jamie quickly flew into the air and charged towards the outskirts of the city where they had been before, with Hecragar chasing after with multiple consecutive long jumps while launching countless razor-sharp blades toward Jamie.

The silver-haired man used spatial expansion and compression to slow down and destroy the projectiles, before creating a bow of blue energy and launching six massive arrows of flame and lightning.

Hecragar punched forward with his metal-crafted arm, sending forth shockwaves that collided with the arrows and destroyed them in small explosions.

Simultaneously, the giant formed a set of strange hand seals with his two lower arms, channelling an immense concentration of metal universal law energy through his body.

The air around him seemed to tremble in response to the building up energy and the ground beneath him quaked as if in protest.

Jamie naturally sensed the condensing energy and deduced the giant was up to something, while the others all felt their instincts telling them to get the heck out of the area.

Some of the Legendries who had concluded their battles and taken out the other monsters already began preparing defensive measures as regardless of whether Jamie managed to deal with it or not, the power behind whatever Hecragar was planning was not something that could be handled easily.

The atmosphere crackled with universal law energy, and the sheer weight of the impending devastation filled the air with an unsettling tension that left everyone on edge.

{Eruption Barrage}

Hecragar gestured with one of his lower arms, triggering a series of controlled eruptions across the ground.

Molten metal and molten rock burst forth from the ground, launching in a fiery and destructive barrage toward Jamie.

A few of the Legendries motioned to help Jamie with handling the attack, but they found that there was some sort of spatial disruption that prevented them from getting closer to him.

The giant took a runner’s stance, using a few unfortunate buildings as a runner’s block, before kicking off the ground and charging forward at max speed.

Sound was easily left behind as he blitzed in behind Jamie who was dealing with his eruption barrage, holding a massive orb of energy in his palm.

{Metallithurge: Titanic Metallic Blast.}

With a sweeping motion, the giant unleashed a colossal beam that surged forward in a blinding arc of radiant silver, the beam’s intense heat disintegrating all the structures it passed and carving the ground on its way towards the Hybrid’s back.

He was sure he had moved faster than Jamie could react and he filled the area with his own energy, an attempt to delay the silver-haired man from using the ambient spatial energy for his benefit.

However, Jamie who wasn’t even looking in his direction only smiled and raised his right hand, holding his thumb atop his index finger.


Strangely enough, everyone was somehow able to hear the echoing sound of his fingers snapping.


That one word escaped his lips, and the space laws in the area trembled in response, converging at a singular point and blooming into a massive distortion.

A singular massive dark portal manifested into existence, adorned with radiant blue energy that danced along the edges, and an abyssal void devoid of light or substance within it.

The magnetically charged disintegration beam surged right into the portal that yawned open before it and vanished into the darkness beyond it.

In an instant, the portal snapped shut, the brilliant blue energy disappearing as abruptly as it had appeared, after having devoured the giant’s all-out attack.

Not a trace remained as the attack was extinguished from existence, as though it had never been.

Silence pervaded the area, as the battlefield momentarily held its breath, stunned by the spectacle that just occurred.

The surprise made a few miss how Jamie handled the eruption barrage in front of him using spatial compression.

Hecragar who believed Jamie was not going to be able to open up a portal fast enough was momentarily dumbfounded, but he kept his calm.

‘He’d definitely fire it back to me; I just have to wait for him to do so.’

However, a few seconds passed, and Hecragar’s expression turned strange as Jamie did not redirect the power of the beam like he had seen him to Glox’s Arc Convergence.

His backup plan banked on the Hybrid doing exactly that, after all.

Even the other Legendries who were present expected him to do that, as that was the most basic yet advanced technique all those who possessed spatial skills and could create wormholes with them could do.

“…hmm? Were you expecting me to fire it back at you?”

Jamie spoke after noticing Hecragar’s expression slowly turning darker as time passed, figuring out what the giant had expected.

“Sorry, but that’s not happening.

Dunno if you knew before but that was a ‘True Void’. You know, the ‘Nothingness’ kind. That beam’s gone for good.”

The words ‘gone for good’ made Hecragar’s expression contort even more. He tried to quickly conjure up another attack but he was suddenly overcome by a sudden wave of lethargy.


Grunting in pain, he staggered backwards while holding his head with his metal-crafted arm, but the arm suddenly dissolved back into molten metal and slipped off the severed stump, falling towards the ground.

The dark red glyphs on his normal arms flickered dangerously before dimming completely as his unique skill was forcefully deactivated.

He had exhausted most of his energy and the amount he had left was not enough to support the skill’s activation state.

“Energy deficiency? No, you’re not quite there yet but you’re close.

And frankly, so am I.”

Jamie spoke as he landed atop a half-collapsed skyscraper that had a quarter of its upper floors melted by some strange greenish liquid.

“To think I would actually have to use a weapon. Such a pity.”

The Hybrid muttered to himself as he took a stance, curving his left arm downwards and creating an entrance to his subspace within the arc.

Suddenly, his aura exploded outward, proliferating far faster than the speed of sound and blanketing everything within dozens of kilometres within a field of impenetrable darkness.

The stars of the night sky were blot out and the light of the moon lost its brightness.

Those caught within experienced a disorienting sensory deprivation, as sound was muffled and even spatial awareness was distorted in this ink-void veil.

Even the stronger Epic and Legendary realm existences had their perceptions limited to just a few metres away from them.

Within this darkness, Jamie’s clear blue eyes shone with light as he dipped his hand into the patch of darkness that was his subspace’s entrance and grabbed onto something.

He then pulled it out with his right hand, revealing its appearance to be a single long sword.

The sword had a hilt crafted from polished obsidian and a blade that seemed to be forged with an expanse of black mist, shimmering with an ethereal iridescence.

It resembled the swirling galaxies and nebulae that adorn the night sky, and the appearance of outer space itself.

Jamie pulled out this sword and held it overhead for a second, before swinging it down all in one swift motion whilst calling out its name.

|Galaxy Sword |

His swing released a slash of darkness that flew towards Hecragar, phasing through the giant’s body and then disappearing afterwards.

And in that same swift motion, Jamie returned the sword to his subspace as if he was sheathing the blade, whilst simultaneously retracting the blanket of darkness covering the surroundings.

Once again, everyone regained their full perception of the surroundings, and they were met with the scene of Jamie standing still while facing Hecragar, the same scene they had seen before the sudden veil of obscurity covered them.

The glow in the silver-haired man’s blue eyes dimmed and he heaved a deep sigh, before pulling out a blazer from his subspace and tossing it onto his shoulders, whilst using magic to slowly regenerate and reweave the threads on his torn shirt.

“Now then, where are those five younglings.”

He muttered to himself as he expanded his spatial perception to cover a larger distance, scanning for the location of the Vampire quintet and discovering them relatively quickly.


Just as he was about to fly away, the white-furred beast woman suddenly called out to him in a flustered manner, pointing to the giant still staring in his direction.

“…the monster. You haven’t killed it yet.”

“Hmm? That guy’s already dead though.”

Jamie tilted his head to the side as he spoke, flicking his fingers and creating a gust of wind that blew towards Hecragar’s standing form, pushing it to fall backwards.

Mid-air, a thin black line appeared on the giant’s body from the head down to crotch, and with that line as a divisor, the giant’s body split into two not-so-equal halves which crashed onto the ground simultaneously.


“Told Ya.”

Jamie dismissed his level-up notifications and kicked off the ground, soaring into the sky and leaving behind the dumbfounded Legendries as he flew towards the direction of the five vampires who were exhausted after fighting hordes upon hordes of monsters.



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