Beyond the Bloodline

Chapter 37-Azure Flare Thunderstrike

The Hybrid’s fist engulfed in crackling blue tendrils of electric power easily phased through all his defences and collided with Glox’s chest.

The energy surged forth from his fist and thunderously impacted the monster’s chest, releasing a torrent of blue lightning that coursed through his body, disrupting his nervous system and energy circuit flow.

He was sent flying through the air, all the way over to where a trio of Legendries were fighting against a particularly resilient Chimera.

With a resounding impact, Glox collided with the enormous Chimera's flank, propelling the monster into a chaotic spin through the air before they both plummeted to the earth below, gouging the terrain upon impact.

The three Legendary Realms were dumbfounded at this sight, only snapping out of their flabbergasted states when the man responsible teleported right in front of them.

“Sorry for the distraction.”

He then kicked off the ground and shot towards the two fallen monsters, grabbing onto Glox’s head and bashing it onto the floor with so much force the earth gave away and the monster’s skull cracked.

After this, he grabbed the Chimera’s snake tail with a swift motion and severed the snake head with a spatial energy slash, making the creature scream in pain.

But Jamie wasn’t done yet; He dropped Glox onto the ground and stepped onto the winged monster.

In a whirling motion, he spun around repeatedly while holding onto the chimera’s tail, swinging its body around with him.

He spun about five times on the spot, flinging the chimaera up into the air in the direction of the beast woman who instantly understood the assignment.

She held up her palms and condensed light law energy within them releasing it as a focused beam that slammed into the Chimera’s torso and exploded upon impact.


Smoke and flames billowed in the sky as the other Legendries took that as a cue to add in their own flame and lightning attacks, proliferating the destructive power of the explosion in an instant.

Emerging from the veils of billowing smoke high above, a scorched and charred corpse plummeted to the ground below. Its form was marred by a colossal cavity in its torso, courtesy of the beast woman’s initial light beam.

“Nice one.”

The beast woman heard Jamie’s voice, turning to see him holding out his right thumb towards the trio, with his left palm grabbing Glox’s face tightly.

“Behind you!!!”

She suddenly screamed out towards Jamie, but alas, it arrived too late—a colossal, dark green spear of malevolent energy impaled Jamie's back, transfixing his heart and erupting out from his chest in a vicious burst.


The spear exploded in his chest, carving a gaping hole in his upper body, much like the one in the corpse of the Chimera still burning on the floor.


The Hybrid coughed out blood and organ pieces, his eyes widened in apparent shock whilst Glox used a condensed energy blade to slice off Jamie’s arm that was holding his face and break free.

Every single person who saw this assumed Jamie was dead.

No, it was more of a conclusion that he was dead.

The power behind that strike, rending his heart and lungs asunder, left them with no doubt—surely, he could not have survived such an attack.

No way he could survive that, right?

[…That’s probably what you’re thinking right now, Glox, isn’t it?]


A profound shift rippled through the atmosphere Jamie’s expression transformed from one of pain and agony to a mischievous grin.

Collective gasping sounds swept through the onlookers as they beheld what they considered impossible unfolding before them.

The streams of Jamie’s splattered blood flowed back into his body, quite an eerie spectacle to behold. His shattered flesh and organs knit together, the pieces reassembling in an unnatural manner, patching up with a macabre precision.

As if that wasn’t enough, the space around his severed arm on the floor distorted and it warped back up to his body, reattaching itself seamlessly and fitting back into place as though it had never been severed in the first place.

Before Glox could even finish computing why he had heard Jamie’s voice in his head, much less the spectacle he had just witnessed, an intense feeling of dread washed over him.


Jamie’s figure materialised behind him, a potent blend of lighting and flames channelled into his pulled-back arm.

With breakneck speed, he delivered a punch right to the spot between Glox’s wings, the initial impact shattering the monster’s spine.

Azure flames erupted first, engulfing the monster’s whole body in a searing inferno. And a millisecond later, the lightning followed suit, crackling through the flames in a blinding flash.

The two elemental forces mixed with Jamie’s naturally space-inclined energy triggered a spatial distorting in the air, unleashing a shockwave of devastating energy that shattered the surroundings.

Glox’s wings disintegrated, the flesh on his back was burnt to crisp, and his shoulder bones were turned to ashes.

The only thing keeping him alive was his unnaturally high amount of life force owing to his skill and his affinity for the universal law of life.

But Jamie had taken that into account and already pulled his fist back for another punch, preparing to reciprocate the now wingless monster’s other attack.

However, it should not be forgotten that Jamie was fighting with two monsters, and not one.

A massive presence suddenly appeared above them, casting a huge shadow onto the ground.


The beast woman extended her arms, creating a 500-metre-wide circular barrier around Jamie and Glox, extending the barrier upwards just in time for the giant’s body to crash onto the ground.


With a thunderous boom that rippled outward, shockwaves radiated from the impact point, cracking the ground and sending tremors rippling through the landscape.

A plume of dust and debris erupted into the air, obscuring the surroundings in a choking cloud while the sheer force of the collision created a shockwave that travelled in all directions.

The moment it reached the barrier that encapsulated the area, it crashed into it and caused it to resonate like a massive tuning fork. The ground trembled, the barrier quivered, yet it held firm, absorbing the overwhelming kinetic force and chaotic energy.

Immediately, the barrier began to ascend, the lattice of energy extending into a towering pillar of radiant light energy that pierced the clouds.

This channelled all the destructive power from the collision that would have no doubt turned Clurg into a massive hole on the ground up into the night skies.

It didn’t change the fact that the ground within the barrier had been deleted from existence, though.


Loud noises echoed from within the barrier, and soon the sturdy construct was suddenly broken from the sides, with the figure of the four-armed giant flying out and towards the ground.

But before he plummeted to the floor, he flipped mid-air and landed on his two feet, leaping off the ground almost instantly and charging forward with his right fists pulled back.

A blue streak of light shot out of the broken hole in the barrier, colliding with the giant’s fists with a ground-breaking impact.

Immediately, what followed was a fistfight between a two-armed regular humanoid and a massive four-armed giant. Both sides delivered swift blows, with each strike releasing shockwaves that shook the ground.

Hecragar delivered a right straight with his bone-crushing strength, but suddenly the space in between them seemed to twist and the figure of the wounded Glox materialized right in front of his fist.


Sadly, it was too late as the momentum behind his punch was not something that could be lost instantly.

Jamie also made matters worse by throwing out an Azure inferno strike, causing the poor Glox to be caught in a dual assault, both by his enemy and his ally.

Caught between the forceful collision of Hecragar's punch and Jamie's Azure inferno strike, Glox's body crumpled in a violent impact. Bones shattered, flesh tore, and his form contorted in a gruesome display of devastation.

Hecragar pulled back his fist quickly, suffering a light rebound for cancelling his attack, but before he could reach out and pull Glox’s body out of the way, Jamie had already taken action.

A massive double-layered spatial slash cleaved through the air, slicing the giant’s arm right through the middle and splitting the limb in half.

Jamie then grabbed Glox’s neck and then switched his grip to hold the monster by his jaw while he waved his other hand and spoke.

“Bye for now.”


The Hybrid slammed the monster’s jaw with his lower palm, ejecting a spike of flaming ice from his palm that pierced from right under Glox’s jaw, and burst out from the top of his head.

[Level Up] x?

Dismissing the notifications and letting go, the monster’s corpse fell down towards the ground, but before it reached, an entrance to Jamie’s subspace opened up and the body fell right into it.

He then turned towards the bleeding Hecragar and saw the giant sever the remnants of his wounded arm and use universal law energy to forge another arm constructed from molten metal as a temporary replacement.

“Nice. But let’s take this elsewhere, shall we?”


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