(BL) I just wanted to take a break, so why the script changed?!

Chapter 10 – Ferris-wheel

The appointment ended, but almost everyone stayed to ask their questions.

Klaye woke up Suzana and seeing her confused face he laughed.

„Don’t you want to go out anymore?”

Her eyes lit up. She grabbed his hand and pull him out.

When Klaye realized what happened, they already left the room. He still heard grandpa Radbert madly shout after them.

They walked in the city aimlessly. They found a lot of shops and even a mall, but they were rebuilt into houses. Klaye could see they did a splendid job to make the city able to accept more survivors.

After some hours they found a zoo. Lions, tigers, zebra, monkeys… After they mutated they became wiser and it would be possible to tame some of them. Klaye didn’t think that Vincent would risk such a dangerous thing…

A little farther away they found an Amusement park. It wasn’t just left untouched, but it was even operated and a lot of children played there. Suzana was excited and they went in to try out everything. Gladly, a restaurant was open there so they didn’t need to run around to find food.

After playing the whole afternoon they sat on a pad and drank soda. Klaye was tired of running around the whole day, but Suzana’s eyes shined and tried to choose where to go next.

„Roller-coaster!” she shouted.

„… We already went 6 rounds, wasn’t that enough?”

„One more time!”

„I work my ass off and you guys dare to play here!”

Hearing that familiar annoyed voice, Klaye turned back. It was Lex and Howard.

„If we are already here, then let’s play!” Howard smiled and grabbed Suzana’s hand.

„I show you everything!” she was excited to get new playmates.

Klaye facepalmed. This girl was too energetic. He watched the 3 of them left and felt relieved. Then he noticed someone stood next to him. When he looked up his heart almost stopped. It was Vincent.

„Do you come to play too?” he asked stupidly.

Vincent watched him for a while then nodded. „Let’s try out something easy.”

Klaye excitedly walked around with him. In the end, they chose the Ferris-wheel. After they sat down they watched the view in silence.

„Don’t you want to ask anything?” Vincent asked suddenly.


„About the things I said at the conference. Everyone had a lot of questions… Are you not interested?”

„… Those things are too unimaginable to me.” Klaye murmured and looked down at his hands. Even if he knew it would happen he still couldn’t imagine it.


Klaye nodded.

„But you were already infected. Do you forget you spent 2 weeks in bed with a high fever?”

„That… I was unconscious. I never thought that I slept for so long.” he vaguely remembered about one or two dreams, but most of the time he was in deep sleep and didn’t dream.

Vincent raised his brows. „Didn’t you have any memory about it?”

 Klaye felt helpless and shook his head. Cold water, pain… and maybe a wet dream, but those memories were too vague, he couldn’t make out anything from them.

Vincent sighed. „And I spend so much effort to take care of you and you dare to forget it…”

Klaye’s body stiffened. He was able to hear the disappointment in the man’s voice.

„I… I didn’t do it on purpose!” he tried to protect himself.

„Even so, if you don’t remember how can I hope that you’ll pay back?” Vincent looked at him meaningfully.

„I do anything! Even if I forget my own name, I do anything for you!” he blurted out without thinking.

„Are you sure?”

„Yes!” Klaye nodded repeatedly.

„Then take care of me, when I’ll be sick.” Vincent smiled at him.

Klaye’s eyes widened and unbelievably looked at the man. He didn’t think he would ask something like this. If he remembered right, Vincent was sick for a whole month! If he really needed to take care of him, he needs to feed him, change his clothes and even wash his body…

Klaye’s face turned deep red. I can see his naked body!

His thought ran far away, thinking about what he could do in a month with the unconscious Vincent. He could touch every part of his body whenever he wanted and how many times he wanted! Vincent’s naked body! Vincent’s naked body! Hahahaha…

Klaye foolishly laughed.

The Ferris-wheel took a round and it was time to get down. Vincent grabbed his hand and pulled him out, but he didn’t notice anything. His head was full of perverted thoughts.

When Klaye finally come back to his senses, they were already in the car. He saw Lex and Howard watched him and he felt embarrassed. He looked out of the window and didn’t care about them.

„You!” Howard hit Lex’s leg. „Just when the hell it turned into like this?!”

„Hey!” Lex pulled away his leg. „If you ask me, then who could I ask?!”

„You visited him before, didn’t you?”

„And what? I went to see Egbert!”

„Bah, and you too! Why am I the only one left out?!” Howard sighed.

They had a fight and didn’t speak more on the way.

Back to the villa, they went to eat dinner. Around the table, there were some people who chose this time to eat too.

Klaye sat down and looked around. In the morning, he didn’t paid too much attention to it, but now he noticed all the men here were single! His room was little, so it was impossible to live there with someone, but he didn’t think the other rooms would be the same too.

The villa was silent and peaceful, but it didn’t lasted long.

„Vincent!” Lex’s desperate voice was heard. He ran down on the stairs. He hugged Egbert in his hands and was out of breath. „He… have a fever…”

Everyone was surprised. They just heard about the virus this morning. They never thought someone would be infected so fast.

Lex walked to Vincent and the others evaded him. They were afraid to catch it.

Howard walked to him and was stunned. Egbert’s body was red, but some spots were darker. „What happened to him?”

„I… I don’t know! In the morning, I thought that he was just too tired after the night, so I didn’t intend to wake him up… But I just asked the servants, and they didn’t saw him the whole day.”

From his words, everyone could guess what happened at night and they looked at Vincent. They knew how much he hated gays and they waited. Some were afraid it would cause a quarrel, but some just wanted to see a good show.

„Under the villa we prepared a room for the sick.” Vincent didn’t even put down his folk while he spoke. „Jay! Show him the way!”

A middle aged servant nodded and left with Lex.

„Didn’t you say that in the hospital everything was prepared?” a young man asked. He was Ormond Warburton, Vincent’s cousin.

 „Do you know how big this city? Or how many people are here now?” Vincent asked.

The others were confused and shook their head.

„After the modification, this city can receive almost 60 thousand people. Part of the Warburton and Machart family with their servants come here and similarly as some of you, friends with their family come too. For safety options, we even asked the king’s permission to move our soldiers here. Of course they brought their family too. So now we almost had 30 thousnad people. The hospital can accept around 1500. If the patients have someone who can take care of them, then I hope to leave them under house arrest.” Vincent looked around. „You don’t need to be afraid. If something goes wrong no one can leave that room. Now sit down and eat! Don’t cause panic because someone became sick!”

They nodded and followed Vincent’s instructions. They still had questions, but they trusted him. If they not, they would never come here.

Klaye was confused, he didn’t think it was so simple. Maybe Vincent hid some other things?

He remembered how he made him promise to take care of him when he would be sick and his face became red again. He looked down and felt ashamed. He never realized he could be so easily manipulated by Vincent.

After dinner, some of them stayed to speak. They sat on the couch and gossiped.

Klaye stayed too. He wanted to ask Lex about Egbert’s state. He sat farther away from them and watched the 3 loudest guys. They were Ormond, Valen and Kaid Warburton. Brothers who were born right away after each other. They were almost inseparable and the only cousins who had a good relationship with Vincent.

Klaye watched them with a faint smile on his face. They were always so optimistic, he really envied them. He tried to recall their fate from the book and the smile froze on his face. It’s not right! Didn’t Valen become that bitch’s lover?! It happened a little after Vincent came back from their vacation. They had a big fight because of it and their brotherhood was completely destroyed!... Wait! How come Vincent never realized it? He even tried to help them to make up. None of them told him the truth? Or…

He felt that it became more and more complicated.

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