Blasting Off! (Pokemon)(Team Rocket OC)

Chapter 11: Proton, Creepy Girl

Proton's first impression of the Rocket Grunt he's been sent is… not very awe-inspiring. To be perfectly honest, he still wasn't quite sure why Archer had insisted upon only sending one Grunt down to Vermilion as back-up, instead of a whole squad. Something about the rest of them fucking up badly enough to need remedial training… but even still.

Still, at the end of the day, Proton was just an Admin and Archer was an Executive. The other man technically outranked Proton, leaving him unable to do anything unless he wanted to complain to the Boss himself. And Giovanni wasn't the kind of man you complained to all willy-nilly. No sir, while Proton might just be an Admin, he wasn't a complete fuck-up like that idiot Petrel. He knew how to keep his head down and get his missions DONE, damn it.

Still, upon seeing the Grunt standing at the tree blocking the way to the Vermilion City Gym and just staring at it silently, Proton wasn't too impressed. Frankly, he was becoming concerned that he would be stuck operating AROUND the Grunt, rather than being able to rely upon him. All the same, all he could really do was try to keep them both on task.

"You're not getting through there like that, you know."

As the pink-haired Grunt turns to face him, Proton saunters up, brow raised.

"A lonely Grunt, walking around Vermilion all by himself? I take it you're the one they sent to help me with the smuggling mission. Well? Did you bring the goods?"

The Grunt nods and reveals a package that does indeed look to be the right size to contain Team Rocket's designer drugs. A special steroid that would make sure Lt. Surge's Pokemon stayed in tip top shape… better shape than the aging War Vet himself was in these days, no doubt.

"Great. Move over."

As Cam steps aside, Proton calls forth his Pokemon and has it Cut down the tree, before rolling his eyes.

"Utterly pointless, planting a tree right in front of a Gym like this."

He half-expects the Grunt, who if he recalls correctly is named 'Cam', to comment… but the younger man doesn't say a word. The quiet type, eh? Hopefully he's just quiet and not also slow…

"Well? Come on then."

Together, they head inside.

The Gym's other trainers all avert their eyes when they see a Rocket Admin and Grunt walking in, and no one dares to stop them as they head back to the Gym Leader's chamber. When they arrive however, Surge is talking to a pair of kid trainers, so Proton holds up a hand to stop Cam and they stand off to the side, in silence.

"Lt. Surge, s-sir! You're so strong! We didn't stand a chance against you!"

"Yeah! You're wicked powerful! Please, sir! Can you tell us how your Pokemon got so strong?! We want to be like you!"

Standing there with his fists on his hips and a big wide grin on his face, the Gym Leader of Vermilion City lets out a hearty laugh, from deep within his chest.

"Bahaha! Well, I'll tell ya kids! Exercise your body by pushing yourself just a little harder every day! Make sure you and your Pokemon are both getting the vitamins you need, along with a good night's sleep every night! And remember: It's imperative that you ALWAYS eat your meats and your veggies! Haha, that's the way to do it, kids! Good luck and don't give up!"

Its such an obviously canned response that it takes every fiber of Proton's being not to roll his eyes. In fact, why shouldn't he? Not like they're looking this way. Rolling his eyes, he DOES hold back his groan though, not wanting to draw any attention to himself as the kid trainers of COURSE lap up every word.

"Did you hear that? We can be strong, just like Lt. Surge!"

"Yeah! Man, I can't wait! I think I have some Lt. Surge-approved vitamins at home! We should go take them right away!"

The kids race off, no doubt to go and work their little bodies into a stupor for a day or two, and dutifully take those branded vitamins that sponsored the Vermilion City Gym Leader despite the things not being worth the mostly chalk they were made out of. Watching them go, Proton lets himself let out a scoff. Briefly, he wonders if those kids would be quite so jovial and excited if they knew how Surge REALLY kept ahead of the competition.

Either way, the Gym Leader was now unattended, and so with Cam at his back, Proton approaches, clearing his throat pointedly and getting the old War Vet's attention.

"Well, well! If it isn't my favorite little Rocket man! How ya been? Not scared lifeless from ol' Lance's paranoid new War on Crime, I hope? Bahaha!"

Yeah, Proton wasn't surprised the old man couldn't help himself. Thankfully, Surge doesn't wait for a response before getting serious and leaning forward.

"Anyway, I take it you brought the regular goodies?"

Nodding, Proton tilts his head to the pink-haired Grunt to his right.

"Yes. As a matter of fact, this Grunt here has your goods. A particularly strong yield, straight from our top chemists. As promised."

Eyes lighting up, Lt. Surge steps over to Cam, acting almost like a child being promised candy. The comparison was apt, all things considered.

"Let's have it then, little buddy!"

As Cam hands over the heavy-strength Steroids, Proton clears his throat again, watching the exchange of goods before narrowing his eyes slightly.

"Now, Surge… the Pokemon you promised, if you'd be so kind."

Checking over the Steroids a lot more closely than Proton himself had, Surge nevertheless nods his approval. Everything seems to be in order… which is why the Gym Leader's next words do little more than piss Proton off.

"Oh yeah, that's right! The Johto beasts, right? They're on the ship out in the harbor. You know the one, the S.S. Anne. Don't worry one bit about getting yourselves aboard! The guys on the docks are my sort of people, so I'll let them know to let you right on through! Sound good?"

For a long moment, Proton is silent. Mostly because what he wants to say, he can't. NO, that doesn't sound fucking GOOD! But… well, while Surge might be aging, he's still the Gym Leader of Vermilion City for a reason. And beyond that, he and Giovanni go back. Proton ISN'T an idiot like Petrel… and that means he knows how to avoid rocking the boat. Still…

"So just to be clear, you're telling me the crates are all still on the ship? You couldn't have done us the courtesy of getting them onto solid ground at least?"

Surge's eyes flash, before he lets out a bark of laughter.

"Now Proton! Easy there, boy! Do you know how heavy those darn things are? You want me to break my back? At my age? Bahaha!"

Waving a hand dismissively, Surge just grins.

"Anyways, don't go getting all worked up. Look at it like this! I don't know if you heard, but they're throwing this exclusive party on board the liner tonight! Rumor has it some powerful political figures might even be in attendance! This is a big opportunity for you!"

Proton opens his mouth to respond… before ultimately clicking it shut again. It's not worth it. Really, it's not.

"… Thank you, Lt. Surge. We'll be in touch."

Then he turns and walks away with his head held as high as it can go. Thankfully, he doesn't have to give any orders to Cam. The Rocket Grunt follows behind him without a word, proving that as quiet as he is, he's at least smart enough to stay close.

As soon as they're outside the Gym however, Proton wheels on Cam all the same.

"Just to be clear, under no circumstances are you to try to talk to ANY politicians, got it? Interacting with government officials is the exact opposite of what anyone in Team Rocket should be doing right now. Do I make myself clear?"

"… Yes."

Proton eyes Cam for a moment longer to make sure he understands the gravity of the situation, before letting out a sigh and rubbing his face with his hands.

"Right. No point in crying over spilt Miltank Milk. Let's get on that ship and get the goods."

Together, they make their way over to the harbor. It's a quick enough jaunt, and the dockworker at the entrance to the S.S. Anne's port just waves them on through, so at least Surge came through on THAT front.

Once they're on board the ship itself however, it's obvious immediately that they're on their own. The crew won't so much as look at them. Gritting his teeth in frustration, Proton nods to his one singular subordinate for this mission.

"We'll have to split up. Those Pokemon are around here somewhere. Find them, and report back to me."

"… Alright."

This mission was already looking like it might be a shitshow… but with any luck, they'd get what they came for and then get the fuck out…


People back in her home town called her a pervert. They said she was creepy, and all but shunned her. Which was why she'd gone on this trip, to get away from all of that. Still… they maybe had a point. It was telling that a pretty young woman like her didn't have a significant other to go with her on a big vacation like this, wasn't it?

… Truth be told, she just didn't want to change who she was. Not for anyone. She-

The door to her cabin suddenly opens, and she blinks as… as a member of Team Rocket of all things steps inside. He looks around, and then at her, as she gapes at him. She wasn't from Kanto, but she'd heard about the latest news, how dangerous Team Rocket was, and how they were terrorizing the region. For a criminal to show up in HER cabin however… was he on the run from the law? Had he chosen to hideout here?

Well, she wouldn't let him. She would- Oh. Her eyes had slid downward, to his waist. That was an impressive collection of six Pokeballs he had on him. Her mouth suddenly dry, she rubs her inner thighs together surreptitiously.

"O-Oh. Hello there…"


Heh, the quiet, stoic type, was it? Not that she minded. Frankly, she liked all sorts. Actually, there was only one requirement she really had.

"A Pokemon Trainer, are you?"

She looks pointedly down at his Pokeballs, which causes him to look down at them for a moment too before replying.

"… Yes."

Not an official one, she was sure. But then, her kink didn't require them to be licensed. In fact, it was hotter when they weren't. It was… mm, sexier. Still, would he go for it? Only one way to find out, and with a criminal like him, well, she could really only lay her cards out on the table, couldn't she?

"I have a thing for watching Pokemon Trainers sleep. I'm traveling the world, hoping to get to see more like you in a restive, unconscious and unaware state."

Cocking her head to the side, she gives the Rocket her best welcoming smile.

"Would you humor me by having a rest?"

Her hand gestures over to the bed next to her. For a long moment, the Rocket stares at her in silence. Will even a criminal think her creepy for her fetish? But then, to her mild surprise, he nods and moves over to the bed. She helps him slip under the covers and tucks him in, watching as he… surprisingly, goes to sleep quite fast.

His eyes shut, his breathing evens out, and she purses her lips together as she watches him enter that sexy, seductive restive state she's so… fascinated by. Of course, once he's asleep she can hardly hold herself back any longer.

Carefully removing his cap and setting it aside, she starts by running her hands through his soft, magenta hair. He continues to sleep peacefully, and so next she slowly pulls down the blanket along his body, until it reaches his thighs.

His Pokeballs are right there on his waist still. She COULD steal them, make off with them. She wonders what sort of Pokemon they contain, and how powerful they are. How powerful HE is. But… in the end she doesn't touch them. After all, part of the fun is not knowing, and resisting the temptation. Instead, her hands go to his pants, and she carefully unbuckles his belt and pulls them down.

Extracting his cock from his boxers, she strokes up and down the shaft, before resting her other hand on a very different set of 'balls'. This was what she loved more than anything in the world. Feeling the genitals of a sleeping man or woman begin to react to her ministrations. She wasn't picky. She was an equal opportunity molester of both genders in a restive state. So long as they were Pokemon Trainers, so long as she could get them to fall asleep around her, she was happy.

In this Rocket's case, his cock is rock hard in no time, his balls churning under her fondling hand. Unable to contain herself a moment longer, she quickly climbs onto the bed, hikes up her skirt, and straddles him. As she lines his cock up with her pussy lips, she looks to his face at long last… only to freeze up at seeing him awake and staring at her, quietly.

It's rather spooky, the way he's just looking at her in complete silence. As she sinks down onto his cock, he doesn't say a word, or try and stop her in any way. It's like… it's like he knew. Like he knew what she wanted to do with him. Like he knew exactly who she was, down to the depths of her soul.

A soft moan leaves her lips, as she begins to ride him up and down, bouncing on his cock faster by the moment. She shivers and quivers, even as he continues to lay there. He doesn't… he doesn't interact with her at all. He's no longer sleeping, but he's still in a restive state. The perfect partner, the kind who won't take anything away from her by insisting on having a part in matters.

This was why no relationship she'd ever been in had lasted very long. Why the people back home all thought she was creepy and weird. Sure, there was the need to watch Pokemon Trainers while they slept… but also, she just couldn't get off if her partner in bed was participating in any way.

The Rocket, somehow, instinctively understands that. He caters to her every whim by making not a single move. Those dark, mysterious eyes of his seem to bore into her very soul as he makes not a sound while she fucks herself upon his throbbing mast. She loses track of just how many times she cums in the ensuing session of lovemaking, to be perfectly honest. Eventually, she has to stuff her fist halfway into her mouth, just to keep herself quiet.

Finally… finally, he cums and fills her, causing her to throw her head back and cry out, shaking and shuddering upon his dick.

She's never felt more SEEN, to be honest. Her heart thuds in her chest, even as she shakily climbs off of him and he gets up, fixing his clothing and giving her a nod before heading for the door.

Hah… hah… hah…

As her heartrate slowly begins to calm down, she watches him go. Somehow, she knows she's unlikely to ever see the Rocket Grunt again. Probably for the best, really. His heartbeat was TOO clean, from when he was asleep to even when he was awake. Beyond a slight elevation as they'd fucked, he'd honestly been completely calm the ENTIRE time through.

That… that was the mark of a true sociopath, wasn't it? A criminal like him, and yet, he had a completely clean conscience. Despite the crimes he'd no doubt committed; he didn't feel an OUNCE of guilt.

… Yes, it was for the best that they parted ways here. But… she would never forget him. That was for sure.


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