Blasting Off! (Pokemon)(Team Rocket OC)

Chapter 12: Steven Stone, Proton

Not for the first time, Steven wondered why he was even here. Don't get him wrong, the food was nice at least… but the company left quite a lot to be desired. As the Hoenn Region's Pokemon Champion, Steven Stone had quite a lot on his plate. There was always something else he COULD be doing with his time. Alas, schmoozing with the right types of people was one of those things.

One would think a peer would count as the right type of person, but Steven had to admit… he much preferred what the kitchen of the S.S. Anne was serving, over the bullshit that the Champion of the Kanto Region was even now trying to shovel down his throat.

Ah, but appearances had to be kept up, didn't they? And so, Steven plasters a fake smile across his face and makes eye contact with Lance from across the deck, carefully putting down his utensils to make it clear he's finally willing to talk. Making the other Pokemon Champion wait all this time had of course been a power move. Calculated, of course, but a power move all the same.

Swallowing his own latest bite of food, Lance quickly wipes the back of his mouth, before trying and failing not to appear TOO eager to hear what Steven was about to say. That was the reality of this situation though, wasn't it? Despite representing the Kanto Region on the Johto Region's behalf, despite being a Pokemon Champion same as him and thus technically Steven's peer… well, there were different levels of Champion, weren't there? And they both knew where each other stood.

Still, appearances DID have to be kept up. And Steven had a reputation as a gentleman and a businessman to be considered as well.

"It's a pleasure to meet with you at long last, Lance. I've heard so much about the Kanto Region and your reign from my advisors… but I've always wanted to see it for myself."

A backhanded compliment in the right light. An underhanded insult in the wrong one. Steven doesn't think Lance is stupid, but he knows the other man will swallow any perceived slight against his honor to keep things cordial.

"Tell me, are you optimistic about this Region's future?"

Lance doesn't miss an opportunity to answer that question. Smiling brightly, the Dragon Type Trainer jumps right into things.

"Of course! Let me tell you, Mr. Stone… they're calling this the Golden Age of Kanto, but really, we're just getting started. Not only have living standards increased dramatically in the past two decades, but the economy is booming as well!"

Chuckling, Lance takes a quick sip from his cup, likely to wet a nervous throat, before he keeps going.

"Obviously, we have Silph Co. in large part to thank for that. Once a simple family business, it has a near-nationwide monopoly on the production of Pokeballs in the Kanto Region. As well, Fuchsia's Safari Zone continues to attract an ever-increasing amount of tourists, making us a hot spot for people from every Region in the world!"

Leaning back in his chair, visibly trying to project confidence, the Kanto Champion just smirks.

"And that's not even getting into the stuff that our nation's brightest minds have planned for Saffron and Lavender in the coming years. Yes, Mr. Stone, I'm not just optimistic for our Region's future, but quite pleased with what we can say we've accomplished today! Kanto has turned out quite the prosperous nation, under Johto Stewardship."

Not entirely a lie, even. The last two decades, nigh on twenty years now since the war, had seen quite a lot of changes in the Kanto Region. Prosperous indeed, for many. Not for all though… and for someone like Steven looking in, it was abundantly clear that the Region that had truly benefited from all of the changes in Kanto… was Johto.

Oh, Kanto wasn't doing too terribly. Everything Lance had said was the truth. But the lie was in what the Pokemon Champion HADN'T said. Steven doesn't quite smirk, as he takes his own drink up and stirs it for a moment before taking a sip.

"Well, it certainly sounds like Kanto's PRIVATE enterprises are doing quite well."

Lance straightens up at the emphasis Steven puts on private, his lips thinning out a bit. No doubt he can guess what his fellow Champion is going to say next. Doesn't stop Steven from saying it though. Some things… need to be said out loud.

"However, what of the people Lance? Do they approve of you, I wonder?"

One might be surprised to hear a man like Steven Stone ask such a thing. After all, he was the sort of Pokemon Champion who ran his own Region like a business. In fact, his advisors constantly pointed out to him how Lance's initiatives and endeavors all seemed quite… focused on emulating Steven's own successes.

However, public perception, public REPUTATION… were just as important to a business as they were to a government. Big organizations like the ones he and Lance both ran tended to live and die on PR. While yes, one could get by just focusing on results above all else… there came a time when one HAD to consider the human component to things. Something that Steven, based on all he'd heard, wasn't sure Lance understood.

"I don't meant to insult you, Lance, but recent rumors leave myself and my advisors wondering all the same. Your predecessor was… quite universally revered after all, even in what some would call Kanto's bad times."

Leaning forward, Steven smiles softly. A velvet softness, hiding a dagger underneath.

"Tell me, how do you think you compare with him in the eyes of your citizens?"

For a long moment, Lance is rigid in his chair. Then, he lets out a bark of laughter.

"Hah! Yes, well. My predecessor… you're not wrong. Or rather… yes. He was loved by all, once upon a time. Right up until the moment he capitulated and gave his total, unconditional surrender, that is. Let me tell you, anyone with any sense stopped adoring him the moment he gave up their independence and sovereignty without a fight."

Steven raises an eyebrow at that. Does Lance not see how that sounds? The way he's talking… does he not realize that the same people who would hate his predecessor for surrendering, would hate Lance in the same way for being the one to accept that surrender on the other side of the war?

Shifting in his chair, no doubt understanding Steven's look, Lance clears his throat and coughs into his fist.

"Look. I know that my past as a Johto General, and this Region's conqueror, doesn't leave me with the best reputation among some of my citizens. But it's been almost twenty years, Mr. Stone. The newest generation of Kanto Natives don't even remember a time when I wasn't there Champion."

Leaning forward, Lance smirks easily.

"I'll tell you this much… my entry in Kanto's history books will be far more kind than that old coward's! Samuel Oak will never command another Pokemon or fight another Pokemon Battle in his life, I'll tell you that much. As well, his research and the Pokedex system he's pioneered will continue to benefit the Kanto Region and my government, as it has for the past two decades."

Well, he wasn't wrong there, Steven supposed. After all, history was written by the winners, and whatever Lance's faults might be, he was the victor and remained so, even all these years later. The situation would have been entirely different if Johto had come after Hoenn, mind… but Kanto was a small fry, and their occupation was the reason Johto was a Super Power enough for Steven to have to give Lance the time of day as it was.

"Of course. I'm sure you have everything under control."

What Steven leaves unsaid; Lance nevertheless immediately picks up on. The mention of Team Rocket, or rather, the lack thereof, is carefully considered. After all, after getting Lance talking about past conquests like the complete and utter humiliation and declawing of the Pokemon Professor, Samuel Oak, it was good to bring the other Pokemon Champion back down to earth and pop his bubble by reminding him of the current conquest he had YET to finish.

Team Rocket was an undisputed thorn in Lance's side, and until he dealt with it and excised their presence from the Kanto Region, he only had himself to blame for having such an exploitable weakness, truth be told.

"… Yes. I do."

Abruptly standing from his seat before Steven can probe or prod any further, Lance puts down his napkin and steps out into the middle of the deck.

"Now, I do apologize, but I'm afraid I have to leave you here. There's some Indigo League business I need to attend to. Please… enjoy the fresh Kanto air and the S.S. Anne's impeccable service for as long as you like, Mr. Stone."

Without waiting for a response, Lance throws out his Dragonite and takes off into the air on it's back. It's undeniably the rudest that he's been to Steven throughout their entire interaction. Team Rocket really must be one of Lance's bigger buttons, if even the lack of a mention of them was enough to trigger the Pokemon Champion so badly.

It amuses Steven to no end, really… especially since the leader of the Kanto Region failed to notice the Team Rocket Grunt watching their conversation the entire time. Indeed, Lance might as well have been blind to the enemy in their midst. Well, enemy in HIS midst. Team Rocket might have been a criminal organization in Kanto, but Steven Stone wasn't in charge of Kanto, now, was he?

No, he was just a guest here… and as a guest, he had no place trying to enforce any laws. And so, returning to his meal, Steven smirks, spearing another bite on his fork, putting it in his mouth… and then raising his glass in a silent salute to the Grunt hiding behind the box over near the entrance to the deck, even as he chews.

The surprisingly dead-eyed, altogether stoic Grunt just stares at him until Steven gives the young man a grin and a wink. Only then does the Rocket turn and walk back inside, presumably to get up to whatever tomfoolery he was actually on the liner for, if he wasn't here to spy on Lance.

It certainly wasn't Steven's problem.


He'd looked everywhere for those fucking Pokemon. From top to bottom, he'd searched the whole damn ship. Except… that wasn't true. As much as Proton hated to admit it, there was one single place where he hadn't looked. He hadn't wanted to believe it, in all honesty. Because if it was in the one place he didn't want to go, then the Rocket Admin had to acknowledge that competence really was in woefully short supply.

Alas, he'd looked everywhere ELSE… and so, he found himself making his way to the Captain's Quarters all the same. The Captain's Quarters really should have been the LAST place the smuggled Pokemon should be, because for them to be in THERE would mean that the Captain of the S.S. Anne had caught wind of their smuggling operation.

For that to be the case spoke to a complete and utter breakdown of operational security, because Captain Ahab was NOT on the take. He was a, ugh, stand-up guy and, blurgh, stalwart citizen, and would never consent to having smuggled, illegal Johto Pokemon on his boat if he were to find out about it.

Unfortunately, there was nowhere else to look. Doubly unfortunately, as he approaches the Captain's Quarters, Proton jerks upright at hearing the sounds of Pokemon Battle coming from that direction.

Eyes widening, assuming that his one Grunt subordinate had gotten there ahead of him and expecting Cam to be getting his ass soundly handed to him by the cantankerous old Captain with a reputation, Proton picks up speed.

Taking the stairs up to the Captain's Quarters two at a time, Proton reaches the top… just in time to see a very surprising sight.

Cam stands over a gasping, panting, kneeling Captain Ahab, having apparently beaten him silly in their Pokemon Battle. Proton must have just missed it, but what he doesn't miss is the Captain's words as he snarls up at the Rocket Grunt.

"Y-You little brat! Think you're so tough, don't you?! Well, it doesn't matter, because we're currently hosting the strongest Trainer in the entire Region aboard this ship right now! One word from me and he'll be sure to put you right in your place you-!"

Having heard quite enough, and not liking the sound of Ahab's threat at ALL, Proton quickly tosses a Pokeball from his waist.

"Koffing! Poison Gas, now!"

Cam has the good sense to step out of the way just as Captain Ahab turns around and catches a concentrated dose of Koffing's Poison Gas attack straight to the face. The old bastard's eyes widen, his cheeks bulge… and a moment later he's running for a bucket conveniently placed in the middle of the room, doubling over it as he begins to throw up his lunch, his breakfast, and likely yesterday's three meals for good measure as well!

Stepping into the Captain's Quarters properly, Proton calls his Koffing back into its ball and gives Cam a serious look. He's forced to reassess his initial assessment of the Grunt, because for Cam to manage to beat Ahab in a straight Pokemon Battle… well, that was mighty impressive.

"Good work, Grunt. Now come on, I suspect it's going to take a couple trips to get all of these Pokemon off the ship, but with the Captain taken care of for the time being… we'll manage."

An hour later, and it's done. Honestly, Proton can hardly believe the mission actually went as well as it did. With all the shit stirred up by that news report, and then Surge playing games and making them retrieve the goods from the liner themselves… yeah, it could have gone a lot worse. He's honestly not even sure he would prefer a full squad of Grunts over just the one he got sent anymore.

He's not going to say anything too complimentary out loud, don't want the Grunt getting a big head… but Cam had proven more useful than Proton could have imagined, in the end. He could see why Archer had sent the kid, at this point.

"I'll handle the transportation of the Pokemon from here, so you don't have to worry about that. For now, I'm just glad we're off that damn boat. All that hoity-toity fancy bullshit makes me just as sick as the swaying of the waves."

Smirking as Cam just nods in response, stoic and silent as ever, Proton rolls his shoulders.

"Boss probably has some other work for you by now, Grunt, so start making your way back to Celadon. Keep up the good work and I'm sure I'll be seeing you again real soon. After all, competent help is in short supply these days, even in Team Rocket. For now… I'm off. See ya around."

"… Bye."

As Proton splits off from the Grunt, he once again thanks his lucky stars that his mission had gone so well. Unlike Petrel, who hadn't even been able to secure a couple of literally fossilized Pokemon, he'd brought in a full shipment of foreign Pokemon from Johto for Team Rocket to use, sell, and exploit to their heart's content.

Life was good… and it would only get better.


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