Blasting Off! (Pokemon)(Team Rocket OC)

Chapter 18: Ariana, Jessie

"In here, Cam."

Ariana is well aware of the eyes on the two of them, as she drags Cam into a side room. They've already procured his new uniform from the Rocket Quartermaster, and frankly she's glad she went along with him, because the disbelief that someone as young as he was being made Admin was… palpable.

Luckily, with Ariana there backing him up, there was nothing that the Quartermaster could do beyond express said disbelief verbally while handing over the Admin Uniform. Yes, Cam had just been promoted to Rocket Admin by Giovanni himself. Yes, that did in fact make him the youngest Admin in the organization's history. No, Ariana didn't think it was too soon.

All in all, the conversation had grated not just because of the idiot's doubts, but because it kept Ariana from getting Cam somewhere private all the faster. But finally, here they were, slipping into an unoccupied room in the hideout, with Ariana closing and locking the door behind them.

She knew several Rockets had watched them come in here. She just didn't care. Let them speculate. Let them gossip. Cam was better than all of them, as evidenced by his new status. But before he was allowed into his new uniform, Ariana wanted something from him.

"Go on then, Cam. Strip. Show Mama what she's working with~"

As blank-faced as ever, Cam nevertheless does as he's told. Taking off his hat and then his uniform piece by piece, he strips down to his boxers. Ariana can't help but feast her gaze upon his body. Up until this point, she's only seen Cam's cock. A sizable, if normal enough specimen. Certainly enjoyable to play with. Be it her hands, her tits, or her mouth, she'd quite enjoyed playing with his member.

But this… oooh, mama liked. She liked it a lot. Under that Rocket Grunt uniform he'd been wearing, an outfit that many of their detractors likened to a set of black pajamas, Cam had been hiding a body that… well, she didn't think any other member of Team Rocket could hope to compete with. He wasn't some musclebound blockhead, that wouldn't have been hidden by the uniform.

Rather, instead he had an athletic runner's build, with a visible chiseled six pack and just the right amount of muscle everywhere she looked. He was, if she had to put a word to it, the closest thing to perfect health that she'd ever seen in a man. A slow smile grows across Ariana's face, as he wordlessly holds out his hand for the Admin Uniform she'd been holding onto for him.

Of course, there was a reason Ariana was holding onto his Admin Uniform.

"Oh no. Not just yet, darling. First… congratulations are in order. You're the youngest Rocket Admin in history, did you know that?"

"Yes. The Quartermaster said so."

Ariana giggles as she steps to the side, putting his uniform down on the table and turning to face him. Then, she begins unbuttoning her top, pulling it open.

"That's right. Congratulations, honey."

"Thank you."

"Remember these?"

As she frees her breasts from their confines, Ariana licks her lips, enjoying the way Cam's eyes flicker down to them, bouncing back and forth between them for a moment before raising to meet her eyes again.


He was a man of few words, but Ariana had already known that. What she wanted to know was if he was a man of few impulses as well. Surely not, right? Surely he saw what was right in front of him, yes?

"Is there anything you want to… do with them, Cam?"

After a moment, the young man steps forward. He approaches her, and Ariana thrusts out her chest in his direction. To her utmost pleasure, he reaches out and grabs her tits in an almost experimental hold, giving them a good, solid squeeze for several long, enjoyable seconds.

"… Soft."

Letting out a throaty chuckle, Ariana's eyes twinkle.

"That's not the only part of me that's soft, Cam. I want you to take me. I want to be your reward. What do you think of that?"

He plays with her tits for a little bit more, not responding to her question. For a moment, Ariana wonders if he's gotten so caught up in her chest that he's gotten lost in his own little world. It wouldn't be the first time, but it would be a little disappointing if- eep!


Suddenly, his hands are on her hips, and lifting her up onto the table. Ariana gasps as she leans back, her palms smacking down to catch herself. Eagerly, she spreads her legs and watches as Cam grabs her skirt and-


The tearing of the fabric fills the air, but Ariana is far from upset. In fact, she coos as he removes the obstacle in his way, just like the go-getter she knows he is.

"Oooh, you bad, bad boy. Taking what you want, not letting anything stand between you and your goal. Go on then… claim your prize~"

She bucks her hips, offering herself up to him. All that stands between him and her cunt at this point is her panties… which he slips aside without another word. Then, his cock, throbbing and fully erect by this point, is pressing against her slit. The older woman has all of a moment to coo before he thrusts into her, not even letting her get out another word edgewise.


She'd assumed she would have to coach him, once he was inside of her. But immediately, Cam is off to the races. He fucks her like a machine to tell the truth, with rapid, rough thrusts that are all uniform in their focus and tenacity. His cock pistons in and out of her cunt at such a fast pace that Ariana finds herself on the back foot for the first time in… in forever, really.

Her intentions had always been for Cam to fuck her, but she'd fully believe she would keep control, even as she walked him through what to do. He'd seemed the type. Competent and dependable, yes. Reliable and intelligent, without a doubt. But ignorant in sexual matters? Also yes. She found herself rather blindsided, now that they were actually doing something together.

"C-Cam… nnngh!"

His eyes meet her own, as she looks at him. Her breasts bounce and jump in the air, jiggling with the ferocity of his thrusts. Her shake and clap, and her legs come up to wind around his waist, trying to take back some semblance of control. At the same time, she wraps her arms around his neck and pulls him in for a searing kiss. This, at least, she can tell he's relatively inexperienced at. Kissing is not something that this athletic young man knows like the back of his hand.

But he's a quick learner… and has a voracious appetite. When they finally pull apart, it's Ariana who does the pulling back, needing to breathe as she gasps and pants, staring at him in wonder.

"You've d-done this before, haven't you?"

Cam cocks his head to the side, and then nods without shame or embarrassment.


Quirking up the corner of her mouth, Ariana laughs. Did she expect him to avert his gaze and act all sheepish? If she did, she's not sure why. Of course he wasn't going to act sheepish. She wasn't even sure the young man knew the meaning of the word embarrassment.

"We've, nngh, been running you so ragged though. Where did a, mm, hard worker like you find the time?"

Because really, she was sure that Cam had had next to no sexual experience that first time, when they'd sat beside each other in Giovanni's office, and she'd given Cam a handjob as Giovanni reamed Blaine for his cowardice. And yet, somehow in the time since, Cam had managed to grow in leaps and bounds? She wondered in what other ways he'd grown… but before she can follow that line of thinking, she's distracted by his answer.

"The Underground Path."

Jolting, Ariana frowns at that. For the first time, she feels a smidge of disappointment. Cam is still fucking her like a human jackhammer, shaking the table beneath her with every thrust. She doesn't tell him to stop. But she does look at him with a furrowed brow.

"Truly? A man of your skill set should not be paying whores for lessons my dear Cam. If you wanted to learn, all you had to do was ask and I would have-!"

"I didn't pay them."

THAT causes Ariana to go still as she looks at the young man.

"Excuse me?"

"I didn't pay them. In fact… they paid me."

He looks contemplative for a moment, at that last part. Ariana, meanwhile, just stares, gaping at him. For a brief second, she'd feared the worst. That Cam was in fact at home among the worst kind of scum they had to let into Team Rocket's ranks. There was a lot Ariana would allow for but forcing whores to give up the goods without paying for their time… that was something she would not abide a member of Team Rocket doing.

But then Cam had clarified and… it sounded as though no force had been involved? Oh sure, one could interpret it as him robbing them, but from his tone of voice, Ariana got the impression that that was NOT what had happened.

A laugh of disbelief bubbles out of the red head's lips.

"You… you never disappoint, Cam. In fact, I'd go so far as to say you continue to impress. Now… enough talk. Fuck me, young man. Fuck me like you fucked those whores who paid you for your time~"

Cam does exactly that, or at least Ariana has to assume he does. It's more of the same, his powerful thrusts taking her deep and leaving her moaning into his shoulder as she clings to him for dear life. This isn't how she intended any of this to go, but she enjoys herself all the same, all the way until it ends with him filling her without a second thought. She wonders if he even knows the risk… or if he just doesn't care.

Either way, they finish up and she slips off the table as he pulls out of her, beaming as she pats his new Admin Uniform.

"Get dressed, Cam. And don't let ANYONE tell you you're not worthy of this promotion. You're the future of this organization, do you understand?"

Cam nods and begins getting dressed. Ariana watches him for a moment before smiling fondly and leaving him to it. She has her own mission in Viridian to attend to.


"Holy shit, it's true."

"Oh my! Cam! Hey Cam, you're an Admin now!"

Jessie could hardly believe her ears when she first heard the news. Now, she can hardly believe her eyes. At the same time, she's incredibly grateful that she started that slightly flirtatious 'friendship' with one of the Boss' door guards, because she'd heard the news before even everyone else started talking about it.

Cam, a Rocket Grunt recruited at the same time as they were, was now the youngest Admin in the history of Team Rocket. And, Jessie hated to admit it… but he made the uniform look GOOD, too. He got a new hat with a forward angle and his hair slicked back. On top of that, his arms were more exposed. Which for him was quite the upgrade, because apparently Cam was ripped under the Grunt uniform all this time and Jessie just didn't know it?!

As Cam turns at the sound of Jamie's voice, Jessie and her hurry over. They're just at the foot of the stairs, and it looks as if Cam is going somewhere. Which… of course, Jessie knows all about, because once again, that connection with that door guard. Everyone else is aware that Cam was made an Admin by this point. But only Jessie knows what his next mission is.

… She and Jamie have been spinning their wheels since Cerulean. Oh sure, they've taken part in a couple crimes here and there. But more often than not, they get passed over for any big missions. Honestly, it feels a little bit like they've been sidelined. And maybe some of the other Rocket Grunts are okay with just loitering around the hideout all day in and out, but that was not what Jessie was about. She was about making it big! About getting those promotions! About rising to the top and showing herself as the cream of the crop!

… But here she was, still a Grunt, while Cam was an Admin. Part of her ego wanted to hold onto the belief that some sort of mistake had been made somewhere along the way, but that wasn't the case, was it? No, Cam wouldn't be an Admin now if he was half the fuck up she'd convinced herself she was. Rather… he was the better Rocket. She needed to come to terms with that and quick.

"Love the new get-up, Cam! Hey, now that you've made Admin, don't forget about us Grunts, you hear?"

Jamie is as happy for Cam as can be, of course. Her enthusiasm isn't the least bit feigned. And Cam's response, when it comes, makes not just Jamie, but also Jessie perk up.

"I won't."

Oh? She could work with that. Sidling up to the pink-haired Admin, Jessie gives him a suggestive grin.

"Speaking of, Cam… I heard your next mission is to go to Pallet Town and interrogate Professor Oak personally. Any truth to that rumor?"

Cam looks at her, and for a moment Jessie feels a shiver go down her spine. But then he just nods.


Mouth suddenly very dry, Jessie takes a moment to lick her lips and keep them wet.

"Sounds like you could use some back-up. After all, what's an Admin without some Grunts to assist him… right?"

She leans in closer, placing a hand on Cam's shoulder and running it down his arm, feeling his muscles. Then, she actually takes in a breath and reels a little bit as she smells the scent of HEAVY sex coming off of the guy.

Whoa… she hadn't believed that part of the story either but was there some truth to the idea that Cam and the Rocket Executive Ariana had a… a relationship?!

Luckily, Jamie unknowingly picks up for Jessie's momentary lapse as she gapes in shock.

"Yeah! We could totally be your goons, Cam! What do ya say? I promise, you won't regret having us along!"

Recovering, Jessie just smiles and nods. However, inwardly she's floundering somewhat. If Cam has a relationship with Ariana, then it's likely some light touches and flirting just aren't going to be enough. She might have to grease the wheels so to speak and convince Jamie to do the same. Thinking fast, Jessie tries to come up with a plan, and opens her mouth to stall, when Cam… just nods again.



Jessie will go to her grave claiming she doesn't squeak. As both Jamie and Cam look at her, she flushes and coughs into her fist.

"I-I mean… great! Of course. Then… we'll meet you there, alright Cam? You can count on us… we won't let you down!"

Cam nods sharply and turns and walks up the stairs. Only once he's gone does Jamie lean in close.

"Uh, Jess? Why didn't we just go with him now?"

Staring after the young Rocket Admin, Jessie hisses out her response through the side of her mouth.

"Because we're not READY, Jamie. Cam is our ticket into the big leagues. We impress someone like him, and we're due for promotions of our own in no time. We need to brainstorm and fast. We can't just be his Grunts on this mission… we've got to stand out!"

"Oh! Okay… yeah! Let's do it!"

Jessie grins at Jamie's enthusiasm. They were finally going somewhere. Together.


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