Blasting Off! (Pokemon)(Team Rocket OC)

Chapter 19: Nurse Joy

To be a Nurse Joy was to be eternally taken for granted. She knew what the average person thought of her. Like she was less than human. Oh sure, they all appreciated the efforts of Nurse Joys across the world, but when push came to shove, where were they when a Joy needed help?

Scoffing quietly under her breath, Nurse Joy shakes her head. No one seemed to understand the plain and simple truth that Nurse Joys… they weren't a monolith! They certainly weren't a hivemind! Each and every one of them was an individual! A living, breathing human being with their own hopes and dreams! She certainly was! Sure, she loved taking care of Pokemon. Sure, she never missed a chance to help heal.

… But that wasn't all there was to her! And she wasn't a pushover either. She wasn't-!

Nurse Joy straightens up, yanking herself firmly out of her inner thoughts when the door to her Pokemon Center opens up and someone walks in. Based in Pewter City, she'd used to all kinds walking through her door. But this… she has to admit, this is a little bit of a surprise. The member of Team Rocket doesn't hesitate to saunter up in full uniform, staring at her expectantly.

It's just… Pokemon Centers were impartial, of course. They had to be. No Region had ever gotten away with nationalizing their Pokemon Centers. They were a non-profit, worldwide organization that everyone wanted to have in their nation. After all, if you didn't have access to Pokemon Centers and their easy healing, how could you possibly perpetuate the cycle of Pokemon on Pokemon violence that every economy the world over relied upon?

Ah, but she was getting political again. She was here to heal Pokemon, not judge others for what they did. Essentially, the important thing to note was that she definitely had absolutely no reason to reject a member of Team Rocket, even one so blatant as this one. She was meant to be an impartial worker, providing a free service to anyone and everyone who asked, no matter their affiliation.

So she launches into the usual spiel as soon as he comes to a stop in front of her counter.

"Welcome to our Pokemon Center! Would you like me to heal your Pokemon back to perfect health?"


Okay, I'll take your Pokemon for a few seconds then."

He hands his Pokeballs over to her, and Nurse Joy slots them into the machine at her side. For a moment, she marvels at his confidence. She finds herself imagining, in the few moments it takes the machine to get his Pokemon back to full health, what would happen if this were a sting operation or something. Not that that would ever happen. A shudder goes down her spine at the IDEA of helping the Kanto Police catch criminals in such a way. It would be such a huge breach of the Pokemon Center's impartiality that she isn't sure they'd ever recover from it.

However, that's not the only reason she shudders at the thought of working with the Kanto Police. If she were to take part in such an operation, it would probably be at the behest of one man in particular. A man she'd thought she loved with all her heart. A man who… who had betrayed her, cut her heart out of her chest, and destroyed her.

She wasn't usually this maudlin. She wasn't usually this depressed or this introspective. But after what she saw her boyfriend Ted doing the last time, she stopped by Vermilion City… Joy can't get it out of her head. She just never thought he would… c-cheat on her like that.

The machine beeps, and Nurse Joy jolts. Collecting the Rocket's Pokeballs, she hands them back over, continuing the spiel.

"Thanks for waiting. We hope to see you again soon!"

He nods to her, affixing his Pokeballs back to his waist one by one before turning to go. Except, in that short period of time, something comes over her. Something Joy can't explain. Before she knows it…

"W-Wait! Hold on a second, if you please!"

The Rocket pauses and looks back to her. Joy's eyes dart up and down his bared, toned arms for a moment, along his body. He certainly seems pretty damn well put together. Dangerous, even. Honestly… she's always liked a guy in uniform. But then, that was how she'd gotten into this mess in the first place.

After that news report and Lance's crackdown on crime, Nurse Joy wouldn't normally even THINK of consorting with criminals. But after what happened with Ted… she needs someone to help her. And she thinks this guy in front of her might be exactly what she's looking for.

Recently, she's taken on an apprentice. A nice girl with brunette hair and a green dress by the name of Bethany, though she insisted Joy call her Beth. Joy has been teaching Beth all about her work, getting the girl up to speed on helping out around the Pokemon Center. And Beth… Beth has been great. She's a Hoenn native, and quick on her feet like so many people from there are said to be. She's also proven herself to be a hard worker and a fast learner.

Joy loves the girl already, but one thing Beth won't stop talking about is how a member of Team Rocket had gotten her out of a really bad spot before she'd come to Pewter City. She wouldn't go into the details, but from what Joy had been told time and time again by Bethany, Team Rocket wasn't ALL bad. They couldn't be, Beth was SURE of it.

Unfortunately, Beth was out right now on lunch, so Joy couldn't ask for confirmation on any of it. She just had to go with her gut, because in a moment this Rocket would walk out that door and probably never return, knowing her luck.

Swallowing thickly, Joy leans forward and lowers her voice.

"You… you're a member of Team Rocket, right?"

Looking down at the big red R on his chest, the Rocket looks back up and nods slowly, making Joy flush a little bit. He didn't say anything, but it felt like he was silently judging her for what probably was something of a dumb question.

"I-I need your help, alright? Look, I know that's not really your thing, but you're just the type of guy I need at the moment. I want you to beat someone up for me!"

The moment she raises her voice at that last part, Joy blushes even harder and immediately quiets down, but a glance around shows there's no one looking their way, so she probably wasn't overheard.

Gritting her teeth, she decides then and there to do something she's never done before… she leaves her station for something LESS than an emergency. It's a pretty dead time of the day anyways, and Beth IS due to be back in ten minutes or so. So, it'll probably be fine. Coming out from behind the counter, Nurse Joy grabs the Rocket by his hand and drags him into the back of the Pokemon Center.

"Come on, let's talk privately."

He lets her lead him along until they're out of sight of everyone. At which point, Joy turns back to the Rocket, trying not to spend too much time staring at his corded arms as she crosses her own over her chest and swallows thickly.

"Alright, here's the situation. I have… a boyfriend. He's a cop down in Viridian City. He's a real man's man… or at least, I thought he was. He looked so cut in his uniform, and he was so chivalrous and kind and… it d-doesn't matter anymore!"

Sniffling, Joy scowls angrily at the floor, uncrossing her arms just to ball them into fists at her sides.

"T-The bastard is cheating on me! Even though we have that stupid forest between us, we've made it work! At least, I've tried to make it work! But I barely ever get any time off! And of course, he's busy with Champion Lance's new initiative so he can't ever make time to come see me either."

Rubbing her eyes with her hands, Joy looks despondently at the Rocket, who so far is proving to be quite a good listener. He's staring at her intently, clearly hanging off every word she's saying. It bolsters her resolve… this is the right thing to do. This Rocket can help her where no one else can. He can go outside of the law… take matters into his own hands, even.

"… I got a day off a week ago. Made a whole trip of it, planned on it being this big surprise. Made my way through the forest, all the way to Viridian. I was really looking forward to the look on Ted's face, when I showed up out of nowhere."

Remembering the day, Nurse Joy's sniffling comes back in full force.

"O-Only… I never got to see it. B-Because before he saw me… I saw him… with some OTHER SKANK!"

It incensed her to this day. In fact, where most girls would have cried here, Nurse Joy finds her tears retreating back into her body, scared away by the pure rage coursing through her. It just wasn't fair! She'd given him everything! She'd thought he was different, that he saw her differently from everyone else! But no, he saw her as just another Nurse Joy like the rest of them. She was… so very easy to take for granted, wasn't she?

"L-Look. You're a criminal. So go down there and kick his ass for me. Don't say it was FROM me, of course. Just beat him up and I'll be happy."

Of course, she knows that someone from Team Rocket won't just do anything for free, no matter what Beth had said. In fact, from some of the things Bethany had said were what gave Joy the impression she HAD to do what she did next.

"N-Now… I know you don't work for free. So just… let me show you what's in it for you."

Dropping down to her knees right then and there, the Pokemon Center Nurse bites her lower lip as she reaches for the Rocket's belt and crotch. He doesn't make a move, nor a sound, even as she carefully extracts his cock from the confines of his pants, bringing it out into the open and letting out a shuddering breath that washes over it and makes it twitch and begin to grow hard in her grasp.

"… B-Bigger than Ted…"

She blushes profusely the moment she realizes what she said, and almost apologizes. But then she catches herself. Why would she apologize? Ted was a cheating cheater who cheated, d-damn it! She… she needed to get back at him, and this was the best way of doing that. By cheating on HIM with this Rocket and his… big fat rocket.

Licking her lips, Nurse Joy stops hesitating and dives in. She opens wide and takes the Rocket's cock as far into her mouth as she possibly can. Suctioning down, she begins to fellate him, working her lips back and forth along his shaft, looking up at him as he stares down at her. He really is a dangerous man. She can see it in his eyes. But maybe… maybe she likes dangerous men.

Pulling back off of his cock with a pop, Joy reaches up and removes her hat, setting it aside.

"You can… pull my hair loops, if you want."

She lifts them up for him, and after a moment he takes hold of them in each hand. As she goes back to sucking his cock, he begins to tug on them… and Nurse Joy hurriedly lifts the skirt of her dress up, stuffing her fingers into her panties. There's just something so fucking hot about getting to suck off a criminal in the back of her Pokemon Center, in order to pay for him to go beat up her cheating scumbag cop of a boyfriend.

This felt right. More than that though, it felt good. She was a bad, bad girl for doing this, and she deserved to be punished as well. The Rocket… he could punish her all he wanted~

"Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!"

He gets more forceful with her, tugging more roughly on her hair loops, yanking her further down his cock. He grunts, and Joy chokes, gagging on his dick. Involuntary tears prick at the corner of her eyes but never truly fall, and she's proud of herself for that, even as she slathers his shaft with her tongue, working her mouth muscle all over his member while continuing to finger herself judiciously.

She doesn't quite cum before he does. No, she cums WHEN he does. With one last tug and one last grunt, the silent Rocket begins to cum in her mouth. Joy's eyes widen, and she tries to swallow as much as she can. At the same time, her thumb comes down upon her clit, frigging it rapidly… and she squeals around his cock and the mouthful of seed, as she bucks her hips and reaches her own orgasm.

Some of his cum dribbles down her chin after that. She doesn't manage to get all of it, though she swallows what feels like an awful lot. And then it's over, and he's pulling back and tucking his cock away in his pants as she kneels there on the floor in front of him.

"Y-You'll do it, right? You'll go teach Ted a lesson he'll never forget… r-right?"

For a long moment, the Rocket just looks down at her, making Joy wonder if she's made a terrible mistake. Then, finally, he nods.


With a wavering smile, Joy gets to her feet and wipes her chin off.

"G-Good. Thank you…"

He just nods, and together they make their way back out to the Pokemon Center proper.

By the time they do, Bethany is back from lunch, behind the counter. As the Rocket leaves without a backwards glance, Nurse Joy makes her way over to her apprentice, blushing profusely. But Beth doesn't look at her… she's too busy staring at the Rocket's back like she's seen a ghost.

"What… what did he want?"

Swallowing thickly, and feeling the taste of his seed even now, Joy just shakes her head.

"It wasn't about w-what he wanted. It was about what I wanted. He's going to… he's going to do a job for me. I just hope I can count on him…"

Finally looking at her, Bethany grins a wide, wicked grin… before reaching up and scooping something sticky and wet from the corner of Joy's mouth. As Joy goes atomic red in mortification, the brunette from Hoenn licks her thumb clean and then lets out a throaty chuckle.

"Oh, believe me… you can."


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