Blasting Off! (Pokemon)(Team Rocket OC)

Chapter 42: Officer Jenny

For the umpteenth time in the past few hours, Officer Jenny fusses with her uniform, making sure her hat is on straight and that her skirt is as far down her thighs as she can possibly get it. To be fair, it's a new uniform… to match her new station, o-of course!

It's actually her first day on the job, as it were. She's so proud too. For almost two decades now, the guards that have manned the checkpoints all the way up to the entrance of Victory Road have all come from Johto. It's an incredibly important job, of course. They're there to make sure no one slips through the cracks with all eight badges. Redundancy upon redundancy, as it stands.

Handpicked by Lance himself, all of those guards have been outsiders. Foreigners, if you will. And… Officer Jenny isn't complaining, no sir! It was only right that the most c-capable sorts get promoted, and Johto HAD beaten Kanto in the war when she was younger, so she supposed it made sense that Johto guards would be stronger, on average, than your Kanto Police Officers.

But that didn't sit right with her, if she was being honest! For as long as she could remember, Jenny had known she wanted to be a Police Officer! And once she'd achieved that, well, she'd known she wanted to be the very best Police Officer, that no one else ever was! Unfortunately, for most of her career, that hadn't been possible. There'd been next to no room for advancement from a born and raised Kanto gal such as herself.

She'd been stuck on simple milk runs, given silly little tasks here and there that were so obviously busy work that it wasn't even funny. Indeed, until Team Rocket had made such a nuisance of itself that Champion Lance had instituted his Bounty System, Jenny had been stuck and unsure what to do next.

Luckily, with Lance's new Bounty System in place, many of the Police Officers who came from Johto had been pulled away from the Kanto Police Department to handle the Champion's new initiatives. Leaving Kanto Officers such as herself with a chance to actually get some serious work done!

Officer Jenny had jumped at the chance, of course. She'd gone around the Region, cleaning up crime, even solving some cold cases that had been left behind. She'd even managed to nab a father-son cocaine ring down in Fuchsia City! They were putting cocaine on their fishing poles! Seriously, what the fuck?!

It was that last bust that had seen Jenny's fortunes truly rising. She'd proven to be more capable in a few short months than any of her fellow officers had proven in years. Lance himself had taken notice, and the Pokemon Champion had seen fit to promote her to this posting! She was so happy!

… And sure, maybe it wasn't quite as exciting as the work she'd been doing. And yeah, okay, so the skirt of her uniform was a lot shorter than it had been previously. Not SO short that her panties were showing (unless she bent over) but short enough that she found herself constantly reaching down to tug it a little lower, as the fabric attempted to ride up over her ass a bit too high.

But she'd been assured that this was the normal Guard Uniform for women over in Johto. And everyone had been so nice to her so far… she couldn't help but let them adopt her. Sure, she would always consider Kanto her home, but hey, she could sacrifice a little bit, in order to fit in with her new colleagues!

That said, so far, her first day on the job had been a little TOO exciting. A few hours ago, right after she'd gotten to her new post, a kid of all things had come by. The boy couldn't possibly be older than eleven, maybe twelve at most. She was sure there was no way someone like him had all eight badges.

… But her job wasn't to check for all eight badges. Her job was to make sure that every trainer passing through had Cerulean City's Cascade Badge. If they could show that, then they were allowed to pass her by. It would be the others who would stop them if they didn't have the next six badges as well.

And… the kid had the Cascade Badge. So, Jenny had to let him pass on through. She kept expecting him to come back her way dejected because another guard had stopped him and turned him back for not having one of the other eight badges… but that had never happened.

Instead, Jenny had gotten another visitor, a young woman. At least this one looked old enough to be out of her teens. She too had the Cascade Badge, and Jenny had seen her on through. Those were the only two to come by her post for the several hours she'd been on duty, which would have been rather boring, all said… except about ten minutes ago, the Pokemon Champion himself, Lance, had come by her post as well, storming out grumbling something under his breath about a kid with a Blastoise of all things!

Jenny still didn't fully know what was going on. She was supposed to get a radio that she could communicate with her fellow guards on, but they'd told her they didn't have one for yet. Since it was her first day on the job, Officer Jenny had let it pass by without comment, figuring they'd get around to it soon. Still, she couldn't leave her post.

And so, that was where she was standing when HE walked up. Pink hair slicked back, dressed in a fancy, snazzy-looking suit… and flanked by two voluptuous young women that Officer Jenny would have taken for hookers… if not for the big red Rs across the chests of their matching Team Rocket Uniforms.

Eyes widening, the Police Officer steps out in front of them all.

"Halt! You're not officially licensed trainers, are you?!"

The two hussies exchange a glance, while the man they're following just stops and shakes his head.


One of the two women, the purple haired one, winces and speaks up.

"Hey, you uh, might want to stand down. The Boss is in rare form today… he already took out Lance AND one of your fellow guards so…"

He what?! Officer Jenny scoffs, not believing it for a second.

"The Champion wouldn't lose to some no-name!"

Although, even as she speaks, she's going stiff. Wait, did that Rocket hussy just call this guy 'The Boss'. He looked a little young for it… but all reports said that Team Rocket's mysterious boss wore suits and had his hair slicked back… just like this guy. Eyes widening, Officer Jenny freezes up for a moment as she realizes just who she's facing down.

This… this is the biggest criminal kingpin in all of the Kanto Region! She'd only ever even dreamed of taking this bastard out and putting him behind bars! Champion Lance's program, while probably very well-thought out and incredibly important in some way, shape, or form, had kept her and everyone else in the Department from seriously going after this guy… until now!

"Criminal scum! I'm taking you all in! You can either come quietly, or you can come with some Third Degree Burns!"

Throwing out her first Pokeball, Officer Jenny smirks as her trusty Arcanine comes forth, letting out a roar while backing her up. Both of the female Rockets take a step back with wide eyes and Officer Jenny's smirk gets wider. Then, they look to their Boss. Their Boss, who looks completely unfazed even now.

"Go, Dragonite."

… O-Oh.


Panting noisily, Jenny collapses to her knees, her Pokemon defeated with ease, and recalled into their Pokeballs. She's lost… she's lost so effortlessly and so quickly that it's not even funny. More than that though, she knows what sort of behavior Team Rocket gets up to. She's heard reports of them stealing all sorts of Pokemon.

… If she gets one of her Pokemon stolen here and now, not only will she lose one of her lifetime companions, but she'll also lose any meager amount of reputation she's managed to garner by making it into this position in the first place. She might… she might even get fired from this posting for the humiliation of not just losing to the Rocket Boss but having one of her Pokemon stolen by him!

As the Boss and those two groupies step forward, Officer Jenny thrusts out a gloved hand, as if to ward them off.


She quickly scrambles to her feet, her skirt hiked up much too high… but in the moment, she can't worry about that. Looking at them, it almost looks like they were about to pass her by without even stopping to steal one of her Pokemon. But no… Officer Jenny KNOWS better.

"P-Please. Don't… don't take any of my Pokemon. If you have to take something from me… take my pride. Leave my Pokemon out of this."

Blushing, averting her gaze, Officer Jenny shows what she means by hurriedly hiking up her skirt, revealing pink panties. At the same time, she undoes the buttons on her jacket, exposing a matching bra as she flashes quite a lot of skin.

"… You've got to be kidding me."

The muttered response from one of the two Rocket hussies has Jenny trembling, fearing for a moment that her offer won't be accepted. But then the Rocket Boss speaks up, his tone strong and clear.


A wave of relief washes through her, before she blushes even deeper at the realization of what her offer being accepted actually MEANS.

"R-Right… okay…"

Luckily, there's a pillar nearby for Jenny to walk to. She does so shamefully, her head bowed, though her hat remains atop it. There, the teal-haired Policewoman leans against the pillar, reaching down and hooking her thumbs into the waistband of her panties, pulling them down to her knees. Said knees knock together, as she juts out her ass in a humiliating offering to her conqueror, to the crime boss who'd so easily beaten her.

His hands close on her hips a moment later, and Officer Jenny gasps as she feels his sizable cock press against her slit from behind. He's just going to do it! No hesitation! No mercy! He really is the wor-oh by ARCEUS!

Officer Jenny moans a shameful, wanton moan as the Team Rocket Boss plunges into her sopping wet depths from behind. It's not her fault she's so wet! It's the female body's natural response to the anticipation of having sex! Y-Yes, that's her story and she's sticking to it! She, Officer Jenny, wants nothing to d-do with this, of course! But she has no choice. She's been backed into a corner!

"Oooh, y-you're a bad, bad m-man. You're making me f-fuck you just to keep my Pokemon. You're a m-monster!"

His cock pistons in and out of her as Jenny moans throatily, until suddenly, there's a hand wrapped around her throat.


Jenny goes still, eyes widening as he responds while still fucking her from behind, up against the pillar. They're out in the open, she realizes. Fucking where any trainer who passes by could see. In fact, any trainer could walk right on through right now even without the Cascade Badge, and there's nothing Jenny could do to stop it. But… also… what did he m-mean, no?

"You like it. I'm not making you do anything. You're enjoying this."

His words, spoken in a dull, almost uncaring tone, each hit like a sledgehammer against Jenny's psyche. The Policewoman whimpers, trying to muster a response, only to squeal as his pistoning prick hits exactly the right spot and tips her over the edge. It's a little hard to deny his point when she's cumming on his dick like this.

B-But surely he's wrong! She doesn't… she doesn't want THIS! She never wanted THIS! Sure, she'd had a few fantasies here and there about getting the tables turned on her by a perp. What female Police Officer hadn't, right? Sure, she'd masturbated for weeks after busting that father-son duo down in Fuchsia City, not to the fact that she'd put them away and ended their crimes… but to the 'what if' scenario of them somehow getting dirt on her and turning the tables on her before she could arrest them.

She'd came her brains out again and again to the thought of the father-son duo sharing her, bending her over just like the Team Rocket Boss was doing right now, and forcing her to pleasure them both. That didn't mean she actually wanted it to happen though! That didn't mean she wanted THIS to happen! N-No! It wasn't true!

"Y-You're wrong!"

"You're wet."

His simple response makes Officer Jenny shudder in abject shock and silent disbelief. She doesn't know what to say to that. It's true, b-but that doesn't mean she was enjoying this.

"You propositioned me."

N-No! She hadn't!

"We can stop any time."

It's that last sentence that breaks through to her, because he doesn't just say it, he actually begins to act on it, pulling back away from her. Before she can stop herself, Officer Jenny bucks her hips back into his, reaching back and grabbing him by his suit jacket.

"D-Don't! Don't stop!"

And with that, she's lost all credibility. Because they both know what she said. There's no denying it. And so… she stops trying to fight it. She enjoys it. The shame of it all. The humiliation of her defeat. She'd loss, and brutally at that, and now she was getting fucked, not just by a real man, not just by an Alpha… but by a criminal.

Gurgling, Jenny's eyes roll back in her head as he fucks her up against the pillar there on the path up to Victory Road, and she loses track of just how many times she cums for him before finally, he grunts and fills her with his seed. He doesn't ask for permission. He doesn't ask where she wants it. He just fills her to the brim like the bad, bad man he is.

Collapsing to her knees, Officer Jenny leans against the pillar, panting heavily as he tucks his cock back away and moves on. She can feel the eyes of those two Rocket hussies on her, giving her disdainful glances as they pass her disheveled, half-naked form by. But as the Rocket Boss' seed leaks out of Officer Jenny, she reaches down and scoops some up, bringing it to her lips to taste it.

… They're probably just jealous, in the end.


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