Blasting Off! (Pokemon)(Team Rocket OC)

Chapter 43: Jessie, Jamie

"Greetings, Tamer. Please, wait a moment. The Spirits foretold of your passing, and of the trials you face up ahead. It would be my honor and pleasure to relieve you of your stress and heal both you and your Pokemon before you continue on to Victory Road."

Ya know, Jessie had thought it was pretty damn special, how she and Jamie had given themselves to Cam. It was a really special moment. Albeit one that was immediately proceeded by some frankly insane revelations… but that was neither here nor there. They were, at the end of the day, still Cam's… whatever. That hadn't changed, even if they now knew more about him than she ever would have thought possible.

And more than that, when they'd reported to Viridian City, the Boss… or rather, the FORMER Boss, had given Cam another promotion! Jessie wouldn't have thought it possible. After all, Team Rocket didn't have any official titles beyond Executive. But Giovanni had gone and done it. He'd found a way. Namely, by resigning his own position as the head honcho of Team Rocket and making Cam the leader of the entire criminal organization.

… It was well deserved, in Jessie's opinion. And she never thought she would be thinking something like that, but it was true. She'd had her eyes opened and realized that Cam… he might have started in Team Rocket at the same time as her and Jessie, but that didn't mean they were on equal footing at all. No, Cam was something special… he was some-ONE special, and he was the only worthy candidate for Giovanni's position, at the end of the day.

Jessie wasn't just saying that because Cam was their direct superior, per Giovanni's orders. And since Giovanni hadn't rescinded said orders, nor had Cam said any different, it was kind of still true, wasn't it? Rather, if they were reporting directly to Cam, if they took orders from no one else, if they were his specific assistants… well, that kind of made them Rocket Executives in their own right, didn't it?

Albeit Rocket Executives without any authority over any other members of Team Rocket, but even still!

Heck, Ariana had even gotten them set up with new uniforms… and get this, those uniforms were Executive White!

Okay, so maybe they were a little skimpier than Ariane's own Executive Attire. Scratch that, as Jessie wiggles a little bit and pulls her skirt down, she's forced to acknowledge that they're a lot skimpier. The attire consists of a pair of thigh-high black boots, a pair of arm-length black gloves, a black under top… and a very skimpy white crop top combined with a white miniskirt.

It's a little bit more revealing then the basic Rocket Grunt uniform had been, the one that was in all black. And Ariana had made it abundantly clear that they weren't real executives, even as the fiery red head had gotten them ready and then sent them both on their way to catch up with Cam.

… Okay, so they were still basically just Cam's pets. But Jessie didn't mind that anymore, even with all that she and Jamie had learned down in Oak's lab. Cam was Cam, no matter what.

Still, she hadn't quite understood what that meant, back when she'd decided to lead Jamie into a threesome with the impossible young man. Specifically, Jessie hadn't realized just how much nookie their Boss got on a regular basis.

First it was Executive Ariana. Though, she'd definitely had it coming. Challenging Cam like that… it was almost as if she wanted to get beaten and then fucked silly. She'd certainly spread her legs fast enough once he'd won their Pokemon Battle. N-Not that Jessie would ever point that out to the Executive's face. She still had a very healthy respect for the older woman and Executive Ariana's ability to pancake her and Jamie if they stepped too far out of line. Cam's protection probably didn't extend for an eternity, after all…

Officer Jenny, on the other hand… well, everyone knew about her. Dumb bitch was a bonafide Kanto 'success' story. Just thinking about the cunt was enough to bring a sneer to Jessie's face. Lance's government had started putting Officer Jenny in the spotlight just a few weeks ago, back when Jessie and Jamie had been all cooped up inside of the Celadon City Hideout for a while.

The Policewoman had been all over the news about some big drug bust she'd managed to pull off down in Fuchsia City, with Lance himself getting on television with her to shake her hand and promise that Jenny's efforts would be 'rewarded' properly. Seeing that bastard hold the cunt up as some 'proper' example of what a Kanto native should be, when he and his Johto goons were constantly oppressing their region… it made Jessie sick.

Seeing Jenny plaster a smile across her face and just accept it like the recognition wasn't just shit being shoveled into all of their mouths made Jessie even sicker.

Truth be told, watching Cam beat the bitch after they caught up with him just inside of the Pokemon League had been a treat and a half. Watching Jenny try to make him out to be some sort of sexual predator on the other hand, had turned Jessie's stomach.

It had been amazing, to see Cam completely reject Jenny's interpretation of events. He'd forced her to recognize the truth about herself. He'd forced her to admit that she wanted it, that she was just some hoe desperate for his Team Rocket cock, before finally cumming inside of her. Jessie could admit it, watching Officer Jenny get put in her place… it felt good.

But at the same time…

"Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!"

This was getting ridiculous, wasn't it? Exchanging a glance with Jamie, Jessie wrinkles her nose as the two of them watch the Spirit Channeler who had blocked their path right at the entrance of Victory Road. But she hadn't blocked their path to battle Cam or anything like that. No, apparently, she'd been sent here by the 'spirits' in order to 'help him'… by what, getting on her knees and sucking him off?

As Jessie and Jamie are forced to watch on, the Spirit Channeler even goes a step further, her loose kimono coming undone at the shoulders, falling free and exposing her otherwise naked chest. Without skipping a beat, the raven-haired 'priestess' brings her tits up to wrap them around the half of Cam's cock she can't quite manage to fit in her throat. Gurgling and gagging, her slobber and saliva dribble down into her cleavage, producing a decent amount of lubrication for her to give him a titjob with as well.

Cam, for his part, makes no effort to stop the Spirit Channeler from worshipping his dick with her mouth and chest. Rather, he simply reaches out and places a hand atop her head, his fingers splaying across her skull. He doesn't smile, but he also doesn't reject her. Instead, he just stands there and lets her do as she wants with him.

Honestly, if Jessie didn't know any better, after everything she and Jamie had witnessed in the past couple of days, she would say Cam was quite the horndog! And if THIS was how much nookie he got in such a short period of time, without seeming at all put off or surprised by it… just how much sex had he been getting BEFORE they were assigned to him personally? I-In fact, it was reminding her of how he'd made Professor Oak's granddaughter moan and screech like a hellion, b-back in Pallet Town. She supposed… the signs had always been there.

N-Not that Jessie thought Cam was actually a pervert or anything! He was just a victim of circumstance! A victim of repeated and numerous awkward circumstances. She knew better than to think he WANTED any of this, or that he sought it out.

… Didn't mean she couldn't get jealous though.


"Oh no, we lost Tyra! This guy is way too Cool for us!"

"Ugh, speak for yourself, Ray! You're pathetic, and you always have been!"

"W-What?! Tyra, what are you saying?"

"What does it sound like? This guy just thrashed us with one Pokemon! He's more of a man than you'll ever be… and he's clearly part of Team Rocket besides!"

"Oh no! Team Rocket!"

"Yes… to keep him from stealing our Pokemon… I'll have to let him have his way with me. That's just how it has to go."

"Nooo, Tyra!"

"Shut up Ray! Shut up and watch as this REAL man fucks me like you could nev-!"


… As it turns out, Jessie isn't the only one who could get jealous. Tyra, cut off mid-word, looks over with wide eyes along with her boyfriend Ray at the purple-haired Rocket who has just shouted them both down. The two are dressed up as your stereotypical 'Cool Trainer' Archetype, a common enough sort to be found on Victory Road. Except these two had introduced themselves as 'Cool Couple Ray & Tyra' and used that as an excuse to attack Cam with two Pokemon at a time.

Jamie had been incensed enough by that alone, but now? With the pair making this big show to satisfy some sort of cuckold fantasy at Cam's expense? Fuck. That!

"Weepinbell! Sleep Powder on the guy! Wrap on the girl!"

Before the two defenseless Cool Trainers can even react, Jamie's Weepinbell explodes from its ball and disables each of them. The guy is knocked out in an instant, while the girl is all wrapped up. Jamie stomps forward, getting right in Tyra's face.

"You don't get to pull our Boss into your sick little pervert games, you hear me? You want a taste of his cock? You get down on your knees, your forehead to the fucking floor, and you BEG for it."

Tyra's eyes are wide and watery as she whimpers in the tightness of the Wrap, her mouth opening and closing soundlessly. Jamie just smirks.

"Not right now though. Right now? You can just watch. Afterwards, if you're so fucking desperate, you can drag yourself to the nearest Rocket recruiter and start from the ground fucking up, just like we did!"

With that, Jamie turns and leaves Tyra all tied up, stomping over to Cam who stands there silently looking at her. As she walks towards him, the purple haired Rocket falters, her steps growing more hesitant until she's right in front of him. There, Jamie taps her pointer fingers together, looking at the ground.

"Y-You don't need these dime a dozen hussies, Boss. If you have needs you want taken care of… you can just tell us, alright?"

"… Sure, Jamie."

Jamie's head snaps up, as Cam uses her name for the first time. Her eyes widen and her mouth drops open. Then, before she can second guess herself, she drops to her knees and hurriedly pulls out his cock. This time is different, because it's not Jessie initiating this time, but Jamie. And so, she pulls up the skimpy top that Executive Ariana gave them, letting her bountiful breasts bounce free, and does her level best to give Cam a much better titjob than that shitty Spirit Channeler had.

Jessie's mouth also drops at the sound of Jamie's name dropping from Cam's mouth. She scurries over, and presses herself into his side, causing him to instinctively wrap his arm around her waist.

"H-hey! Me too! I'm always available boss, g-got it?"

He doesn't smile at her, but she does like to imagine she sees a twinkle in his eye as he nods solemnly.

"Alright, Jessie."

With a shuddering quiver, Jessie falls to her knees as well, and ends up going down to Cam's balls, gobbling them up as Jamie transitions from using her tits to using her mouth. She might not be quite as skilled or experienced as the Spirit Channeler was, but Jamie has two things that bitch didn't. One, she has a partner… a best friend who's with her to the very end. And two… she has tenacity.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

Where the Spirit Channeler failed to take Cam all the way to the base, Jamie forces herself to go all the way down. Her poor throat gets all stretched out and ravaged in the process, but it's worth it. Meanwhile, Jessie's tongue and lips slurp and suck away at Cam's throbbing ball sack, making it wetter by the second as she moans and gurgles.

Neither of them could ever have saw themselves here in this place even a week ago. Oh sure, Jamie might have fantasized about it, but she would never have thought she could get Jessie on board. More than that, even if you had managed to convince Jamie that she and Jessie were going to be in a three-way submissive relationship with the magenta-haired young man, she would have never believed SHE would be where she was, and Jessie would be where she was.

After all, Jessie's current position was… secondary at best. The other woman was debasing herself, playing third wheel in order to give Jamie center stage. It was a true progression of their friendship, even if neither of them could have ever guessed what sort of route it would take. Gagging, gargling, and gurling their way all over Cam's cock and balls, the two Rockets work as hard as can be to satisfy his needs.

Meanwhile, Cool Trainer Tyra…

"H-Hey! You hussies are just as slutty as m-me! Don't be like this! Let me join in! I don't even need Ray to watch, I just want to get fucked by a real ma-mmph!"

Without its Mistress even needing to say a word, the Weepinbell adjusts its vines and slaps several right across Tyra's mouth, blocking her ability to speak. It would honestly be rather hot for the slutty Cool Trainer… but obviously, she wasn't actually getting fucked. Not by the Pokemon, nor by the handsome, incredibly powerful hunk in a suit being fellated by his two Rocket hangers-on. She was just being forced to watch, while her worthless boyfriend slept off the effects of the Sleep Powder right beside her.

"Mmph! Mmmmph!"

As she struggles to no avail in Weepinbell's grasp, Jamie doesn't look back… she just lifts a hand back and gives Tyra the finger, before returning her full focus to the matter right in front of her. Cam's cock and balls weren't going to service themselves, after all. And what Jamie had said was true. Cam didn't need all these random hussies to get his rocks off, if regular sexual satisfaction was something he… he required to properly function.

No… Jamie would be all too happy to fulfill the role of Boss' cum dump for the foreseeable future, if that was what Cam needed. And it filled her heart with such happiness to know Jessie would be there right alongside her.


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