Blasting Off! (Pokemon)(Team Rocket OC)

Chapter 44: Jessie

As they leave Victory Road behind them and make their way to the true Pokemon League, Jessie can't help but feel pretty damn smug. And she's not just feeling proud of herself either, no… she's feeling plenty proud of Jamie as well. Seeing her friend take charge like that, and getting that sort of reaction out of Cam…

… A shiver runs down Jessie's spine, just thinking about it. She never EVER thought she would be the type of gal who would be so obsessed with hearing her name from a guy's lips… but here they were. Things had changed. SHE had changed… and yes, after hearing Cam call Jamie by HER name out loud, the whole world had shrunk in to a pinprick, and in that moment, the only thing Jessie wanted out of life was to hear her name come from Cam's mouth.

She'd gotten it too. Both she and Jamie had gotten everything they wanted, and that stupid Cool Trainer cunt had been left knocked out cold right beside her boyfriend after they'd made her watch them pleasure Cam with their mouths and tits. Jamie's Weepinbell had quickly cast Sleep Power on the bitch once they were all done on Jamie's orders, and then they'd been on their way.

Once upon a time, long, long ago, this had been Jessie's dream. Not following a guy around as his sex slave, not that part. No, her dream had been to become a Pokemon Trainer, get strong enough to challenge Gyms all over Kanto, and one day make her way through Victory Road and to the Elite Four.

For her generation, that had been THE dream, in a way. After all, the war was over, but the loss was still fresh in all of Kanto's minds. She and Jamie and all the others their age were just kids at the time… kids with chips on their shoulders, with something to prove. To be the very best, that was something they'd ALL hoped for and dreamed of, once upon a time.

But of course, dreams very rarely come true. And yet, Jessie had discovered that life had a way of working itself out. She'd finally stopped trying to force it, she'd finally accepted her role and started to go with the flow… and here she was, exiting Victory Road and moving right alongside Jamie and Cam towards the Pokemon League Building and the Elite Four within.

Sure, she wasn't entirely sure what they were actually doing here, and sure, there was that small tidbit about her being here not as a badass Pokemon Trainer, but as Cam's sex doll and assistant… but hey, she'd take what she could get.

As they enter the Pokemon League, aka the Indigo Plateau, the first thing that hits Jessie is the wall of noise. Both she and Jamie flinch at the sheer volume as the doors open, revealing a very crowded entrance hall to the Elite Four Challenge.

"Whoa… that's a lot of people."

Jamie is right, and Jessie nods as she and her friend follow Cam through the crowd up to the Pokemon Center Nurse standing over behind a counter by a familiar machine.

"Welcome to our Pokemon Center, may I heal your Pokemon?"

As Cam wordlessly hands his Pokemon over, Jessie is looking around, trying to covertly listen in and get a handle on what's going on.

"-an't believe Lance lost."

"I know right! To a kid at that!"

"Apparently, they just got things set up again and a new challenger already barged on through."

"Wow. Did Lance come back then?"

"Yeah, he flew back in less than five minutes ago."

"Guess he was done throwing his hissy fit then, eh?"

Jessie blinks, thinking back to that guy her and Jamie ran passed on the way to catch up to Cam. Hold up… had Jamie been right? Was that actually the Pokemon Champion Lance? Not anymore, from the sound of things. Holy shit, Lance had lost? Then who was the new Pokemon Champion?

"It's a historic day for Kanto-Johto, ladies and gentlemen!"

Blinking, Jessie's head turns at the same time everyone else's does. Not a single eye in the building doesn't move to the television above the Pokemon Nurse's head. Even the Nurse herself turns to look, having already returned Cam's Pokemon all healed up, hale, and hearty to him.

On the screen, an announcer is speaking.

"Champion Lance has been defeated in sanctioned Pokemon League Battle by a young challenger from… and I can't believe I'm saying this… Pallet Town!"

Indeed, the disbelief is palpable as the announcer shakes his head.

"We spoke to the Kanto Region's newest Champion shortly after his victory over Former Champion Lance in a one of a kind News Exclusive. Please, listen carefully to what he had to say."

The screen changes to a view of what Jessie recognizes as the Champion's Room. Not that she's ever been there but seeing as it's the place Lance has given all of his press conferences and news interviews over the last eighteen years, she and every other person in Kanto with access to a television has seen it plenty of times.

However, this time around… Lance is nowhere to be seen. The Dragon Type Trainer who has so dominated the minds of Kanto's population for almost two decades, their foreign Champion who was once an invading General before becoming their ruler… is gone. This in and of itself isn't shocking. What's shocking is that there's a literal kid in his place. Can't be more than twelve, from Jessie's immediate guess.

"Wait… isn't that the kid from Cinnabar Island?"

Jessie blinks and jolts as she glances over at Jamie for a moment before looking back. Holy shit, it is. Now that she's looking for it… this was the kid who seemed to know Cam, somehow. At the very least, they'd had a good enough relationship that Cam let the kid see the recently captured Catastrophe just because he asked. More than that though, wasn't it the kid who told them all about Professor Oak's hidden basement?

Didn't that make him…

"Hey everyone! It's really great to meet all of you, haha!"

Beaming cheerily, smiling a broad smile, Blue Oak gives a thumbs up to the cameras and a practiced wink.

"I'm Blue, from Pallet Town. And I guess from now on… I'm the new Pokemon Champion!"

He's so clearly a child it's almost painful. He's also trying so hard that it IS painful. Jessie… Jessie hates to admit it, but she recognizes a forced smile. More than that, she recognizes the difference between a showman's smile… and a smile that hides the pain. She should, she was well-versed in both of them. Staring at the kid on the screen, she reaches up and rubs her sternum. Sheesh, why did her heart hurt right now?

"I'm Kanto's strongest Pokemon Trainer, as of right now! And hey, I guess if I beat Lance… I'm Johto's strongest Trainer too!"

Still grinning, Blue Oak shrugs.

"I guess if anyone from Johto doesn't agree, they can always challenge me to a battle! I'm happy to take on all comers!"

The kid's cocky. But then, he literally just unseated the reigning Champion of the Region at a very young age. So maybe he deserved to be.

Bringing his thumb down, Blue keeps the fist clenched as he looks directly into a camera, at the crowds watching all over the Region.

"It's been my dream to be the best there was for a long, long time. I've had my ups and downs; I've had my bumps along the way… but here I am. The Pokemon League Champion… the youngest ever, I'm told!"

He flashes another grin, before one of the reporters in the room clears their throat and speaks up.

"Champion Blue!"

"Ah, yes? What is it?"

"Now that you're the Pokemon Champion, what sort of changes can we expect from your new administration?"

For a moment, the kid looks flummoxed. As well he should! What kind of question was that? No, rather, where was the rest of the Elite Four? Why was Blue giving this interview alone? Augh, Jessie's stomach was doing little summersaults just from secondhand awkwardness!

"O-Oh! Well… sure! Changes! Aha, well you see… there will definitely be changes."

The kid is floundering. Before suddenly, he snaps his fingers.

"I know! You know what I never understood? Why can't we ride our bikes indoors! So… that's one change I'll be making! From now on, people should be allowed to ride their bikes indoors!"

On the screen, the silence is palpable as the reporters all look at each other for a long moment. There's a popping noise not from the TV, but right beside her. Glancing to her side, Jessie cringes as she realizes Cam is standing there, staring at the screen… his hands clenched into fists so tightly that his knuckles are white, and his bones are creaking.

"… And what of the unilateral trade agreement between us and Hoenn that was recently established by the former Champion Lance, sir? Can we expect you to uphold that going forward, or will you be scrapping the deal?"

Oh. Oh, they were going for the kid's throat. Someone… did not want this kid getting off on the right foot. It seems obvious in hindsight, but what might feel obvious is still incredibly painful to watch.

"Er… y-yeah. I think… should be fine, probably. We'll uh… we'll definitely figure that out! Look! Nobody has to worry about a thing! Now that I'm Champion, there's going to be peace and happiness! For everyone! I'll make sure of it!"

There's some more murmuring about that, before suddenly someone in the back speaks up.

"Champion Blue, sir! There are rumors that ANOTHER Trainer from Pallet Town has completed their Gym Circuit, arrived from Victory Road, and started their Elite Four Challenge. Do you have any comment on this? Are you at all concerned about 'Red'?"

On the screen, Blue blanches for a moment, before quickly letting out a bark of laughter.

"H-Her? No! Course not! Let her come, aha! Ah… t-that will be all for today! Thank you very much!"

The report comes to an end, and Jessie looks to Cam, worried about his mental state. But to her shock, he's not looking at the television monitor at this point. Rather, he's turned completely around and is staring at the door. Turning as well, Jessie's eyes widen as she thinks, for a moment, that she's just made eye contact with Professor Samuel Oak.

The aged Pokemon Professor, the former Kanto Champion, and the coward who betrayed them all, stands there in the entrance of the Pokemon League Building wordlessly. For a brief moment, she thinks he's looking at her… or rather at Cam beside her. But then she realizes, he's not even noticed them. He only has eyes for the TV screen up above and behind their heads.

"… So, it's true then. I didn't believe it. I couldn't believe it…"

Taking a step forward, inadvertently a step towards THEM, Oak stops.

"Blue… how? It shouldn't have been possible. And yet…"

Jessie wonders if she'll regret this… but in the end, she reaches out and grabs Cam by the arm as he tenses up, looking ready to spring. Oak hasn't noticed them, somehow. He's still staring at the blank screen. It would… probably be best if he didn't notice them. Though how he was missing the very obvious clone in his midst, she couldn't say. It had been some years, Jessie supposed. Was Cam that unrecognizable, from what Oak remembered of his secret weapon?

Suddenly tearing himself away from the screen, Oak turns and makes his way to the entrance to the Elite Four without ever even noticing them.

"Out of my way! My grandson is the Pokemon Champion!"

As he disappears through the doorway, Jessie bites her lower lip, noticing that Cam is trembling. She opens her mouth, to apologize for holding him back, but before she can get a word out…


Stepping through the door is none other than the Pokemon Collector Bill.

"Oh, thank Arceus!"

Running up, Bill pulls them all over to the side.

"I came as fast as I could. We need to get in there, Cam. We have to put a stop to this, before Oak uses that clone of his to take control of all of Kanto."

Jessie jolts at that, eyes widening as she shares a look with Jamie. So, Bill had gone into the basement as well and seen all they had seen. Except… from the sound of things, he didn't recognize who Cam actually was. He didn't realize the truth. A self-proclaimed genius wasn't capable of connecting the dots that they had connected. How… odd.

"That bastard can't be allowed to get away with this. Especially not after what he did to Gary. Damn him… Blue deserves to know what happened to his real father."

Cam is… muted, at the moment. He'd been making so much progress in the past day, but now he's clearly shunting a lot of his newfound emotions off to the side. Jessie is worried for him, but she also knows she's not really… equipped to help him as more than stress relief. She can only watch as Bill sighs.

"Look Cam, I know everything. That Red chick… she's got her badges, and she's heading off to fight the Elite Four. It's all going according to Oak's plan, which is why we've got to get in there and stop it. You're with me, right? This… this is the sort of thing that we captured the Catastrophe for."

Jessie is just starting to wonder if she needs to step in, when Cam finally responds.

"… Yes. I'm with you, Bill. Are you with me?"

Bill freezes at that, obviously not expecting such a question from the stoic young man. And then… he really looks at Cam, taking in the slicked back hair and the suit.

"You… Giovanni stepped down and made you his heir, didn't he?"

Cam's answer comes faster this time, more assured.

"He did."

Jessie watches as the Pokemon Collector assimilates this new information, before nodding slowly.

"I'm with you, Cam. Till the end of the line."

Exchanging a glance with Jamie, Jessie isn't sure if she believes it. But Cam doesn't hesitate to nod sharply.


And with that, it's settled. They turn and make their way over to the entrance to the Elite Four, only to find their path blocked by a woman standing guard.

"Sorry, but I can't let anyone through. There's an Elite Four Challenge in progress."

"That's exactly why we have to get in there! Let us pass!"

"No can do, sir. Rules are rules."

"Don't you know who I am? C'mon, darling, bend the rules for me, just this once."


Jessie looks between Bill, the woman he's unsuccessfully seducing, and Cam. She keeps waiting for Cam to act, to throw out his Dragonite or something like that… but he just stands there. Finally, Jessie realizes… the woman doesn't actually have any Pokemon on her belt. You can't be serious…

"… Go, Arbok! Wrap!"


Out of Jessie's Pokeball flies her Arbok, which immediately grabs the woman and restrains her, tossing her off to the side. Jamie is quick to back Jessie up.

"Go, Weepinbell! Sleep Powder!"

And like that, the woman is out like a light… and the path is cleared. Bill looks at the two of them like he's just noticing they're there, blinking owlishly for a moment before clearing his throat.

"W-Well… right, let's go."

Cam nods, and they start moving forward. As they do so, Jessie exchanges one last glance with Jamie. As much as Cam had been growing in leaps and bounds, it was odd how far he still had to go. It was like he didn't seem to realize that he was a criminal who could just… you know, attack people even if they didn't have Pokemon.

But that was alright. He was the Boss. She and Jamie were his assistants. They'd commit the acts of violence against the commoners and pissants, so that he didn't have to.

… Best he keep his strength up… for what they all knew was ahead.


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