Blasting Off! (Pokemon)(Team Rocket OC)

Chapter 5: Ariana

"Right. Let me make sure I've got this completely straight, Grunt. The Mt. Moon mission was completely derailed by a little kid with a Wartortle and a young woman with a Charmeleon?"

"… Yes."

As Giovanni gets the facts from the new recruit, a young man named Cam, Ariana sits off to the side with her laptop, studying the Grunt over the edge of it. There's something interesting about this young Rocket Grunt. He's given a clear and concise report without any of the sniveling and brownnosing that Petrel had been throwing around when he'd been in here a little while before.

After Giovanni had finished berating Petrel for his incompetence, the Rocket Admin had mentioned this Grunt was the one who faced off against the young woman with the Charmeleon, who had taken the Pokemon Fossils. Bad enough that a little kid had had their Grunts running scared, but who did this bitch think she was, that she'd just gone through and completely ruined a Team Rocket Operation?

Obviously, Giovanni was positively seething over the whole debacle, but to his credit, it didn't seem like he was going to take that out on Cam. No, as absurd as he felt the situation was, blame had been given to the right party… in this case, Petrel, who as the Rocket Admin in charge of the mission, was responsible for its success or failure, full stop.

Still, that didn't mean they didn't need to get a proper idea of just who the fuck they were dealing with. The little kid with the Wartortle might have been a one-off fluke, or a rich brat playing with his daddy's Pokemon. But this woman with a Charmeleon and five other Pokemon besides on her belt… she was dangerous. And if she wanted to make an enemy of Team Rocket, then they would treat her like a damn enemy.

That was why Giovanni had had Ariana looking into matters the moment news came down the pipeline. As such, they already knew both the kid and the girl's names, mostly because their sources in Pewter City were able to tell them all about the newest officially licensed Trainers to take on the Pewter City Gym for its Boulder Badge and prevail.

The kid was named Blue, apparently, and the woman was named Red. Rather on the nose, Ariana privately thought, especially when Blue had a Wartortle and Red had a Charmeleon, but it was what it was. Blue was the least important of the two, so Ariana had started trying to dig deeper into Red. There in lay the rub though… her history was nonexistent. Despite being a fully grown woman, she had no school records to speak of.

"Damn those two… this Red character especially. We'll have to keep our eyes open if she comes our way again. Take her out, if she starts interfering with our operations too damn much."

Ariana realizes Giovanni is talking to her about that last point and gives him a single, solid nod. Killing kids was probably a step too far for even Team Rocket, at least in most cases. But this Red chick was a full-grown woman who could make her own informed choices. And she'd chosen to be an idiot and pick a fight with Team Rocket. If she had to die… then so be it.

Before Giovanni can return to talking to Cam, however, there's a sudden interruption from one of the Rockets guarding the door.

"Boss! Gym Leader Blaine is here to speak with you."

As Giovanni's lips thin out, Ariana shifts in her seat. They both know what's that about, even if it's a pain in the ass that it's come to this…

"Send him in."

As the guard leaves to do as he's bid, Giovanni looks to Cam. But to Ariana's surprise, he doesn't send him away. Far from it, in fact.

"You may stay, if you want. In fact, I'd like you to."

Stoic as ever, the pink-haired Grunt just blinks, even as Blaine steps into the room. Taking pity on Cam, Ariana calls out to him with a smile.

"Right over here, sweetheart."

As the young man moves over to make room for Blaine and comes to a stop on Ariana's side of the desk, she briefly wonders if Giovanni sees the same potential in this Grunt that she does. Indeed, his calm retelling of the events in Mt. Moon, and his ability to stay focused and seemingly coolheaded under pressure… it spoke well of him.

Not all Rocket Grunts could say they had a face to face with the Boss of Team Rocket in their first week. Not all Rocket Grunts could say they had a face to face that didn't end with tears or them stumbling all over themselves or making a fool of themselves in some way either. Put bluntly, Cam was… an intriguing individual.

Ariana decides she approves of Giovanni's decision to let the Grunt stay while he and Blaine have their chat. And, with Cam over on her side of the table and their lower halves out of sight from both Giovanni and Blaine… well, why shouldn't Ariana give the young man a little reward, hm?

A slow smile spreads across the red-haired Team Rocket Executive's face, as she reaches out and places a hand on Cam's leg. He blinks and looks down at said hand, and then at her, but otherwise has no real reaction.

While this is happening, Blaine comes up to the desk and clears his throat, the old scientist visibly uncomfortable.

"You've probably guessed why I'm here, Giovanni…"

Giovanni scowls at that, planting his hands palm down on the desk.

"I have my suspicions, but I want to hear it from your own little chicken mouth all the same."

Blaine grimaces, glancing over at Ariana and Cam and then away just as quickly. If he thinks he's going to find any sympathy from them, the old man has another thing coming. The Rocket Grunt at her side is as expressionless as ever, while Ariana… well, Ariana has begun working her fingers deftly over the crotch of his pants, unbuttoning and unzipping his black trousers to reach in and grab ahold of his cock.

She's a bit of a man-eater, to tell you the truth. Always has been. Ariana's turn-ons are power, confidence, and competence. She loves a man with all three, but she happily settles for just one or two traits when she's desperate. If nothing else, Cam seems like the competent sort… and he's not even blushing, as she strokes his member under the table. How interesting~

"… I can't keep making Porygon for you, Giovanni. It has to stop, now."

For a long moment, Giovanni just glares the other man down, before finally turning away.

"You're a filthy coward, Blaine."

Of course, the aged Gym Leader quickly takes issue with that.

"Listen now! Fuji knows all about what you guys have been doing up in the Pokemon Tower, and it's driven him into an apoplectic fit over the whole situation! Just yesterday, he sent an angry email to all of his old colleagues, including me, from the old Pokemon Lab. The email was pretty damn clear! Team Rocket Bad. Spies all over. Ruthless. Keep an eye out for any suspicious activity!"

Shaking his head, Blaine sighs, once again glancing over at her and Cam. Unbeknownst to him, just out of his sight, Ariana is giving the young Rocket Grunt quite a scandalous little handjob. Cam, good boy that he is, is barely reacting too, though his cock is nice and hard in her hand and Ariana has to admire that. His body is very much enjoying it, but that stoicism of his… it's harder to break than she would have thought!

"You know as well as I do, Giovanni, that the source code for Porygon is copyrighted by Silph Co. If I'm caught making them in the Lab, especially for you lot, it's all over for me!"

Slamming an open palm down on the table, probably in what he thought was a show of strength but really came off as quite pathetic, the geriatric Gym Leader lets out a frankly adorable little snarl.

"You know I'll always support what you're doing here, but I'm not going to risk my position as a Gym Leader for Team Rocket! I'll have to lay low for a while… and that means no more Porygon. I'm sorry."

This pathetic, sniveling man… Ariana shakes her head in amusement, just waiting for Giovanni to tear him a new one. All the while, she continues to stroke Cam off under the table, having increased the pace as Blaine got more and more frantic in his speech, matching his words with her actions without him being any the wiser to the antics taking place mere feet away from him.

"Goddamn you, Blaine. Do you even realize what a major source of revenue Porygon is for the Game Corner? Players won't gamble nearly as much if they don't have that big ticket item to shoot for."

Ariana blinks at that, slightly taken aback. Giovanni sounds almost… resigned. Was he not going to lay down the law? Was he not going to force Blaine to keep making Porygon for them? The red head furrows her brow at Giovanni's lackluster response, even as she continues to jerk her hand up and down Cam's cock. The young Grunt is getting close. She can feel it in every pulse of his throbbing member. And still he hasn't let out so much as a groan for her. She'd almost be insulted, if she wasn't turned on by his stoicism instead.

"And where else do you suggest we get our Porygon, huh? At the local Poke Mart? There's only a handful of scientists in all of Kanto who would be willing to even make the things, let alone help us distribute them illegally."

For a long moment, Blaine squirms on his side of the desk. Ariana can see that the old man is clearly working up to something, and for a brief instant, her attention is taken as she leans forward in his direction, curious what he's going to say.

"Maybe… it's been almost two decades, Giovanni. Maybe it's time to approach Professor Oak and see if he might-!"

"NO! I will never deal with that filthy traitor; do you understand me?!"

Giovanni's response is as vitriolic and filled with anger as Ariana is anticipating. The moment Oak's name leaves Blaine's lips, she's leaning back again, shaking her head mutely in disappointment and returning her attention to the young Rocket Grunt she's currently giving a handie under the table. What a foolish proposition…

"I want nothing to do with that spineless dimwit of a Professor! You should know better than to bring up his name in my presence!"

Blaine just sighs and shakes his head.

"Then I suggest you talk to Bill about it. He's your only other option. I'm sure he nicked a copy of Porygon from me or Fuji, back in the day. Sure, he's unpredictable… but he's probably the best man for the job."

Oh? The Pokemon Collector? Ariana is interested again, but this time she's distracted by Cam reaching completion under the table. It was always going to happen, of course. Even if he was able to keep a stone face throughout the entire handjob, her skills are nothing to scoff at, and his body was still reacting to her efforts.

Having cupped her hand over his tip just before he came, Ariana collects his load in her palm, while reaching over with her other hand to tuck his softening prick back into his pants. Meeting his eyes, Ariana gives him a wink and mouths 'good boy' to him, even as Blaine and Giovanni finish up their conversation.

"Hmph. I don't suppose we have much of a choice, thanks to you."

Stepping back up to the desk, Giovanni glares Blaine down.

"I'll let you off the hook just this once for old time's sake, Blaine. But if you hinder Team Rocket's operations again, don't expect me to show mercy a second time. Do you understand me?"

"… Yes, Giovanni. Thank you."

They all watch Blaine leave for a moment in silence, before Giovanni clears his throat.

"Cam, over here. I have a new mission for you."

Ariana has to admire the Rocket Grunt, as he steps back out in front of the desk like he didn't just witness two of the so-called movers and shakers of the Kanto Region go head to head… while getting a handjob beneath the table without either of them seemingly being any the wiser. She says seemingly, because Ariana knows full well that Giovanni probably noticed what she was doing. Just as she's confident Blaine was completely blind to her actions.

"Listen carefully now. You're going to go to Bill's House, North of Cerulean. You're going to offer him a job on behalf of Team Rocket, as a temporary manufacturer of Porygon. If he says no, tell him we're going to make him an offer he can't refuse. Tell him… tell him he can name any price or service he wishes… within reason."

Stepping back from the desk and sitting back down on his couch, Giovanni sighs.

"Another group of Grunts should be headed to Cerulean for another mission right about now as well. I suggest you rendezvous with them in the secret Rocket Base we've got just South of the city. The Rocket Admin there should be able to give you a few rare items to wet Bill's appetite. Is that all clear?"

"… Yes."

"Then off with you!"

As Cam turns and leaves, Ariana remains seated and so does Giovanni. When the Team Rocket Boss is sure they're alone, he looks over at her and narrows his eyes.

"Speaking of appetites, Ariana…"

He sounds more exasperated than anything. After all, Giovanni knew what Ariana was like. Part of the reason she was one of his top executives was the fact that her vices were far lighter than most of the other ambitious types who rose up Team Rocket's ranks. So what if she had a reputation as a bit of a man-eater? So what if she had a thing for power, confidence, competence, or all three?

Smiling guilelessly, Ariana just bats her eyelashes at her boss.

"Hm? Yes, Boss?"

He just stares at her for a moment, before sighing and leaning forward to put his head in his hands and think. Mt. Moon. This Red woman. Blaine's cowardice. He had a lot on his plate. Once he's no longer looking in her direction, Ariana lifts the hand she's been hiding under the table up and begins licking the cum from that Rocket Grunt out of her palm.

Mm, salty… and strangely just a little sweet. Not bad. Not bad at all. With a wicked grin on her lips, the Team Rocket Executive ponders how she might reward the Grunt next time he returned successful, as she strongly suspected he would.

Well… she had time to figure it out. For now, back to work.


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