Blasting Off! (Pokemon)(Team Rocket OC)

Chapter 6: Jessie, Shopkeeper Larry

"Holy shit, Jessie. Can you believe this? All this time… right under all their noses!"

Jessie shakes her head, smiling wryly at Jamie's disbelief and enthusiasm. Sniffing haughtily, the magenta-haired Rocket tosses her voluminous locks back over her shoulder, sticking her nose high in the air.

"Of course. It was so obvious, Jamie. I'm surprised you didn't realize long before now."


Jamie's awe and amazement at Jessie's deductive skills is a balm on the other woman's wounded soul. She's been smarting ever since the damn Mt. Moon mission. Logically, Jessie knew it wasn't her fault. She knew they'd done everything right. Her and Jamie had found the Super Nerd and his Pokemon Fossils, and then they'd gone to get Petrel, as ordered!

It wasn't their fault that some outsider had swept through and stolen the fossils right from under Cam and the Super Nerd's noses! But that didn't stop Petrel from refusing to acknowledge the part that she and Jamie had played in the mission, all the same. Sure, the mission had ultimately been a failure… but if it had been a success, it would have been in part because of their hard work! All she asked was for a little acknowledgment of that fact!

… But that was water under the bridge. It was all in the past now, and Jessie needed to focus on the present. Like the fact that they were currently in a top-secret Team Rocket base HIDDEN UNDERNEATH THE POKEMON DAYCARE!

Okay, so when she'd told Jamie it was obvious, she might have been fibbing, just a teensy-tiny bit. In actuality, Jessie was as amazed and shocked as Jamie was, when they'd been escorted down the ladder into this hidden hideout with the rest of their squad of Team Rocket Grunts. The Celadon City Rocket Hideout was sort of a known secret. Everyone who had even the slightest brush with the wrong side of the law was aware of it.

Even the common rabble of Celadon City, who had never committed a crime in their life, were usually aware that something was going on at the Game Corner. They just ignored it, because they liked their slots and gambling and didn't want to actually do anything about any of it.

… But personally, Jessie was pretty sure that if they knew their precious Daycare was also a Rocket Front, there would be rioting in the streets. Kanto's Pokemon Daycare was a staple of the Region, a little mom-and-pop venture taken care of by a friendly, kindly old man who professed a true love for raising and handling Pokemon to the best of his considerable abilities.

That same friendly, kindly old man had been the one to open the secret passage down to the subbasement hideout that was located beneath his daycare. He was like a completely different person, with this wicked grin on his mustached face and a glint in his eye, as he'd shown them in and then headed back upstairs.

The whole Daycare was a front for Pokemon Breeding and Fight Pits galore. Jessie could hardly believe her eyes… but unlike Jamie, she refused to let any of her shock or awe show on her face. She wasn't about to make a big deal about all of this. After all, she needed to appear professional, if she wanted to impress their newest superior, Executive Archer.

She could only hope the blue-haired Rocket Executive was more competent than Petrel was. More than that, she could only hope he would recognize HER competence for what it was. She was a lean, mean, Pokemon stealing MACHINE. All she needed was the right chance to shine. Clearly, that was never going to happen under Petrel. Jessie saw that now. But maybe… maybe this next mission would be the opportunity she was looking for.

First though, they needed to find out what the hell said mission was going to be. Jessie is just about to open her mouth and call out to Archer, to see if he's ready to give them a briefing, when there's suddenly a commotion at the ladder. She and Jamie both look over to see the old man coming down again, this time with a Nidoran… and Cam!

Jessie scowls at the sight of the other Grunt, not forgetting how he lost them the Pokemon Fossils. She wouldn't be forgiving him any time soon, she didn't think…

"Sir. Some fresh meat here for you, in more ways than one, heh."

The old man chuckles, as he leads Nidoran and Cam over to Archer. Turning away from the table and the schematics he'd been pouring over, Archer steps over, hands clasped behind his back.

"Oh? What do we have here then? A male Nidoran? Well, it might be cute, but it certainly won't be any use for manual labor, now, will it?"

Chuckling from off to the side, the old man shakes his head.

"No, indeed. But if I recall correctly, it should be pretty versatile in the breeding department."

Archer raises a brow.

"That so? You there, grunt! Go throw this little fella in the breeding pit! Try and get it close to the Cubone we've got in there too. We could use a few more Cubone eggs."

For a moment, Jessie stiffens, worried he's talking to her or Jamie. But no, he's called over another nameless Grunt altogether, who grimaces but goes to do as he's told all the same.

As the old man heads back up the ladder, Archer's eyes finally zero in on Cam. For a long moment, Jessie can't help but wish the worst for the other pink-haired Rocket. The guy not only couldn't save their fossils, but he insisted on parading around with HER hair color!

"Well now. Who are you supposed to be? Ah, wait. You're Cam, aren't you? They sent word ahead."

Cam nods, silent and 'stoic' as always, as Jamie would say. Archer cocks his head to the side at that, before shrugging his shoulders.

"Welcome to Cerulean… the city of beautiful flowing waters, or whatever the fuck this shithole is known for. Feel free to make yourself at home in our humble little Rocket base, but please don't feed the Pokemon."

When Cam doesn't respond to that little joke beyond another nod of easy agreement, Archer just arches an eyebrow, before continuing on.

"I got the message from the Boss about your mission. Bill's house is just north of the city along Route Twenty-Five, right on the other side of Nugget Bridge. It's pretty big, so I don't expect you'll miss it."

Mission? Bill's house? Jessie can't help herself. Her curiosity is piqued, and her interest rises as she frowns slightly. It doesn't sound like Cam is on the same mission as the rest of them. Not only did he arrive late, but apparently HIS mission was sent on ahead by… the big boss himself? Jessie hadn't even caught a glimpse of Team Rocket's illustrious leader yet! So then, why was the Boss handling Cam's mission assignments personally?!

"I had a box of a few rarities put together, per Boss' request. Honestly, if I were bill, I'd take the job in a heartbeat, based on what we're offering him. But then, I've heard that he can be a bit of a picky weirdo, so who knows?"

A box of rarities? To be delivered, not stolen? Yeah, it definitely sounded like Cam was on a different mission than they were.

"You can go collect the parcel up in the storage room over there. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to give these rookies here a crash course in the art of a good burglary. Heh, should be fun."

As Cam steps away, moving to the Storage Room, Archer turns to the rest of them and clears his throat.

"Alright, you lot! Everyone listen up and listen well! What we're going to be doing in Cerulean is a good old-fashioned smash and grab. There's a TM Collector in town who has proven… unwilling to part with his collection for the good of the cause. So, we're going to be relieving him of it… the hard way."

As the Team Rocket Executive begins laying out the plan, Jessie is honestly listening with only half an ear, truth be told. She's busy staring after Cam, while he collects the parcel and heads back up the ladder. Beside her, Jamie leans in.

"Sheesh, you catch all that?"

"Yeah… yeah, I did."

"Honestly, feel bad for Cam."

Blinking, Jessie looks over at her friend in confusion.

"Huh? Why?"

Shrugging, Jamie blinks right back at her, as if SHE'S the silly one.

"Well think about it! He's on courier duty. Doesn't even get to commit any cool crimes with us. The Boss must really be upset with him for the Mt. Moon job, if he's reduced to just being a messenger, instead of getting to go on real missions with us!"

That was… one way of looking at it, Jessie supposed. But on the other hand, wasn't it actually that Cam was being trusted with more IMPORTANT work? Yes, being a messenger wasn't as exciting as burglarizing a house, perhaps… but at the same time, the Pokemon Collector Bill was a pretty important individual, wasn't he? For Cam to be sent personally to negotiate with him… didn't that imply the Boss had a high level of trust in Cam, despite his failure at Mt. Moon?

… Ugh, she was really getting in her own head about this, wasn't she? Jamie was right. Cam was nothing. A total small fry who couldn't even hack it on a job like the one they were about to be doing. Best to just focus on the task at hand. She had to keep her eye on the prize. Let Cam have his little courier mission. He was weak. It was better for him to stay out of fights anyways, really… he couldn't even handle a single woman, after all.


When the Rocket Grunt steps into his shop, Larry the Bike Shop Owner immediately stiffens behind the counter. He didn't fight in the war, just to let a thief walk away with one of HIS bicycles!

He's about to call out to the Grunt, and kick him out of his shop, when the Grunt does the most brazen thing imaginable. No, he doesn't just take a bike and leave… he actually walks up to the counter after looking around for a moment, and stares at Shopkeeper Larry dispassionately. The NERVE on this brat!

"You! Don't think I don't know what you are! Your kind… you're so damn full of yourself. I bet I know exactly what you think is going to happen here. I bet you think you're going to just waltz on in here and steal yourself one of our expertly, painstakingly crafted, high-grade bicycles… don't you?!"

His hands are palm down on the counter, and he's gnashing his teeth as he leans towards the Grunt. And yet, the Rocket isn't remotely intimidated. Instead, the pink-haired brat just stares at him in silence for a long moment before finally replying.

"… Yes."

"Tch! Yeah! Of course, that's what you're after! You think it's cool, don't you? You think stealing the fruits of other men's labor is cool! You think that gluttonously taking whatever your greedy hands can reach, without regard for the well-being or the needs of this region's people let alone the prosperity of its fledgling economy is COOL! I know your kind! I know what you're about. Just admit it already!"

"… Yes."

Larry positively howls, his hands curling into fists and banging on his own counter. He hated to be proven right… but at the same time, he'd known he would be, damn it all!

"YOU! You are the embodiment of everything that is wrong with the world. You immoral youngsters, walking around like you own everything you see. You believe everything is owed to you, just because you were born! I fought in the war for your sort, you know! But I bet you don't care about that one bit, do you? Say it! Just come right out and say you don't care!"

"… I don't care."

Damn him!

"Gah! It's impossible to get through to you with just words, isn't it?! Well fine then, you asked for it bandit!"

He might not be a soldier anymore, but that didn't mean he was unarmed. Yanking his Pokeball out from behind the counter, Larry summons his Pikachu right there in the middle of the Bike Shop, forcing the Rocket Grunt to take a step back.


"That's right, Pikachu! We're going to teach this Grunt a lesson! Send out your first Pokemon, Grunt! Bet it'll be some Rattata, or Zubat, or-!"

Shopkeeper Larry falls silent, as the magenta-haired Rocket Grunt pulls a Pokeball from his belt and sends out his first Pokemon. Gaping as a thirteen foot long Dragonair suddenly fills his shop, Larry has to look up and up and up some more, just to meet the eyes of the Dragon Type Pokemon. A… how did this damn kid have a fucking DRAGONAIR?! That wasn't-!

"Dragonair, use Slam."

Larry opens his mouth to… to tell his Pikachu to do just about anything! But he's too late. The Dragonair whips itself forward, and his Pikachu is slammed into the back wall behind his head with a sickening crunch that lets him know the Pokemon is immediately down for the count.

… Needless to say, neither his Diglett nor his Zubat fare any better. His three Pokemon, who have been with him since the war… Larry knew that he hadn't kept up with their training, these past two decades! He knew that they'd all been lazing around while he ran this Bike Shop, and just living the good life off of the incredibly expensive, high-grade bikes he sold here. But… but…!

"What has the world come to?! Disarmed… defenseless…"

Dropping to his knees in despair, Larry just hangs his head as the Rocket Grunt calls back his positively terrifying Dragonair, the massive Dragon Pokemon disappearing back into its Pokeball.

"You fiend. I know what you'll do next. You'll take one of my bicycles now. I can't stop you. No one can stop you from doing whatever you want, can they? Just do it! Take one of my bikes!"

For a long moment, the Rocket just stands there staring down at Larry. His eyes are devoid of empathy though. He looks at Larry like the Shopkeeper is worth less than the dirt beneath his feet. He looks at him like he's an insignificant speck of lint, to be brushed aside.

"… Okay."

Larry sobs out, as the Rocket Grunt turns and grabs one of his bikes. It's Larry's favorite, too! Black with red rims, he'd put a huge price tag on it, just so it never got sold and was always on display for him to look at and admire! And now… now it's gone, to be used by a criminal… likely to go and commit crimes!

"Damn you Rocket… daaaaamn yoooooou!"


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