Blasting Off! (Pokemon)(Team Rocket OC)

Chapter 7: Mary

"Oh Dan~"

"Fuck, Mary you're so hot…"

Moaning, Mary arches her back and tilts her head to the side, giving her boyfriend access to her neck for him to kiss and suck at the sensitive flesh there. The beautiful buxom blonde quivers beneath him, as they fool around behind the fence pretty far North on Route 25.

Now, don't get her wrong. Mary isn't a bad girl, per say. Sure, she's an incorrigible flirt, and a little bit of a tease. But in this day and age, twenty years after Kanto's occupation at the hands of Johto, a girl could never be too careful, right? She wasn't leading guys on, she was just making sure she found the right guy to properly give herself to.

… She'd ultimately settled for Dan because he'd kept trying, longer than most. And in truth, deep down inside, she was a bit of an exhibitionist slut who loved the thought of going off some public nudity and sex in the woods. Not that they were really in the woods, per say. No, rather, they were up near Bill's House, on the other side of the water feature outside of the Pokemon Collector's place.

Hidden mostly by the shrubbery and the fence, it wasn't likely that anyone was going to see them here… but the chance wasn't absolutely nothing either, and that was getting Mary's heart racing if she was being honest. The thought of being caught fooling around was kind of hot, wasn't it?

But of course, she wasn't going to say that to Dan. She'd been playing hard to get for so long after all, acting the part of the demure young maiden. Even if she wasn't a virgin, Dan didn't know enough to know that, and as far as he was concerned, she was as innocent and pure as freshly driven snow. Still, it was more than time to get this show on the road. Mary was sopping wet, and ready for a good hard dicking. She could only hope Dan would prove up to the task.

"Oooh~ I think we've finally found a secluded area all to ourselves, Dan! I-I'm a little scared, but I think… I think I'm ready…"

Pulling back, Dan gives her a cheesy grin, which only further alleviates any guilt on Mary's fault. Because she knew. She knew Dan's type. He was a total Casanova. An utter playboy. The likelihood of him even sticking around once they got together out here was pretty damn low. Luckily, Mary didn't want a long-term relationship either, because she was well aware of the string of broken hearts Dan had left in his wake.

"There's no need to worry, love. I'll be with you all the way."

Hmph, no shit Sherlock. He couldn't very well be with her, without being WITH her, now, could he?

Really laying on the charm, ratcheting up the cheesiness of the moment, Dan even goes so far as to raise a hand and caress her cheek as he stares 'longingly' into her eyes.

"Mary… I've been waiting for this moment since I first saw you running around in the grass with your Jigglypuff all that time ago. I knew in my heart that one day I would take you here, and make sweet, sweet love to you."

Mary coos in response, knowing Dan is full of shit. This is where he takes all the girls, in fact. But luckily for Mary, she is who she is, and Dan… Dan and his special brand of bullshit can't possibly hurt her. Hopefully, he's as good with his dick as he is with his words, or this is going to be truly disappointing. Mary is ready to find out though, one way or the other.

At least, she is until her eyes catch a flash of black and red through the shrubbery to her left. Blinking, the buxom blonde lifts her head up, pushing Dan back right as he's going in for a kiss. Sitting up, Mary looks through the fence and gasps, her hands coming up to cover her mouth in shock.

"D-Dan! Dan, look! It's a member of that criminal organization, Team Rocket!"

She'd recognize that distinctive black uniform anywhere, especially with the big red R emblazoned on the front. Dan is immediately hunkered down by her side, peering through as well.

"H-Holy shit, it is."

A moment later, he seems to realize the fearful tone in his voice, and quickly clears his throat.

"I-I mean… that it is, my dearest Mary. Do not fret… I'll protect you. Besides, it doesn't look like he's coming over here anyways…"

Mary glances to Dan, and then back at the Team Rocket Grunt. Her lips thin out, as she recognizes that her current paramour is in fact right. The Rocket Grunt hasn't noticed them, nor is he heading their way… instead, he's heading straight for…

"He's going to Bill's House! He's going to harm the Collector! Dan… you have to do something!"

"Wait, w-what?!"

Dan catches himself again a moment later, even Mary looks at him with imploring eyes.

"I-I mean… I'm sure someone like the Pokemon Collector c-can take care of himself, surely?"

"But Dan… you're so strong and tough. I want… I want to see my man lay a smackdown on a criminal before we make passionate love in the grass."

She's definitely stretching the boundaries of her little innocent act right now… but then to be fair, Dan's own act is also being stretched to its limits, as she prods and pokes him. Until finally, the heartbreaking playboy has no choice. She's backed him into a corner.

Suddenly standing up, Dan clears his throat.

"H-hey… HEY YOU! Yeah, you! Team Rocket Grunt! G-Get over here!"

They're both a little disheveled, but neither are actually undressed just yet. They'd just been making out and doing some above the clothes petting for the past little while. Things had been about to graduate to something more, but Mary had to admit… this was MUCH more interesting. As the Rocket walks over, she scrambles to her feet as well and pretends to hide behind her boyfriend.

In actuality, she's carefully studying the Rocket Grunt from out of Dan's line of sight. He's… young, is Mary's first thought. Her second thought is that he looks a little dangerous. It's in his eyes, really. So expressionless, so dark and mysterious. He's got this… air of menace to him, that makes Mary's pussy clench in both fear and arousal.

Of course, with her clutching at Dan and hiding behind him, she's given the Casanova a bit of a confidence boost, as well as a reason to be large and in charge. He has to impress her after all. She's his current mark.

"What's a criminal like you doing around here, huh? You better not be here to harass the Pokemon Collector, Bill! He has better things to do then associate with riff raff like you!"

Something flashes, in the pink-haired Rocket's eyes, before finally, he responds.

"I am."

Dan stiffens in front of Mary, then scowls.

"Thought as much. Well, if you want to get to Bill, you'll have to go through me and my Pokemon first. Go, Oddish!"

As Dan sends out his one and only Pokemon, Oddish, Mary quickly steps away and to the side. It's one thing to hide behind him when he's just talking with the Rocket Grunt, but another entirely to get in the middle of a real life Pokemon Battle. She and her Jigglypuff aren't here to do any fighting today, thank you very much!

Still, she's curious to see what the Rocket pulls out. Probably just a Rattata or a Zubat or-

"Go, Dragonair!"

"I'm sorry, what?!"

Holy shit, that's a Dragonair. Mary's eyes widen, and her jaw drops open as a full-blown Dragon Type, easily twice any of their size, comes out of the Rocket Grunt's Pokeball. Honestly, she's just as flummoxed as Dan sounds. Her 'boyfriend' damn near squeaks out his disbelief, even as the Rocket faces off from him, and the massive Dragonair glares down at Dan's little oddish.

"Dragonair, use Twister!"

Decisive and confident, the Rocket calls out the first move of the battle… and the only move, at that. There's no hesitation, no mercy… and Dan and his Oddish don't stand a ghost of a chance, as the Twister buffets the Weed Pokemon and Oddish loses a fair few of the leaves atop its head in the process. The Pokemon lets out a particularly painful-sounding cry, and Dan cries out right along with it, before calling it back to its Pokeball on the double.

"D-Damn you, Rocket! Ugh… this is your win, but you're still despicable criminal trash and don't you forget it! Come on, Mary, we're leaving!"

Dan turns to walk away, only to stop when he realizes Mary isn't dogging his heels like he's expecting. Looking back at her, his brow is furrowed in confusion. Mary, for her part… wrings her hands.

"W-We can't just expect him to let us go, Dan. You… you go on ahead back to the city. I'll c-catch up with you later."

Dan's eyes go wide with shock, hurt… and pure emasculation. He looks like he's going to say something, but the Rocket Grunt still has his Dragonair out as he watches the exchange in silence. Mary's boyfriend finally closes his mouth with a click… and then walks away, shoulders hunched in.

For Mary's part, the blonde's heart is beating wildly in her chest, easily going a mile a minute. Watching this Rocket take down her so-called boyfriend in just one move like that… was so fucking hot.

"H-Hey. I'm… I'm Mary. I'm so sorry my boyfriend attacked you like that. And I'm sorry he was such a weakling. Look, you don't have to go after him or me, o-or steal our Pokemon or anything like that. I'll… I'll make it up to you, right now."

Fear and arousal war in Mary's chest, as she half-walks, half-saunters over to the watching Rocket Grunt. She puts a little sway in her hips, until finally she reaches him… and drops to her knees in front of him. Reaching up, her hands are shaking as she unbuttons her shirt. But not from fright, at least not totally. Most of the tremble in her hands… is from excitement.

She would never do this for any other man, not on a first date. She was a bit of a tease, and a bit of a flirt, but while she might have a slutty mind, she never put out immediately. Always leave them wanting more, that's what her mother used to say.

And yet, there's something different about this Team Rocket guy. Something so… dangerously intoxicating. Letting her pale bust bounce free of her top, Mary licks her lips and looks up at him.

"L-Like them? Like what you see?"

She hefts her tits into the air, jiggling them up and down for his viewing pleasure. He just stares at her in silence, watching quietly. So dark and mysterious… so menacing. Mary has never been more turned on in her life.

Hesitantly, she reaches out and unbuckles his belt. He doesn't make any move to stop her, so she carefully reaches into his pants and takes ahold of his cock. Despite his stoicism, he IS beginning to grow aroused already, his dick starting to harden when she finally gets her hands on it. That bolsters Mary's confidence. He's not batting for the other team or anything like that, clearly.

She beams at him, as she takes his cock out and places it between her breasts. Wrapping her tits around his dick, she licks her lips suggestively.

"It's o-okay to enjoy it. Let me apologize properly for my weakling boyfriend. I'll make you feel good, honey…"

He grunts at that, before finally putting his Dragonair back in its Pokeball. Like that, it's just the two of them, just as it had been her and Dan mere minutes before. But Mary can't help feeling like she's definitely upgraded, and in a big way too. Beaming at the Rocket, she leans in and takes the head of his cock in her mouth, beginning to suck on it dutifully, as she watches him all the while.

There are… minute reactions, here and there. Twitches, tightening of his eyes, movement of his lips. She thinks he's enjoying what she's doing for him, because otherwise, why would he let her continue? Mary is certainly enjoying herself. Maybe a little too much. She's always had a thing for danger. The thrill of potentially being caught. But this is more than that. She's put herself in this criminal's power, and he could… well, he could do whatever he wanted to her, couldn't he?

The thought makes her cunt clench with even more arousal, as Mary begins to take more and more of his cock into her mouth. Her tits are starting to get in the way, so she lets them drop from around his shaft, and proceeds to suck him properly. She's a good cock sucker. She hasn't had many men in her mouth, but she's trained with all sorts of phallic shapes, like water bottles and bananas and the like.

Her tongue swirls around the Rocket's dick tip and then along the underside of his length, and he groans in appreciation as she continues on. That groan… it's everything to her. Mary finds herself deep-throating his cock, just to get more reactions like that, just to-

Her eyes widen, as he suddenly begins to cum in her mouth. No warning, no hesitation. She sputters for a moment, choking on his seed. In the end, she pulls back and his cum splatters all over her face and tits, making a mess of her right then and there. Gasping, panting for breath, Mary stares up at him wide-eyed as he looks back to her, dark, mysterious, and menacing as ever.

"W-Wow. That was… um. Y-You know… I'm completely at your mercy. You could… d-do whatever you wanted with me. You could have your way with me. I-It's not like I can stop you, really. You're so much stronger… so much more powerful. You could do anything at all, and I would just have to lay back and t-take it."

Her words are met with more silence, causing Mary to fidget, until finally she breaks.

"S-So… what are you going to do next, h-huh?!"

Another beat, and then… then, the Rocket reaches forward and pats her on the head, of all things.

"… I'm going to go talk to Bill."

He puts his cock away, at least… and then turns and just leaves her there. Mary kneels in the grass, still covered in his cum, staring after him as he goes with wide eyes. She's never been treated so callously before. She's never been so utterly rejected.

With a shudder and a quiver, Mary falls back onto her ass, pulling up her skirt, tugging aside her panties, and sticking two fingers in her cunt as she begins to vigorously masturbate. Her loud, lewd moans reach more than a few trainers down the road of Route 25, but no one dares to come look.

Meanwhile, Cam, who's name Mary never even got, heads inside of Bill's House to complete his mission, a brand new experience under his belt.


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