Blasting Off! (Pokemon)(Team Rocket OC)

Chapter 51: Blue

For one Blue Oak, the last few days have been a little wild, to say the least. Talk about a rollercoaster ride and a half. First, he'd beaten his final Pokemon Gym, collecting his Eighth Gym Badge and earning the right to challenge the Elite Four and the Pokemon Champion. He hadn't hesitated, going straight to Victory Road after a quick stock up at the Poke Mart.

Of course, he'd run into Red on the way there and she'd beaten him… again. But he refused to be discouraged. He just… he just had to be faster than her, or so he figured. He'd blitzed his way through Victory Road without problem and reached the Elite Four before Red could even show her face in the building.

He'd done it. He'd proven his grandpa wrong. He'd become the youngest Pokemon Champion in all of Kanto's history, and possible the history of the world. Sure, he hadn't really been sure what he was going to do with the title of Pokemon Champion. He wasn't a politician; he was just an eleven year old kid. But nevertheless, he'd done it. He'd been so sure that his grandpa would have to acknowledge him then.

Only, before the day was even over, Red had shown up again, proceeding to make her way through the Elite Four with ease. She'd wiped the floor with him. He'd given it as good as he ever did, of course. But in the end, she'd beaten him, just like she'd beaten him in every Pokemon Battle they'd had all along their mutual journey.

That wasn't the worst of it. Even being the shortest lived Pokemon Champion in not just Kanto but probably the entire world wasn't the worst of it. Sure, he would undeniably be a laughing stock, but that was nothing at all… compared to losing what he'd thought was his final opportunity to gain his grandpa's respect. Grandpa Oak had come to him then… or rather, he'd come for Red. And he'd had nothing but kind words for her… while telling Blue just how much of a failure he was at the same time.

He knew he'd said, once upon a time, that he wasn't battling for the sake of his grandpa's approval anymore. But he'd lied. Because in that moment, nothing had felt real. Nothing had seemed to hold any meaning any longer. What was the point of living, really? He was a failure, through and through. Except… Cam had been there. Cam had… he'd had a kind word for Blue. He'd even hugged, Blue.

It was thanks to Cam that Blue had been able to get his thoughts in order and keep from making a scene. He was already a failure as a Pokemon Champion. No need to come across as a whiny, weepy brat as well, right? And so, he'd put on a brave face, while his grandpa had announced Red as their new Pokemon Champion.

… Then things had gotten weird. It started with those two old guys barging into the Champion's Chamber and claiming Red wasn't even a real person. That she was one of his grandpa's lab experiments, made in secret. That she COULDN'T be Pokemon Champion.

Blue hadn't known what to think about all of that. Sure, Red was a complete bitch. And since it was the privacy of his own thoughts and he couldn't get in trouble for those, he'd admit it… she was a total cunt too. But not a real person? That seemed a little silly. Even… even if she was grown in a lab, did that really disqualify her as a PERSON?

He really didn't know, even now a couple days after the fact. On the day of, his grandpa hadn't responded very well to the accusation, running into the Hall of Fame with Red and locking the door behind them. And then Grandma Agatha had gone off her rocker too and tried to block anyone from following. THEN, Cam had stepped in and…

Well, Blue didn't know the details, because he never got back into the Hall of Fame with the rest of them. All he really knew was that something serious had gone down in there, because about an hour later, Cam himself had come to him personally. His friendly Rocket friend, who had always been a good listener and had been there for Blue when no one else was… he'd come to him, and told Blue something that still boggled his mind, even now.

He was to be Pokemon Champion. It didn't make sense, at first. He'd lost, hadn't he? But Cam had explained it in that slow way of his, using more words than Blue was used to coming from the pink-haired man's mouth. Apparently, Red had stepped down. She didn't want to be Champion, and there was some question of her eligibility because Oak had falsified her documents when he got her official Pokemon License.

And that meant… that meant Blue was going to be Champion. He was the rightful Pokemon Champion for the Kanto Region. He'd beaten Lance fair and square, and so since Red's legitimacy was up in the air, and she was stepping down anyways, it automatically reverted to Blue.

If anyone but Cam had told him that, Blue wasn't sure he would have been able to accept it. He'd lost, after all. He didn't FEEL like a Champion. But Cam… Cam had told him he believed in him. He'd told Blue that out of everyone involved, he was the ONLY one who deserved to be Pokemon Champion. And as far as Blue was concerned, Cam hadn't steered him wrong so far.

Of course, that was just the day of. If that had been the end of the revelations, maybe he wouldn't still be reeling three days later. That was not the end of the revelations. It turned out… it turned out, Blue's entire life had been something of a lie.

First and foremost, Daisy Oak wasn't his sister. She was his mom. When it was explained to him, Blue was forced to admit… the math had never added up in the original story. He was eleven years old, and his supposed parents were meant to have died in a war that took place eighteen years ago. Yeah, that didn't make a lick of sense in hindsight to say the least.

Grandpa Oak and Grandma Agatha were in fact his great grandpa and great grandma respectively. And to top it all off, to add another bombshell to a pile of bombshells… His great grandpa had killed his real dad, a man named Gary who had once been a Pokemon Trainer, just like Blue had grown up to be. Blue still didn't fully understand the details. There was apparently evidence, but it wasn't the kind of thing they were going to let an eleven year old watch, even an eleven year old Pokemon Champion.

It was irritating… but Blue could accept it, seeing how Daisy… his mom, needed him. Apparently, she'd always thought his dad was some deadbeat thug who abandoned them when he found out Daisy was pregnant. She'd thought he left them behind because he wasn't ready to be a father, and subsequently vanished off the face of the earth.

That was not the case. Through tears and sobs, Daisy had explained to Blue that it turned out Gary loved them both very much… and that he wanted nothing more than to be a worthy man to Daisy. That, if he had known about Blue, he would have been so excited to be a father.

… It was a lot to take in. To say Blue had been thrown for a loop was the understatement of the century. His sister was his mom, his grandpa was his great grandpa and a murderer besides. Everything had been flipped on its head.

But Cam's words, that only Blue could be Pokemon Champion… those stuck with him. He had faith in Blue, faith that Blue hadn't even had in himself. And so… Blue wouldn't let him down. He refused to waver, to be anything less than the rock that Cam… and his mom both needed him to be.

"Champion Blue. We're on in five minutes."

Startling, Blue looks over to see one of his people smiling at him. And they are HIS people. Looking around the Champion's Chamber, Blue feels so much more comfortable than he did the last time he'd spoken here. It had only been two days, and yet… so much had changed.

"Very well. I'll be ready."

The woman who'd spoken smiles a bit more at him, and Blue can tell she thinks he's 'cute' for being so serious while being so young. He doesn't hold it against her though, watching as she hurries off to another task. Beside him, another voice pipes up.

"You sure you'll be ready, kid? If you want to put it off another day, no one will blame you."

Looking to his right, Blue sees Bill looking at him somewhat concerned. That was another new development. While Blue had met the Pokemon Collector before, finding out that Bill and his father had been friends over a decade ago had been a surprise. Bill could tell him things about Gary that Daisy couldn't. So far, Blue had used that resource sparingly… he had a lot to focus on in the present at the moment, and Bill had a lot of use as a different sort of resource.

Namely, Cam had assigned Bill to help Blue handle the Press, like today. Bill was going to be Blue's advisor, seeing how Cam couldn't always be with him. While there was nothing Blue would have wanted more than to have Cam at his side, the truth was, Cam had his own things to be doing. He was the leader of Team Rocket, a regionwide organization, and that came with almost as much responsibility as being Pokemon Champion!

Bill was a good stand-in. So far, he had proven to be a huge help for Blue, and even now, he can tell that Bill is serious and genuine in his concern for Blue's mental health. That's an odd feeling, truth be told. After so long with the Professor being how he was… well, no matter. It was behind him now. All of it was.

"Yes, I'm sure. I've got this."

Bill chuckles, and places a hand on Blue's shoulder, nodding.

"We've got this, Champion."

Blue smiles and nods, before focusing back on the matter at hand. The next few minutes feel like both an eternity and as though they fly by with lightning swiftness. And then…

"We're live in three… two… one!"

A smiling reporter stands across from Blue and Bill as what feels like a million cameras focus on them.

"Champion Blue. It's good to speak with you, especially after all the craziness that took place a few days ago. Before we get started… am I correct in how I address you? It's JUST Champion Blue?"

Bill's hand on Blue's shoulder grips down a little harder in comfort, and Blue takes a deep breath before letting it out and nodding sharply.

"Yes, that's right. I'm Blue… just Blue, from now on."

Everyone technically knew by this point that he was related to Samuel Oak. But Blue wanted nothing to do with the man… and neither did his mother, either. They had both dropped their surnames completely. It was too bad that Gary had been an orphan, that he hadn't had a last name before he died… but in a way, foregoing their own last names from now on… it was akin to taking his last name and honoring his memory, even if very few would know they were doing it.

"Well, Champion Blue… now that you've had a few days to settle into the role, I think everyone in Kanto is waiting with bated breath to find out what's next. What's your first move?"

Clearing his throat, Blue keeps his tone measured as he answers cleanly and concisely.

"First and foremost… the unilateral trade agreement between Kanto Region and Hoenn will be upheld. Further, Johto had decided to join it as a third party, following Kanto's newfound independence after my victory. Together, our three regions will be stronger than ever before."

There are looks exchanged behind the cameras at his words. Blue tries not to let them get to him. He knows hearing him talk about this sort of thing will turn some people off. He's just some snot-nosed eleven year old kid, after all. There had been some conversations behind the scenes, about having Bill do the talking.

But Cam had said it was Blue's decision… and Blue had ultimately decided that this was the way things needed to be. He wouldn't just be Cam's Yes Man. He wouldn't just do whatever Cam said… but that didn't mean Cam didn't have some good ideas. Ideas that Blue had to admit… he wanted to implement of his own accord, more than anything.

"I'm sure that's a big relief for all of our listeners. And what do you have to say to those who question whether Kanto's security can be maintained under your leadership? Especially against groups like Team Rocket?"

Ah, yes. This had been another conversation they'd had behind closed doors. But Blue had made his decision. And even if it was going to be hard, even if it was going to be difficult… he wasn't going to go back on it now.

"I'm glad you brought that up. I have an announcement to make, actually. Under my own authority, as Pokemon Champion… I have decided to pardon Team Rocket for all of its crimes before this point."

The reporter interviewing him goes wide-eyed at that, and a hushed silence falls over the Champion's Chamber. But with Bill at his side, Blue doesn't let it get to him. He doesn't shrink in on himself, he doesn't back down. He stands with his back straight and his head held high… or at least, as high as an eleven year old's head can be held.

"I have been in close talks with the leadership of Team Rocket these past few days. Now that a native born Kanto citizen is Pokemon Champion, their stated purpose, of returning Kanto Independence… is fulfilled. From now on, Team Rocket will be one of our nation's assets. From now on, Team Rocket will be a part of my government."

In the silence that follows, Blue continues on.

"Any Team Rocket member caught committing a crime from this moment on will be held accountable, don't get me wrong. More than likely, they will be held accountable by their very own organization. From now on… Kanto is as safe as it possibly can be. Team Rocket will make sure of it."

There's another long beat of silence, but Blue just settles into it somewhat smugly, having said what he was going to say. After a moment, the reporter clears her throat and finally musters the nerve to respond.

"Ah. That is… quite the announcement, Champion Blue. I suppose to that I would say… back during your initial debut speech, you promised that there was going to be peace and happiness for everyone. Do you think, with Team Rocket taking charge of our nation's defense, that that will be possible?"

Heh, that wasn't on the listen of approved questions, and Blue can feel Bill bristling beside him. But before the Pokemon Collector can speak up, the young Pokemon Champion stops him. He feels… he's not sure what. He feels invigorated. Sure, he's young. Sure, he's inexperienced. But he's not the Blue that stood here a few days ago and made a fool of himself. He's had to grow up a lot since then.

And so, he smiles a boyish grin at the reporter.

"I believe in what I said during my debut. I believe peace and happiness for everyone IS possible. However, I've also learned since then that there will always be individuals who do everything in their power to ruin those things for everyone else. From now on, Kanto charts its own path. From now on, we stand together, against an unknown future. Team Rocket or not… if we want peace, if we want happiness… we're going to have to fight for it."

Blue pauses, and then looks a camera dead in the eye, knowing its broadcasting him all across the region.

"I'm ready. Are you?"


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