Blasting Off! (Pokemon)(Team Rocket OC)

Chapter 52: Red

Obviously, she would have preferred that he take her right there on the floor of the Hall of Fame just after defeating her. It was what her body, her mind, her very blood yearned for. To be defeated by a stronger Trainer, and then claimed by them. More than that, it was her original purpose. She was never even meant to be the back-up, not truly. She wasn't supposed to be a replacement.

She was only ever meant to be HIS mate. Cam… the name still felt odd to her, even now. And yet, it would have felt odder still, having to go back to calling herself Yellow and him Red. She was grateful that he agreed on that front. She had been 'Red' for more of her life than she'd been 'Yellow', after all. Still, she was made for him. She was made to be his woman. Finally, at long last… she was free to do what she was created to do.

Free of the misplaced expectations. Free of the title of Pokemon Champion. Free of the voice in the back of her mind always telling her to be the very best, like no one ever was. She didn't have to worry about that anymore. Cam was the best. He was the strongest. She… she was just here to be his, and that was all Red needed.

So yes, she would have preferred their coupling happen that very same moment as Cam defeated her. It was only right. Unfortunately, obstacle after obstacle had conspired to get in their way. Even the Creator himself had tried to stop Cam from taking what was rightfully his! She didn't really understand it. Cam had beaten her fair and square. That was the Creator's design, so why had he responded so negatively?

Indeed, the Professor had been… decidedly odd in his ranting. Some of the things he'd said hadn't made a lick of sense, at least to her. And a lot of it seemed to make Cam very, very angry. In the end though, everything had worked out well enough. Or rather, as well as it all could turn out when she hadn't been taken yet by her mate!

Still, here they were. Finally getting somewhere. Only, Cam insisted they couldn't just do it out in the open, in the woods. She didn't know why… but eh, she knew where to take him, if he was so dead set on doing things right.

As they bust through the door of their old home in Pallet Town, their 'mother' looks up from the table, eyes wide and fresh tear tracks down her face.

"R-Red? You're b-back?!"

Dragging Cam along by the hand, very desperate to get him upstairs and inside of her as fast as possible, Red nevertheless finds herself stopped in her tracks… for a moment.

"… Yes."

When she begins making her way for the stairs, however, Mother immediately rises from her chair.

"W-Wait! Please, I can explain, I-I… who even is that?!"

Red scoffs at the woman. Really? Though, she supposes if the Professor took so long to recognize Cam, then it made sense that Mother wouldn't recognize Cam either. Stopping in her tracks again, Red glares at her, not really willing to take the time to properly explain. Words were… difficult. Irritating to say the least. She didn't always understand what people were saying, or what they meant. And sometimes, people said one thing and meant another entirely!

At least with Pokemon Battling, everything was much clearer cut. But even that… Red hadn't necessarily been built for. She'd been repurposed to Pokemon Battle after Cam's disappearance. But her true purpose was always… well, no matter.

"This is Cam. He is my mate."

Eyes wide as can be, Mother looks between the two of them, mouth opening and closing wordlessly. Red is a little surprised Cam doesn't speak up. Despite them being very much the same in a lot of ways, he seemed to be better with words than she was. It takes her a moment, but eventually Red realizes why he's not talking… he has nothing to say. And if he has nothing else to say… than neither does she.

"We're going upstairs to copulate and reproduce."

"Wha- Red!"

This time, Red doesn't even stop moving towards the stairs. She just pins the older woman with a simple stare and a four word command.

"Do not disturb us."

And then they're upstairs, and Red is dragging Cam into her room… their room, once upon a time. But that was a decade ago. Not that she got rid of anything of his, but all of his things ultimately became her things. Everything he'd owned had been given to him by their Mother and the Professor, to further Cam's grasp of Pokemon Battling, to further mold him into the perfect Pokemon Trainer. After his disappearance, she had been slotted into his life, into his lessons, into his everything.

… She had not fit properly, especially early on. But their Creator demanded it of her, and so over time, the edges had been worn away, and Red had been forced into the role that Cam should have filled. For a time, she'd resented him for that. But all things were forgiven the moment he showed her that his strength was still there. The moment he'd beaten her in the Hall of Fame and shown her where she belonged… at his feet.

To that end, the first thing she does is have Cam sit on the bed and sink to her knees. He watches her silently, as she pulls his cock out of its confines. Technically, this is not copulation or reproduction. But she can't help herself, studying his member and gauging his reactions as she fondles his shaft with both hands.

"You defeated me. I belong to you now."

Cam's hand comes down upon her head. Not roughly or cruelly, but gently running his fingers through her short black hair.

"You always belonged to me."

A shiver runs down Red's spine. It's exactly what she wants to hear.

"… Yes."

"You want to take me in your mouth before I breed you, don't you?"

Red blushes at being so thoroughly called out, ducking her head and just staring at his growing phallus for a long moment.

"… Yes."

"… Go ahead."

The moment she processes that he's giving her permission, Red dives forward and takes him in her mouth. There in her bedroom, in their shared childhood room, she swallows his cock between her lips. It's a strange sensation, performing fellatio on him. It has no Purpose. Not like copulation will have. And yet… it fills Red with a sense of joy. Here she is, kneeling at his feet. She feels properly submissive in this moment, as she was originally taught to be towards him.

This was always where they were meant to end up. Him in charge, and her at his back. She was always meant to be this, to be his incubator. Though she had to admit, not everything had turned out as it should have. As the Creator had claimed it would.

Red was smart enough not to bring up the Professor in her mate's presence. Cam was clearly very angry with their Creator. Maybe that was why he'd left in the first place. She'd always thought it was her fault, really. But even now, she doesn't dare ask for clarification. The answer to that question… it fills her with fear, oddly enough. A fear like she's never known.

Instead, pulling back off of his cock with a pop, gasping as she looks from his hardened shaft up to meet his eyes for a moment, Red asks another question that's been on her mind since the Hall of Fame.

"… Why did you not become Pokemon Champion? You are the strongest. The very best."

For a moment, Cam's eyes flash… then, his gaze softens. His hand atop her head slides down to caress her cheek, and Red does not hesitate to lean into his touch, letting her eyes drift shut. It reminds her of their childhood together. Early on, they had been very touchy-feely, very clingy. At a certain point however, within a year or two before he'd disappeared, it had been decided that their dependency on one another was… detrimental to Cam's training.

She had been punished whenever she would try to go to him for comfort in the presence of Professor or Mother after that. From then on, they had had to steal moments of affection, of skinship, out of sight of the adults…

"I never wanted to be Pokemon Champion."

Red's mouth forms into a soft O at that, as she tries to slot that into her worldview. Wants… wants and desires had always seemed like a distant thing to her. She hadn't ever considered what she wanted before. It was always about what the Professor wanted. Except, Cam seemed to disagree. But then… wasn't mating with her what the Professor wanted? Did that mean…

Pulling back for a second, Red licks her lips, feeling self-conscious for perhaps the first time in her life.

"… Do you WANT to copulate and reproduce with me?"

For a long moment, Red's heart flutters in fear as she waits for his answer with bated breath. But far from the rejection she dreads, he just smiles down at her and nods.

"Yes. But the question is… do you?"

Her instinctive answer is a resounding 'yes', of course. But then she stops and thinks about it for a second, realizing why he's asking. It's the same reason she's asking. If reproduction was their Creator's desire… was it truly what SHE wanted, in this moment? Red wasn't an idiot. She could understand context clues well enough. Like the fact that the Professor… they wouldn't be seeing him again.

So what… what was her purpose if not to be Cam's mate? What was her role in this world, if not to carry his children? More than that though… she had never been happier, then in the moment he defeated her. And not just because he'd reclaimed his rightful place in their dynamic, but also… also because it'd felt good to lose. It'd felt really good. And part of why that felt good was because… well, what she believed would come after it.

In her Pokemon Journey across Kanto, Red had seen a lot of things. She had never lost a single Pokemon Battle in all that time, but she'd seen other people battle and lose. And she'd also seen… well, she'd seen some of the things they did after those battles, after they lost. Sometimes, some of the men and women she would battle would have certain crass things to say to her before they fought. They'd claimed they were going to do things to her, and that she was going to enjoy them.

None of them had ever managed to beat her and her Pokemon however, so nothing had ever happened. And though there had felt like there was this… expectation with some of them that SHE do something to them instead… that wasn't Red's goal. Her mission was never anything less than the Pokemon League and becoming Pokemon Champion. And so, she'd taken their money and been on her way.

But… she could admit it now. Deep in the recesses of her own mind… she'd wondered… 'what if'. What if she lost? What if they… got to do those things to her?

But none of them were good enough. Not with a million chances could they have defeated her. Not… not like Cam.


Red startles even herself with the suddenness of her answer. But it's the truth. Even if she's still halfway through figuring it all out in her head, she realizes… she wants nothing more than to be his. Not for the Professor's sake, not because that's what their Creator wanted of them, but because Cam defeated her… and she would feel robbed if he didn't t-take what he was due.

"Very well then. Get on the bed."

Red scrambles up and… and adopts a position she'd seen a few women take in her travels. Her ass lifts in the air, and her face presses into her pillow as she looks back at him. Her hands move to her shorts, but Cam's hands are already there. He unbuttons and unzips her shorts, and then yanks them and her panties down to her knees.

His cock, throbbing and wet from her saliva, slaps up against her slit from below, and Red moans throatily in anticipation. And then… a moment later he's inside of her. There's a sharp pain at first. He's the first man she's ever been with. He's the only man she'll ever be with too, Red promises herself.

As he holds her by the hips, thrusting into her, Red claws at the bedding beneath herself, moaning into her pillow. She doesn't mind that they waited to get back here so much now. While she's sure it would have been just as good anywhere else… there was a certain value, to doing it here. Like they'd come full circle, and they were finally both right back where they belonged.

Not that they would be staying, she imagined. He had other places to go… and Red fully intended to follow her mate wherever his path took him. Her only reason for existing now, was to be by his side. For the moment at least however, they were here, and he was buried inside of her and Red was loving every last moment of it.

As the clap of flesh against flesh fills the room, she moans louder and louder despite the pillow muffling her noises. And then, all of the sudden even that's no longer an option. Between one thrust and the next, he's suddenly not inside of her anymore. Before she can even react, he tosses her onto her back, leaving her looking up at him with wide eyes as he plunges right back into her.

He yanks her shirt up, freeing her breasts and grabs them, making Red moan as he mauls and kneads her chest to his heart's content. He continues to plunge into her, even as she kicks off her shorts and panties and then spreads her legs, wrapping them around his waist.

For a long moment, they stare into one another's eyes… and then his mouth covers her mouth, and they're kissing. She'd very rarely seen the people in her travels who she'd watched have sex kiss. But then, to be fair, most of them weren't having sex in a bed either. There's something good about kissing, Red decides. She likes it. And so, she wraps her arms around Cam's neck as well and pulls him further down so they can kiss some more as he fucks and fucks her until he cums.

The first of many loads, she likes to think. The first of many children she will bear for him, and happily at that. For that is her purpose… and at long last, she is free to embrace it.


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