Blasting Off! (Pokemon)(Team Rocket OC)

Chapter 53: Jessie & Jamie

"R-Reporting for duty, Boss!"

"You wanted to see us, Cam?"

Whipping her head to her friend, Jamie gasps.

"J-Jessie! We shouldn't be getting so familiar! He's still our superior!"

But Jessie just rolls her eyes in response.

"Don't go losing that spine you showed back in Victory Road now Jamie. Besides, Cam doesn't mind… right sir?"

"No, it's fine."

Jamie is all scowls… until Cam speaks up and takes Jessie's side, after which she pouts for a moment before brightening up.

"… So, what did you call us over for, sir?"

They're back in the Celadon City Hideout. What was once Giovanni's old office was now Cam's new office. The young man with his magenta hair sits where Giovanni once sat, dressed in a fancy, properly fitted suit now that he's had some time to actually go to the tailors. He looks good, both Jamie and Jessie privately think to themselves. Good enough that Jessie doesn't even hesitate to pipe up before Cam can reply.

"Oh, what do you think he called us over for, Jamie? Honestly~"

Grinning like the cat who caught the canary, Jessie saunters forward, making her way around one side of the Team Rocket Boss' desk. Jamie stiffens momentarily, but then quickly hurries forward as well, putting some sway into her steps once she catches up to Jessie… while winding her way around on the opposite side of the desk.

Both women reach Cam where he's seated upon the couch Giovanni used to preside over Rocket affairs at around the exact same time. Sharing a glance, the Rocket Gals don't hesitate before both dropping to their knees at the same time, brushing against each other as they pull Cam's legs apart and begin working open his pants.

Biting her lower lip, Jamie bats her eyelashes as she looks up at the new Rocket Boss. Admittedly, everything she and Jessie had witnessed in the Hall of Fame… it was insane, to say the least. But… Cam was never not on their side. She fully believed that. And while it was all rather horrible and terrifying, in the end they'd been the ones to come out on top. She and Jessie had watched Blue's newest interview together. The young Pokemon Champion had gone and made Team Rocket an official organization!

"Is this what you wanted from us, Cam? Our w-warm wet mouths on your member?"

Jessie glances at her sidelong, and Jamie blushes, knowing she still has a long way to go when it comes to proper dirty talk. Still, her friend is more than happy to jump in.

"I bet it is. Look at this fat fucking cock. Already half-hard… he was waiting for us, Jamie."

Moaning in unison, the two women lean in and rub their cheeks on either side of Cam's dick, panting as it grows even harder and thicker and longer in their mutual grasp.

"No. It was not."

Only the amusement laden in his tone is enough to keep from completely deflating the two Rockets as they rock back on their heels, blinking and looking up at him in surprise. Cam just smiles softly, and reaches out, running his hands through their hair. He was MUCH more emotive these days… almost like a new man, even.

"But that doesn't mean I don't appreciate it."

Jessie and Jamie share a glance… before both leaning back in and returning their mouths to his member. Cam groans his enjoyment as their tongues swirl along his growing, throbbing mast. Soon enough, they're all but French-kissing each other around his dick, their lips suctioned down upon his shaft and their tongues going wild all over the place.

As they slobber and drool on his cock, each other, and themselves, Cam looks down at them both.

"… I'm promoting you two."

Just like that, Jessie is way too distracted to stay on his dick. She comes back off of his cock again with a gasp, looking up at him from under the hand still running through her hair.


By comparison, Jamie takes advantage of her friend's shock to get ahead, if you will. Getting a promotion had never been as important to the purple-haired Rocket as it'd been to Jessie. And so, while she's pretty shocked as well, she's not going to let it distract her from the goal at hand. No, Jamie keeps her eye on the prize… or rather, her mouth. She takes Cam's cock into her waiting maw and begins to slowly suck it properly, bobbing up and down his dick. She'll let Jessie do the talking here.

"You're… you're making us Admins?"

Shaking his head, Cam tilts it to one side.

"No. The organization is growing. It doesn't make sense to have only four ranks any longer. You two will not be Grunts… but neither are you ready to be Admins."

It's a testament to how far Jessie has come that she doesn't immediately try to backtalk. The pink-haired woman swallows her pride and slowly nods as she accepts Cam's decree.

"Then… what will we be doing?"

Jamie is curious to, she will admit. But she's not going to let her curiosity distract her. She's still sucking Cam's cock even now, slurping away at the Boss' member. Honestly, he could 'promote' her to his secretary, and she'd happily spend her days like this, on her knees under his desk, whenever she wasn't bringing him coffee or snacks or files.

… She would miss Jessie though, and it wasn't like Cam needed two secretaries. Even when they'd been assigned as Cam's 'assistants' by Giovanni himself, the young man hadn't needed them. They'd served almost no real purpose, save to be eye candy, and after a certain point, stress relief. And yet, he'd kept them with him anyways, kept them by his side all the way to the end.

"That will be up to you. There are… options."

Jamie's eyes dart up to Cam's face, as she hears that momentary hitch in his voice. She's making progress. One hand slides up under his cock and her drool-coated chin to fondle his balls, while the other goes under her skirt, fingering her pussy. Maybe it's a pipe dream, hoping that he's going to fuck the two of them before the end of this, but just in case… she wants to be ready.

"Well then… lay them on us, boss-man."

"Hm. You could split up. Each of you would lead your own squad of Rocket Grunts. Or, if leadership only appealed to one of you, the other could take on a different position."

There it was. Jamie could see it. Jessie in charge of her own squad, with room for advancement in the future, while Jamie… Jamie would be Cam's secretary… or rather, bed warmer. At least, that was the 'position' she found herself fantasizing about. It wasn't perfect, but maybe…


Jamie jolts, looking sidelong at Jessie, even with Cam's cock in her mouth. Seeing her looking, Jessie scowls and crosses her arms over her chest.

"Oh, don't give me that look. Like I'd ever leave you behind, Jamie. In fact… it's my turn!"

Scowling mightily, Jessie all but wrenches Jamie off of Cam's cock, taking her place. Jamie would be more upset about it… but she knows deep down inside, Jessie is just acting out. And that her actions come from a place of love and insecurity as well. Wiping the drool from her mouth with the back of her hand, Jamie pulls back to settle on her knees, looking up at Cam with a smile as Jessie proceeds to bob up and down on his cock now.

"What… what's the other option, sir?"

Looking down at the two of them fondly, Cam hums.

"You both continue to work for me personally. Not in a direct capacity, however. You would go on missions for me, as a team, throughout Kanto. You would be my agents."

Jamie likes to think that even though Cam is clearly a lot more… personable now, he still only actively talks to people he truly cares for and feels affection towards. Certainly, he's been more expressive with the two of them since the Hall of Fame then he ever was before. He's come a long way from the dead-eyed, expressionless guy he'd once been.

But then, so had Jamie, hadn't she? After all, there'd been a time, way back at the beginning, where she'd thought Cam was hot and mysterious. And to be fair, he was both of those things… it was just that the mystery surrounding him was less sexy and more horrifying, at the end of the day.

"Sounds good to me."

Jamie blinks, taken out of her inner thoughts as Jessie pulls off of Cam's cock long enough to answer for them. Hey! It was her turn to do the talking! Seeing the betrayed look Jamie is giving her, Jessie just rolls her eyes.

"What? Sorry, do I have to make it official? Will you, Jamie, please be my partner as we run all over the Kanto Region working on super special top-secret missions for our handsome, hunky, big dicked Boss?"

W-Well, when Jessie put it like that… now Jamie was blushing crimson. Rolling her eyes again, Jessie grins.


And then the two of them are kissing… but not just kissing, as Jessie pulls Jamie to her feet and lays her out on Cam's desk. Jamie's whining protests aren't taken into consideration for even a moment, as the other woman all but climbs on top of her.


Jessie moans into Jamie's mouth, as Cam fucks them both at the same time. One might wonder how he's managing to do that. Simple really, she was currently grinding her pussy against Jamie's, their panties both pulled off to leave their sopping wet slits rubbing against one another. When she'd laid Jamie out over the desk in Cam's office, she'd happily moved on top of her… and the offering of their two holes, rubbing against one another, had been too much for Cam to resist.

She liked the idea of continuing to work under him, even if it wasn't directly. As his cock pushes in and out of the space between their bodies, hot-dogging their cunts, Jessie tries to imagine some of the kickass missions he might send them on. Sure, they weren't criminals anymore… but that was alright, wasn't it? Jessie didn't need to be able to steal Pokemon, or knock over TM Collectors' houses, in order to feel good about herself.

She was a member of Team Rocket, and that… that meant something. It meant something now more than ever before, truth be told.

Of course, at the moment she and Jamie were nothing but a pair of holes for Cam to fuck. And fuck them he was. Finally, he pulls back just far enough… and slides right into Jamie, down below her. Jessie smiles softly as her friend's face contorts in pleasure. She's fully ready to just watch as Jamie gets fucked first. But then Cam surprises her, pulling out of Jamie and then thrusting into her instead.

Gasping, Jessie shudders as his sizable member drives deep into her cunt. Only for a moment though, and then he's back out of her and inside Jamie again. Back and forth the Boss of Team Rocket goes, fucking his two horny Rocket Gals at the exact same time. Any other man, Jessie is sure, would have failed to keep up the tempo at some point. It couldn't be easy, timing it all properly, thrusting into one pussy and then out the other.

But Cam wasn't just any man. He was so much more than that. And Jessie… Jessie wasn't at all surprised that he didn't miss a beat, his thrusting smooth and uninterrupted as both she and Jamie moaned into each other's mouths, holding one another for dear life, and cumming in alternating waves upon his cock. It feels amazing, to be sure… but of course, all good things come to an end.

Even when the Rocket Boss finally cums inside of them, he splits his load perfectly. Jessie honestly can't tell the difference, as he leaves both of their insides basted in his hot, white seed. Still moaning, she kisses Jamie for a little while longer, and Jamie kisses her right back. The two writhe and wiggle upon Cam's desk for a bit like that, making out with one another.

… Jessie, at least, is hoping they might entice him into a Round Two, but that doesn't happen. Rather, eventually they climb back off of the desk entirely, blushing a bit as they find Cam right back where he started, sat upon the couch with his clothing already fixed up. In comparison they… well, their uniforms have seen better days.

"Clean yourselves up. It's time for you both to meet the third member of your team."

His tone is fond, at least, as they do just that. Jessie almost wishes she could wear his cum across her face all day long, like some sort of badge of pride. But no… probably for the best that she didn't, especially if they were going to be his agents. Though… what was that about a third member?

Frowning as she pulls up her panties and fixes her skirt and top, while Jamie does the same right beside her, Jessie cocks her head to the side.

"Third member, sir? I assure you; we don't need anyone else. Jamie and I… we've got this!"

She flashes him a big, bright sunny smile… only to have Cam just look at her. Not with the sort of blankness that he would have previously, but with an unimpressed look that Jessie is SURE he got straight from Giovanni himself. Deflating slightly, Jessie flushes and ducks her head, laughing sheepishly.

"You two are capable fighters. What you need… is balance."

Jessie mulls that over for a moment, even as Jamie finishes up beside her and the two stand there, waiting for this 'third member' to show up. However, no one comes through the door… instead, Cam pulls a Pokeball out of his pocket.

"Giovanni left this behind for me. But I have a team. I think… he would be better off with you?"

Cam holds the Pokeball out, and Jessie takes it from him. Looking at it for a moment, she glances back at the… slightly messy desk, and then moves over to the main floor of the room, before opening the ball up. In a flash of light, a small, juvenile Meowth appears on the floor before her and Jamie, the little creature yawning explosively as it does so, smacking its lips and blinking its eyes open to look up at them.

"Meowth will be your companion from now on. As Giovanni's final gift to me, I'm counting on the two of you to look after him."


Still yawning, the Cat Pokemon stares at them, while they stare at it. Finally, Jamie leans down and picks Meowth up, cradling him against her hip.

"Uh… s-sure, Boss. Can do."

It's a big responsibility, she realizes. Even beyond the promotion to Rocket Agent, or whatever their new rank is going to be called. Giovanni always did love his Persian, and Jessie can guess where this Meowth came from if he left it for Cam. And now… now it's up to her and Jamie to raise it in Cam's name. Heh, no pressure.

"Good. You all can go now. Get to know each other. I'll contact you with your first mission soon."

With a pair of nods, they turn and leave… but not before passing Ariana on their way out. The Rocket Executive takes one look at them, and the Meowth in Jamie's arms and then sniffs the air before narrowing her eyes. Jessie can't help but flip her hair back and adopt a smug smile at that.

As Ariana moves past them, the Executive's steps gain more purpose… and it's obvious that Cam is about to have a situation on his hands. But Jessie isn't worried for him. She knows their Boss can handle it. He can handle anything.


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